Tag Archives: BrianMoore666

Diary Blog, 17 June 2023, including information and thoughts about the “Covid” “panicdemic”

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Not so good this week, and in fact one of my worst-ever scores, 4/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. The only answers I knew were those to questions 5, 7, 8, and 10, and I was even uncertain about one or two of them..

Tweets seen

Ukraine now is a failed state. In fact it is not really a state at all. It has scarcely any industry still functioning, its agriculture continues but soon will be unable to export, its population is declining via low birth rates, and about 20% of that population has fled to other countries. It cannot replace its Army personnel who are being killed in large numbers, and has had to resort to press-gangs pulling young men off the streets.

Now we see that even more money from the American taxpayer will be sent in order that Ukraine will be able to offer its citizens basic goods and services— water, food, medical help.

Without foreign arms, ammunition, and money (much of which money is stolen by the members of the Zelensky “government”), “Ukraine” as a quasi-state would almost immediately cease to exist. The war would end shortly thereafter.

“Jack Monroe” has obviously decided that she cannot simply refund cheated and actively-aggrieved donors in case the trickle of refund demands becomes a flood. She has therefore resorted once again to outright lies, now apparently even claiming to her hardcore mug followers that she has “successfully sued Lee Anderson” (or so many of said mugs believe). In reality, of course, she never sued the MP Lee Anderson (after a year, the time limitation barred action), and simply raised funds in order, ostensibly, to sue him, but then diverted those funds to her own use.

Why is “Jack Monroe” not being actively investigated by Essex Police? I know that that police force has been very busy seizing “racist” teddy bears from English people, but it might consider investigating some real crime as well.

To hell with what “Jack Monroe” may or may not need. She should be being investigated on multiple allegations of fraud.














A very important (for once) Twitter thread.

The “panicdemic” started not because truly qualified scientists urged “lockdowns”, as well as the facemask nonsense and ludicrous other “measures” such as Boris-idiot’s “rule of six”, but because people not in any way qualified were promoting a panic agenda. One of the worst, of course, was the idiotic Professor Ferguson, member (why?) of “SAGE” (aka, for me, “DUMB”, the “Department Under Matt and Boris”); Ferguson trained in physics and statistics, not medicine.

Huge numbers of other specifically-unqualified persons added to the clamour for “stricter measures” etc— doctors who were just ordinary GPs, or specialists in other disciplines (eg psychiatry), and numerous “doctors” on Twitter, who on closer inspection turned out to be “doctors” of sociology, Trade Union Studies, criminology etc (if even those).

The results of the shutdown of society for ~2 years have been terrible: an enormous and continuing death toll, the NHS working even less efficiently, the economy facing severe and continuing downturn, the public facing harder and harder times; and so on.

Of course, the so-called “pandemic” was weaponized and used by Western governments (mainly), guided by transnational bodies such as the WEF, in order to introduce and test methods for the psychological control of mass populations. “The Great Reset” etc.

More tweets seen

Jesus H. Christ!

Like something from the Spitting Image sub-series The President’s Brain is Missing


Never mind. Biden is not going to launch a nuclear war…is he?…

Imagine idiots like that thinking that “Jack Monroe” has somehow “beaten” Lee Anderson MP, when in fact she never even started a libel action against him, would have lost spectacularly had she done so, and has now slunk away even from attending the County Court matter in which she is the defendant, and in which one of the people she cheated via Patreon is the claimant (“plaintiff”, as was, years ago).

Stunning to consider that idiots of that type all have a vote…

I hope that “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” does stop getting subsidized by (as of today) 413 utter mugs via Patreon, and that she really does fall to the point where she is living on State benefits alone. Let’s see then whether she can feed herself (as she claims) on about 33p a day (11p x 3) or (as she confusingly also claims) £20 a week (for 4 people, so £5 a week or 70p a day per person).

It’s all nonsense and lies, of course. “Jack Monroe” has thousands of pounds per month in cash via the Patreon grift/scam, and some other sources of income as well.

I think that there is some kind of familial relationship; one certainly seems likely from her looks.

Disgrace. Better said, another disgrace.

The tweet from Lucy Allan MP, an alumna of Durham University, also betrays the fact that she does not know the difference between “principle” and “principal“. Good grief.

What is happening to this country? A slide into decadence and evil, that’s what.

That event looks like The Masque of the Red Death

Afternoon music


More tweets

Some idiot calling himself “BrianMoore666”, who is happy to take the uncorroborated word of a long-term serial liar, thief, and fantasist that she donated the unused “sue Lee Anderson” monies to an unnamed foodbank…

What can one say?!

As for “we were all with you”, who’s “we“? The Mugs’ Union?

“Jack Monroe” cheating disabled pensioners, and cheered on by Guardian-reading Twitter-posting “wokerati”, and by affluent/overpaid msm idiots such as Alice Beer and Nigella Lawson (until recently).

Ha ha. Drug and drink-sodden person who lives in total chaos (by her own admission) is going to “check the spreadsheet“…Yeah, right…

Note the fake “I’m standing with the poor and starving” bit, and the general nastiness of the reply. I have seen other mendacious “Jack Monroe” replies similar to that on Twitter over the past 1-2 years.

Ha. That silly woman, “Julie B”, aka “bluemoonjules” has the cheek to describe herself on Twitter as “Smartass” and a “BrainyFanGirl“.

Twitter really is, often, the home of the deluded (as one can see by looking at almost all “Jack Monroe” fans).

Ha. That Jew (Krassenstein) is really rowing against the tide (of obvious fact). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_and_Ed_Krassenstein.

I agree, except that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is from the (U.S.) Declaration of Independence, not any British document (though “pursuit of happiness” was first formulated by Locke).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.


I missed that in the newspapers a few days ago. It made little impact in the Press as a whole.

Late tweets

They all knew it was just a scam.

Apart from that, look at those idiots, at their stupid drunken faces. Those are the people at least at the foot of the pinnacle of UK politics? Bloody hell…

Can that be true? Like Soylent Green


Late music