Tag Archives: Candour

Diary Blog, 11 December 2023, including thoughts and reminiscences around G.K. Chesterton and others

Morning music

[Blues and Royals in a snowy London]

Tweets seen

See also:

Sage. That quotation could be a commentary on my own recent prosecution and conviction (I may appeal) for (allegedly) posting on the blog, and telling society a few socio-political and historical truths, mainly truths about “them” (((them))).

Imagine if the same were done in the halls of music, literature, philosophy, martial endeavour, science etc. There would be almost nothing left.

The news report about that scandal: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12845439/Now-police-CANCEL-Chief-Constables.html.

Read that. Turns out that, as so often, the Chief Constable in question is a woman, and moreover one who, after a business studies degree at what was then Sheffield Polytechnic, joined the police in Cambridgeshire. Her Wikipedia entry contains no detail of any interesting cases or arrests, just a careerist plod (no pun intended) upwards on the bureaucratic ladder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Farrell.

A few more of those G.K. Chesterton quotations:

Were Chesterton to live in our own times, he would have been “cancelled” by intellectual pygmies, would probably never have been published, and would quite likely find himself having to defend nonsensical and/or malicious allegations in the criminal courts.

[G.K. Chesterton]


Incidentally, Wikipedia’s piece on G.K. Chesterton contains the caveat “not to be confused with A.K. Chesterton“.

A.K. Chesterton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._K._Chesterton] was a remote relative of G.K. and perhaps, possibly, probably (I do not know) named “A.K.” deliberately because of the connection, G.K. Chesterton then being a very famous figure indeed (who was even cited and quoted in novels such as Brideshead Revisited, published much later— 1945, in that case; Brideshead contains a scene involving a reading aloud of Chesterton’s Father Brown story, The Queer Feet [https://www3.nd.edu/~afreddos/courses/43811/queerfeet.htm]).

When, from about 1975, and at age 17 or 18, I became actively interested in contemporary British politics (in addition to my earlier and continuing interest in the Germany and Russia of the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s), I heard tell about A.K. Chesterton at or around the League of St. George, in a couple of cases from people who had known him personally (he died in 1973).

I read a couple of copies of “A.K.’s” magazine, Candour, and carried on a brief political correspondence in 1976-1977 with some (?) Irish and certainly Roman Catholic lady who had continued the publication after the death of “A.K.”. Frankly, I did not think much of either. The young can be censorious, often too censorious.

Ah. I had forgotten that lady’s name, but am now reminded by Wikipedia, about 46 or more years on, that it was Rosine de Bounevialle. I do remember that she was based in Liss Forest, Hampshire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candour_(magazine); https://www.candour.org.uk/.

See also: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2001/may/21/charities.voluntarysector.

[A.K. Chesterton]

I see now that there was a third notable and related Chesterton— Cecil Chesterton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Chesterton.

Below, another gem very fitting for 2023 rather than 1923:

Ain’t that the truth?!

Also true.

More tweets

True, but the diagnosis is very clear to many. I have been blogging and, before that, tweeting etc about it for many many years. What also matters is the prognosis, and then the treatment necessary.

I await the tweeter Embery’s defence of my rights to freedom of expression, recently violated by a Kafkaesque prosecution and conviction procured from behind the scenes by the malicious Jew-Zionist org “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, who admit in tweets and on their website that they not only had “lord” Ian Austin write to the DPP about me, but also admit that they have been targeting me for 7 years (I myself think — or know— rather longer).

Tell that to the Jewish/Israel lobby or, rather, to the police and CPS.

Quite a contrast to the present-day migration-invasion of parasites, scavengers, and predators from all over Asia, Africa etc.

Stop treating the NHS as a quasi-religion, start focussing on outcomes.

From the newspapers


Ukrainian intelligence today revealed chilling images from the scene of the assassination of Ilya Kyva, a ‘traitor’ and former Kyiv MP turned Putin puppet. 

Kyva, 46, was gunned down last week as he went for a walk in a supposedly safe location at a country club near Moscow – the latest of several collaborators to have been assassinated in recent months. 

Images from the scene show his body lying in the snow – and the weapons supposedly used to ‘liquidate’ him were discovered hanging on a tree nearby. Video was also released apparently showing the assassin lying in wait in the snow and watching passers-by.

The SBU secret service made clear the images and footage were deliberately released as a warning to other Ukrainians collaborating with Vladimir Putin’s invading forces.

‘This is a signal to all traitors and war criminals who have gone over to the enemy’s side,’ a Ukrainian source told media.

[Daily Mail]

Ukraine— a failed state, non-state, ruled by gangsters and Jewish “business” exploiters.

Late tweets

Yes. If Farage and Tice actually fight the 2024 GE, unlike their behaviour in 2019, when they stabbed their own followers in the back and enabled “Boris”-idiot to lead the Con Party to an unmerited victory, Reform UK might manage between 15%-20%. Even 15% would sink the Con Party, leaving Con Party with about 53 seats, depending on the Lab and LibDem showing. If Reform UK can get to 20%, and if most of the extra votes come from Con Party, the latter might be left with as few as 14 MPs.

My own guess, on present showing, is that the nationwide vote for Reform UK might exceed 15%; not sure.

My other guess is that the Con Party will be left with between 50 and 100 MPs.

That, of course, will mean a Labour Party elected dictatorship.

Late music