Tag Archives: Cressida Dick

Diary Blog, 23 April 2024

St. George’s Day

Morning music

[Blues and Royals, London]

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Why would any organization want to subject its staff to a programme of socio-political brainwashing by Jew-Zionists, especially a dishonest and malicious pack such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”]?

The next time that the “CAA” “executives” Falter and Silverman give sworn testimony in a criminal or civil legal case, they should be robustly cross-examined about finances, including how much they themselves are being paid for their disgusting activities.

The “CAA” is effectively a volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy in London.

There must be an investigation into, not only that recent piece of street theatre by Falter, but also into, and more importantly, the hooks that the “CAA” cabal have got into the police, CPS, TV people, radio people, and newspaper scribblers, not to mention both “Labour” and “Conservative” political facades, right up to the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as Prime Minister.

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That chart shows very clearly just how disastrous, economically, the war with the German Reich was for Britain. If only Britain had had real statesmen able to see ahead, unlike stumbling, bumbling Churchill, whose military and naval ideas were rock-bottom (Gallipoli in WW1, and in WW2 Norway, Greece, Crete, Singapore etc), and whose social ideas were antiquated and unreal.

As the under-rated historian Correlli Barnett said in several of his books, after 1945 the UK had the choice of trying to maintain its worldwide Empire and being a major power, and/or of regenerating its economy and particularly its industrial manufacturing sector, and/or of creating a Welfare State. Only two (any two) of the three were possible of full achievement, but Britain tried to undertake all three simultaneously; that strategy failed, or partially failed. It had not the means (because of the War) to succeed in all three. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlli_Barnett.

Entirely typical of “them”. In the UK, such harassment and covert hostility is undertaken in a similar manner, mainly via Jew-Zionist groups such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

Apart from all the other lies of Gideon Falter, if he claims that he was taking a stroll after having attended a synagogue, that must also be untrue. Other Jews have said that Falter was out and about long before what the Jews call “schul” would have ended.

Also, as a former long-term near-Central London resident, I am unaware of any synagogue in the area around where Falter was performing his political street-theatre nuisance (in Aldwych); and even if I am wrong on that, as far as I know Falter lives mainly in the St. John’s Wood neighbourhood of NW London (quite close to my one-time home in Little Venice, London W9). There is a large synagogue in St. John’s Wood Road, and another one in Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale. Both far from the Aldwych/Kingsway area of London; miles away. How would any stroll take him that way, even forgetting about the ex-MOSSAD security staff and the film crew?

Falter, like all his “CAA” co-conspirators, is a liar, and an abuser of the legal system (and mainstream media) of this country.

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Insp Parker-Phipps, whose laptop battery was “dying”, put the order in place at 10:00 GMT on November 26, but accidentally dated the form for November 24.

Mr Robinson’s defence lawyer, Alisdair Williamson KC, told the court there had been a “litany of catastrophic errors” in the Met’s handling of the incident.

Questioning the inspector, Mr Williamson said: “This document is not correct is it?

Can we have any confidence that there was a lawful order in place?”

To which the inspector replied: “No.”

Giving his ruling, District Judge Daniel Sternberg said: “I am not satisfied there was a legal authorisation.

“There is no case for you to answer.”

The hearing was attended by numerous supporters of Mr Robinson who filled the public gallery.


So the policeman directly in question, of the rank of inspector, wrongly-dated the crucial document? He also admitted —without equivocation— in court not only that he had wrongly-dated the document but, further, that that probably meant that the Order purportedly authorized had thereby been rendered unlawful.

What an unusually-helpful police witness. “Tommy Robinson” must have been born under a lucky star. Or something.

Much truth in that, but the elephant in the room that “Robinson” never mentions is the pervasive Israeli and Jewish influence in the UK.

Like Katie Hopkins, and a whole host of other “alt-Right” and similar activists, Robinson always seems to take the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist side of a false dichotomy.

There is a Jewish police organization which seems to have plenty of influence: see below— “CAA” liar Gideon Falter influencing (?) former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, at Scotland Yard:

Finchley Road, so again in that Swiss Cottage/St. John’s Wood part of London.

No different from what Jewish terror squads did in Palestine/Israel in the 1940s. They blew up buildings, kidnapped and murdered British soldiers, and “ethnically-cleansed” whole villages, towns, and cities.

In Europe, Jewish terrorists even tried to poison the water supplies of London and some German cities, as well as attempting to bomb London indiscriminately, trying to kill as many British people as possible.

Incidentally, such Jewish terrorism, and other “activism”, did not come about by reason of the events of the Second World War. In 1933, as soon as the NSDAP under Adolf Hitler came to power, the web of “World Jewry” declared war on the new Germany. They, if you like, drew first blood.

