Diary Blog, 11 February 2024

Morning music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Speakeasy]

Tweets seen

Bravo. One of the best Twitter/X accounts, and at a young age.

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“Boris” Johnson, part-Jew (great-grandfather was a Jewish ‘rabbi’ in Lithuania), part-Levantine, of very cosmopolitan origins and upbringing, and who proved incapable of holding any public office competently or decently. Up for hire; will do or say anything for money.

Even I myself, born in 1956, often realize from things seen, or read, or otherwise experienced, that those born, say, after about 1980, live in a different world to me, and that particularly applies to that part of the population which might be described as less-educated (in the real sense, I mean, not in the sense of having been through the mill of 13-18 years of what presently passes for “education”).

The above of course applies even more to most of those born in the last 30 years.

Gove etc

I saw 10 mins of that horrible little bastard Gove on Sky News this morning. Gove’s very prominence highlights so much that is wrong with the UK political system: a pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby doormat, a cocaine abuser, a drunk, an expenses cheat/fraudster. Maybe more. Yet there he sit in Cabinet, today weaselling in favour of the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak. He also praised Nigerian “British” MP, Kemi Badenoch [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kemi_Badenoch].

Born in London, but of Nigerian parentage, and only resident in the UK from age 16, Kemi Badenoch is seen as a possible Conservative Party leader. Maybe. The latest “great non-white hope”, if you like. That might just finish off the Conservative Party, especially if that party starts its post-GE 2024 life with only 50 or so MPs.

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It will be recalled that, at the conclusion of Anna Karenina, Vronsky decides to redeem himself by going to fight for the Serbs in the Balkans.

Orban’s adviser confirmed: the EU threatened the Hungarian economy because of Ukraine.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s adviser, Balazs Orbán, confirmed the “Fine Times” writing that the European Union threatened to undermine the Hungarian economy, if it does not lift the veto on European aid to Ukraine.

The American newspaper previously wrote that Brussels will collapse the exchange rate of the Hungarian forint and worsen the situation with jobs, however the EU later denied this, but Balazs Orbán noted that the situation is “serious” and that the heads of state and government of the EU have threatened to do just that. to the Hungarian Prime Minister over the phone.


“If Ukraine disintegrates, Germany could be flooded with another 10 million refugees, warns “Welt am Sonntag”, referring to anonymous security officials and stating that the German government still hopes that this “worst case scenario” will not happen this year.

“If we don’t change our strategy of supporting Ukraine, the worst-case scenario of a mass exodus from Ukraine and the spread of the war to NATO countries will be much more likely. In this case, ten million refugees is a pretty bad assumption,” says the MP of the opposition Christian Democratic Party, Roderick Kiesewetter.

Since the conflict between Kiev and Moscow broke out almost two years ago, 1.1 million Ukrainians have fled to Germany, according to data from the German Ministry of the Interior. The influx of newcomers from other countries, including Syria, Afghanistan and African nations, is not abating.”

[Sprinter/Welt am Sonntag].

At least Ukrainians are European.

If that were to happen, Russia will be able to take Ukraine east of the Dnieper very easily. It might even be able to take all of Ukraine, though it would, arguende, be both kinder and more statesmanlike to take only Eastern Ukraine, the Kiev area, the Black Sea coastal zone (including Odessa), also of course retaining the areas already controlled by Russia and which are inhabited by Russian-speakers (Crimea, Donbass etc). Leave a rump Ukraine centred on Lvov as a Ukrainian state, or at least autonomous territory.

Ukraine, demographically, is already in collapse. 500,000 dead on the battlefield, millions fled to other states, and a birthrate insufficient to maintain the population numbers.

From the newspapers


Several migrants have been found in the luggage hold of a coach full of children at the end of a school trip.”

[Southampton Echo]


British Transport police have issued a picture of a man they want to trace after a driver was attacked on a moving train.

Detectives have launched an appeal after a tube driver was attacked by a man who broke into his cab at an east London station.

The train was moving when a thug smashed through the driver’s door near Bromley-by-Bow station.

He went on to repeatedly assault the driver in an attack police called “shocking”. The driver managed to stop the train safely despite being assaulted.

[Evening Standard].

More “diversity”?

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Die Welt is a heavyweight conservative German newspaper, broadly comparable to the Daily Telegraph in the UK. It is not at all “pro-Russian”, so the fact that it foresees a Russian victory by early 2025 is significant.

