Tag Archives: Angel Islington

Diary Blog, 10 January 2024, with a few personal memories of the League of St. George and a pub off the City Road

Morning music

From the newspapers


A former firearms officer who was stripped down to her underwear during a police training course was today awarded more than £820,000 after winning a sex discrimination case against her force.

The 40-year-old, who retired after 15 years in West Midlands Police on medical grounds, was awarded £30,000 by the tribunal for sex harassment and discrimination in November. 

At the time, Employment Judge Christopher Camp ruled that the former Detective Inspector should also be compensated for lost earnings and pension on the basis she would have retired as a Superintendent at 60.

At a hearing today in Birmingham to determine those figures, a judge ordered West Midlands Police to pay her a total of £820,720.

[Daily Mail]

Absurd. Speculative, in that who is to say that she would have been further promoted anyway? Also, she left in her late thirties, so could have and can work elsewhere for about 20 years, I dare say, despite having been officially “medically retired“. Also, £800,000+, invested, can buy one or two houses, or be invested somewhere else, maybe bringing in around £80,000 p.a.

Several hundred thousand pounds should, in fairness, have been deducted from that total.

The name “Kalam” is of Indian/Pakistani Muslim origin.

I have to wonder about who exactly is being given, in effect, the power of life and death in the police these days.


A father has been found guilty of murdering his two-year-old adopted daughter who died after he “bashed her head against a wall”.

Jan Gholami and his wife Roqia Ghulami have been on trial for the murder of Zahra Ghulami at their Gravesend home in May 2020.

In January 2019, Gholami applied for asylum for Ghulami from the UK, and she arrived with the children to join him.

[Evening Standard].

Import the people, import also their behavioural patterns…

Why are they even here? (meaning, why do “we” allow it?).

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The police should start to take a far greater interest in the fraudulent activities of various online “grifters”, among which is numbered the said Simon Harris, an Essex Jew who has apparently been living off various scams for years; also, the now-notorious “Bootstrap Cook” known as “Jack Monroe” (aka Melissa Hadjicostas), another denizen of South Essex; “Supertanskiii”, unthinking Labour Party partisan whose modus operandi (similar to that of “Jack Monroe”) is to scream abuse at the present hapless and hopeless government (to dupe the donor-mugs) while taking in money under various guises; Julia Grace Patterson: similar, but uses her couple of years (and many years ago) working as a junior doctor to pose as “champion of the NHS” (while taking in monies).

Something must have gone very badly wrong for @simonharris_mbd to receive £484k of taxpayers money from Essex County Council for performing broadly the same service as @jonmorter, the man who came up with the idea of Facebook-based Essex community groups in the first place, who received far, far less and was promptly shafted as a result.

It seems @kirstyocal and Essex County Council have many awkward and serious questions to answer about who knew what, when, and why so much taxpayer money was paid to one person in a deal that simply does not represent value for money for taxpayers.

Why did the council spend so much on a linked network of low-engagement Facebook pages and groups? What was Kirsty’s role in all this? Who approved the sign-off on expenditure? How was Simon selected as the service provider? Was this just pandemic-induced panic or something more serious? Why did it take regime change at the council for this to stop?

£484,000 at a time when councils are going bankrupt, cutting back services, increasing council tax, and struggling to cope. Absolutely astonishing.

If any journalists in my followers that I’ve not already spoken to would like to cover this story, I’m happy to provide them with everything I have so far.

Hard to believe. Looks like the grifter has snaffled nearly half a million pounds of Essex taxpayers’ monies. Did he attend the same course (at Grifters’ College) as “Jack Monroe”?

Good grief. That area has changed out of all recognition since I last saw it decades ago.

Looking at the Moorfields Eye Hospital (on the left of that photo), I then took a look up City Road from there to the Angel, Islington, using my favourite Google Earth and Streetview.

The pub (was it The Sportsman, or maybe The Greyhound?), where half a dozen or so League of St. George members used to meet every (?Tuesday ?Wednesday) lunchtime back in 1977/1978, has gone.

I was unsure, looking at Google Streetview, exactly where it used to be but if memory serves it seems to have been replaced by a contemporary 2/3-storey apartment development of some kind). 45 years of urban landscape change.

Thinking back, that pub was an unaesthetic box shape, standing alone, and had probably itself been built over bomb-damaged houses (houses damaged in the early 1940s), sometime in the 1950s.