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Australia now is very different to the affluent and generally relaxed country I saw in the late 1960s. Controlled and tied down in so many ways, and far more stressed. Sydney itself has twice or more the population it had back then (then about 2M, now 5M+).

Another aspect that strikes (and puzzles) me is the almost caricature “Aussie” accent many now sport, including most of their politicians. That never used to be the case, not to that extent, as far as I can recall. There was a “strine”, yes, but it has become more accentuated, in fact almost become a joke, as one can hear from the woman in that clip.

From the newspapers


A furious mum glassed a man in the face at a pub after he guessed she was four years older than she was.

Joanne Dodd launched her attack on Carl Cooper after he suggested she might be 43, when she was actually 39. The pair were having a light-hearted exchange in a Manchester pub beer garden before Carl went to the toilet to try and get away from an offended Joanne. But when he returned, she ran towards him twice and pushed her wine glass into his face, leaving him with a 10cm cut that narrowly missed his eye and needed stitches, as well as an injury to his thumb.

Manchester Crown Court heard Dodd was suffering from ‘low self esteem’ and was drinking heavily at the time of the attack. The mum-of-one pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm, facing up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines. But Judge Elizabeth Nicholls instead gave her a suspended sentence, explaining that despite there being no excuse for the crime, she could see that Dodd, who has no previous convictions, was a ‘hard working woman’, ‘loving mother’ and posed ‘no risk to the public’.

Dodd was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and pay £800 in compensation to her victim.

[Daily Mirror]

So a woman who twice pushed a glass into the face of (what seems to have been) a complete stranger poses “no risk to the public“?

I suppose that it could be argued that the sentence is not unjust: the victim will (presumably) get that £800, and 180 hours of serf labour is pretty stiff, but the idea that such a defendant poses “no risk” is surely demonstrably untrue.

I suppose, also, that the only way to test the verdict of that judge is the method suggested by the judge to the jury in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial by Jury:

she says that when in drink, he hits her and kicks her; well, gentlemen of the jury, let’s make him tipsy…and see!

I think that the courts must start getting tough on violent crime, including violence committed in social settings such as pubs, and not infrequently by drunken women these days.


homeless woman says living in a bus shelter with her boyfriend and mum is safer than being put in temporary housing with drug addicts.

 ‘I’ve got a chest of drawers, a carpet.’ The family will now have to move out after Transport for West Midlands announced it was demolishing the bus shelter within weeks.

Destiny added: “They’ve said we’ve got a month left and they’re going to destroy it. I’ve been in here a long time, I don’t want them to destroy my home, we haven’t got anywhere else to live. If the council doesn’t help us we’re going to try and move into another bus stop.

[Daily Mirror]

Britain in 2024…

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Ha ha. If that little twerp thinks that the millions of Ukrainians now living in Poland, Germany, and many other countries are going to return to the brutal, corrupt, and shambolic dictatorship of Zelensky and the regime in Kiev, let along join its ebbing armed forces, he is living in a land of fantasy.

Either this summer or later, there will be a general advance by Russian forces, moving north and west across Eastern Ukraine; perhaps even an approach or “podstup” near to Kiev itself, which region is now heavily defended.

The Kiev-regime forces are now entirely on the defensive, without the ability, troops or other means to attempt an advance, still less any offensive, after the failure of the last and half-hearted one in 2023. All they can do is launch occasional missile attacks on Russian territory, with the aim of causing a certain amount of damage to refineries, train lines, bridges etc.

Late music


If you are able to donate to my crowdfunder (to defray the Court-imposed costs of my recent free speech trial), thank you; if not, please share the link:


Diary Blog, 11 February 2022

Morning music

[Mill Colonnade, Carlsbad/Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic]

On this day a year ago

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If he gets the job, the police will behave even more like a “poundland KGB”.

Meanwhile, stabbings and murders are rife in the capital, as are street robberies. All hail “diversity”!…

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Firing squad in nearest town square.

The Ely Standard describes the ringleader, one Isaiah Olugosi, as an “East Cambridgeshire man“! The msm scribblers are so brainwashed now that they themselves do not see the absurdity… https://www.elystandard.co.uk/news/crime/organised-modern-slavery-gang-operated-from-cambs-8686256.

Even Diane Abbott can be right once in a while. As a matter of fact, Russia has every right to seize Eastern Ukraine, Kiev, and the Black Sea littoral. The two countries were joined together for over a thousand years, and the fact that the Ukraine has been notionally independent for 30 years now makes no substantial difference. The present Kiev government is a Jew-Zionist sham, somewhere between a scam and a bad joke. It has to go.

