Tag Archives: Jonathan Pollard

Diary Blog, 29 February 2024

Morning music

[All Souls, Oxford]

Rochdale by-election

I blogged about the by-election a few days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/02/25/diary-blog-25-february-2024-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-rochdale-by-election/.

The latest from the bookmakers is that George Galloway (Workers Party) is odds-on to win, followed by (around 6/4) Azhar Ali, the former Labour candidate disowned by Starmer, Azhar Ali therefore being an independent candidate in reality, though “Labour” on the ballot paper. The next in line is the LibDem, trailing the frontrunners at about 65/1. Reform UK (Simon Danczuk) is at 100/1. The rest of the field of 11— 1,000/1.

This is now between Galloway and “Labour” Azhar Ali. Former Labour MP Danczuk only got 1.8% (as Independent) in 2017, after having been sacked. The LibDem may do better than expected, being a white man and alternative to Ali and also to Scotsman George Galloway, whose campaign has been all about Gaza, and whose voters are (90%+) Muslims. Still, if I had to bet, I would probably go with the perceived favourite, Galloway.

The by-election is between two candidates trying to capture the Pakistani Muslim vote. Where do the English voters go? They are still the majority in the constituency, numerically, yet have been frozen out.

Symptomatic of System politics in the UK?

I have no sympathy for Danczuk, and little for Reform UK, but will be interested to see how they go. Had Reform UK put up a better candidate, it might have gone close. As it is, I daresay that the white (English) vote will be split several ways.

Israel declares war on “antisemitism” and “anti-Semites”


Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikii said that “the time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive, and to ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism are identified and dealt with.

The time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive and to ensure that the perpetrators of antisemitism are identified and dealt with,” Chikli said.

The initiative will include a push for a government proclamation to improve Israel’s global standing and legislation to target organizations, including NGOs, and individuals engaged in antisemitism.

[Jerusalem Post]

Well, there it is. “They” want a war, and are about to launch one.

In fact, Israel already targets (via local volunteers in the UK and elsewhere) anyone opposed to Jewish/Zionist global domination.

I myself am due to be sentenced next month, following my conviction in November 2023 for political “offences” under the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

Tweets seen

What the Israelis are saying about why the Israeli response on 7 October 2023 was at first very slow, and then incompetent (killing Israeli civilians indiscriminately).

Needless to say, the “Pearl Harbor” idea, i.e. that the Israeli leadership knew of the attack plan but allowed it to happen in order to be able to flatten Gaza with a figleaf of justification, is not mooted.

1956. The year of my birth in present incarnation.

A very important message still not understood by some people.

One cannot simply dismiss that tweet as “a woman scorned”; the kind of dishonesty alleged destroys (if proven) hope for social nationalism, destroys trust.

Not that it matters in terms of realities, though. “Britain First” has no chance anyway, whether at Rochdale or anywhere else.

True, but I seem to recall that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel not so very long ago…: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

I was unaware that that bastard Pollard was still alive.

I wonder how many Jews there are in, e.g. the Security Service/MI5 and SIS? Some, for sure. Where lie their loyalties? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship while incarcerated. He relocated to Israel in 2020.

I suppose that the Israelis thought that they owed Pollard something. After all, when he desperately appealed to the Israeli Embassy in Washington —when the FBI was on his tail— the Israeli Embassy guards were ordered to shut the gates and not let him back in. He was then immediately arrested by the FBI. He did 30 years in Federal custody, altogether (inc. 2 years of pre-trial detention).

More tweets

Israel’s war crimes continue.

Not even the heavily Muslim areas of Britain are breeding above the 2.1 replacement rate.

@DillyHussain88 thinks Britain’s Muslims are faithful and will outbreed us natives, but the truth is that even they are increasingly infected with the modernist cancer. Consumer capitalism + Usury = the Death of Nations. This System cannot be reformed or saved, it will simply totter on until collapse. Those who separate from this 21st Century Sodom and breed will build something new from the rubble. https://knightstemplarorder.com/fertility_rate_plunge.”

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Quite right.

More from the global police state


“[Canadian] Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.

Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.

Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.

The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.

But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

[The Globe and Mail]

Look at what has happened in the UK. Material (comments, cartoons) are supposed to fall into unlawfulness only if “grossly” offensive. In theory, remarks, cartoons merely “offensive” are not unlawful, but in practice one finds (as in my own case last November) that once the police, CPS and courts think that XYZ is “offensive”, then XYZ becomes, almost automatically, “grossly offensive“, and the maker is then convicted accordingly (as I was).

Free speech has then been further chilled, or killed…

Canada is asking for something akin to civil war by enacting tyrannical laws of this sort.

More tweets seen

Germany was accused of “severe misuse of intelligence data” after discovering that British soldiers were helping Ukrainian forces launch “Strom Shadow” cruise missiles, “Telegraf” reports.

“German soldiers must not at any time and under any circumstances be associated with the targets that the ‘Taurus’ can reach,” says Scholz…

The statement of the German chancellor is a confirmation of the suspicions expressed several times by some Russian officials and experts in the field of defense and weapons, that members of the armed forces of NATO countries help Ukrainian forces in managing complex weapons systems of Western origin.

We get closer and closer to the edge…

There is a clear decision in the Alliance, which was adopted two years ago and which is still in force, which is that NATO is not a party to the conflict and everything must be done to ensure that it does not become and that the possibility of direct conflict does not arise of Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a valid decision of the Alliance made with the consent of all members of the bloc,” said the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijártó.

Budanov is 30 years younger than me, but I warrant that I shall still be alive when he leaves this Earth…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Budanov.

I hope that Prince Silly Billy is aware of this.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]