Tag Archives: aerated concrete

Diary Blog, 4 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Are people finally going to wake up to Gates and the other creatures of evil pushing the fake “climate change” (via “emissions”) narrative? Or are the “sheeple” really going to swallow the idea that the only way to “save the planet” is to destroy our forests and then to bury the trees cut down? Could the forces of Evil behind all this be more obvious?

A typical System drone. Puppet.

Speaking of System puppets, I was curious to find out what that horrible woman, Jacina Ardern, might now be doing. Well, she had, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, accumulated tens of millions of NZ dollars, which itself is a puzzle since she was paid, as PM, about NZ$ 450,000 (~£200,000) per year (and at least a third of that goes in income tax).

Whatever the truth of how transnational System puppet Jacinda Ardern accumulated so many millions in only a few years in office (and she is from a rather modest, if not poor, background), she is now (since early 2023) in a number of positions, including working for a Jewish-funded centre at Harvard which focusses on “online extremism” (no doubt mainly or entirely on social-nationalism). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern#Post-premiership.

Another puppet of Evil.

Justin Trudeau, yet another world System drone and puppet.

Another typical System drone and puppet, Lisa Nandy. Mixed-race (English/Indian), not atypical of those pushed forward as part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

As with all the System puppets, pseudo-liberalistic on the surface but dictatorial not far underneath.

Trade unions were once about the pay and conditions (and wider social needs) of “working people” who, at that time, were 99% or more British. Now, the useless rump “trade unions” still operating are basically a propaganda outfit for the System (especially the Labour-label part of the System in the UK), pushing “anti-racism” and other nonsense (including “trans” nonsense and “refugees welcome” dimwittery).

Look at that clip again. Mostly non-whites and some retirement-age women who look “batshit” crazy.

Rent-a-mob out in Wigan today after it was announced another hotel has been commandeered by The Home Office to house illegals. All these people holding trade union & SUTR banners are supporting Tory policy. Not far from where they are standing Ablolom Okbazge, an Eritrean asylum seeker housed at the local Britannia Hotel, stalked a woman & subjected her to a one hour rape ordeal – “refugees” welcome?

[Steve Laws]

Rape? Really? I had no idea that Jewish-lobby mouthpiece and expenses fraudster Gove raped anyone; but then, until a few years ago, I had no idea that the sick little bastard was both a cocaine abuser and a drunk who is effectively an alcoholic.

On the subject of the aerated concrete, which is full of holes, has little strength, and which is liable over time to deteriorate to the extent of then suddenly collapsing, I am amazed.

How is it possible for concrete of that sort ever to have been approved as a building material for anything beyond the simplest one-storey structures such as garden sheds? The same question came to my mind after the Grenfell Tower fire. How was it even possible to approve as a cladding material something actually very flammable? Mad.

I have known for a long time that most British architects are rubbish; now it seems that the same is true of our builders and civil engineers (and regulators). Shameful.

I see that one of the hundreds of buildings affected by the RAAC (aerated concrete) scandal is Harrow Crown Court, where I spent a relatively few days in 1992 as a belated Bar pupil (aged 35), looking on as our defendants appeared on charges of GBH, robbery etc. Apparently, the Court has been closed at short notice, and is now shut, probably indefinitely, by reason of the RAAC danger. I presume that it will eventually have to be demolished.

[the now-closed Harrow Crown Court]

More tweets

Ha ha! The latest African “head of state”. Don’t tip him, whatever you do!

What I find incredible (though actually all too typical in the Britain of 2023) is that this rather unpleasant and not well-educated woman became, not only an MP but then, having been selected/elected as MP only in 2017, Secretary of State (for Education etc) by late 2022. Only 5 years.


The city of Donetsk has been under bombardment and aerial attack by the Kiev regime for 9 years now, since 2014.

Americans who want to put America first, in front of NWO/ZOG, the Jewish lobby, Israel etc usually get persecuted by the Jewish/Israel lobby. Other examples: Pat Buchanan, who referred to the “Amen Corner” (Op-Ed section) in the New York Times (among other outlets of the Israel lobby); also, James Baker, one of the best Secretaries of State the USA ever had (Gorbachev rated him highly).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Antisemitism_allegations; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Comments_about_Israel.


Late tweets

When you look at the “refugees welcome” dimwits posting in favour of the migration-invasion, the English ones are mostly rather comfortably-off late middle-aged women living in places such as Norwich, Abergavenny etc. Telling…

It has already been three months since the Ukrainian army launched the long-announced “counter-offensive”, with the aim of capturing Melitopol, Berdyansk and possibly Mariupol in order to cut off the Russian land corridor between the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Crimean Peninsula. Despite great efforts from the beginning of July to September, Ukrainian forces advanced between seven and 10 kilometers in depth (in the vicinity of Robotin and Urozhajn), occupying most of the forward positions in front of the “Surovikin Line” and several villages, i.e. about 200 square kilometers.”

The Kiev-regime “counter-offensive” has failed, or perhaps 95% failed. Only the talking head pseudo-experts of Sky News and the BBC seem to be unaware of the fact.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits of the UK will only wake up when that is happening in their own neighbourhoods. If their rotten treachery continues, they may indeed see it some day, a little way down the line.

Get rid of Zelensky, discontented Ukrainians…

Late music