In any case, 15-20% of the population of Ukraine is Russian, and that proportion is far higher in the eastern and southern areas (eg, in Odessa, where a third of the inhabitants are actually Russian). In the east, and especially south-east, a majority of the population is Russian.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians”]

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That cretin, or dementia patient, is presently leading the USA, with its immense military-destructive power. “It’s Friday, so we must bomb the UK, I mean the Ukraine…” Amusing but at same time alarming.

She’s right. Ukraine today is a Jew-ruled oligarchy posing as a pro-“Western” democracy. NWO/ZOG puppet state.


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Another deadhead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Courts.

Late tweets

Kim Leadbeater is a typical System drone MP. Useless. As for the Jo Cox Foundation, its accounts and activities should be investigated, in my opinion.

Ha ha! Jew-ruled America always treats its detainees well. Oh, no…wait…

In tropical heat.

[prisoners at the American concentration camp, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba]

A Blitzkrieg for the sake of mercy. It has to be.

Late music


Diary Blog, 10 February 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

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Cruel and disgusting individuals

A primary school worker and her boyfriend encouraged a two-year-old to kill badgers and foxes during a barbaric family day out, a court heard.

Paris Jade Carding, 28, of Fawley Grove, Wythenshawe, appeared in 32 video clips showing ‘shocking and horrendous’ incidents of animal cruelty.”

Her boyfriend, Grant Leigh Jnr, 30, of the same address, was also found guilty, reports Manchester Evening News.

Inquiries revealed she had been joined on the barbaric family expedition by her boyfriend and his ex-huntsman father, Grant Leigh Snr, 52, of Marler Road in Hyde, Tameside.”

[Daily Mirror/Manchester Evening News].



Will they even be imprisoned? I hope so.

I believe that a 6-month maximum still applies unless the dogs were injured (which raises the maximum to 5 years, the crimes having happened before 2021).

I would not be surprised if the bitch featured in the report gets off lightly because of the mere fact that she has children (who may well grow up to be as bad as the rest of the “family”).

The courts cannot at present punish this sort of depraved and scarcely-human trash with sufficient severity. The prospect of being sentenced soon does not seem to have wiped the smirk off the evil woman defendant’s face…

I think that the newspaper should have published the exact addresses of the defendants in this case.

The above-reported-on is a very nasty series of crimes despite the fact that the government itself, in the past decade, has wrongfully killed untold thousands of badgers in order to placate the farming lobby.

Absurd leniency in sentencing


I am not at all a “flogger and hanger” but the misplaced leniency shown in that report is just a bad joke. Where is the justice for the victim? I bet that someone who, for example, said something mildly “anti-Semitic”, would get a far heavier sentence (which, after all, would hardly be difficult).

Incidentally, the Daily Mail really ought to employ competent sub-editors, or at least a few literate reporters (I note that the semi-literate scribbler who penned the above report is one “Danyal Hussain”, which may explain the poor English).

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Without his unmerited titles and monies, “Prince” Harry would be merely a mildly mentally-disturbed nobody. He has nothing useful to say (let alone to do). Shut up.

If Liz Truss is trying to reprise Anna Karenina (at least in terms of her outfit), then she should re-read the end of the book. Choo choo!

System political puppet-show polling

Other pollsters are broadly in the same area at present, with a slight decrease in the Labour lead over the past couple of weeks.

It is fairly clear to me that, if the misnamed Conservative Party can ditch “Boris”, and if they can then find someone not immediately obviously an idiot to replace him, the two main System parties will be near parity before very long; that suits Con rather than Lab in terms of potential Westminster seats.

Recent local council by-elections continue to show a decrease in the Labour vote-share (with a few exceptions) even where Labour has won the seat in question.

The British (especially English) dilemma remains: if, as voter, you dislike, distrust or despise both main System parties, where do you go? What can you do?

My own political stance is rather different, both in terms of orientation and strategy. I cannot see a way forward as things stand. There has to be a breakdown of both the political system and the economy before a real social-national movement can arise.

Hard to see where Starmer-Labour has any edge over the Cons. Its policies remain similar to those of the Cons, and apart from a sluggish feel to Lab under Starmer, there is the perception, surely correct, that Labour has become a would-be technocratic or “managerial” “we can run workhouses better” party, which I would suggest is not immediately attractive to most voters.

Looking at the near-meltdown of the “Conservatives” (Liz Truss as Foreign Secretary! Nadine Dorries actually in Cabinet! etc) in recent months —indeed, over the past 2 years—, it is amazing that Labour and Starmer are not higher in the polls than they are.

