Diary Blog, 28 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, a very modest 3/10 this week, but the questions were, I think, a little more difficult than usual, looking at political journalist John Rentoul, who scored zero. I only knew the answers to questions 1, 4, and 10. I thought that I knew number 7 as well but, as football fans say, I “hit the post” and was mistaken.

Tweets seen

The suffering and terror of the Gazan people is terrible. Two million civilians, half of them children or teenagers. The animal population, including cats, is also there, suffering with them..

Meanwhile the fanatical Jew-Zionists (though a small minority of all Jews currently resident here in the UK) cheer on “their” state of Israel as it does such terrible actions; the same also whine that they themselves are “in fear” from, it seems, people disapproving of them and Israel.

Of course, until 1948 Palestine was under British (international Mandate) rule, but as soon as Israel was proclaimed as a state, there began the mass killings, ethnic cleansing etc known as the Nakba. Seizure of land, houses, and apartments from Palestinian Arabs by Jews. It still continues, though more gradually. The Jews also punish the families and relatives of Palestinian activists or operatives by demolishing their homes.

Maybe that is what “they” really want…

Evil posing as “the Good”…

Loony Toons“—a reminder…

It’s not me

Readers of the blog are advised that I was expelled from Twitter in 2018, after a long campaign against me by the “usual suspects” (Jews connected to the fake “charity” known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism”). I have therefore not posted on Twitter/X since mid-2018.

I now see that one of the several people on Twitter/X with the same name as me (Ian Millard) is posting comment related to political and other matters. His account is “@IanMillard100”. I have no reason to believe that he is deliberately posing as me, but it occurs to me that some readers might imagine that he is me. In a word, no.

More tweets seen

Why, I wonder, have Jews been so disliked and/or despised over the centuries? Why have so many great composers, writers, poets, political leaders etc been “antisemites”? It’s certainly a puzzle…

#Irony #Satire.

I have no idea whether that is so, but the Israeli forces have always been very trigger-happy, and never seem to care about the casualties of their callousness, so maybe the Israelis just opened fire on both their Palestinian targets and, as “collateral damage”, anyone who was in the vicinity.

Ah. Just saw this:

Worth listening to.

Late tweets seen

Israel, a state created out of the sweepings of the ghettoes of Europe and elsewhere, a state created largely by terrorism and intimidation, theft of land, and ethnic cleansing. Now we see the result.

God protect those, including animals, under such a bombardment.

Christian babies quite likely to be killed by…”them”…. Now where have I read about such events, in ancient history?

Late music

6 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 28 October 2023”

  1. The answer to No 7 is the Queen Mother.

    If the Zionist entity is ‘their state’ then it has been a huge failure. How can fanatical Jew-Zionists OR Zionists who are NOT Jewish such as Sir Kid Starver (it is important to remember that you do NOT have to be Jewish to be a Zionist) call it the ‘Jewish state or the Jewish homeland’ when the MAJORITY of the world’s Jews don’t even live there?

    At any rate, the Zionist project of having a state of their own is in conflict with the most basic precepts of Judaism and is forbidden by Jewish teaching according to the Torah:

    That is what the ‘Torah true’ guys of the Neterei Karta sect of Ultra-orthodox Jews say:


    They are oppressed in the Zionist entity by its government as are Palestinians.

    Having a Jewish state, I’m afraid, is simply not Kosher!


    1. John:
      Ha ha! Well put.

      As to Question 7, well done for getting that. I looked it up after failing to designate the right person (I was unsure as to whether it was the then Princess Elizabeth, or Wallis Simpson, so I was in the right ballpark but not enough to get the right answer).


  2. The Zionist entity’s ambassador to the UK has claimed on our TV that her government’s actions are no worse than the RAF’s bombing of Dresden and Hamburg.

    That is a wholly inappropriate comparison because military technology in WW2 was very crude compared to now and the Zionist entity has some of the world’s most advanced military aircraft with very skilled pilots.


    1. John:
      Also, though I naturally am horrified by the bombings of Dresden and Hamburg in WW2, there is at least an argument that both contained genuine military targets. Also, that was a war between several large and powerful states. Gaza is not a recognized state, and about 96% of the population are civilian non-combatants, who moreover have (unlike Hamburg at least) no or virtually no anti-aircraft defences.

      The Israeli Jew ambassador woman is inhuman as well as inhumane.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Even within the Zionist entity itself, she is said to have a reputation as an ‘extremist’. I would have thought that Israel would send its most extreme diplomats to the USA or to Canada rather than anywhere within Europe like us.


  3. The Zionist Jews are very often the most secular or barely religious ones and quite a few have a tendency to get up to trouble hence some people being ‘anti-semitic’.

    If all Jews were like those deeply religious, Ultra-othodox Neterei Karta ones there would be little real ‘anti-semitism’. They are decent and humane people.

    The Zionist entity in Tel Aviv/Jerusalem and fanatical Zionists have no great problem with what is called ‘anti-semitism’ in gentile nations because it makes Jews afraid of their safety in their host nations and more likely to move to Israel thus strengthening the Zionist state and making it more secure.

    Isn’t it ironic that the Jews who look most obviously Jewish, have the most Jewish customs, are the most distinct from gentile society (walking around Stamford Hill makes one feel as if one is on the set of Fiddler On The Roof!) are the ones who cause the least trouble and less likely to provoke that age-old phenomenon called ‘anti-semitism’. Of course some idiots would still be anti-semitic even if all Jews were perfectly behaved at all times but a lot of ‘anti-semitism’ is to do with how some Jews behave rather than finding their appearance, customs, religion ect unacceptable.


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