Tag Archives: Jonathan Miller

Diary Blog, 29 July 2023, including thoughts about Starmer-Labour’s fragile “upsurge”

Morning music

[Alan Malee, Weekend in the Country]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Ah…a terrible result for me too this week, one of the worst in the past several years of doing this Saturday quiz. I was even beaten by political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 4/10 points; this week I could manage only a mere 3/10. I only knew the answers to questions 3, 6, and 10. Had I thought longer, I should have got numbers 5 and 8 as well, but there it is.

Incidentally, question 6 may have been wrongly-put anyway (though I still got the answer); some people think that the phrase in question only originated in or about 1964, not 1956. I certainly thought so until today.

From the newspapers


Britain 2023…


The Bidens make Donald Trump look like Mr. Clean…




Crazed butch lesbian attacks woman, and causes lifelong injury and pain to victim. Gets minor fine and a suspended sentence of 34 weeks. Britain in 2023.

Notice how the Daily Mail headline falsely claims that the criminal has been “jailed for 34 weeks“. No. She has not been imprisoned at all.


Well, it certainly makes one question anew the whole Biblical narrative.

The Future of Work and Pay

I notice that one of my blog posts (one of the least-read over the years, in fact), published in 2017, has had a couple of hits. Rereading it, I think that it has stood up quite well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/09/14/the-future-of-work-and-pay/.

Tweets seen

The Kiev regime no longer has adventurers and chancers, and would-be mercenaries, lining up to volunteer, not now that a posting to the front line means a death sentence, so the regime has widened the scope of conscription, and has press-gangs operating, pulling potential cannon-fodder off the streets.

Georgia should stick to walnuts and wine, and leave war to those capable of engaging in it seriously.

For once I agree with that (usually idiotic) tweeter, “@jdpoc”.

In the old saying, “even a stopped clock is right once [or twice] per day“.

Piers Morgan talking about “where the line is” on satire, i.e. as to when should it not exist, when might it even be deemed unlawful. Of course, Morgan is just another msm moneygrubber and careerist who knows that, to continue his lucrative nonsense, he has to keep in with the Jew-Zionist cabals which, to a large extent, control and/or influence the TV industry and the msm in general.

TV shows have, for well over 60 years, “offended” the British people. No redress…

…and guess what group, more than any other, has “offended” the British people, slandered them, trashed their beliefs, culture, and way of life? That’s right…

Morgan even has the gall to claim that he supports freedom of expression, presumably excepting from that any situation where a Jew, or a group of Jews, however small in number, claims “offence” (and the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” is really very small, just a handful of Jew-Zionists tweeting and causing trouble, making false and malicious complaints to police, Twitter, MPs, cafes or local authorities showing anti-Zionist films or hosting anti-Zionist comedians etc; but wealthy Jews stumped up £600,000+ last year so that the “CAA” could continue with what many call “lawfare” against freedom of expression).

The Church of England stopped being a spiritual organization many many years ago. The pro-Israel, pro-Jew-Zionist C. of E. under Welby is merely the gravestone on top.

Starmer-Labour’s troops are deserting

The Labour Party, under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, is on track, arguably, to form a government in 2024 (though the fat lady has not yet sung), but that fake “popularity” is wholly by default, because we the people have, at present, a Conservative Party regime so corrupt, shambolic, and useless that even fairly hard-core former Conservative Party voters are either voting elsewhere or, in far greater numbers, abstaining in by-elections.

The “Labour surge” in the opinion polls is purely that— contempt for the Conservative Party government’s uselessness, which has been the case since the 2010 election that brought the part-Jews, David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne to power.

That shambolic inability to govern properly continued under (also part-Jewish) Theresa May and then (this becomes ridiculous) part-Jew Boris Johnson and his cronies. Then, of course, we endured a few weeks of utter nonsense under ignorant little careerist “ho” Liz Truss and her “African at Eton” Chancellor, Kwasi (aka Woollyhead Trussbanger). Liz Truss was then sacked (by any other word) and replaced by Indian money-juggler Rishi Sunak, arguably the least convincing of the lot (apart from, obviously, Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger).

In the above-noted circumstances, and after 13+ years (except during the “Covid” “panicdemic” of 2020-22) of “austerity” policies, which were actually counter-productive, it is scarcely surprising that people are more than unenthusiastic (contemptuous, despairing) about the Conservative Party.

There again, Starmer-Labour is now not even promising much of a change from the policies (if they can be so dignified) of the present Conservative Party omnishambles. In fact, the difference is mostly meaningless hot air from Starmer and, mainly, Rachel Reeves.

