Diary Blog, 22 November 2023

Morning music

[VDNKh, Moscow]

Tweets seen

Incidentally, I am told by a reader of this blog that The Times has printed some kind of report about my recent trial. I refuse to pay even a small amount in order read the sort of rubbish put out by the contemporary “British” newspapers, so I do not know exactly what is the content of that report (I can guess, pretty much, anyway), but what strikes me is that it has apparently only appeared today, five days after the trial itself. Hardly “breaking news”.

I wonder what will happen with the newspapers in the UK. Several years ago, Rupert Murdoch gave the paper versions of newspapers only until about 2025 to survive, and certainly one rarely sees anyone buying a newspaper these days. I occasionally see an elderly person (always elderly, meaning 70+ if not 80+) buying a newspaper in Waitrose; not so often though.

The quality of journalistic language, let alone analysis, has fallen through the floor despite (?) the now almost exclusively graduate entry. Poor English, and little background knowledge, are patent.

I read somewhere that newspapers are still functioning because the online versions both take subscriptions, and make money out of advertisements; also, the mainly young “journalist” scribblers are paid very modestly. The only highly-paid scribblers now are the “celebrity” columnists, or so I read.

I myself last bought a newspaper about 25 years ago.

Hunt and Sunak had little choice, politically. Opinion polling puts the Conservative Party on about 20% for the 2024 General Election. Most of that consists of State Pensioners. Without the pensioner vote, the Conservative Party is toast. It may be that it is anyway, but being seen to pander a bit to the most obvious interest of those over 65 is a desperate way to shore up, at least to some extent, that core vote.

Incidentally, using Electoral Calculus, the difference between (A) a 20% vote and (B) a 15% vote is (A) 57 Conservative MPs (Lab 508) and (B) 19 Conservative MPs (Lab 541).

Were the Con Party able to rise to a support-level of 25%, the result might be 125 Con MPs (Lab 452); on 30%, 219 Con MPs (Lab 360).


For Sunak and Hunt, the (for now) retention of the Triple Lock is a no-brainer, of course. However, it will not save them. The best they can hope for, I think, is a hard defeat next year. It is an open question whether that defeat will prove almost, or actually, existential.

Isaac Levido“? Well, wouldn’t you know? Every. Single. Time…


London. Zoo.


Three train robbers who battered a victim for their £36 chain in a spate of 14 violent thefts have been jailed...”

[My London]

[the defendants]

More “diversity” in our wonderful new multikulti society…

I wonder what our society will look like in 20 years? Or 50? Thankfully, I shall probably not be around to see 2043, and certainly not 2073.

Late music

[Paris under German military occupation, early 1940s]

46 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 22 November 2023”

  1. I see that the American actress, Susan Sarandon, has been effectively blacklisted by Hollywood now after she made a few remarks at a pro-Palestinian rally that were deemed to be ‘anti-semitic’.

    Some people allege that ‘Tinsel Town’ is controlled by Zionist/Jewish Supremacist Jews whilst others dismiss this as being yet another ludicrous ‘anti-semitic canard’.

    I wonder which theory is more right?


  2. The fake anti-British, libertarian globalist, poor people hating, pro open borders, soft on real criminals, Conservative Party has no widespread appeal and relies upon a small base of prosperous and often wealthy old people (some of whom are no doubt dim witted enough to believe Churchill is still leading the party instead of that strange, brown, Zionist fanatic, Indian dwarf) to get any real support.

    The last poll I saw on the subject indicated that the once mighty Conservative Party has derisory support amongst young people and even less now than under Cameron and that was pretty low!


    1. John:
      I despise what Labour now is, but people, some/many people are desperate for, not so much a change as for a chance. A chance for a better life and a better society. Unconsciously, the people want some form of social national ideology (and policy) but the “you-know-who” element jumps on anything and anyone of that sort (as of course in my own case).

      Labour will win by default, not because most people want it or eagerly vote for it.

      The Conservative Party has pretty much given up the ghost.


      1. I despise both parties for their virulent anti-British globalist values and I especially despise the ‘modern’ Conservative Party which can now justifiably be called evil on account of its increasingly naked hatred towards the poor and disabled .

