Tag Archives: Incas

Diary Blog, 15 July 2023

Morning music

[Prague, 1930s; Vltava and Charles Bridge in middle distance]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings me an easy victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he scored only 3/10, compared to my 7/10.

I did not know the answers to questions 2, 5, and 8. In fact, I “hit the post” on questions 2 and 8, and no.5 is arguable, depending on what you class as “a vineyard“, whatever “Wine GB” may say.

From the newspapers




Looks as though curbing the Jew-Zionists, “antifa” idiots, and other would-be censors of freedom of expression, has encouraged better functioning at Twitter, and attracted more users and/or use.

Tweets seen

She is (in my opinion).

They are (in my opinion).

We look back at the Incas, and wonder why their priests had a kind of handball game in which you got executed if you dropped the ball [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_ballgame#Human_sacrifice]. We look at the Aztecs, and wonder what motivated their bloodthirsty and cruel human sacrifices. Yet we (meaning society as a whole) accept the cruelties and stupidities of our own age as right and proper: “net zero”, “lockdown(s)”, killer “vaccines” and “boosters”, the 2010-2023 “austerity policies”, the importation into the UK of millions of culturally and ethnically backward people; and so on. The full list would be too long to publish today.

I do not like George Osborne at all, but at the same time that very clearly terminally-smug “protester” (a woman aged maybe 60-70) could not have complained had she been hit in the face and/or given a good kicking.

Those “Just Stop Oil” loonies have to be stopped. In fact their sheer smugness (especially the ones aged 60+) is one of the most hateful things about them.

In some ways, British “toleration” is a very good thing, but it goes too far when it becomes toleration of malice and/or evil.

Ha ha! The bastards were not expecting him to drive over them!

If Biden drops dead, or becomes even less compos mentis, that creature would be the U.S. President…hard to believe…

I wonder how long before “the musicians” start to play (again)…

If so, one cretin less in the UK Government…

More music

More tweets seen

I think that the “Community Security Trust” [“CST”] is separate from the “Shomrim” Jewish private police, but I may be wrong.

More from the newspapers


EXCLUSIVE – A tale of two hotels: How migrants set to be housed in four-stay luxury hotel would be ‘treated’ while homeless people will be put up in cheap hotel so grimy that it shut and was then converted into a hostel”

[Daily Mail]

Britain in 2023…

More tweets

“Antifa” idiots and “refugees welcome” dimwits are, thankfully, only about 1% of the UK population. Get in your tank and roll over them.

I have still not seen anything anywhere indicating where “Dr” Louise Raw obtained her “doctorate” (specialized subject— one strike in 1888). She seems very reticent about it, and about where she obtained it, assuming she did obtain one (and even if the doctorate is genuine, she should not use the title “Dr” in the UK, not being a f/t academic, or clergy, or medical practitioner. It’s infra dig).

Nia Griffith, MP for Llanelli: among other things, a Labour Friends of Israel member, and an expenses cheat who owns three houses and flats, at least one with land. She should be able to accommodate some migrant invaders, surely? Oh, no, wait…

MSM conformity of opinion and news.

Late music

[tideline at Truro, Massachusetts, where the composer died in a road accident]