Diary Blog, 23 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, a modest 5/10 this week, though still beating political journalist John Rentoul’s 4/10. I missed the answer to question 9 by one year, and (also) did not know the answers to questions 2, 3 (just missed), 5, and 10.

From the newspapers

Migration could help to ‘dissolve’ the European Union due to deep differences between member states, the bloc’s top diplomat has warned.

He insisted that the war in Ukraine was not fuelling the current rows over migration, saying: ‘The issue is that migration pressure has been increasing, mainly due to wars – not the war against Ukraine…

‘It is the Syrian war, the Libyan war, the military coups in Sahel [a region in North Africa].

We are living in a circle of instability from Gibraltar to the Caucasus, and this happened before the Ukrainian war and will continue after the Ukrainian war.

Migration in Africa is not being caused by the war against Ukraine. The root causes of migration in Africa are lack of development, economic growth and bad governance.‘”

[Daily Mail]

Not only dissolution of the EU as such but also the dissolution of the societies of the European states subject to mass immigration on a frightening scale. That includes the UK.


A thoroughgoing purge is required. MSM generally, publishing, law, legal professions, police, secret and security services, civil service generally, courts and legal system, charities, academia.


Scamdemic/panicdemic. The System is still looking for openings through which it can introduce more social controls and restrictions. Resist this.

The Daily Mail readers’ comments are amusing and interesting. No-one sensible really believes the scare stories now. Call it “immunity”…


The city of Kiev must be living on borrowed time, but I think that the Russian high command will hold off until they know the outcome of the US Presidential Election 2024.

The UK General Election is a sideshow, being one in a country completely under the thumb of the USA, and with all candidates for PM parroting the “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) line.

Tweets seen

No doubt the reason for that is because “equal opportunities” at some point morphed into “some people are more equal than others”. I saw that both at the practising Bar (1991-1996 and 2002-2008) and when employed by (especially) a large City of London law firm on a 6-month contract in 1996.

In the latter situation, I saw how the relevant partners of that firm, quite obviously running scared of the whole feminism/”glass ceiling” situation, and with many links to high circles of the British Government, appointed as partner in charge of “emerging markets” (basically, the former Soviet Union), an “Australian” woman of semi-Russian background who seemed to know no law (outside that of New South Wales), and whose only qualification for the job seemed to be fluent Russian.

Disastrous (said woman was incapable of being in charge of anything), but when later eased out after several expensive scandals, said woman and waste of space was able to get herself another similar position elsewhere (and probably on similar remuneration— about a million ££ per year), until she messed up there too, and had to return to her native Australia (she became a trade envoy in the end, I believe).

I think that the problem there, and often elsewhere, is that you have —or had at that time, 25-30 years ago— a lot of English male lawyers who had basically been pretty much under the thumb of women all their lives: nannies, mothers and aunts, school matrons, and later wives, and they plainly wanted to “virtue-signal” (as people now say) by appointing a few token women to high positions. In the law firm to which I refer, there were several dozen full partners at the time (1996) but only one woman, as far as I recall, until the Russian-speaker was appointed.

Just a few memories of times past.

Interesting. Whether the story or the meetings will affect the 2024 General Election is an unknown. I rather doubt it, inasmuch as the public still seem split on Brexit, though perhaps now there might be a small majority in favour of rejoining the EU after the disastrous mishandling of it all by the last few Prime Ministers and their governments.

The kind of “comedian” acceptable under Sovietism, always ready to laugh at those whom the System wants to dismiss; their views too.

Typical UK “comedian” in other ways too: eg a tax-dodger when also posing (sometime/implausibly) as a sort-of “socialist”.

Not that I oppose everything he has said.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carr; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carr#2021_Holocaust_joke.

More from the newspapers


The Home Office has said small-boat migrants must be booked in three-star hotels at least as housing costs soar to £8 million a day. 

In a contract issued by the department, there is a list of ‘mandatory requirements’ for hotels, which includes: ‘Contracted venues should be at least a minimum of three stars.’

[Daily Mail].

The migration invasion will continue, get worse, and (alongside so-called “legal” migration and other factors) will eventually cause our whole society to topple over and break into pieces.

We are looking at an eventual war (a culture/race/ideology war) somewhere down the line.

More tweets

There it is; from the horse’s mouth. If Zelensky has his ricebowl taken away, the war will stop. In fact, it would stop within days. “Ukraine” (Kiev regime Ukraine) is a failed state. At present, not only arms and ammunition are supplied by, mainly, NATO states, but also energy, medical supplies, clothing and other consumer items, and vast sums of hard cash.