Were a new Con Party leader to come in and sweep away the Truss, Dorries, Priti Patel (etc) detritus, Labour would be dead in the water (again). Corbyn was “Marmite” to many, but Labour was doing better under Corbyn in real elections than it has done under Starmer, so far at least.

Starmer’s trump card, he thinks, is managerial efficiency, and that is certainly the Cons’ weak suit, but Starmer and Labour may find that that is not quite enough. Also, I should imagine that the voters, even if unaware of the Labour Friends of Israel aspect, look at Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, and see (rightly, in my estimation) would-be tyrants, full of political correctness and hatred for free speech.

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Little Matt Hancock, once “health tsar”, now totally washed-up and irrelevant, wishes the Prince of Wales “recovery” from an “illness” of which said notable would be completely unaware were it not for a “test”!

This whole “Covid” thing, whether you call it “panicdemic”, “scamdemic” or whatever, has just become utterly ludicrous. I think that the public perception of that (albeit that it took the public 2 years to wake up to it) is behind the swift abandonment of restrictions such as the facemask nonsense.

“Boris” may be an idiot, but he has a general cunning re. the public mood. He needs a boost, and getting rid of the restrictions will give him one, even if not as much of a boost as he needs.

Incidentally, I went to Waitrose about 5 days ago. Not very crowded (early evening). As I entered the store, I saw a number of people, all at least 80, all wearing facemasks. About 6-8 of them. My heart sank that the sheep had still not awoken from the brainwashing. However, on going further into Waitrose, I saw that almost all the remaining shoppers (of all ages) were not still wearing the useless bits of cloth or plastic. Thank God for that.

Jacinda Ardern, like Justin Trudeau, will not be removed by petitions, peaceful demonstrations, or even election voting.

Russia must take Eastern Ukraine, Kiev, and the Black Sea littoral soon, or lose the golden moment. Waiting a few weeks might or might not be OK. Waiting a year would be disastrous. The New World Order will by then have built up Ukraine into, if not a NATO state (NATO rules disallow a country to join if its territory is partly-occupied), then a quasi-NATO ZOG puppet state.

A lot depends on weather, as with Barbarossa in 1941. If the mud gets worse, it might impede even the armoured vehicles of 2022, and the mud will not go until the late spring, or summer.

Everything favours the Russian forces…so far. Russia’s air power is overwhelming, its armour also very strong. Russia also has superiority in the numbers, equipment, and training of its ground troops.

A simultaneous seizure of the whole east of Ukraine, of Odessa (with Black Sea coast and the littoral stretching a few miles beyond that coast), and of Kiev, would mean that all major cities of Ukraine except Lvov would be in Russian hands. The capture of Kiev would decapitate the regime of the Jewish clown now posing as President, and there would be no immediate need to seize the half to two-thirds of Ukraine west of the Dnieper and inland.

Admittedly, that might leave considerable anti-Russia forces in the west of Ukraine, and a rump government based on Lvov. However, that rump government would have few sources of funding, be unable to import or export by sea, and would have limited credibility. Russian air power would be able to eliminate any large concentrations of armour left, and the air force of Ukraine is very weak; it would probably by then have more or less ceased to exist.

It is tragic that two peoples closely bound together for so long (over a thousand years) should battle in this way, but Russia has little choice now. For the sake of the whole civilian population of Ukraine, it must strike both swiftly and overwhelmingly. A Blitzkrieg for the sake of mercy, if you like.

Afternoon music

[Mother Russia monument, Volgograd]

More about Ukraine etc

While driving, I listened to BBC Radio 4 PM (old and bad habits die hard). Liz Truss in Moscow. Bloody hell! What an embarrassment this whole Cabinet is! The presenter said that Liz Truss was “talking tough” to the Russians… Talk about a hollow threat! Little Liz Truss, “talking tough” but with literally nothing to back her up.

The British Army, supposedly about 70,000 strong, but (if what I read is correct) with only about 11,000 active front-line troops altogether. Around Ukraine alone, Russia is said to have massed over 100,000.

It would have been better for Liz Truss to have said nothing than to have uttered, as she did, scarcely-veiled threats, when the Russians know that she has nothing in her arsenal with which to speak louder.

Talking about useless people, I also heard Cressida Dick yapping about how she is going to root out police personnel engaged in “racist, homophobic or misogynistic” language. How about the police actually doing their main job instead of doing the bidding of malicious Jew-Zionist agitators such as those in the tiny group of troublemakers called “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism”?

The CAA specializes in making malicious and often completely false allegations. I have had several made against me in the past decade, most recently only last year: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

[Cressida Dick, Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, talking at New Scotland Yard with Gideon Falter, “Chief Executive” of the tiny “Campaign Against Antisemitism” group]

The police seem all too ready to play the role of “poundland KGB”. There have been thousands of recent examples of police exceeding their powers, and going well beyond what the law actually says (repressive as it anyway now is). There again, Cressida Dick is a Common Purpose drone, and their arrogant motto is “leading beyond authority“, a major reason why idiots like Mizz Dick have been promoted beyond their competence, and why public administration is now beginning to break down.