        Of course, they were called that before by the Left and for that reason but even Mrs Thatcher would never have stooped to the despicable hatred they show nowdays towards that section of society.

        And they really wonder why the admittedly excitable Left go to their party conferences and display hangman’s ropes?

        They bring that on themselves.

        Their unhinged hatred towards the poor and disabled is NOT a patriotic value.

        Infact, it is the very opposite of true patriotism. A real patriot would want to see genuine opportunity and chances in life for the poor and most vulnerable as that means a society can be truely at ease with itself and the country will be morally enriched and become genuinely stronger.

        A decent, proud, genuinely strong country doesn’t have a government department like the DWP victimising people and making their lives so hellish that too many are driven to suicide.

        The despicable, unpatriotic, globalist Tories have enabled and strengthened that persecution they inherited from New Labour.


      2. Indeed. It is pretty hypocritical of Zionist Jews to do that. After all, one could say that the Zionist state has a quasi form of National Socialism what with its strong nationalist inclinations and the socialist Kibbutz concept.


  3. The people want some measure of social justice, centrist or even slightly to to the ‘Left’, mildly interventionist economics combined with ‘Right-wing’ socially conservative attitudes to crime, immigration, some aspects of the LGBT agenda etc.

    Basically, a sort of watered-down ‘National Socialism’ or the policy mix that the new party in Germany under Sahra Wagenknecht called BSW -For Reason and Justice offers and which looks like it will take a chunk out of the national-conservative/nationalist Alternative Fur Deutschland (Afd) party’s vote share.


  4. There is a very recent article in the Daily Telegraph about that new left wing on economics/ ‘Right-wing’ on immigration, wokery ect party in Germany.

    I have just read a bit of it and the comments underneath. What is it about Tory voters/Tory inclined voters and Germany? I am surprised the German Embassy and their Ambassador in Britain has not commented on the fact that anti-German bigotry appears to be pretty widespread in this country and it is often stirred-up by Tory newspapers.


    1. John:
      Again, it is largely the “you-know-who” element that is behind all that, the whole “we won the war” stuff. 1945. 78 years ago. Britain is still adrift somewhere between 1800 and 1950.


      1. Yes, that would be a part of the explanation but only a part. There are plenty of British Gentiles who think like that too and are behind it.

        Sometimes it amounts to envy of Germany. They have done well since the war for the most part. One reason for that could be they have collaborative governments based upon coalitions where various parties work together instead of engaging in childish, unproductive political games and ‘yah boo’ politics like Tory and Labour pricks do.

        It isn’t unknown for there to be ‘grand coalitions’ formed by their equivalents of Tory and Labour ie the CDU/CSU and SPD.

        We actually designed their pretty good electoral system for them:


        We gave Germany a head start in recovering from the war whilst saddling ourselves with the continuance of the archaic fraud of undemocratic stand alone FPTP.



  5. Yes, Germany does have a dark history but these people need to know that Der Fuhrer was genuinely popular and not all of it was down to sinister reasons.

    I wonder how many of these Tory Daily Telegraph readers know that even Winston Churchill himself once said that if our country was in Germany’s truely deplorable state before 1933 he would wish for a British Fuhrer to arise who would reclaim our place amongst the world’s leading nations.


  6. My wife just told me that Cameron became a baron which entitles him to a seat in the House of Lords. I checked that and the useless creature was made “Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton” Talk about “titles for the boys”!

    A long time ago (200 years ago) titles were given by meritorious services, mostly on the battlefield; even then many went to incompetent generals who did not deserve them (like Douglas Haig). However the corrupt practice of giving away titles (started in earnest by Edward VII) out of friendship or as a reward for “favours” is outrageous.


  7. Contrary to popular, and especially Tory opinion, now Churchill’s commitment to democratic values could be said to be pretty weak.


      1. But virtually everyone in country has a brain compared that fat, terminally useless, Tory national wrecking, Grade A prick that moronic old Tories with senile dementia imposed on us.


