Tag Archives: Laaura Towler

Diary Blog, 1 December 2020

News from the “panicdemic”…

Looks as if people, some people, are finally, slowly awakening to the truth…

Number 10 was today accused of running a ‘brainwashing PR campaign’ after MailOnline’s analysis of official data showed only four NHS trusts in England are busier now than they were this time last year.

NHS England figures paint an entirely different picture [from Government propaganda], with thousands more hospital beds spare this year than last winter. On average, 77,942 out of 88,903 (87.7 per cent) available beds were occupied across the country in the week ending November 22, which is the most recent snapshot. This figure does not take into account make-shift capacity at mothballed Nightingales, or the thousands of beds commandeered from the private sector.”

For comparison, occupancy stood at 94.9 per cent, on average, during the seven-day spell that ended December 8 in 2019 — which is the most comparable data available for last winter — when around 91,733 out of all 96,675 available beds were full.” [Daily Mail].


On average, 77,942 out of 88,903 (87.7 per cent) available beds were occupied across the country in the week ending November 22, which is the most recent snapshot. For comparison, occupancy stood at 94.9 per cent, on average, during the seven-day spell that ended December 8 in 2019 — which is the most comparable data available for last winter — when around 91,733 out of all 96,675 available beds were full

Dr Karol Sikora, a consultant oncologist and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, said Downing Street was running a ‘brainwashing PR campaign’ with ‘data that doesn’t stack up’. He told MailOnline: ‘We’ve gone back to how it started in March, with [the Government] claiming we need the measures to protect the NHS. The data you’ve shown me proves that it doesn’t need protecting. It’s dealing with Covid very well indeed.” [Daily Mail]

I have noticed that if someone such as the actor Laurence Fox expresses scepticism about the present “virus”-related nonsense, such as facemasks, “lockdowns” etc, some tweeter (maybe a doctor, nurse etc) will jump in to accuse him of causing the deaths of patients.

I have never seen similar furious accusations levelled against those who encourage smoking, driving cars, scuba diving, eating too much sugary material, sex with Africans, or other activities linked to increased death rates of people from various causes. Not even deaths from influenza (which is now effectively reclassified as “Coronavirus”, as in “cause of death— Covid19”).

I suppose that the difference is that the System has been bolstering its fake laws with fake morality around “the virus”, as when (even prior to “legal” imposition), Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, suggested on radio that Underground and other passengers should “shame” anyone not wearing a facemask (ignoring the fact that many people are exempt even under the fake “law” now mandating the muzzles).

Meanwhile, the Government of fools and Cabinet of clowns ploughs on with its “lockdowns”, “tiers”, facemask nonsense etc, as much of the UK economy tanks.

On top of everything else, mishandled Brexit now looms in the fog ahead.

I can see the possibility of anything up to 3 million unemployed in the UK by the end of 2021. Could it even reach the famous “six million” by 2022? We shall see.

Tweets seen

Both main System political parties, and most smaller ones of any importance (LibDems, SNP etc) are under the control of the Jewish or Zionist lobby. That applies to most MPs too.

Yet now we see a very different attitude on the part of the police. When a Jewish hysteric made false claims about Alison Chabloz almost a year ago, half a dozen police goons invaded her bedroom early in the morning, ransacked her small home, and arrested her. Many months later, no charges have been brought relating to that complaint, and she has still not had her computer, telephone etc returned to her.

Hitchens is right. The present politicized and politically correct police go back far before the “panicdemic”. They were already in evidence when Blair was in the ascendant nearly 20 years ago. “New Labour” (which shares much with Boris-idiot’s regime, though not its breathtaking incompetence) laid the eggs which are now hatched.

I do not share Hitchens’ rose-tinted view of the police, but the real difference between now and, say, 1970-something is that, in the 1970s, only the Special Branch and a few similar parts of the police were politicized. Now? All or almost all are brainwashed multikultis.

Hitchens’ first sentence has left out the word “yet”…

One may not always agree with Hitchens, but he is a journalist, in the way that the little spoonfed wannabees employed by the online and print versions of the Press these days are (almost all) not.

More tweets

What a nice idea, if it were not for the fact that another member of the tribe would take his place…

An interview with Leon Degrelle


Late music