Once Ukraine (Kiev regime) collapses, Zelensky and his cabal will leave for Florida or Israel. They will not stay to face the consequences of their misrule. They all have hundreds of millions of dollars stashed offshore.

The gradual death of Western culture continues. I am restricted, in effect, in what I can say but let’s just take it that I think that that decadence should not exist. Look at the audience of cretins, though. They all applaud. That means that they should not exist, either.

Perhaps the days when the Egyptian Army only won battles in Aida have gone.

Late music

18 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 11 February 2024”

  1. The fact that Boris Johnson and ALL the politicians are still alive enjoying their undeserved perks and salaries proves that there is nobody seriously committed to a radical change. Everybody seems hypnotized by the words “democratic process” thinking (stupidly) that those in power will allow clear and honest elections that will put an end to their criminal careers.

    That only happened once, in Germany in 1933, and it happened because nobody believed that a nobody called Adolf Hitler, usually described as “a rabble-rouser” could win. Guess what? Since then, those in charge made sure that something like that will never happen again.


  2. Kemi Badenoch, if she had a brain, would think more carefully before she opens her gob. She has a real bee in her bonnet about the utterly tiny minority of people who are transsexual who comprise O.5% of our population ie ONE IN TWO HUNDRED.

    She and the unelected Indian should realise that picking upon such a minority as they do will give licence to people who find the minorities they belong to as just as objectionable if not more so.

    It just goes to show how braindead the fake Conservative Party is that they think the trans issue can move significant numbers of voters in their direction.

    As far as ‘wedge’ or social conservative issues go, the best ones for potential voter movement are immigration at no 1 followed by the death penalty and then gay marriage/gay adoption the trans issue is almost a complete irrelevance as far as social conservative voters go let alone the wider electorate.


      1. Genuine trans people should be treated with compassion as Sir John Hayes says and anyone who genuinely feels they were born into the wrong gender as some of them undoubtedly feel should be allowed to transition but it is something they should only be allowed to do after a serious and quite sustained period of reflection on their part as to whether it is the right thing for them to do or not.

        Transitioning to a new gender should not be done without serious thought about all the possible consequences and on a whim. No to this self-ID nonsense after a short period of ‘thinking’ as the SNP proposed.

        I believe I am correct in stating that in Japan you have to be sterilised in order to legally transition.


      2. John:
        In the late 1970s through to 1990s, I knew someone who was one of the first to have the operation. “She” (Della Aleksander) was quite well-known because of that. Magazine articles etc. In fact, I can remember seeing a South African magazine article and interview in 1977. I think that I had met “her” once already, at the League of St. George political club in London. Altogether surprising to pick up a stray news magazine on the ground in a tent in the middle of Africa (in Rhodesia) and see someone one knew slightly featured.

        Della (originally Derrick, I think) had been born into a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses in London sometime in the early 1920s, had been a conscientious objector (on the religious basis) aged 18 at some point in WW2 (and had done about 6 months in Wormwood Scrubs as a consequence), but after WW2 had moved to South Africa and become acquainted with some of the prominent figures in the National Party in the 1950s, including (the later) General Malan, and even joined the Army there on, I believe, what the UK would term a “TA” basis, being promoted to Captain, while also teaching in schools.

        “Derrick” had returned to London in the 1960s after having worked as a teacher, I think, in various places including Bermuda and Saudi Arabia. The psycho-sexual element, together with an occultic element, led to the idea of sex change. At that time, such operations were not carried out in the UK, so (as in the case of the famous April Ashley) it was done in Casablanca. Sometime in the early 1970s.

        “She” always said that “she” was uncertain about having the operation, so used the I Ching to decide, the night before!

        I have always puzzled about why Della ever had it done. When I became better acquainted with “her”, in the late 1970s, “she” had a girlfriend, who was succeeded by another in due course. There were many, I believe, *prior* to the operation…I believe that (from what “her” later girlfriend told me) “she” often said that having the operation had been a mistake— there was nothing very feminine about “her”. Also, someone whose natal chart was very dominated by Aries influences. Forthright. Didactic.

        Someone also hugely erudite, and who lived (as an older person anyway) very much in the world of philosophy, religions, and associated disciplines. Della was often visited by (in the late 1970s and/or early 1980s), or “herself” visited, a few well-known philosophers and writers. Roger Scruton, Colin Wilson etc.

