Diary Blog, 29 June 2024

Morning music

[“Moskva” swimming pool, Kropotkinskaya, in 1980. At the time (it is no longer in existence) the largest swimming pool in the world, capable of hosting thousands of swimmers. I myself swam there daily when I was in Moscow in 1993 but, at that time, a year before its permanent closure, there were only about a dozen or so swimmers when I would visit (quite early in the morning): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moskva_Pool]
[Swimming pool “Moskva” as it was in 1969]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scored 5/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. I knew the answers to questions 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9. I could not quite bring to mind the answers to questions 1 and 8, and had no idea about questions 4, 7, and 10.

GE 2024


My feeling, with a mere 5 days to go before Election Day, is that, firstly and obviously, the Conservative Party has reached the end of its road.

What does it even pretend to stand for now? It has embraced every sort of “woke” nonsense over the past 14 years, and even tried to hit Reform UK yesterday with the accusation that a Reform UK activist criticized a police car flying a “Pride” (LGBTQXYZ) flag. How is such criticism even controversial? The police should not be flying socially or politically contentious flags.

The Conservative Party has also presided over the migration invasion, trying to manage the influx of millions of non-Europeans (over a million a year now) but never seriously trying to stop it; indeed, encouraging “legal” migration, which is 95% of all migration-invasion. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

As for living standards, straight down, and set to continue, under Labour plunging ever-lower. That may give social-nationalism an opening quite soon (but there has to be a movement to capture the sentiment).

My view about Reform UK is that many of those who favour it have already voted, via the postal ballot. Most of the rest who are leaning to Reform UK will not be put off by the contrived scandal in Clacton; some may even like the outspoken comments aired on Channel 4.

There is also the point that maybe 20% of eligible voters are either not going to vote, or are still uncertain. Few will vote Con. They —in my opinion— will not, most of them, vote Lab either. So either Reform UK, LibDem, or Green. I should say that Reform UK will get more than the LibDems, maybe more than the LibDems and Greens combined. Even if that only boosts Reform UK’s vote-share by 2 or 3 points, so from ?18% or ?20% to 21% or maybe as high as 24%, that would be mega in terms of the ultimate results.

If, as seems, anything from 5% to 20% of voters are only going to decide in the last days of the campaign, or even on the day, that means that there is still much to play for.

Tweets seen

Hopefully, when/if Trump becomes President again, American support for the Kiev regime will be scaled back and maybe stopped altogether. Other NATO states, and other states yet, will then and consequently rethink their pro-“Ukraine” (Kiev regime) stances.

The war will then grind to a halt within, at most, a few weeks. Zelensky and his cabal will flee, or be captured, or killed, and Russia will be able to redraw the map in suitable fashion, ruling the “Russian” part east of the Dnieper and along the coasts of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea, as well as Crimea; the rest of Ukraine can be an independent or autonomous state or territory centred on Lvov, peacefully and unthreateningly ruling its own lands and population. About half of Ukrainian territory as it was pre-2022.

As for Zelensky, if he survives, he and his wife can go to one of his villas in the Americas (Gulf Coast Florida, and/or the Caribbean), or to Israel, there to live off his stolen billions.

London in [fill in year]…

Thick-as-two-short-planks David Lammy, arguably the most high-profile useless “diversity hire” in the UK.

That ridiculous creature may soon be Foreign Secretary. Looks like James Cleverly’s status as most ludicrous (ever?) Foreign Secretary will have been as brief as those of Liz Truss and “Boris” Johnson…

See also:

More music

More tweets

The Conservative Party deserves to disappear, but Starmer, the Israel and NWO/ZOG puppet, will lead an “elected” dictatorship, which will intensify the attack on free speech and the future of the British people.

More tweets seen

The System parties want even something as semi-System as Reform UK to be squashed flat by propaganda lies and by State repression (and electoral trickery). Is this really “democracy”?

