Diary Blog, 26 June 2024

Tweets seen



The clip is from a few years ago, but is still relevant. Ellwood must be binned politically.

My own admittedly anecdotal and completely unscientific guess for this area (coastal western Hampshire), is that support for the lazy and useless Conservative Party incumbent has slumped, but that he is so entrenched in this ultra-safe Con heartland that he will survive without too much trouble.

I did see, somewhere or other, one Con Party poster, a while ago, and I have seen one solitary Labour one now; an outlier in a constituency where Labour usually comes in third or even fourth; Labour only managed (a very poor) second once (in 2017, under Corbyn). I have, however, now seen quite a few LibDem posters.

The LibDems usually come second here, and their high point was in 1997, when they still only scored 27.8%.

The only joker in the pack is Reform UK. Their likely vote is unknown in this constituency, but may reach 20%; we shall see.

From the newspapers


“Study identifies 16,825 sites around the world where prioritising conservation would prevent extinction of thousands of unique species.

Protecting just 1.2% of the Earth’s surface for nature would be enough to prevent the extinction of the world’s most threatened species, according to a new study.

Analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Science has found that the targeted expansion of protected areas on land would be enough to prevent the loss of thousands of the mammals, birds, amphibians and plants that are closest to disappearing.

From Argentina to Papua New Guinea, the team of researchers identified 16,825 sites that should be prioritised for conservation in the next five years to prevent imminent extinctions of animals and plants found nowhere else.”


More tweets

As frequently blogged previously, the connected “Just Stop Oil” and “Extinction Rebellion” groups are sub-terrorists. They set out to create chaos, they set out to intimidate, and deserve a good kicking.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/08/diary-blog-8-september-2020-including-further-assessment-of-extinction-rebellion-as-well-as-of-tim-crosland-and-plan-b-etc/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2021-with-more-about-extinction-rebellion/.

Caught…bang to rights.

Thank God for that.

Not very scientific, but telling all the same.

Liz Kendall, Labour Friends of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Kendall#Defence_and_foreign_policy]. A pathetic and unpleasant woman.

Liz Kendall is like a poor actress trying to portray “genuine emotion” by overdoing the (((typical?))) hand gestures etc. She comes over rather like one of those puppets from 1960s shows like Stingray or Thunderbirds.

Good grief. The more I see of the upcoming fake-Labour “elected” dictatorship, in its germinal form, the more I think that it will have to be overthrown.

Most people in the UK are not pro-“Ukraine” in the sense of being pro-Zelensky and his brutal yet shambolic regime. Many are sorry for the ordinary people there, and their companion animals —indeed, that applies to me too, which is why I hoped for a very swift Russian victory in 2022— but few really support the Kiev regime to the point at which it becomes a UK General Election issue.

I do not think that Reform UK is sliding. In any case, many postal votes have already been cast, often by the middleaged and elderly people who are more likely to vote Reform UK.

Only 8 days now separate us from Election Day. Many people are angry, and almost all want to bin the Sunak-led Conservative Party, or even the Con Party under other management. I still think that many of the “undecided 20%”, if they vote, may decide to back Reform UK. We shall see.

I should not be surprised to see Reform get to 20% in the end. At the present, the election remains to that extent open. The Cons are surely doomed, and Labour, without much merit, looks heavily odds-on not only to win but to win at a level which may turn out to be historic. However, the level of Starmer’s victory is still undecided, as is the extent to which the very uninteresting LibDems will, purely as an electoral side-effect, have their MP numbers boosted. Perhaps by as many as 70 in total, almost certainly by 30-40 in total.

The number of Con MPs after 4th of July may be as few as 40 or as many as 140. My guess has always, in the past months, been closer to 40 than 140.

Whoever wins and whatever the detail, the bottom line is that the incoming Labour government will be trying to install a police state. That will have to be fought.