That thug, Danilov, is the enforcer for Kiev’s brutal dictatorship: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Danilov.

He sees himself as Zelensky’s successor.

This is the reason I eat 6/7 whole eggs daily not just one:

The egg is a wholesome, nutritious food with high nutrient density because, in proportion to its calorie count, it provides 12% of the daily value of protein and a wide variety of other nutrients such as vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals. While protein itself is an important constituent of healthy diet, the egg has been found to have two newly-recognized nutrients – lutein and zeaxanthin – that has put the egg in the “functional food” category. A functional food is one that provides health benefits beyond its basic nutrient content. The health benefits you get by eating eggs are as follows.

Eggs do not raise blood cholesterol: It is true that when you eat eggs, cholesterol enters your body. However, eggs also give a signal for the liver to stop producing the cholesterol it usually produces. The increase in the intake of cholesterol compensates for the decrease in the cholesterol produced by the liver and therefore keeps the blood cholesterol levels constant.

Eggs have choline: Choline is an incredibly important nutrient for your body. This is because it helps build cell membranes and is also crucial when it comes to the production of certain signalling molecules in the brain. A single egg has about 100 milligrams of this nutrient and therefore is one of the best sources of it.

Eggs are good for your eyes: Eggs have two very important nutrients for your eyes. These are Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients stop degenerative processes from occurring in the eye. Recent studies have shown that consuming lutein and zeaxanthin can significantly lower risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness affecting people over the age of 65. In addition, these reduce the likelihood of cataracts.

Eggs have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids: Eggs that are boiled have a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids in them. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for reducing the chances of you suffering from heart disease due to the fact that it reduces your triglyceride levels.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein: This is the biggest reason to eat eggs. Eating eggs helps you to lose weight, optimizing bone health and lowering blood pressure.

Egg may reduce the risk of stroke: Studies have shown that eggs are not only good for your heart, but they also reduce the likelihood of suffering from a stroke.

Calories : 67.4 Kcal •Protein : 6.4 grams •Carbohydrates : 0.6 grams •Total Fat : 5.0 grams ◦Monounsaturated fat : 2.0 grams ◦Polyunsaturated fat : 0.7 grams ◦Saturated fat : 1.5 grams •Cholesterol : 213 milligrams •Sodium : 063 milligrams.”

[Dr. S. Katiyar]

How long before some digitized version of this becomes everyday reality in the UK? ULEZ and “15-minute-cities” are just the start.

See also my blog from a couple of days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/21/diary-blog-21-september-2023-with-material-about-freedom-of-expression-russell-brand-caroline-dineage-and-77th-brigade/.

Oct 2019 , repo market in the banking system started to freeze up, ie no liquidity in the banking system. The covid 19 ‘pandemic’ released trillions to refinance the Banksters Now the same is happening again, that is why they need another major event a pandemic 2 or a World War to pump trillions into the collapsing banking system. Result, a hyperinflationery economic collapse. Follow the money.

The Western press is crucifying Zelensky, calling him a pathetic beggar.

During Zelenski’s visit to the USA, he first spoke from the podium of the UN General Assembly in front of a mostly empty hall, and the image makers “photoshopped” the full hall in which Zelenski himself was sitting. He then went to Washington, where the Speaker of the House of Representatives blocked his speech to Congress and was then questioned by a group of senators.

In the end, Zelensky was received by Biden, after which he went to Canada at the invitation of Prime Minister Trudeau. American senators asked Zelensky a question about the elections. The head of the Kyiv regime has made it clear that he will not hold elections next year.

Another one for the “Eastern Front”?

The Kiev regime cannot find conscripts now, let alone volunteers for its failed counter-offensive. In fact, to intrude a personal note, a funny little fellow, maybe 20-ish, delivered an Amazon item for my wife a couple of days ago. He spoke effectively no English, but understood Russian. Turned out that he was Ukrainian and that several others at his base were also Ukrainian. There must be tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, now in the UK.

Late music

[walking path, Akademgorodok, Western Siberia]

3 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 23 September 2023”

  1. The comment/tweet from Andrew Bridgen is spot on. It is encouraging how more and more people, some of them former members of the Establishment as Bridgen himself, are beginning to “wake up” and speak as “conspiracy theorists”. Even Russell Brand, inspite of his hateful political activities and statements in the past is making correct and meaningful observations. I believe that every little gesture counts and helps.


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