Simon Myerson’s unwavering confidence in his views, despite compelling evidence he is obviously wrong, puzzles me. He posted to accuse Assange of causing deaths. It’s an allegation of the utmost seriousness for a judge and KC to make? But the court judgments make it clear Myerson is wrong. And Assange’s sentencing judge has now confirmed nobody suffered physical harm. Will Myerson delete his false allegation about Assange? No chance.”

[James Wilson]

Myerson’s status as Recorder (p/t judge) should be reviewed by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office. He is plainly unfit to sit in judgment on others.

Breaking: Soap Star Link To Farage C4 Sting: Reform Party Chairman Richard Tice has alleged that @Channel4 bought undercover film from specialist firm called Lee Morrell Media. According to Companies House UK Govt website, Lee Sorrell, the Director of Lee Sorrell Media, is also Director of another company named COCO MOCHA FILMS LTD. Another named person as a ‘director’ of COCO MOCHA FILMS LTD is former Emmerdale Farm actor Neil Lennon. We’re not sure to what extent Mr Lennon is linked to the apparent ‘stage managed hit piece on the @reformparty_uk and @Nigel_Farage in Clacton? WTF is going on here? Undercover media firms based in Barnsley, ITV rejected soap stars, leftist filmmakers working for @Channel4, all heading over to Clacton to destroy the Reform vote there.”

More music

[Berlin 1945]
[1960s— couple look over Berlin Wall from western side to eastern side]

Talking point


From the newspapers


A 12-year-old schoolboy has been investigated by counter-extremism officers after he declared there ‘are only two genders’.

The child made a video, posted online, in which he also stated: ‘There’s no such thing as non-binary’.

And in response to school bullies who mistakenly believed he supported transgender ideology, he said: ‘[I’m] gay not queer.’

Originally a homophobic slur, trans activists claim the word ‘queer’ now describes people who don’t adhere to ideas of sex or gender.

But the school told the boy’s mother they would refer him to Prevent, the Home Office programme that attempts to stop people becoming terrorists, amid fears he could be at risk of being radicalised by the far-right.”

[Daily Mail]

Britain’s poundland Stasi…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

More tweets seen


…and the rest…more like 500,00-1M a year now.

Imagine if all the Johnson clan took a luxury family holiday somewhere, on a private jet, and then, while over the Atlantic or Pacific…[REDACTED]…

Late music

44 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 29 June 2024”

  1. Can the useless, fake Conservative Party get even more UTTERLY TIRESOME?

    If the anti-British Labour Party stays in power for decades then it is YOUR FAULT. It was YOU, not them, that elected snobby, out of touch, elitist, social liberals like David Cameron, George Gideon Oliver Osbourne ect who thought it would be a good idea to systematically dump overboard all traces of social conservatism eg introducing gay ‘marriage’ when most Tory voters disapproved of it, continuing with high levels of mass immigration despite Cameron saying in 2010 he would get it down to the, “low tens of thousands”. Not only was that wrong by itself but also because these people mainly vote Labour NOT for you! It is rather silly as a party to mass import people who will contribute to your supposed political opponents’ ‘core vote’ and not yours.

    Even all that may have worked if you, as a party, were not so fundamentally undemocratic and introduced Proportional Representation/fair votes then Labour wouldn’t have a majority let alone one which is utterly absurd and will look like something out of North Korea.



  2. The Conservative Party should stand for SOCIAL conservatism as that is the real way to differentiate the party from the Liberal Democrats and Labour.

    Globalist, pro open borders, socially liberal libertarianism should have no place in a party that calls itself Conservative. Only a small number of very wealthy people support such an ideology. It is certainly no way to win elections.


    1. John:
      You can see, though, that the relatively few Con MPs that will be left after 4th of July will either be globalists, most of them, or (and/or) actually foreign, really, if not in terms of their passport(s), then at least in reality, as well as extreme finance-capitalism supporters (Priti Patel, Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman etc).