Meanwhile, I notice that, in Winchester, a statue has now been unveiled to honour a mediaeval Jewish moneylender woman! Comment is superfluous…


Late tweets

It can only be a matter of time before Odessa is taken.


So Lavrov, Foreign Minister of a country 72x the size of the UK, with several times the population, and armed forces about 20x as numerous and powerful, got bored listening to the shrill grandstanding of Liz Truss, who carries no weight whatsoever, either militarily, politically, or intellectually. For the UK, this is embarrassingly poor.

As I said, Liz Truss is just an embarrassment, like “Boris”-idiot…

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 July 2021, including a few thoughts about the Church of England

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I am unsure as to whether Biden is a total clown in the Boris Johnson or Donald Trump mould, or actually demented in some way. A puppet of the Israel lobby, either way.

[from the 2016 US Presidential election]

I have never seen this level of fury from within the church during my 25 years as a priest.” [Giles Fraser in Unherd magazine].

“Fury in the Church of England” comes across as rather Fawlty Towers (“...bloodshed at the Nell Gwyn Tearooms“), but if there is anger, one can see why.

Sometimes, organizations with large amounts of capital assets continue under that momentum despite having relatively few adherents.

In the late 1970s, when I was a member of the Theosophical Library in London (but not a member of the Society of which it was part: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophical_Society), I was told by the librarian of another library to which I belonged, the Rudolf Steiner Library, that the main reason why the Theosophical Society still existed was because it had vast monies, mainly coming from legacies bequeathed by elderly persons —mainly ladies— who died leaving much or all of their worldly wealth to the Society.

The Theosophical Society (though split into parts) owned (perhaps still owns) a large estate at Adyar, India, where Krishnamurti lived (when not in the USA), and other property such as the London house (in Gloucester Place) where the library and secretariat of the English society was and maybe still is based. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophical_Society_Adyar; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Besant_Nagar,_Chennai; https://theosophicalsociety.org.uk/about-us; https://www.rsh.anth.org.uk/library/.

I always feel that the Church of England is like that, a facade of ancient or beloved buildings, and a capital bank of billions of pounds of investment, behind which shelter a clergy many of whom seem to believe that, in the Nietzschean phrase, “God is dead”; and with really rather small congregations.

I cannot say that my own occasional encounters with C. of E. clergy have been very inspiring. Most recently, some months ago, some arse-faced “priestess” from a church in Didcot, Oxfordshire, joined in with some other idiot (I cannot recall whether it was “antifa” cheerleader Mike Stuchbery or another of the same type) to say something stupid about me. A third party tweeted to the said priestess of Dibley, I mean Didcot, and noted the said individual’s lack of Christian charity (or even fairness), after which the hypocrite deleted her tweet about me.

Incidentally, said “priestess” knew nothing of me beyond what she may have read in newspapers or tweets…[https://twitter.com/StPetersDidcot].

I wonder how long the Church of England would last if it did not have its portfolio of investments. Putting it flippantly, 5 minutes would be my guess.

Other churches, of the more “evangelical” sort, can also seem to have little real faith at all. When I lived (1980s) on and off, and for a few years, in the Blackheath/Lee area of South East London, I lived around the block from a church building which presumably had originally been some kind of mainstream place, but had been taken over by an American (I think) “church” patronized entirely (as seen from outside when passing on Sundays) by carefully dressed-up black people.

I was about to try to build a wall in the garden of my then girlfriend’s house, and was learning (from a book) how to do that. To that end, I noted other walls seen by me in my travels. One was around said church. I wanted to examine it in detail, so thought that I had better ask permission. I rang the bell, and an American-sounding man (white, though, unlike his congregation) came to the door. The “pastor”, apparently. I explained. He obviously did not believe me, and said that the church was very well protected against theft! He was accompanied by a snarling Alsatian. He did say that I could look at the wall from the grounds of the church, but added a few more words of the “you’re being watched!” type!

My then girlfriend always referred to that church (the real name of which I cannot recall) as “The Worldwide Church of God Inc.”! Quite. The sort of Americanized idea that if you are “godly”, you will probably also be wealthy. Corollary? If you are poor, you are probably ungodly. Theologically in error, surely?