Not sure whether those gatherings could be called “happy days”, but certainly there was less in-your-face State repression of social-national people; the Jew-Zionist lobby’s infiltration into the “British” Establishment was less obvious, less blatant, in those days.

Recollections? I do not think anyone now, after 45 years, can be harmed if I use the names of those old LSG colleagues (some are no longer with us anyway).

I recall our Secretary, Mary Dowton, who was always there. I believe that she became, though many years later, a published writer on astrology.

Then there was the dark-bearded and amiable Steve Brady, who wrote the Heimdall column in League Review. Heimdall, of course, was the watchful Norse god who blew a horn and wielded a sword: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimdall]. Steve had served a prison sentence in the mid-1970s for writing the truth, though I do not know the details. His sentence, I think about a year in the end, had been served in Reading Prison (now derelict or redeveloped); previously and famously the temporary home of Oscar Wilde.

Another occasional attendee was Keith Thompson, who now has a Wikipedia page devoted to him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Thompson_(politician). Keith was a not-unpleasant character, whose wife disapproved of his political activities, I think. One day, I was talking to him on the telephone (he was at his home, I think in NW London somewhere), when I heard a loud slapping sound, and he went silent. The conversation then went something like this—

Me: “Hello? Hello?

Keith: “Uh..uh…sorry, Ian. My wife has just slapped my face with a wet fish...”

A unique conversation, for sure…almost surrealistic.

Keith Thompson was or had been a fairly adventurous fellow who, after National Service sometime in the late 1950s or around 1960 (if so, he may have been one of the last few ever drafted) had travelled the world a bit, and had worked for a while in the uranium mines of Rum Jungle, in Australia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum_Jungle,_Northern_Territory].

In more recent years, Keith Thompson was accused, I read somewhere, of having spied for Jew-Zionists. I have no idea whether that was the case. Pity if it was. He was always short of money, but then so have I been at various times, and no-one (whether official or Jew-Zionist) has ever asked me to spy (for money or any other reason). It would not suit me anyway. I am a believer…

There were others sometimes present at those pub “seminars” (or should we say, following Plato, “symposia”?) whose names I do not recall. A typical talking-shop, of course, rather than anything serious.

I had and still have my suspicions about who might have been reporting to MI5 or Special Branch 45 years ago, but no proof, just speculative analysis, and my lips remain sealed.

The League had its office near that pub, in a council flat the tenant of which was a League member who lived most of the time elsewhere but kept up the flat for the convenience of the League, though I think most LSG people never went there (The League used a P.O. box and/or a letter-forwarding service). I did visit once or twice, though fairly briefly. My memory, though still good, far better than almost anyone’s in fact, is not infallible, and I do not recall the exact address of that flat (not that it matters now either way); somewhere near that pub; just off the City Road, anyway. The flat probably got sold off privately in the 1980s or 1990s, and is now quite likely worth a million pounds, in the crazed London of 2024.

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Do not vote Con or Lab. Either vote anywhere else, or abstain.

US money goes to the yachts of Ukrainian ministers, but Washington does not want to admit it – Tucker Carlson.

Ukraine will not win, no matter how much money the United States pours into it, but Washington stubbornly refuses to acknowledge this fact, argues host and political commentator Tucker Carlson.

Moreover, if any politician dares to publicly talk about defeat or corruption in Ukraine, he is immediately subjected to a barrage of criticism: “And if they are angry, it means that you are telling the truth,” Tucker is sure. According to him, only the United States still ignores the fact that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, and Zelensky is “not the person who should be trusted with hundreds of billions of dollars.”

The American government must admit the truth and stop supporting Ukraine “as long as it takes,” the presenter is sure. This leads not only to the destruction of Ukraine, but also to the deterioration of the lives of Americans: instead of taking care of their people, the US authorities send billions of dollars to Kyiv so that “the next Zelensky minister can buy himself a bigger yacht.”


As blogged many times previously, the people generally (the “moronic masses”, if you like) are being played by the “refugees welcome” dimwits and the overlapping social media (etc) virtue-signallers, and also by the political chancers, such as Rory Stewart (lives in a listed Scottish Borders house he inherited —on about a hundred acres— and in a London apartment or house), who favour mass immigration but will never have to deal personally with any of its negative consequences.

[washed-up political chancer Sajid Javid]

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan

The return of the facemask nonsense: Peter Hitchens


“You mask if you want to. This free Englishman is not for masking. The evidence-light campaign to get us all to go about with soggy pieces of cloth on our faces is back.

[Daily Mail].

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