Diary Blog, 26 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


How is this fraud substantively different from those carried out by the woman who calls herself “Jack Monroe”?


The British police have become far too fond of behaving like a “poundland KGB”, or “poundland Stasi”, playing at “counter-terrorism” etc instead of preventing or solving real crime.


A British crocodile expert has pleaded guilty to raping puppies and torturing more than 40 dogs – including his own pets Ursa and Bolt – at his Australian animal shelter after luring pet owners to give him custody of their beloved canines.

[Daily Mail]

Shoot the bastard or, if you cannot do that, at least send him to a concentration camp.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said she was ‘astonished’ to learn of a German government initiative to finance migrant rescue charity groups operating in the Mediterranean in a letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz.”

[Daily Mail]

German“? “Migrant rescue charities“? Join the dots. This is all part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan conspiracy.


Scamdemic. Panicdemic. The Daily Mail readers’ comments are interesting. The public has awoken, it seems, even if 2-3 years too late.

Tweets seen

The video is from Ukraine, judging by the numbers – from a part of the Zaporozhye region, which is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A group in camouflage set up a car setup – one falls under the car, his accomplices begin to give the driver nightmares. What they want is not clear: most likely they will bring money to the TCC to send to the front.”

This is obviously the kind of “scam” or shakedown not uncommon in New York. I once saw it unfold right in front of me on 8th Avenue in Manhattan, but that one failed. In 1990. The van driver targeted robustly told the ragged-looking scammer to get lost, so he did not succeed in getting the “get lost money” (probably $20 or $50) he sought.

In the above case, though, we see soldiers doing it. Ukraine is a failed state.

More from the newspapers


As previously blogged, I was once willing to think that Johnny Mercer would be a cut above the usual run of what Hitler called “dirty democratic politicians“, as an ex-officer who appeared to be principled, but now I see him as as bad as any of them— an ignorant and useless little moneygrubber.

More tweets

Well put by Griffin.

My own view is based on the need for humanity to go further, to evolve higher.

I see the need now for a foundation to be laid which will, at a future time, be the basis for a quantum leap in evolution, a leap in the evolution of consciousness.

Such a foundation at present must rely on a corpus of white European humanity. White European humanity, however, is not the end-result but a starting-point. The “end-result” (in fact, not the end but merely a higher stage) is a new form of humanity, far higher than any of the race-forms and cultural forms of the present-day. When such a “super-race” comes into existence, it will be far in advance of all presently-existing racial types.

Late tweets seen

Well, Goodness Gracious Me!“…

More seriously, Sharma obviously has decided that he has no great political future.

Reading West has returned Sharma in four elections now (2010, 2015, 2017, and 2019), and always with a vote-share above 40%: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s,

However, boundary changes may (I do not know) make the seat more marginal under its new name of Reading West and Mid-Berkshire. In any event, Sharma has obviously decided that the opinion polls look dire for his party, and that therefore he would probably end up as a backbench Opposition MP even if re-elected in 2024. He will probably return to the world of commerce.

Sharma attended the same school as me [https://rbcs.org.uk/] but about a decade later: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alok_Sharma.

So the rats continue to scuttle from the sinking Con ship, it seems.

The smart money is now betting that the Kiev regime will not only not “defeat” Russia in the sense of actually invading Russia proper, but will not even be able to retake Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions. That being so, US senators must be wondering how to reduce the biull for a seemingly endless war of attrition.

Dream on…

Imagine how much better Africa would be, in every way, under the direct control of Europeans.

Late music

4 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 26 September 2023”

      1. Claudius:
        True, but I am, in the end, an optimist, and I like to live in the warm golden glow of optimism, even though it is often eventually displaced by the wintry winds of cold “reality”.


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