Late afternoon music

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The exchange refers to Pollard (Editor of the Jewish Chronicle) writing to the employer of a tweeter who had pointed out that Labour is now led by a Jewish-lobby puppet (Starmer). The tweeter lost his job. His family (if any) will also suffer. All because a Jew Zionist supremacist was unable to accept that a non-Jew should be able to express himself on socio-political matters. Other similar Jews have been gloating (as seen on Twitter), smugly pleased that the non-Jew is (probably) suffering by reason of the malicious complaint.

I covered the matter in my blog yesterday (8 July 2021).

I myself have had to stand up under similar Jew-Zionist attack: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/, and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Others who have suffered from that kind of harassment have included Jez Turner of the now-defunct London Forum (at which I once spoke), Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer, and Jo Stowell, the photographer. Among many others.

[Jo Stowell, photographer]
[Alison Chabloz]

Late tweets


Interesting, if true.

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 March 2021

Morning music

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Peter Hitchens neglects to point out that it is hardly surprising that the (supposedly) “educated classes” in Britain have not, en bloc, resisted the weaponization of “the virus” into a social-control measure or excuse. Most of them have done OK during the past year of nonsense, “working from home” and getting paid (in effect) more, saving up to 4 hours a day on the commute etc.

The same people also failed to resist the 2010-2019 (in reality, 2007-2019) “austerity” nonsense and cruelties, because they themselves, and their families, were largely exempt.

As I have pointed out before, revolutions may be led or counselled, or later consolidated if successful, by disaffected aristocrats and middle-class intellectuals, but are usually made by the mob. Look at 1789 (French Revolution), 1848 (revolutions across Europe), 1871 (Paris Commune), 1905 (uprising in St. Petersburg), 1917 (first Russian Revolution, then Bolshevik uprising), 1953 (uprising in East Berlin), 1956 (Hungarian Uprising), and so on.

Recognize the source of the lies. As always, mainly the Jew-Zionist element, now embedded in UK politics, civil service, msm, and law.

Fake “history” in the making. cf. “holocaust”…

There are quite a few odd people such as “@drdankeown” on Twitter, people who seem to think that we live in the world of Robin Hood, Cromwell, or King Arthur, a world in which the Monarch exercises real power, rather than simply being a constitutional figurehead with real privilege, something rather different.

Acting as Devil’s Advocate, I suppose that if, in some fantasy scenario, the Queen were to suddenly put herself forward as a kind of crowned dictator, and were to demand that police, Army etc follow her political and immediate direction, the vast majority might comply, in our 2021 UK where the notionally “elected” politicians are almost all fools, incompetents, knaves and/or traitors.

The fact, though, is that the Queen will not put herself up as such a tyrant, and her apparent successors, Charles and William, could never command such support, either among those who have sworn an oath, or the public generally.


Alicia Kearns

Just heard a few minutes of a BBC Radio 4 The World at One interview with Alicia Kearns [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alicia_Kearns], Conservative Party MP for Rutland and Melton. Frighteningly thick. These people purport to rule the UK…

Jews and free speech (again)


The slightest pressure from the usual “claque”, and even those who say that they value free speech cave in to the Jew-Zionist propaganda agenda.

Late tweets

A very good point from Hitchens, that.

Late music

Diary Blog, 12 January 2021

Radio 4 Today Programme; Cressida Dick

Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, interviewed on the Today Programme. Fairly poor. Did not seem to understand when the interviewer asked whether the “increase in cases” of “the virus” was by reason of those breaking the law, or simply because there were more people legally out and about (compared to early 2020). Cressida Dick simply ploughed on about illegality. Wooden. Woodentopped.

No sign of very high intelligence. Much “communitarian” noise.

The interviewer did not ask about whether the huge increase in testing has simply resulted in a corresponding increase in “cases” (many completely asymptomatic). Beyond the Commissioner’s competence, I suppose. What concerns me is that the Commissioner’s own job seems to be beyond her competence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cressida_Dick

Interesting graphs


Fascinating to see how much safer life is in England and Wales now compared to the 1840s, since which time there has been a fairly steady decline in the death rate. Even shocks such as the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic have not much impacted the overall picture.

At peak, in the 1840s and then again in the 1890s, about 4% of the population died in a year. Now, the figure is about 1% to 2%. Two to four times better.

Tweets seen today

Derbyshire Police, once again putting the plod into policing (take a look at how they abused satirical singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz; her blog pages are here: https://alisonchabloz.com/).

I thought that at least the higher courts were better than they now have been proven to be. That leaves yet another part of UK society running on empty, together with journalism, the Bar, the NHS, the Westminster and local political system, the schools and universities and (a fortiori), the police.

I agree with the above, within reason. There must be limits to such loyalty, but the drift towards a sub-Stalinist society of snooping and denunciation must be resisted.

