Diary Blog, 1 October 2023, including thoughts about Starmer-Labour, Ken Loach, and the 2024 General Election

Afternoon music

[painting by Steve Hanks]

Battles past

In the news: Ken Loach (and thoughts arising)


“Ken Loach: ‘Keir Starmer is the worst Labour leader there’s ever been’.

In a no-holds-barred interview, the iconic filmmaker discusses his new film The Old Oak and the current state of the Labour party.

“…Starmer playing political tricks, the dishonest politician that he is. Unprincipled. Seeks power while breaking every promise that he made to get elected.”

What does Loach think about Labour at the moment?

“The Labour Party now is setting out to be the party of the establishment, like under Blair. Blair did what big business wanted, and Starmer will do the same. But the situation is now even worse, so the demands of big business are even more aggressive, and Starmer will do what big business wants. That’s his politics. He’s said as much. His team of similarly unprincipled politicians will do the same. Well, they have a principle, and that’s to support big business. They’ll do everything that big business wants.”

Largely correct, but many of the old-fashioned type of socialist still around today, such as Ken Loach (or Jeremy Corbyn), have no developed sense of race and culture (unlike an older generation, such as Jack London, who said “I am a socialist, but a white man first“).

For Loach and his type of socialist. everything is attributed to class, and/or wealth-disparity. Thus is explained away (read the full interview) why poor Northern English people do not want to live alongside equally-poor Middle Eastern migrant-invaders. Competition for scarce resources etc.

Loach does not seem to consider that, in places such as Knightsbridge, wealthy English people do not want to live alongside equally-wealthy (or more wealthy) Arabs and others, and often deride their behaviour and lifestyles. What price Marx and Engels in that situation?

Social-nationalism is both social and national. The clue is in the name.

Of course, Loach is right about Starmer. That puppet of Israel and the Jewish-Zionist lobby is indeed the creature of what Loach calls “big business” (etc). The System is now ready to transfer power to a group operating under Labour labelling rather than under (as at present) “Conservative” labelling.

Starmer and his in-group (Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves etc), all “Israel-firsters” of course, are basically dictators in search of a dictatorship. They hope that, as under Blair and Brown, the UK electoral system will deliver an “elected dictatorship”.

I myself look upon the 2024 contest as essentially meaningless in big-picture terms: the same policies will be implemented as have been over the past 13 years, or the past 25.

Blacks and browns will continue to be funnelled into Europe (including the UK) at the same level, more or less; possibly even at a higher volume. The living standards of the UK population will continue to fall, overall (deliberately so). Free speech and freedom of expression will be restricted ever further (just as the Jewish lobby wants to happen). Arms and ammunition (and money) will continue to be transferred to the Kiev regime.

In respect of 2024, I want the impossible; I want both main System parties to fail. It seems, though, that one, the Conservative Party, will fail first. Everything I see now tells me that former Conservative Party voters are abandoning the Con Party: see, for example, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/30/tory-turmoil-as-third-of-voters-desert-party-and-factions-launch-rival-manifestoes.

Only 60% of former Conservative voters are (at present) intending to vote Conservative, though not all are defecting to Labour or the LibDems. Such abstention or protest-voting still boosts Labour’s chances, of course.

The Government is clueless. Look at Sunak’s response to Suella Braverman’s speech about migration-invasion. Feeble. The one thing that might save the Con Party from near-destruction next year, if it involved deeds as well as words, and the Indian money-juggler, Sunak, does not want to know!

Beyond the opinion polling, I sense that, deep down, there is a consciousness, in many hearts and minds, that the UK (and all Europe) is suffering from malaise, and that rigged “democratic” elections cannot solve the (possibly existential) problems that White Europe now faces.

Tweets seen

The Russians should recall Archimedes and the story of the lever and fulcrum. Money spent on changing the political landscape of the West will be money well-spent.

How Warsaw has changed! The Palace of Culture is the same, but most other buildings either new or altered, compared to what the city looked like on my last visit in 1989, 34 long years ago.

Movie corner

More tweets

Not so much “they” as (((they)))…

Several European countries are now rowing back on support for the Kiev regime, and the bankrollers in Washington have realized that most of their financial and military support is being wasted or stolen.

Once the USA has a new President, support for the Kiev regime will dwindle or even stop, and about 6 months after that, Kiev will be taken by Russian forces.

In UK money, nearly £700 per month.

If Kiev falls, and a rump Ukrainian state comes into being, Lvov will probably be its capital.

A problem all the System parties have had to face for 15-20 years, partly because the party “conferences” are now just TV opportunities, designed to get a minute or two on TV news broadcasts. No debate, no dissent, no interest. So most party members do not bother to attend, knowing that they will be just spear-carriers in a TV news bore-fest.

Late tweets seen

All that means is that the areas where they are based will be entirely wiped out by strategic weapons.

With good reason. Germany’s main cities, and many smaller towns, were flattened by Western area bombing in the years 1941-1945, and/or brutally occupied by Soviet forces in 1944-1945. Germany must avoid another major European war. It is senseless to keep backing the corrupt, shambolic, and brutal Kiev regime.

[Reichskanzlei, Berlin, 1945]
[Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag, Berlin, 1945]

Late music

[Central Warsaw, 1945]