Tag Archives: House of Representatives

Diary Blog, 21 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Mark, rather than making witless jokes about a helicopter crash, please can you focus on giving instructions to your solicitors about my claim for costs against you and your firm Patron Law. Your former client – the one who is still alive – is vulnerable. He and I need some explanation as to why you insisted I give you huge sums of money to settle my claim.

This will probably end up with the egregious Jew-Zionist solicitor, Mark Lewis, and/or his colleagues, having to settle a professional negligence claim.

Where Goodwin goes wrong is in failing to see that only some form or forms of social nationalism can save Europe as anything much more than a geographic space inhabited mainly (after about 2100, possibly before then) by non-Europeans.


Goodwin is also entirely in consonance with the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby. That means that he gets an easy ride from the mass media, but also means that he has hitched his wagon to the “controlled opposition” populists such as Reform UK. They cannot appeal to the bulk of the people, but can only hoover up votes from disenchanted people who were, mostly, Conservative Party supporters until recently. Some were also Labour voters, true, but not so many. Maybe —at peak— 20% of the electorate.

I’m less worried about Lewis’ slips with the date and the grammar, and more worried about his grasp of the law! It seems Lewis thinks when that when you sue for libel, you are not entitled to an undertaking from the defendant saying they won’t further publish the libel because it is you that has put the libel in the public domain.

So if you don’t sue for an undertaking/injunction, they can further publish. And, er, if you do sue for an undertaking/injunction, there’s no need for one because you’ve put the libel in the public domain. No doubt libel lawyers will be scratching their heads at this.”

Ha. The fact is that, for all his brief “celebrity” about 10-12 years ago, Lewis is not much of a lawyer, in my opinion. That is even if we leave aside Lewis’s own admission, before the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018, that at times he had no idea what he was saying, writing, or doing (by reason of his intake of prescription drugs).

A tale in four acts.

1. In Nov 2021 I suggested a nominal (say £5) settlement with Mr Cantor.

2. Mr Lewis rejected it in principle, apparently on Mr Cantor’s instructions.

3. Mr Cantor now says Mr Lewis said the only way to get a zero money settlement was to ask me for £5k.

4. Because I could never offer Mr Cantor anything better than a nominal settlement, and that was explicitly rejected by Mr Lewis, Mr Cantor lost at trial and is likely to lose his home. What was going on here?

This is far from having been the first time that “Mark Lewis Lawyer” (his old Twitter/X name, now supplanted by “@MLewisLawyer”) has acted entirely unprofessionally, but up until now the fanatical and semi-loonie Lewis has managed to wriggle out of professional sanction, except in 2018, when the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal fined and censured him for having tweeted violently-abusive things on social media.

Even then, supportive Jews stumped up, via a crowdfunder, the £12,500 penalty (being a fine plus costs). Lewis’s fine itself (£2,500) had been reduced by two-thirds because he had effectively no money. His own Counsel said to the Tribunal that Lewis had not only been affected mentally by his (prescription) drug intake, but that “his only assets” consisted of his own clothes, a mobility scooter, and a private pension worth £70 a week.

Lewis’s honesty, as well as his competence, has been in question for many many years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/

In the Wilson case, should the recent defendant, Cantor, wish to have reduced his liability for the costs of the successful Claimant (Wilson), he has (it seems) little choice but to go after Lewis. Should Lewis have no or not sufficient means to satisfy the costs, then I suppose that Cantor’s remedy would be, in principle, to go after Lewis’s legal partners in the law firm to which he is now attached, Patron Law.

It will be interesting to see what eventually happens. Unfortunately, the costs will be less than they normally would be (had solicitors and Counsel represented the Claimant); it seems that Wilson represented himself much of the time.

Still, Cantor and maybe Wilson can both complain to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. I hope they both will.

Late tweets

Israel has shut down a live video broadcast by the Associated Press of Gaza, where journalists are barred from entering.

Israel claims that this broadcast was used by Al Jazeera after the medium was banned in Israel, and that it was used by Hamas for military planning.

Since the start of the war, international journalists have come under increased scrutiny from the Israeli government for reporting on the conflict and have faced increasing restrictions on their activities, drawing condemnation from the United Nations and media freedom groups.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot equip recruits with heavy equipment , writes Forbes.

Despite the help of the West, the shortage of armored vehicles in Kyiv has become even more obvious against the backdrop of combat losses and increased mobilization, the publication notes. For example, the recently formed 153rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had to be retrained as an infantry brigade.

Looking at that photo, I am assuming that the “tart-on-a-stick” in the blue outfit is his daughter.



Gove is a complete puppet of the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby, and has been for many years, even long predating his time as MP and then government minister. A drug abuser, a shambling drunk, an expenses cheat/fraudster, and more besides.

Could the Federal Government —and whole society— of the USA be any more penetrated and occupied by “them”?

Late music

[David D. Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo; https://www.daviddpearce.com/workszoom/4737386/cairo-citadel-bird-souq-and-buses#/. The artist is a former U.S. diplomat]