Diary Blog, 29 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

A complete lunatic, in my opinion. I should add that, until recently, I had never heard of her. She seems to be the absolute personification of the obsessed “family law” practitioner— thankfully, a type only encountered by me personally rather rarely; I did not in general practise “family law”, though I did do a handful of “ancillary support” (financial) matters in the early 1990s, and one (I think only one) large-scale child custody matter, all of which, by Grace of God, ended successfully for me.

Again, my above view is only my opinion as a —wrongfully and unlawfully— disbarred ex-barrister…

The Bar as a whole seems to bend over backward to accommodate certain types: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

The Bar is now living off its hump, as I have blogged in the past. Same as the BBC, SIS, the armed services, the Monarchy, the police etc. The facade is there, but the content is either absent or rotten.

I presume that that last question is purely rhetorical.

Another of the fruits of “diversity”…


As far as I have seen on Twitter, the Israel-supporting Jews in the UK mostly offer weaselling excuses for why the Israeli war machine “has to” attack these children along with the Hamas fighters. Some even applaud the slaughter openly.

From what I have read in the newspapers, Hamas operatives are about 4% of the population of Gaza, whereas under-18 non-combatants are about 50%. Actual children and babies are probably about 25% of the population.

Israel is either completely callous towards the suffering and death meted out to the children of Gaza, or is, in the typically crude Israeli phrase, “mowing the lawn“, i.e. killing as many Gazan children as possible, every few years, so that they do not grow up to fight Israel.

This is exactly the situation. “Entitled” Jew-Zionists in the UK pretending to be “in fear”, and making themselves out to be “victims”, when they are (many of them anyway) cheerleading the murderous assault on the civilians of Gaza and elsewhere.

Jew-Zionists in the UK are, in the contemporary term, merely “cosplaying” being victims. I even saw tweets today about how “scared” some pretend to be because they saw a photo on Twitter/X showing a small and crudely-drawn (or cut) reverse Swastika on an Underground train seat, obviously drawn by some vandal, probably a child or teenager.

We may never know the full truth.

Russia is already in a strategically-winning position.

2024 may see a general Russian advance through Eastern Ukraine, perhaps to, or close to, Kiev itself.

Do they mean it, or is it just more hypocritical weaselling? Hard to say, when the US political system and legal world is so Jew/Zionist-permeated.

When Turkey speaks, Europe has to listen.

An Israeli army attack in the Beit Lahia area in the northern Gaza Strip was repulsed by intense mortar, anti-tank and rocket fire. Following the kamikaze UAV attack, Hamas troops following Israeli soldiers through the tunnels scattered the Israeli army in the region and forced it to retreat north again.”

The Jew-Zionist cheerleaders in the UK and USA must love to see such wanton destruction. In fact, we can see that they do, from their social media posts. A few add some weaselling words, and a few others add some nonsense about how they are so “afraid” of “antisemitism” in the UK that they may move (but never do) to…Israel.

Tragic. Europe, including the UK, should be joining with Russia to form a new white-magic “Christendom” for the 21st Century and for future centuries— contra Islamism, contra Jew-Zionism, contra Americanism, contra Chinese expansionism. A Grail-Christic autarky.

I have to admit that that clip amused me a little, but Laurence Fox is really wrongheaded in his support for Israel’s Gaza “holocaust” and for worldwide Jew-Zionism, though I support his view on the statues of our great past Empire.

Politically, Laurence Fox and Reclaim Party are a waste of space, and quite obviously will get nowhere at the General Election of 2024.

As for the Richard Tice/Nigel Farage latest “controlled opposition” party, Reform UK, the same. The only real difference is that Reform UK is better organized and seems to have at least (?) 3%, maybe 5% of the voters willing to back it. It might even get to 10% in some seats, as a protest vote. Still just a waste of space and a waste of time, of course.

Only a real and tightly-run social-national party can change the way things are going in this country.


Look around you, in Ireland, in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Sweden etc. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan— no mere “conspiracy theory”.

Israeli and other Jew-Zionists really exposing their true nature.

Stray comment

I just noticed that a certain tweeter (nameless for now) and who tweeted about me unpleasantly for years, seems to have (some time ago, I think in 2022) gone “up the chimney”. Not the first, and not the last. Several are going that way right now, if I read things aright. Nothing to do with me personally, though, in terms of physical causation.


The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Late tweets seen

The war crimes of Israel are horrific. Those who support them or excuse them are complicit.

Late music

[statuary group, Stalingrad, 1943]

17 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 29 October 2023”

  1. I would have thought the Jew-Zionist seeing that Swastika would approve of the symbol seeing as the government in the Zionist entity is basically a Nazi government. Israel has its most far right government in history not that it has not had some very Right-wing administrations before as any look on Wikipedia with regard to its elections would show.

    If such a government had been elected anywhere in Europe the mass media would never stop talking about it and boycotts over it would be quickly forthcoming ie when Jorg Haider got into government in Austria in the year 2000. Why the double standards in the treatment of the European far right and the Israeli equivalent?

    If Jew Zionists are as scared as they claim to be then why are there not masses of them booking one way flights on El Al to the Zionist entity and making ‘aliyah’ (immigrating) to the Zionist state? It isn’t as if the Zionist entity’s government wouldn’t want to see that. Indeed, they positively encourage it via the ‘Law of Return’ whereby any Jew anywhere in the world has an automatic right to settle there.

    That the vast majority of those who claim to be scared don’t do this speaks volumes I think.