More music

[East Berlin, 1970s]

Look at how free speech, freedom of expression has become largely a thing of the past in the UK. Also, consider how there is a double standard: anyone social-national, or even conservative-national (even someone as basically near-centre-ground as Farage) is under far more scrutiny and restriction than either the hostile Jewish/Zionist Israel-lobby element or the often-connected “antifa” types, let alone the “useful idiots” of the transnational conspiracy, such as the Black Lives Matter nonsense, the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion pawns etc.

As previously blogged, I have been disappointed in Mercer. I thought that the ex-officer would be a breath of fresh air and integrity at Westminster. In fact, he has been basically useless and, worse than that, rather a freeloader, even somewhat corrupt (in my opinion).

I rather like the humorous and sometimes combative tweets of his wife, but they cannot save him. Time to bid adieu.

She thinks that she is “British”, or at least says so.

For God’s sake, vote her out on 4 July 2024.

Quite. Ecce “democracy”— with enough “lobbying“, box-ticking, and “money from central government“, 50 feet of road in Cheshire can finally be patched up. “Pathetic” is indeed the word. The whole system must be changed, not just thick-as-two-short-planks Esther McVey binned.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

50 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 26 June 2024”

  1. Liz Kendall, even by the usual New Labour Mark 2 with added pro-Israel bandit state extremist Zionist poor standards, is a repulsive and evil woman.

    So she wants to see more of our most vulnerable people committing suicide because of jumping through too many hoops at the DWP?. Hasn’t evil Iain Dunce Duncan-Smith helped to kill enough?

    New Labour Mark 2 offer NOTHING to this country apart from open borders and even more insane levels of PC lunatic extremism than the Tories.

    If only Kendall and their entire rancid, virulently anti-British Cabinet fell down dead on their first day of unearned office.

    No sensible and patriotic Briton wants your worthless rabble anywhere near the Cabinet table. Just eff off, New Labour Mark 2, and emigrate to your beloved Zionist, continual international law defying, bandit state.


  2. Many postmen are members of one of the most repulsivly Marxist trade unions in the UK so that postman’s actions don’t shock me at all. Reform UK isn’t the first to suffer from them either as the British National Party’s (BNP) leaflets were either defaced like that or were found, undelivered, on roadside verges or undelivered in other ways.

    Instead of going after the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Mrs Thatcher should have dealt with the union of postal workers.


    1. John:
      I recall back in 1978 or 1979, I was living in Little Venice and, though I had some kind of work at the time, thought I might take up the offer of Christmas work (for 1-2 weeks) advertised by the Post Office. I went to a large open office in Notting Hill occupied by half a dozen scruffy-looking trade union drones who were interviewing. The fattest and most smug specimen interviewed me. First thing he asked, almost, was, “do you already have a job?” I said yes, and the bastard’s reply was “well, then, it’s a bit unfair to apply, isn’t it, with so many people unemployed?”! I was incredulous, but the bastard was obviously not going to approve me, so I said something (I forget what…I hope suitably rude) and walked out. I can only hope that the bastard died soon afterwards of a heart attack or worse.

      I don’t have much time for Mrs Thatcher, but she was right to put drones of that sort in their place. Know-all (know-nothing) trade union penpushers.


    2. I wonder if that postman had the ‘intelligence’ and initiative of his own to write that over Reform UK’s leaflets or, being the thick, useless cretin he is got told to it by a quasi-Marxist rep from the semi-Marxist postal workers’ union?

      You can see why Maggie had it in for the trade unions, can’t you? They complain even to this day that ‘The Iron Lady’ destroyed trade unionism in this country but really they made it excessively easy for her. If they hadn’t been overly political, often troublemakers on account of having too many Marxists/Communists/hard lefties in their ranks she would have found her task very much more difficult to achieve if not impossible to do so.


  3. Yes, most people don’t care about the Ukraine and it is likely Reform UK voters care even less about it. Farage should steer the political conversation back onto Reform UK’s core issues which includes mass immigration and the disgraceful Tory betrayal of us on this vitally important subject. That way any slide in Reform UK’s polling numbers will be stopped and should be put into reverse.