        My view about the whole question is that there are some people born with unfortunate genetics etc, but that the bulk of the present “trans” nonsense is just that. You may have seen my blog post:

        When Reality Becomes Subjective


      3. I think some of the trend for people to jump onto the trans bandwagon is due to the legalisation of gay marriage. If the government makes the idea of gender and the complimentary nature of the two distinct sexes in humans irrelevant in terms of legal recognition of relationships then some people will suddenly perceive a ‘need’ to change their biological sex as it is seen as a fashionable trend in society.

        I am fully in favour of gay civil unions but legalising gay marriage is a step too far and might well have contributed to the growth of this trans trend.


  3. Die Welt is a serious, respected, heavyweight newspaper of a generally conservative standpoint in Germany as you say. The Daily Telegraph, on the other hand, USED to be but really isn’t now. I’m afraid the libertarian loony mob has taken it over along with the Conservative Party it supports.

    Sometimes, there are some serious, genuinely conservative articles in the Daily Telegraph but they are becoming increasingly rare.


  4. 50 MPs you say? According to a prediction calculated from the latest Yougov poll the Tories will have just 27 MPs left and Kemi will lose along with the extra from It Ain’t Half Hot Mum.

    My Tory MP in the tenth safest Conservative Party-held seat in Brentwood and Ongar (Tory majority 29,165) will be one of the survivors of the cull along with Sir John Hayes who holds the safest Tory seat in the country.

    So, either my Tory MP could be the leader or Sir John Hayes. He could make for a good leader since he is one of their very few MPs who do have genuine, traditionally Tory viewpoints.

    The Yougov poll was reported on this Twitter account: https://Twitter.com/LeftieStats


    1. John:
      Interesting. Mainstream commentators are still saying 100-150 or more.

      I think that a certain tipping-point may have been reached. There is an increasingly small percentage of voters, imo, willing to actually vote Con. They may not, most of them will not, vote Labour, but will either abstain or protest-vote, maybe for Reform UK.

      I am unsure whether the Con vote will exceed 20%. I doubt that it can reach 25%.


      1. The First Past The Post electoral system can, in certain circumstances, be a very brutal system indeed. The Tories might well be about to pay a very hideous price for being very fanatical supporters of this unfair, profoundly undemocratic and unfit for the 21st Century electoral system as their Canadian cousins found out to their cost in 1993 when the Progressive Conservative Party there suffered one of the worst landslide defeats in Western political history and ended-up with just TWO MPs after the rout.



      2. John:
        I should not be surprised. After all, who is now going to benefit by having an extension of Con government? Not many people under 40 y o. Not anyone having to rent a home. Not anyone in the lowest say 80% or even 90% of income or capital. Not anyone who seriously wants to stop the migration invasion.

        Who does that leave? The wealthy and very wealthy, in the top 5% of income and/or capital; maybe some of those over 65 who are not appalled by the migration-invasion.

        There are those, aged 80+, who vote Con because their parents did in 1920, but that is a literally dying demographic.

        I tend to think that many ppl will vote Labour not for any positive reason but simply to stamp on the Con Party.


      3. There are probably three ‘tipping points’ under the irrational lottery that is stand alone First Past The Post for a major party ie one that appears at 29% or so of the national vote where the effect is still quite mild, another one at 25% which is more severe and then another at around 20% which can be utterly devastating for seat numbers.

        A big party that can’t get consistently into the 30% plus range is in the danger zone and at 25% or below is playing Russian roulette.


  5. Behind the upper class, Bertie Wooster like, clownish persona lies a quite evil man which is why Boris The Buffoon trashed a peace agreement and said such a disgusting and repellent thing as, “let the bodies pile high” during an international viral pandemic with Rishi in full agreement.

    Both of them have systematically smashed the Tory brand which now lies in tatters. If their MPs had any tactical political nous they would have given Penny Mordaunt the job of party leader and PM as she avoided serving in Boris’s cabinet and could have given her party a fresh start with the electorate.


  6. Western Europe, and by that I mean ALL its large cities, is like Berlin in the 1920s. All kinds of degenerate behaviour are allowed and encouraged. Most Europeans do not seem to care, or they are just vile cowards who pretend not to see what is happening around them.


      1. Hello Ian: Very good words; it is shocking how most people end up accepting a humiliating position or situation out of laziness or cowardice. I think is just human nature. That is why heroic leaders and their followers are always very rare.


      2. Claudius:
        Thank you. Depressing. Not that it is new (that “fashion” show); the 1960s had similar things, though maybe not quite so threatening. That whole milieu of “fashion”, “celebrity”, pop/rock etc “music”, and associated areas is a diseased area of society, requiring treatment and, if necessary, extreme surgery.


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