Tag Archives: Hughie Green

Diary Blog, 28 May 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]


Remember “the men behind the wire”

Tweets seen

Amanda Solloway. Wouldn’t you know? This is her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Solloway.

In fact, a large amount of damaging material about Amanda Solloway has been removed from Wikipedia over the years, including that concerning her “dodgy” (possibly now “ex”) husband or “partner” and their business activities (his very existence is now expunged from that Wikipedia entry).

The Westminster monkeyhouse.

The whole corrupt shambles must be swept away.

As for the MPs, well…

There are real social-national political possibilities in the Republic of Ireland as it slides into becoming yet another multikulti dustbin.

A Schauspiel to bamboozle the masses. Figures on an electronic scoreboard such as the one by Times Square in New York: see https://www.usdebtclock.org/.

Meaningless, in the sense that, with a stroke of a pen, the “debt ceiling” is raised, and taken care of via a small increase in inflation, i.e. decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar.

What range can they achieve? 1,500 miles?

The former territories of Ukraine must be split— Russian or pro-Russian territories east of the Dnieper, in Crimea, and along the Black Sea littoral to Odessa and then west to Trans-Dniestria. The other territories west of the Dnieper, including —and run from— the city of Lvov, can become a rump Ukrainian state.

If I say so myself…

I happened to notice that the following blog post, from October 2022, has had a few hits today: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/10/20/diary-blog-20-october-2022/.

Among other comments made, I said in that blog post:

The System relies on complete or near-complete “control”, which was one reason there was such a massive campaign against Corbyn, spearheaded by the Jew-Zionist element.

Liz Truss, by reason of her sheer lack of ability, threatens System “stability”. She will, therefore, be removed, to put in place a (superficially) better Prime Minister-figure.

When Liz Truss became Prime Minister, I predicted the following, in such terms: that I would be “surprised” if her term lasted as long as the end of 2022, and “astonished” if she lasted as long as Spring 2023. One gold tick for this blog…

No wonder that journalists, MPs, ministers of foreign governments etc read this blog.

Well…so was I right, or not?

In fact, the resignation of Liz Truss happened later the very same day as the first two paragraphs of my above assessment. Things moved very fast; there was a degree of “groundrush”.

More tweets seen

Ha ha! So speaketh a former (?) msm drone, one Peter Bale, who tweeted last year something which showed that he had no idea that Hugh Carleton Green and Hughie Green were not one and the same!



Few under-30s or even under-40s will be voting for the Conservative Party. At the same time, many others in the <40 age group may not vote at all, given the pseudo-“centrist” but in fact extreme neo-liberal finance-capitalist direction now being taken by the Labour Party Shadow Cabinet.

Both System parties (and the LibDem false choice) are effectively the same in terms of overall real policy (not the soundbites issued for cheap point-scoring on TV etc).

The whole UK political system, including the electoral system, is a sham.

Late tweets

An old tweet, but well worth reposting.

That reminded me of the continued existence of Ghislaine “Maxwell”. Looking at Wikipedia, I saw that “In August 2022, her former lawyers sued Maxwell, alleging that she failed to pay $878,000 in legal fees.[157].”

The apple did not fall far from the (((tree))).

That idiot, Ben Wallace, is funnelling arms to Ukraine, at vast cost to the British taxpayer, at a time when the poorer type of British family cannot even heat its cramped little house, nor feed its children properly, and when nothing is working properly here.

That really is like something from films such as Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, or The Stepford Wives.

Exactly right, and that has been the case almost from the start of the conflict.

Late music