Tag Archives: ca

Diary Blog, 5 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

In 1981, Dr. Michael Shannon worked tirelessly through the night to successfully rescue a premature baby boy.

30 years later, in 2011, Dr. Shannon was trapped in his burning SUV following a collision with a semi-truck. Miraculously, he was rescued from the blazing vehicle by Chris Trokey, a paramedic with the Orange County Fire Authority.

Remarkably, it was revealed that Chris Trokey was the same premature baby Dr. Shannon had delivered three decades earlier.

Peter Hitchens


Nadine Dorries on Dominic Cummings


I have to say that my blog posts about Cummings from 2019 and 2020 have held up rather well:

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dougie_Smith.

In another society, at another time, the people, maddened by the evil exposed, would have stormed Downing Street, dragged out the schemers and evildoers, and executed them in the street.

Britain, even degraded as it now is, deserves better than this rabble.

More tweets

We often see or hear people claiming that phenomena in society are somehow inevitable— homelessness, grotesque inequalities of capital and/or income etc, when in fact these are usually the result of political choices by those in power.

Douglas Murray becomes ever more disgusting. He seems to be saying, along with the Jew he is showcasing, that the population of Gaza should again be without electricity (which most are anyway), and should be suffering more, as the Israeli Jews rocket and bomb effectively defenceless residential areas.

I see tweets etc from people speculating on what discreditable information Israeli or other Jews have on Murray, to make him such a complete puppet for Israel and Jewry. I have no idea, in detail, but my feeling is that it is a classic carrot-stick set-up: Murray, from modest beginnings, was awarded a scholarship to Eton when aged in his early/mid teens. He attended Oxford University. He has made a considerable and lucrative career sitting on the pseudo-national side of UK politics: Spectator, “Free Speech Union” etc.

The only area where I would agree with Murray would be re. immigration (he apparently opposes it, on the mass scale at least), but he never mentions, except in glowing terms, the Jewish immigration to the UK (1880s to 1940s).

Murray will never criticize anything Jewish; he may fear retribution. In any event, his formula has worked rather well for him so far.

So there it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Murray_(author).

Meanwhile, we see Jews on Twitter/X calling for arrests of any protesters re. Gaza for “terrorism”. Typical. Just typical.

Michael Crick seems very very full of himself, and is a typical System msm drone. An effective journalist but within set limits. Such people rarely look at the big picture, in this case the degradation of Britain through mass immigration, migration invasion, over-population, and also via cultural trash. He also seems to ignore the existence of the Jewish lobby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Crick.

Quite so. Powell could have done what the last tweeter suggests; equally, he might have founded his own party at an earlier stage. He had the name-recognition etc to do that effectively. He failed because he was the prisoner of his own “Establishment” mentality, despite (or perhaps because of) having come from modest origins to be an MP, a Cabinet minister (in the 1950s), a brigadier (WW2), and a professor (1937) at the age of 25 (and long before the days when professors became two-a-penny).

Powell might have overthrown the “three main parties” scam, and taken much of the public with him:

Powell attracted widespread attention for his “Rivers of Blood” speech, delivered on 20 April 1968 to the General Meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre. In it, Powell criticised the rates of immigration into the UK, especially from the New Commonwealth, and opposed the anti-discrimination legislation Race Relations Bill. The speech drew sharp criticism from some of Powell’s own party members[1] and The Times,[2] and Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell a day after the speech from his position as Shadow Defence Secretary.

In the aftermath of the speech, several polls suggested that 67 to 82 per cent of the UK population agreed with Powell’s opinions.[3][4][5]” [Wikipedia].

Instead of doing that, Powell joined up with the Ulster Unionists. By doing that, he automatically became just a fringe politician. I suppose that he wanted to be a new Parnell, the head of a bloc of Westminster MPs. If so, he was deluding himself. Parnell had, at peak, 85 MPs; Powell’s UUP had only half a dozen, and he was not even their leader.

What might have been…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Powell; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Stewart_Parnell.

More tweets

“They” are just monsters when given or permitted power.

Almost worse than, and quite as sickening as, the behaviour of the armed forces of the Israeli Jews has been the weaselling behaviour of Jews in the UK, who claim (without any justification) to be “afraid”, yet who —many/most of them— either cheer on the Israeli attacks, or claim that bombing little children (who are at least a quarter of the population of Gaza) is “self-defence”, or in any case justified revenge for the attack by Hamas on southern Israel a month ago.

Slight hyperbole, of course, but true enough, anyway…

Look at the Old Testament. Ingrained mindset…

A good attitude. I myself have always taken the view that “one human soul is a big audience“, so it matters to me only slightly whether I get 1,000 hits on the blog in one day, 100, 10, or even 1.

They started by asking you nicely to get vaccinated. They told you it would stop the spread and release you from lockdowns. They lied.

Then for those remaining, they moved onto coercion and fear tactics. They tried to turn families against each other. They destroyed relationships.

For those who held their ground, they pulled out the big guns. People were banned from public spaces, they created a two tier society. Canada removed children from their unvaccinated father. Australia put people in camps.

They will do the same with 15 minute cities, a cashless society, AI brain chips and the list goes on. They start by convincing as many as possible to do it for their own good. Then they gradually increase the pressure until almost everyone complies. They know they can’t get everyone, but they will try. And they have far worse up their sleeve.

What they have planned next will make the scamdemic seem like a day at the beach in comparison. I’m not hear to spread fear, or negativity. This is the reality we face. Now is the time to be ready for the next stage. Never, ever let them do this to you again.

Most people will comply, though, for reasons of convenience, money, careerism, whatever. A separation of the sheep from the goats has already started, and not only via the “scamdemic”/”panicdemic”. Various System campaigns.

The few who are awake are the better future, the many who comply are the evil future.

“Campaign Against Antisemitism” rally in Parliament Square

The so-called “CAA” held a kind of rally in or by Parliament Square today. From film I saw on Twitter/X, looked as though it consisted of a few hundred Jews. The “CAA”, however claims “thousands“. They could not tell the truth if it bit them.

More tweets

Late tweets

I predicted years ago that the missiles used by Palestinian Arab forces would become far more sophisticated than the early models, which were much like large fireworks. That was about a decade ago. Think a decade ahead. What will confront the Israelis then? Israel is still the pre-eminent military power in the region, but this may be the tipping point for Israel, even if the Israeli Jews flatten all of Gaza, and then kill or drive out its 2M suffering people.

Late music

[Arnold Bocklin, Triton and Nereid]