Load up…

Exactly. I have been blogging and (before the “CAA”-connected Jews instigated my expulsion from Twitter) tweeting about how a fairly small number of online organizations, huge transnational enterprises, constitute quasi-monopolies and are shutting down freedom of expression.

Now everyone is noticing, but many fools who think that they are terribly clever are still bleating about how “private companies” (including in fact “public” ones) such as Amazon, ebay, Facebook, Twitter etc are simply commercial enterprises, and can exclude anyone at will for “violation” of Mickey Mouse “Terms and Conditions of Service” etc.

Some of the worst of such bleaters are those who think of themselves as “socialist” or pro-“human rights” and so on.

(taking the term “university” loosely, that is…)

Some music

Brilliant staging.

Interesting, nicht wahr? You get someone such as the part-Jew, supposedly “socialist”, extremist, Paul Mason. He openly calls for a police state and repression of “dangerous” views (i.e. of dissidents), and he was an editor on BBC Newsnight for years, made a very good income at that and then as a TV talking head elsewhere.

Mason had and even now has no problem getting his (admittedly not uninteresting) books published by mainstream publishers, yet people such as me, such as David Icke, such as Alison Chabloz, and even Peter Hitchens, are “dangerous” and, says Mason (according to the Jew-Zionist lobby too) should be censored, barred, banned, even prosecuted and/or put into prisons or concentration camps.

Mason’s Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist). I have read one or two of his books. My assessment of him: economically, interesting; politically, completely stupid.

Society is closing down. The Jews (Zionist or other) are not the only ones to blame for that. The extreme Muslim or Islamist element as well. Then there is the pseudo-socialist “antifa”-type (either actually, or the academic termites that support “antifa”). The blacks are just “useful idiots” of the others, as seen in “Black Lives Matter” etc. (((Others))) are pulling the strings of the puppets.

As for the organs of the State, such as MI5, secretive online propaganda outfits, the political or other police, well, they are mostly the flunkeys of the System, to put it in 1960s terminology.

Who did more damage to the UK? Christine Keeler? Soviet spies? The IRA? Or was it the Labour, Conservative and Liberal/LibDem MPs who imported millions of blacks and browns into the UK (which importees started to breed prolifically)? Was it the BBC and other decadents who have been poisoning the airwaves for at least 50 years? Was it the cuckoos-in-nest (((financial speculators))) and (((fraudsters))), the “Robert Maxwells” and others?

The fact is that the (as someone once described them) “precious” (meaning “up their own a****”) SIS, and purse-lipped MI5, have to a large extent been rearranging deckchairs on the deck of the Titanic UK for half a century and more. Pathetic.

“Social distancing”

The proposed new “3-metre rule” is, of course, even more absurd, and even less workable or enforceable, than the “2-metre rule” (which in any case is not law but merely “guidance”.

3 metres is 9.85 feet. In old money, ten feet. How does that work in, say, a supermarket, let alone the village shop or urban convenience store? It does not. It cannot.

Afternoon music

Late tweets

Recommended Twitter account


Well, here we are. Crunch time. I have heard Americans bleating about “the right to bear arms” etc for years and years and years. Well, here we are. Time to put up or shut up…

Biden is pretty obviously not a good person.

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 December 2020

News from the “panicdemic”…

Looks as if people, some people, are finally, slowly awakening to the truth…

Number 10 was today accused of running a ‘brainwashing PR campaign’ after MailOnline’s analysis of official data showed only four NHS trusts in England are busier now than they were this time last year.

NHS England figures paint an entirely different picture [from Government propaganda], with thousands more hospital beds spare this year than last winter. On average, 77,942 out of 88,903 (87.7 per cent) available beds were occupied across the country in the week ending November 22, which is the most recent snapshot. This figure does not take into account make-shift capacity at mothballed Nightingales, or the thousands of beds commandeered from the private sector.”

For comparison, occupancy stood at 94.9 per cent, on average, during the seven-day spell that ended December 8 in 2019 — which is the most comparable data available for last winter — when around 91,733 out of all 96,675 available beds were full.” [Daily Mail].


On average, 77,942 out of 88,903 (87.7 per cent) available beds were occupied across the country in the week ending November 22, which is the most recent snapshot. For comparison, occupancy stood at 94.9 per cent, on average, during the seven-day spell that ended December 8 in 2019 — which is the most comparable data available for last winter — when around 91,733 out of all 96,675 available beds were full

Dr Karol Sikora, a consultant oncologist and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, said Downing Street was running a ‘brainwashing PR campaign’ with ‘data that doesn’t stack up’. He told MailOnline: ‘We’ve gone back to how it started in March, with [the Government] claiming we need the measures to protect the NHS. The data you’ve shown me proves that it doesn’t need protecting. It’s dealing with Covid very well indeed.” [Daily Mail]

I have noticed that if someone such as the actor Laurence Fox expresses scepticism about the present “virus”-related nonsense, such as facemasks, “lockdowns” etc, some tweeter (maybe a doctor, nurse etc) will jump in to accuse him of causing the deaths of patients.