    1. John:
      The System political puppets are trying to retain the “two main parties” ping pong. That is why Farage and Reform are being attacked. Then the election can result in a Lab victory, the Cons still with 150+ MPs, and all danger of any real opposition averted, and with the facade of “democracy” still in place.


  4. I read on political betting dot com that if 140,000 odd voters voted for the second-placed party in some seats there would be a hung parliament. A statistic like that just goes to prove what an utterly farcical and senseless electoral system we have in that only a very small percentage of votes overall can change the national result so dramatically.

    In 2017, this was proved once again. In that election, Teresa May lost the Tory majority but if only a few thousand had voted differently in a small number of ultra-marginal seats she would have been able to lead a majority single-party government, not had to deal with the DUP and have been able to get her Brexit deal through parliament.

    We need to change the electoral system to one of Proportional Representation/fair votes so that everyone’s vote is of equal value and so some people who happen to live in marginal seats don’t have a vote with much more power and influence upon the overall result than the rest of us.



      1. It has very little, if anything, to do with genuine democracy. The system is more like a random lottery than a fair means to represent the people’s democratic will.

        REAL democracy entails not just one person, one vote but that vote having EQUAL VALUE in the overall electoral system to somebody else’s vote.


      2. I believe it is the main factor as to why British politics is so utterly warped, why politicians often have different priorities to the rest of us, and a reason why Britain doesn’t make any real progress politically-speaking.

        We gave Germany, our war time adversary for two world wars, a reasonably good version of Proportional Representation/fair votes and therefore a headstart in recovering from the devastation of WW2 whilst hamstringing our recovery with this ridiculous system.

        When I went as a teenager on a school exchange trip to Germany, the family and I got talking about politics. My penfriend’s father produced a German ballot paper and showed it to me. I explained to him our ballot paper was similar but we didn’t have the crucial explicit regional party list vote element of their overall PR electoral system.

        Talk about being embarrassed as a teenager in a foreign country trying to relate to him how backward we are with ‘democracy’ in this country!





  5. Luckily, that lunatic ‘Tory’ MP, (oh for the days of the 1930’s when most, if not the majority, of Tory MPs would have followed the normal stance of traditional Toryism in seeking to not involve Britain in conflicts in which no essential British national interests were at stake) is supposedly on course to lose his seat. Happy days!


  6. Yes, the village idiot of Hampshire, Desmond Swayne MP, who wanted to kill off more of his elderly, Tory-voting constituents during Covid-19 is likely to survive the forthcoming cull of his parliamentary colleagues.

    Your seat of New Forest West is amongst the Conservative Party’s safest seats and is, even now, unlikely to fall as is my even safer (the TENTH safest) seat of Brentwood and Ongar, Essex.




  7. https://www.electionpolling.co.uk/battleground/defence/conservative

    Your seat is so safe Desmond Swayne even had a 50% plus share of the vote in the electoral debacle of 1997 and that was with the intervention of candidates from both UKIP and the Referendum Party. There were very few Conservative MPs who received 50% plus shares of the votes in 1997.

    My MP that year, Eric Pickles, only got 45%. I expect that in this election no surviving Tory MP will get to the 50% or over mark.


      1. I read in the Daily Telegraph that one settlement, Lymington, in your ultra-Tory seat of New Forest West is one of the wealthiest places in the UK and is supposedly one of the most desirable places to live in the country. It also has a Waitrose supermarket- a normally reliable guide to how rich a town is.

        Brentwood doesn’t have a Waitrose. We have the more plebeian Sainsbury’s instead but the next door town of Billericay does have a branch.


      2. John:
        There is a Waitrose in Lymington, also a Marks & Spencer food hall. In New Milton, about 6-7 miles from Lymington, there are a number of supermarkets: M&S, Tesco, Lidl, Aldi.