  8. Ha, ha! I see that protesters from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign have mounted a sit-in today at the House of Zionist Anti-British Treason.

    Good for them! Whilst I don’t always approve of activist, civil protest groups like the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Just Stop Oil ect a part of me admires their supporters for their ‘get up and go’ attitudes who realise that carping on the sidelines about a cause as most people are content to do rarely achieves anything especially in Britain’s largely fake, semi-democracy with its profoundly undemocratic First Past The Post electoral system.


    1. John:
      If I were to publish my unrestrained view about most MPs etc, not to mention the “you-know-who” fanatic element, I would probably have to endure another boring conversation with the Plods, so for now “I’m sayin’ nuttin’!”


      1. As I have said before the only solution to the evil, poor and even disabled people hating, anti-British vermin in that building is to build a [REDACTED] and turn the [REDACTED] till they all expire.

        One of my dreams is that a hijacked aircraft smashes into the House of Anti-British Treason like what happened on 9/11 in New York and kills virtually all of them.

        They are utterly worthless, profoundly immoral, violently anti-British TOTAL scum and vermin who positively laugh at making poor people and disabled people’s lives a living hell and for that they deserve to [REDACTED].


      2. What were those plods like? The usual, disrespectful, thick morons with the attitude problem the virulently anti-British PC globalist Tory cretins/common scum have been recruiting?


      3. I will state my view simply. 99% of the vile, fundamentally immoral, poor and disabled people hating, anti-British POS should just be [REDACTED] and as quickly as possible.


      4. You would probably have a similar view to me ie about 99% of MPs should suffer the same fate as someone who intentionally deals in 15gms or more of heroin (pure diamorphine) in the very well run country of Singapore:


        Let us dispose of that anti-British vermin once and for all. They are nothing more than an evil blight on this formerly great country who do immense harm.

        Most are greedy, self-serving, amoral scumbags (quite a few like Michael Gove snort cocaine in there) and to top it all off many have nothing but sheer contempt for genuine democratic values which is supposed to be one of their supposed main principles:


        What a laughable undemocratic sick joke that parliament truely is!


      5. Can you reveal a toned down version suitable for this wretched, tyrannical police state the anti-British SCUM in Wastemonster has turned this formerly great country into?


  9. The Wikipedia article doesn’t say Issac Levido is a Jew despite his Jewish-sounding name. After all, the world’s richest person by far, the multi, multi, multi-billionaire Elon Musk definitely does have a Jewish first name but is a Gentile of partial British descent.

    At any rate, I wonder how much he is getting paid? He should be given millions as trying to revive the Conservative Party’s fortunes with Sunak as leader who loses quite a few votes all by himself, their appalling 13 year long dire record on REAL immigration control, crime control, increased social division/despair, lack of compassion/empathy towards the poor and vulnerable ect is a formidable background to overcome for even the most talented political strategist. He will have to be a veritable magician with the present fake Conservative Party as his client.


  10. Adrian Pugh, please do keep up! Mr James Cleverly ( or Thickerly as many observers name him) is the right colour hence why Sunak gave him the position in the first place just like May appointed Sajid Javid, Boris Idiot appointed Priti Patel and ‘The Lettuce’ , Liz Truss, appointed Suella Braverman.

    You don’t think a Right-wing Englishman like Sir John Hayes would stand an chance to be appointed to the position of Home Secretary, do you?


  11. Yes, what fine examples, yet again, of ‘cultural enrichment’ you have illustrated above!

    Why can’t we become the ‘Singapore Upon Thames’ in law and order terms that some libertarian Brexit fanatics want to emulate as far as economic policies are concerned?



    Only admittedly very draconian laws like that have a chance of working to slow down Britain’s increasing slide towards the abyss of rampant criminality.



  12. I pity our young people. They will see ‘Britain’ become a failed, Third World state like Zimbabwe with all that comes with it ie rampant crime levels, especially violent offences, endemic corruption etc.

    The politics of national suicide has to end one day.


  13. Yes, Loav Litvin, all it takes is an attitudinal change to transform from a bad Jew Zionist/Jewish Supremacist Jew into a good non-Zionist/non-Jewish Supremacist Jew.

