Diary Blog, 12 September 2023

That brings back a few memories.

Battles past

Tweets seen

Not just “Tory” MPs…most System MPs, whatever the label.

As for my view of Rory Stewart, my (frequently updated) blog assessment from 2019 has proven to be quite popular over the past 4 years. I stand by it, overall, as updated.

Rory Stewart certainly fits the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan mould— three-quarters white European, one-quarter Jewish, wealthy via inheritance, with familial links to “British Intelligence”, as well as having been an attendee of Bilderberg and other conferences. He favours mass immigration, too.

Stewart and his book are certainly being pushed by the msm.

Ha. Well said. I think that it was Valentin Tomberg who said that the “mask of Evil” would be partly removed from the 20th Century onward. It has become increasingly clear to what extent many of the socio-political campaigns whirling around us are interconnected.

[photograph of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

…and most of the Prime Ministers of the UK in the past 30+ years have either been part-Jews or (Sunak) non-white. I think that that does not apply to Gordon Brown or Liz Truss. Still, that means that it does apply to the past 6 out of 8 PMs. About 30 years out of 33.

Expenses fraudster Yvette Cooper and her equally-corrupt and moneygrubbing husband, Ed Balls, would have been imprisoned for fraud in any decently-run country.

Anyone who imagines that the likes of Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Keir Starmer will improve Britain in the slightest are just deluded.

Both main System parties are pushing the same basic agenda.

Well, there it is. Anyone over State Pension age voting for Labour is a turkey voting for Christmas. There are many reasons not to vote “Conservative” but, by the same token, there are (as far as I can see) also no reasons at all to vote for fake “Labour”.

Actually, listening to that horrible woman took me right back to the days of Blair/Brown: the unwillingness to answer a question honestly, the soundbite mantra etc. Very offputting.

Angela Rayner wants to build huge numbers of new houses, presumably to house the millions of migrant-invaders, without which we should have no housing crisis at all. The housing crisis is, 90%+, a migrant invasion crisis.

The next general election will be in 2024. If the Sunak misgovernment fails to implement fully the Triple Lock, thus raising the State Pension by over 8%, the Conservative Party is toast, not because the over-65 demographic will all go to vote Labour, but because some will vote that way, some will vote LibDem, some will vote elsewhere yet, and because many, perhaps very many will simply abstain.

Late music

[Central Kiev devastated during WW2]

4 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 12 September 2023”

  1. What a disgusting creature that Yvette Cooper is! Refugees Welcome? I don’t think so. Angela Rayner is another one, who, by the way, looks like a 1970s whore (LOL) Angela Rayner said (among many other terrible things) that she admired Jacinta Arden! 🤮​🤮​🤮​


  2. I did not know that Rory Stewart is 1/4 Jewish (that may explain his ugliness) 😆​😆​😆​

    The man, according to what I read, is useless. Having said that, he is good company in Westminster, surrounded by a bunch of useless cretins and traitors.

    BTW, I found that Jacinda Arden landed a cushy job (doing nothing, of course) at Harvard university. The hypocritical (and awfully ugly) hag used to work for Blair many years ago, but now said she would not feel “comfortable” working with a man “accused of war crimes”. How convenient!


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