  8. Re that Anthony O’Neill tweet. I don’t know if he was trying to come across as witty/smart, but the fact it took him 27 years to run out of patience with the Tories is quite amusing, and sad at the same time. It’s funny how recently, with Israel needing more foreign support/backers than they probably ever have before, that anti-Islam, so-called Nationalists and conservatives like (((Geert Wilders))) are suddenly having record “election” success. For that reason i wouldn’t be too surprised if this Reform party gets quite a few seats. They have quite a few non-White candidates, they’ll probably make up the majority of the seat winners.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Islamism IS a problem in many European countries including the Netherlands and here in the United Kingdom. More and more ordinary people are recognising this. Parties like that of Geert Wilders have been going for a longtime and their increasing electoral success isn’t just a co-incidence brought about by the events in ‘The Holy Land’/Zionist entity since October 7th 2023. They have been building-up to be significant electoral forces for years.

      I haven’t looked-up Reform UK’s candidates but I would be very surprised if they had placed non-British candidates in winnable seats. There aren’t many seats which Reform UK would have a good chance of a candidate of theirs winning in and the vast majority of them will be strongly Brexit-inclined, very white and hence normally very Tory areas. Non-British candidates in these seats would reduce their chances of winning and I am confident they haven’t made that mistake.


  9. Harold Wilson once said that, “The Labour Party was a moral crusade or it was nothing”. So we have nothing then in the shape of today’s Labour Party filled as it is with self-serving people like Liz Kendall and Starmer who obviously don’t give a Castlemaine XXXX for vulnerable British people or for the plight of vulnerable and oppressed Palestinians in the Zionist state as the Labour Party, under Starmer, has been effectively bought by the Zionist Pro Israel Lobby.

    Yes, the so-called Conservatives are awful and don’t know why they should be in existence for but New Labour Mark 2 are no better.

    Let us, as an electorate, get rid of BOTH members of the ‘gruesome twosome’ parties. They have BOTH had plenty of opportunities in government to get things right and BOTH have failed abysmally.


  10. What a nasty, arrogant, self-serving, little bitch, Liz Kendall, is. Character traits she shares with profoundly undemocratic, Stalinist wanker, ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer.

    Being as Martin Lewis is a Jew I would have thought she would have been careful not to lose her rag with him. God, the supreme arrogance is already showing with the Labour rabble and they haven’t even ‘won’ their so-called ‘victory’ under the inherently rigged, stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post election system yet. Someone needs to remind the collection of anti-British freaks, assorted weirdos and general, all round complete tossers that most polls indicate 60% of people ie the MAJORITY are NOT going to vote for you so cut out that wholly underserved arrogance NOW!



  11. You are an electoral MINORITY PARTY and, unlike the Conservative Party, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN so, please, do the decent thing for once and cut out your wholly undeserved arrogance.


  12. It’s nice to see that so many people will vote for Reform. Let´s keep pushing “The Overton Window”! BTW, Tobias Ellwood is a POS, I read that he ran over a cat and did not bother to stop. If I came across him in a non-official capacity I would beat the hell out of him. Yes, I know, I am a terrible hothead… (LOL)


  13. I do hope that your war veteran above, Les, has never been stupid enough to vote for the vile, nation-wrecking, globalism on steroids, open borders supporting, fundamentally anti-democratic Labour Party with its bunch of PC fanatical anti-social weirdos and misfits. Not that the fake Conservative Party is much better nowadays.

    Let us dump BOTH fake Tory and Labour.


  14. It is more sensible to vote Liberal Democrat than Labour. The Liberal Democrats are lefties but, unlike Labour, they respect British people enough to support Proportional Representation/fair votes.

    Labour are a scummy party who think the British people are unworthy of being granted a GENUINE democracy.


  15. That post office worker should either be disciplined severely or given the sack. I am sure a person on benefits who needs a job would be willing to do it instead. The Post Office could do with conscientious workers and not ones who put their political opinions in front of the the requirements of their jobs.


  16. Re, Suella Braverman above. If the smashed Tories think they are going to revive with Suella in charge of their much reduced rump they can think again.

    I say to the good people of Fareham and Waterlooville, spare the country and the small remnants of the Conservative Party the bother of having a tiresome ‘Tory’ leadership election with this Zionist, pro-Israel lunatic as a candidate.

    Vote this ridiculous Likud Party of Israel MP out by voting for the Lib Dem candidate.