      1. Well, if that were to be the case then the party has no future and may as well deregister itself via the Electoral Commission.

        Labour and the Liberal Democrats can do internationalist finance capitalism with more credibility than the Tory Party can.


  3. That story in the Daily Mail is why gay marriage should not have been introduced. If you take a well-established, over millenia, societal institution which was fundamentally based-upon the complementarity of two distinct biological genders and radically alter that by then making it a gender-neutral institution then basically you are sending a signal to society that people’s biological sex is utterly irrelevant in society. It really is no surprise that since we introduced gender-neutral marriage we have seen the rise of what is called ‘gender ideology’ and an increase in the number of people thinking they are boys/men when they are girls/females and vice versa.

    It is true to say transexuals have always existed but it is only in the last decade or so since gay marriage was introduced we have seen ‘gender ideology’ rise not just in this country but in others with gender-neutral marriage.

    Traditional REAL Tory, Ann Widdecombe, speaks some commonsense on this subject here:



  4. Isn’t that boy a bit young to absolutely declare he is gay? Boys, in particular, often develop their sexual orientation later than girls and even so it will probably be in a state of flux until the boy is about 15/16/17/18.

    What on earth is going on in our state schools? What are they being taught?


    1. John:
      I sometimes think that children are taught very little (of importance) these days, but no doubt I shall by that be described as “prejudiced”…

      Our civilization may not be around for much longer, in its present form at least.


      1. This ‘country’/borderless economic zone/globalist business park has descended into loony-left, PC hell. When you have even the so-called Conservative Party declaring in its election manifesto how “proud” it was to abolish real marriage and replace it with gender-neutral marriage you wonder just how much further it will descend.

        Will the next Labour government with its wholly unearned, North Korean style parliamentary majority legalise bigamy, three/multiple person ‘marriage’, paedophilia, introduce compulsory drag queen hours into state schools ect?

        The Left can’t resist ‘pushing the boundaries’.

        Mrs Thatcher introduced Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 which banned the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality in state schools. I don’t think there were any successful prosecutions under it and I thought it was a bit excessive but now I am not so sure. Perhaps we need an updated version entitled Section 29 targeting gender ideology?

        A section of Margaret Thatcher’s speech to the Conservative Party conference in 1987 where she talks about what is being taught to state school children:


      2. John:
        It is a truth seldom acknowledged (?) that limits of ideology moving into concrete policy are not fixed. The “Overton Window” can move in more than one direction, and as far as the people pushing are able to move it at any one time. There is nothing immutable.


      3. The Labour Party in particular loves the role of the state school system in churning-out ‘woke’ PC globalist children which they view as perfect voting fodder for future elections hence the real reason they want to ridiculously extend the franchise to 16 year olds. No doubt one reason Labour wants to impose VAT on private schools is to close down many of them quite a few of which will not be schools like Eton and Harrow but small, Christian ones. Also, Labour dislikes home schooling. That is an obstacle to state indoctrination.


    1. I support LGBT rights up to the point where it undermines the family as the basic building block of successful societies and nations which all of us benefit from whether we are straight, gay or bisexual.

      There are too many countries in Europe where degeneracy is rife like Norway. Our societies are becoming like Weimar Germany from 1918 to 1933. It seems as if staunchly Roman Catholic Italy, the Vatican City and Monaco are the only Western European countries that haven’t fallen down too far yet.


    2. Repeal the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 and replace it it with Marriage (Restoration of the Traditional Definition of Marriage) Act 2025.

      Let same-sex couples who have already married under the first piece of legislation keep their marriages but not allow any new ones.

      The British overseas dependent territory of Bermuda revoked same-sex marriage so it can be done:


      P.S. Is it not rather strange and deeply hypocritical for the British government to allow referendums to take place on issues such as same-sex marriage and even the death penalty (as happened in Bermuda) in our remaining overseas territories but not allow them within the United Kingdom?