Labour Party rank-and-file members (who numbered, under Corbyn, about 600,000, but who now number about 385,000 and that number falling fast), may well think “what is the point in tramping round streets canvassing etc, just so that a ‘Con-lite’, Jewish-lobby, Starmer government can be installed and then carry out policies almost identical to those of Sunak?”

See, for example, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/most-labour-voters-motivated-by-hostility-towards-government-26h8tk3xw: most present Labour voters “hostile” to the Sunak misgovernment but “unconvinced” by Starmer and his crowd. Exactly so.

This is the moment when, if we had a truly open “democracy”, a social-national party might sweep the board. However, here again we come up against the well-entrenched Jew-Zionist lobby, which makes sure (so far) that anything even mildly “national”, let alone social-national, is demonized, using all the msm puppets and controlled outlets, and ranging from news to (unfunny) comedy. One example would be Baddiel, perhaps, arguably, describable as “the unthinking man’s Jonathan Miller“.

Reverting to the semi-rigged battle between equally-misnamed “Labour” and “Conservative”, it seems to me that, in the expected 2024 General Election, the most important factor will not be ideological division, nor any enthusiasm for either System party, but how many voters will abstain, and where, and why.

The steady and fairly considerable outflow of Labour Party members will not be decisive at its present rate, not before 2025. About 5,000 per month. In 17 months (i.e. until the last possible date of the next general election), that might be 90,000, out of 385,000 members at present.

It may be that, in a general election, voter abstentions on the Con side will be fewer than at the recent by-elections, and that there may be many more than expected on the Lab side. Also, that Starmer and Rachel Reeves and Yvette Cooper will be quite literally hated so much that many may either abstain, or vote non-Labour, simply to prevent their having power.

More tweets seen

I do not describe myself as a “conspiracy theorist”, but it is certainly true that, in the years since I have been running this blog, most of my predictions or those with which I have agreed, have indeed come to pass.

That one sounds like an enemy of the British people. The System gave him an OBE. What does that say? That the System itself is also the enemy of the British people.

…and the husband (now, I think, ex-husband) of the half-Jewess Ghislaine Maxwell was also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

The plot thickens

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

More tweets

Late tweets seen

Another pro-Jewish-lobby drone, apart from anything else…

Not “insane” exactly, but signed up to a transnational conspiracy which has taken on certain shibboleths: the “trans” nonsense, the whole “Covid” “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, the “holocaust” farrago and other Jewish-lobby propaganda, “standing with” “Ukraine” (Kiev regime), “Black Lives Matter”, “refugees welcome”, and so on.

Incidentally, interesting that “I stand with Ukraine” is a construction only ever seen otherwise in “I stand with Israel“…

My view is that there is nothing wrong anyway with being “racist” or “antisemitic” in a defensive way. There is certainly nothing unlawful about either, as such, in England, as judges have repeatedly confirmed.

See above thoughts, earlier on today’s blog post…

If you vote Labour now and/or in 2024 (not in 1926, not in 1945, not in 1966, not in 1979, not even in 1997, but now, or next year), you are voting for people such as Lisa Nandy, Keir Starmer etc, who are so intellectually dishonest that they cannot distinguish a man from a woman, cannot distinguish themselves from Sunak and his pack of idiots on policy, and who, just like the “Conservatives”, are totally in the pocket of the Israel lobby.

Is that so? I hope not. The Baltic states must be allowed to govern themselves, so long as they do not threaten Russia.

Look at the big picture as it now is.

Sanctions against Russia have mostly hurt the EU, the UK, and the USA, not Russia. Western and Central Europe is facing economic and socio-political meltdown if inflation continues to rise and incomes to drop.

Russia (unlike Ukraine) is a world nuclear power, with maybe 6,000 usable nuclear weapons; it has hundreds of millions of people, and territory nearly twice the size of the USA (and over 70 times the size of the UK).

Much of the world outside the NATO alliance is at least neutral towards Russia, and many states are with Russia on Ukraine.

Russia is benefiting financially from oil and gas sales to non-sanctions countries, and they are benefiting from trade with Russia, trade much of which was formerly USA-Russia or EU-Russia.

Ukraine simply cannot “win” against Russia, however many tanks and other pieces of equipment are supplied to the regime in Kiev. It is a logical impossibility. The only possibilities, in the medium-term, say up to 2030, are Russian victory over the whole of the eastern part of Ukraine, as well as Crimea and the Black Sea coastal zone, or a stalemate, after which US/EU/UK support for the Kiev regime will eventually fall away.

The next US President will probably scale back US support for Zelensky and his regime, and will almost certainly not increase it.

Late music