      1. Along with all the other most favoured candidates for the small rump’s leadership apart from the woman who might have been able to at least partially avert the cull ie Penny Mordaunt.

        Though it looks a near certainty she will lose in Portsmouth North.


      2. John:
        Looks like Penny Mordaunt will go, though it is not absolutely certain.

        Some of the worst idiots are in the safest seats. Esther McVey (Tatton), Victoria Prentis (Banbury) etc.


      3. Apparently, Penny Mordaunt is quite well-liked and respected, even by her political opponents, in her own seat. Some of the Tory voters there, knowing she is likely to be a leadership contender, may refrain from voting for Reform UK, abstaining ect and still vote Tory so Penny survives.


      4. She apparently works very hard for her constituents and so quite a few voters there have good things to say about her. Also, a few of her political opponents do including some Lib Dem councillors who say she has worked in a very collaborative way with them to help improve matters for her constituents.


      5. John:
        Well, you may be right; she may survive the upcoming cull, but experience shows that even the best MPs get drowned by the tsunami of a general election, if their party is unpopular.


      6. Personally, I hope the budding Stalinist unelected dictator, Keir Starmer, dies on his first day as PM along with the rest of his rancid, anti-British, profoundly anti-democratic, extremist rabble.

        Sadly though I doubt it will happen as unlike Australia we have never been a ‘lucky country’ with all the disastrous results we see all around us.


  17. Suella, despite its innocent sounding name, the Jewish Chronicle is a Zionist, pro-Israel extremist publication so they really don’t care about GENUINE ‘anti-semitism’. Zionists, you see, have an interest in stirring-up ‘anti-semitism’ as it makes Jews scared, more paranoid than many normally are of gentiles and therefore more likely to move to the Zionist state giving its government more credibility when it calls Israel ‘the Jewish state’ and strengthening it for the future.

    To combat REAL ‘anti-semitism’ it is necessary to combat Zionist extremism.


    1. Claudius:

      The ridiculous thing is that other countries (with maybe the exception of Germany and some Scandinavian ones) would not accept MPs not of the national stock, even when born there. In the UK, some MPs were even born overseas (Nadhim Zahawi, Kemi Badenoch, Alok Sharma etc).


      1. Yes, Germans moan and whinge a lot about the state of Germany not that they don’t have good cause to in some ways but at least Germany is a modern, genuine democracy in many respects unlike us and their parties still generally don’t foist people of obviously foreign origins onto them.

        We have far more to genuinely moan about than they do.


    2. There is no black or brown in the Union Flag containing as it does the national flags of England, Scotland and the St Patrick’s Saltire of Ireland.

      I should keep my mouth shut there as I could be giving the tyrannical, virulently anti-British party of New Labour Mark 2 the idea to redesign our national flag. I would not be at all surprised if that foul, 60% voted against, rabble did that.


    3. Or Jeremy Hunt claiming to be Japanese on account of his once being an English language teacher with very fluent Japanese language skills in Japan. Jeremy is not so arrogant to insult the Japanese people in that way though.


  18. And WHERE in the country are these ethnic foreigners foisted upon? Very often the most British/English places in the country.

    It was undoubtedly a calculated insult from the fake Conservatives to that most quintessentially English town of Stratford-upon-Avon (birthplace of England’s most famous son, William Shakespeare) to select Nadhim Zahawi for that constituency.


    1. John:
      Yes, one sees that the System parties, in thrall to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, always try to put such foreign individuals in safe seats. Priti Patel, Suella Braverman etc.


      1. They are anti-British wretches. If only more people would wake-up and realise their genocidal ,anti-British and evil natures. If Britain was a just and moral country still, they would be be given the traditional British punishment for treason ie hanging by the neck until they are dead or be imprisoned for a minimum term of sixty plus years.

        People like that war hero, Les, above should not have been forced to witness the degradation of this country through their actions. It is evil and wicked for him to have seen the huge sacrifices of his armed forces colleagues in 1939-1945 thrown into the gutter in the way they have been.



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