  5. Yes, Britain’s ever more disturbing Poundland Stazi formerly known as Britain’s police forces and at one time the world’s BEST police forces but now degraded like so much else in this ‘country’.

    Unfortunately, Mrs Thatcher started-off this process in 1986 with the passage of the Public Order Act of that year and the politicisation has become worse with each succeeding government. Labour’s loony Equality Act 2010 added to it which the Tories should have either scrapped entirely or significantly amended.

    I see that Reform UK has some good policies to begin to address this problem though they should go further. Well, it is a start at any rate.


    1. John:
      Farage should back his candidates rather than sacking them on the spot if they have made supposedly “unacceptable” comments. He knows no loyalty, one reason why I have little in common with him.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That shows what a kind of a despicable fake Farage is. A POS who publicly boasted about “destroying the BNP”. He is a bastard who would throw his mother under a bus if it suited him. Unfortunately he is the only option at the moment.


      2. I have never liked him. To me, he always came across as a phony. The fake Conservatives should be really, really embarrassed if their party is effectively destroyed by someone like Farage who, in the years ahead, might well be revealed as working for the security services. Any remotely competent and genuine Tory leader which Cameron certainly wasn’t (just a tactically and politically inept congenital upper class idiot) should have easily been able to see off Farage. Mrs Thatcher would have made mincemeat out of him.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Reform UK are not doing all that well. They should be on 20% plus of the vote with only a few days to go. Farage should have not allowed himself to be sidetracked by the ridiculous accusations of the biased media and Establishment politicians that he and his party are apologists for Putin. Just keep hammering them on the much more important subject for Reform UK voters of mass immigration.


      4. John:
        I may be wrong but I feel that the “Putin’s poodle” accusation will cut little ice with the voters. Those most enraged by the idea of stopping UK money and arms going to the Kiev regime are not going to vote Reform UK anyway.

        Anyone for whom mass immigration is an important, maybe the most important, issue will vote Reform UK.

        Reform UK is still running between 16% and 18%. Margins of error can be at least 3 points, so it may be that the highest polling is really around 21%. Add to that those still undecided but likely to vote Reform UK on the day, and it may be that Reform can still pull in 22% or more of the overall vote; maybe even 24%.

        Massive, if it happens. 18% might still mean 10 MPs, but 24% might just mean 45+…



      5. Rishi is going to win according to him today! I seem to recall a certain Austrian painter being utterly convinced he was going to win WW2 even as Soviet troops were barely a couple of hundred metres away from the Reich Chancellory! I can’t see how the diminutive despot is going to win when, according to Yougov’s latest poll, even people of his Indian ethnicity are STILL NOT voting Tory by a majority (40% plan to vote Labour whilst a pathetic 32% will vote fake Conservative).

        All that effort giving Britain a government that looks as if it could come from the backstreets of Calcutta and they show their ‘appreciation’ like that!

        What are we going to do with delusional Indians in power? Keep taking those tablets, Rishi! You are of immense comedy value if nothing else!


      6. Where is ‘Comical Ali’ of the Iraq War 2003 fame when you actually need him? Mind you, little Rishi is on great comedy form!


      7. Is the constituency of Richmond and Northallerton going to be where the first parliamentary by-election is going to be after this tiresome, and YET AGAIN, inherently rigged and fraudulent ‘election’ is over?

        Of course, that assumes the diminutive despot won’t lose his seat in the meantime.


      8. Mrs Thatcher would have been able to see off Farage by simply refusing to hold that now infamous referendum of 2016. She wouldn’t have been as pathetically WEAK, WEAK, WEAK as that political idiot, Cameron, was in agreeing to it. UKIP under Farage was not seriously threatening the Conservative Party in any real way least of all by very impressive election results. Cameron really was so weak and politically short-sighted and inept in going for a referendum which instead of reducing UKIP’s support gave it a rocket boost instead.