    If only more would make the change! They would feel better, be less angry with the world and cause less trouble and we gentiles and Palestinians would be better off too!

    What is not to like?


  14. Our new incredibly talented and well-regarded Home Secretary who, of course, was chosen on account of his stunning record of achievement in previous ministerial posts has called Stockton On Tees a, “shithole”.

    Looks like he has as much a sense of discretion in public office as the previous incumbent, Suella Braverman!

    His party has played no small part in turning areas like Stockton into, “shitholes” what with their failed economic policies of austerity, their diminution of the welfare system, their non reform of the PC Stazi, their open door immigration policies etc.

    Don’t vote fake Conservative and don’t vote New Labour Mark 2/Likud 2 either. Simples as the Meerkat would say!


  15. Re that picture of ‘enrichment’ above. At this rate, we are going to have to become the new Apartheid South Africa complete with segregated townships, armed police, heavily guarded private estates ect. Well, Apartheid was a great British invention after all!


  16. This country needs to be cleansed of evil Tory and Labour, anti-British, anti-common decency SCUM and if that needs a [REDACTED] or a couple of [REDACTED] need to be used in order to achieve this vital objective then then so be it.


  17. Sunak in particular should be [REDACTED] after that utterly vile, innately foreign CUNT deliberately caused the untimely deaths of thousands during the pandemic with his braindead ‘Eat Out To Help Out’ scheme and his callous indifference about it was revealed by the Covid 19 public inquiry.

    Now he wants to drive yet more vulnerable people, including the disabled, to commit suicide as a result of his welfare ‘reforms’.

    Why can’t the unwanted and wholly unelected Grade A, mass murdering CUNT just fuck off and die? Very few people like him.

    FFS, can’t we have him [REDACTED] in No.10 like a Liberal PM in the early part of the last century or be [REDACTED] like Spencer Percival?

    The bloke is a completely arrogant, unwanted, mass murdering bastard and a real stain on this country.


  18. Yes, they will win by default by people just staying at home with most of the abstainers being Tory voters from 2019.

    The present Tory ‘leadership’ has no idea why they are despised and no clue as to how to go about reviving their fortunes. If anything they want to worsen the position still further by trying to gain votes from sheer bigotry and nastiness towards the less fortunate.

    So much for May’s speech in 2002 about trying to rectify the party’s image as Britain’s ‘nasty party’.

    Well, if that was an unfair assessment of the Tories in the eighties, nineties and early 2000’s it certainly is not now.

    They have fully earned it with Laura Trott’s rant about disabled people being the latest confirmation.


      1. With any luck she will just do the decent thing at long last and just die. Evil, snobby, stuck-up, Tory slut and total airhead.

        Evil bitch should just be [REDACTED] as in the great state of Arizona or be [REDACTED] as in Singapore along with 99% of Tory MPs.


        So like the vast majority of Tory MPs she has never done a real, useful occupation in her entire life but still thinks it appropriate to come out with bigoted and demeaning attitudes towards the disabled and vulnerable. Typical!


      2. The UN no less has criticised this government for its intentional wrecking of what used to be called the social security system and the misery, the poverty it is entrenching and the suicides it is causing through this ideological destruction of the system. That was in 2018.

        It is time they finally listened to the UN, quit their denial they are doing this and halted these consistent attacks.



  19. It would have been in the 1980’s. Mrs Thatcher pretty much left the welfare system alone. Indeed, it was in a decent state of health under her and was called the SOCIAL SECURITY system.

    One of this country’s proudest post war achievements wrecked and undermined by immoral plebs like Bliar, Cameron, Ian Dumbo-Smith and the latest foul creature in No.10.


  20. Re The Times. The Jewish Supremacist Neocon Melanie Phillips (Rozenberg) writes for them. Even her maniacal blog is only available through a subscription now i think.


      1. I remember her on that BBC sick joke of globalist Question Time in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks where she became upset at the suggestion by some people in the audience that blatantly one sided US foreign policy towards the Zionist entity in the Israel/Palestine conflict was a factor in the attacks.

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