    1. Claudius:
      I have heard of it, know the very basic outline of the story (I think based on real events), and I know Charing Cross Road, or used to, decades ago. I have never seen the film, though.

      Just read the Wikipedia piece.


      Not sure whether that would be my kind of film, but will look out for it on TV.

      Incidentally, if I am not mistaken, a member of the Jewish family who owned that bookshop was a member of the (shambolic and mainly ineffective) Special Operations Executive apparat in WW2 London, specializing in coded messages. He wrote a book about his experiences, which I read years ago but have mainly forgotten, even the full title.

      Ah, yes, here he is:


      and his book was called Between Silk and Cyanide

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Between Silk and Cyanide” A bit melodramatic, isn’t it? (LOL) I bet the man presents himself as a kind of James Bond, claiming to have killed dozens of German agents.


      2. Claudius:
        Marks was a “desk man”, usually in London. The “silk” refers to codes etc written on silk so that an agent, if searched, would not rustle and so, on arrest, have to use his “L” (for “Lethal”) cyanide pill…


      3. That Marks was “a desk man” does not surprise me. (((They))) usually are like that. Unfortunately, there is an endless supply of useful idiots ready/willing to do their dirty jobs.


  2. The Americans probably don’t mean it. President Biden’s Democrats are the most vile of the two major parties in many ways and they are more under the influence of the powerful Jew Zionist Pro Israel Lobby than the Republicans are.

    America needs to back away from their zealous and often very one-sided approach to the Israel/Palestine issue lest they suffer another 9/11.

    If they do, they will then no doubt launch yet another war in the Middle East causing refugees to flee to Europe and destabilising our continent.

    It is high time we in Britain distanced ourselves from the USA in our foreign policy to a certain extent so that we don’t get a 9/11 of our own which must be a possibility. I fear we might get such an incident if we continue to back the Zionist entity as much as we are doing. Britain as a matter of our own national interest and on account of justice and common humanity should work towards a just solution for the Palestinians’ predicament.


    1. John:
      I feel quite pessimistic at present about the world in big-picture terms. Look at the large-scale movements of ships, aircraft, etc. Not just from the largest players (Russia, USA, China) but also of the “secondary” regional forces: Turkey, Israel, Iran.

      Of course, the UK is now basically a spectator pretending to be a powerful post-imperial power. Turkey has 100 warships moving in the Bosporus. The UK only has about a dozen similar or larger ships, if that many. The Royal Navy cannot even protect us from the continuing migration-invasion.

      My view at present is that by, say, 2040, Europe and much of the world will have been devastated, and much of the population killed. What we *can* do in the UK now is to prepare, so that those still living after 2040 or so can build a new and better culture and civilization, utilizing a mainly “Aryan” or (better put) “post-Aryan” population.


  3. The way we are going we could, god forbid, stumble into WW3 what with the Russia-Ukraine situation, China-Tawain and now the Israel-Palestine issue flaring-up once again.

    It doesn’t help that the world has a geriatric man with senile dementia in the White House and irresponsible, moronic and incompetent evil pricks like Rishi Sunak in No.10.

    Global geopolitics s becoming more unstable by the day.


    1. John:
      Biden seemed either preoccupied or even upset with Netanyahu today. I saw a brief piece on TV news. For the USA, the main thing is to avoid a nuclear war with either China or Russia. This situation may trigger one, then the other eventually.

      As you say, the global political/military situation is worsening.


  4. Regarding that pathetic waste of space called Laurence Fox, I remember very well an interview he gave to the equally irrelevant and useless Peter Whittle, director of the “New Culture Forum”. In that interview, Fox rubbished Jeremy Corby, but for the wrong reasons, he said: “he (Corbyn) is a terrible antisemite”. I rest my case.


    1. Claudius:
      Thank you. No surprise. I suspect that Fox gets what passes for his “ideology” straight from the pages of tabloid newspapers, and we know who controls their output…

      Ultimately, Fox is no intellectual.


      1. He should be after having received one of the best educations money can buy at Harrow Public School!

        But then the most famous public school in Britain and the world produced Boris Johnson! Enough said!


    2. Jeremy Corbyn was never an ‘anti-semite’. All he wanted to see was a measure of justice being provided for the Palestinians and their human rights to be respected. He has always had and still does have a longstanding interest in the issue and this has been the case since he became an MP in 1983.

      The Jew Zionist Pro Israel extremists labelled him an ‘anti-semite’ because of this but they had no proof for their scurrilous and disgraceful allegations.


      1. Yes, I know that. And (((they))) also know it because, as Ian said, Corbyn, NEVER questioned the “holocaust” and NEVER spoke against illegal immigration/invasion. He is just another leftie defending “the downtrodden folks of colour” but he will NEVER defend working-class White Britons.


  5. Those Jew-Zionist influencers on Tik Tok making fun out of the desperate plight of Palestinians many of whom ie kids are completely innocent of any crimes are truly disgusting and revolting creatures.

    But I feel confident in asserting these foul wretches will be experiencing Karma soon when their consistently international law disobeying Zionist state is dismantled and the Palestinians rightfully take back what is theirs. Then we shall see who is going to have the last laugh!


  6. And to think revolting Tory and most disgracefully of all Labour scum are increasingly allying our country with that criminal bandit Apartheid state with its record of having been built upon disgusting anti-British terrorism eg British soldiers being hung in olive groves with
    piano wire and its many Jew Zionist extremist inhabitants.

    Don’t vote Conservative or Labour, folks, if you have any sense of moral values.


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