      9. John:
        UKIP itself peaked in 2014, but the General Election was only held in 2015, by which time UKIP was already declining. As was support for Brexit. Had the GE been in 2014, the story would have played out very differently, and the same is true of the Referendum. It might have been at least 60-40.


      10. Didn’t a candidate or helper/volunteer say he wanted to bring back the noose? He hasn’t been denounced by Farage or disciplined in some way, has he?

        Saying you are in favour of the return of capital punishment is a perfectly valid point of view worthy of debate and a modicum of respect in a democratic society and should not be viewed as being beyond the pale. Many Tory voters support it as do quite a few Tory Party members and activists. Indeed, there are even a few Conservative Party MPs who still do such as Sir John Hayes who holds the safest Tory-held seat in the entire country :




  6. Yes, all of the Johnson clan are smug, self-serving, self-satisfied, overly self-regarding pigs/scumbags.

    As well as ensuring the early deaths of too many people during an international viral pandemic on account of his lack of IQ, indecision, bumbling inadequacy, basic unfitness for high office, Boris botched Brexit (a concept he did not initially support and only backed later through wanting to be PM) through the absurd Northern Ireland Protocol which still hasn’t been properly rectified yet. Also, he ensured the wrecking of peace proposals to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

    Churchill also wanted to be a war leader more than a possible peacemaker so it is no wonder Boris is an ardent fan of Winston.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Talking about Biden´s awful performance at the so-called “debate” here is a brief synopsis of it presented by a nice young Russian lady who lives in the USA. I cannot believe Biden´s handlers let him go to make such a shameful display of imbecility.

    The funniest thing about this pathetic show is the reaction of the moronic Democrats who somehow expected a great performance from “Nursing Home” Joe. (LOL)


    1. Claudius:
      I read some medical specialist, British, who said that Biden seems normal “98% of the time”. Even if so, what if a massive brink-of-nuclear-war situation happens during the other 2%?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes there is just the small matter of the Britain-hating, Irish-American with a real chip on his shoulder about us having ultimate authority over whether or not to launch 5,000 odd nuclear weapons and his party being mad warmongers as they were under Roosevelt in the other 2% of the time. That is all!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Claudius:
      Larkin is still a pretty well-known poet, but has become slightly “unpersoned” by the msm since it became clear from documents that he favoured European culture and disfavoured the socio-ethnic mess that Britain was becoming even in his day…

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nigel Farage should be aware of the fact that the BBC always carefully handpick audience members on that farcical show, Question Time, to show opinions on controversial topics within tight PC limits.

    Who could not remember the contrived, total ‘fix’ that was the edition where Nick Griffin appeared?

    The BBC are to poltically balanced audiences on Question Time as Adolf Hitler was to having a fondness for Jews.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. If something happens to PM Starmer eg a pro-Palestinian rights person gets incensed enough to do the typical Israel ‘Defence’ Force treatment on him who will become PM then?

    Not David Lammy I hope! GOD ALMIGHTY!


  10. Hard to believe that the Foreign Office once had men of the calibre of Lord Halifax, Anthony Eden, Lord Carrington, Douglas Hurd, and to give Labour their due, David Owen and Robin Cook as Foreign Secretary.

    Now, the best we can apparently do is James Cleverly (Thickerly) and David Lammy! God Almighty! It was once the most prestigious post in government apart from being PM!


  11. “A 12-year-old schoolboy has been investigated by counter-extremism officers after he declared there ‘are only two genders’.

    Never forget that this is happening under a “Conservative” government.

    They are truly no better than Labour.

    Which is unsurprising, since the same (((tribe))) controls both parties.


    1. The boy could have used in his defence to the increasingly tyrannical PC Stazi that he was only repeating what Tory government ministers have said and indeed the general thought line of Rishi in his recent party conference speech.

      Ironically, I believe I am correct in stating that boy was Jewish.

      The very devout Ultra-Orthadox/Strictly-Orthodox religious Jews believe there are only two genders and also have very traditional views on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.


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