I have never seen similar furious accusations levelled against those who encourage smoking, driving cars, scuba diving, eating too much sugary material, sex with Africans, or other activities linked to increased death rates of people from various causes. Not even deaths from influenza (which is now effectively reclassified as “Coronavirus”, as in “cause of death— Covid19”).

I suppose that the difference is that the System has been bolstering its fake laws with fake morality around “the virus”, as when (even prior to “legal” imposition), Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, suggested on radio that Underground and other passengers should “shame” anyone not wearing a facemask (ignoring the fact that many people are exempt even under the fake “law” now mandating the muzzles).

Meanwhile, the Government of fools and Cabinet of clowns ploughs on with its “lockdowns”, “tiers”, facemask nonsense etc, as much of the UK economy tanks.

On top of everything else, mishandled Brexit now looms in the fog ahead.

I can see the possibility of anything up to 3 million unemployed in the UK by the end of 2021. Could it even reach the famous “six million” by 2022? We shall see.

Tweets seen

Both main System political parties, and most smaller ones of any importance (LibDems, SNP etc) are under the control of the Jewish or Zionist lobby. That applies to most MPs too.

Yet now we see a very different attitude on the part of the police. When a Jewish hysteric made false claims about Alison Chabloz almost a year ago, half a dozen police goons invaded her bedroom early in the morning, ransacked her small home, and arrested her. Many months later, no charges have been brought relating to that complaint, and she has still not had her computer, telephone etc returned to her.

Hitchens is right. The present politicized and politically correct police go back far before the “panicdemic”. They were already in evidence when Blair was in the ascendant nearly 20 years ago. “New Labour” (which shares much with Boris-idiot’s regime, though not its breathtaking incompetence) laid the eggs which are now hatched.

I do not share Hitchens’ rose-tinted view of the police, but the real difference between now and, say, 1970-something is that, in the 1970s, only the Special Branch and a few similar parts of the police were politicized. Now? All or almost all are brainwashed multikultis.

Hitchens’ first sentence has left out the word “yet”…

One may not always agree with Hitchens, but he is a journalist, in the way that the little spoonfed wannabees employed by the online and print versions of the Press these days are (almost all) not.

More tweets

What a nice idea, if it were not for the fact that another member of the tribe would take his place…

An interview with Leon Degrelle


Late music

Diary Blog, 12 October 2020, including thoughts about the police and Darren Grimes


Well, there it is: yesterday, nearly 13,000 known “cases”, yet only 65 deaths. About 1 death for every 200 “cases”. Most people are not even tested, so that must mean about 1 death for every 1,000, 2,000 or more people in the UK.

The Government of Clowns is shutting down great swathes of the country (again) for almost nothing.

Britain’s toytown police state flexes its muscles again

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/10/11/dame-cressida-dick-facing-questions-politically-motivated-investigation/; https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/darren-grimes-david-starkey-police-c69gf98f0; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8827383/SARAH-VINE-Police-investigate-journalists-like-Darren-Grimes-asking-questions.html

I am reposting, below, tweets from little Darren Grimes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_Grimes], despite the fact that he and his “libertarian” friends have never once said a word in defence of, inter alia, me, Alison Chabloz (who is still being both persecuted and prosecuted for singing songs and for taking part in an Internet “radio” discussion!), or Jez Turner of the London Forum (persecuted by a pack of Zionist Jews who then leant on the CPS to prosecute him— he spent 6 months of a one year sentence in prison, for making a single short speech in public).

My own experiences? Here are a couple: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

So here are those tweets:



Ecce! The “Free Speech Union” (the usual “libertarian” crowd, Delingpole, Toby Young etc), and LBC radio talking head Iain Dale all decry the misuse of police powers to repress Grimes’ free speech. Fine, but where were those hypocritical bastards when I was under attack? Skulking, afraid of the Jew lobby, that’s where!

They never defended my rights, never defended Alison Chaboz, never defended Jez Turner or others who have been repressed by police and prosecutors suborned by the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Still, here I am defending this individual’s rights. #MoralHighGround…

Incidentally, I see that the Daily Mail article above is written by Sarah Vine, the wife of Michael Gove [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Gove]. One of the (in the end, five) tweets that resulted in my 2016 disbarment was that describing Gove (entirely accurately) as a “pro-Jew, pro-Israel, expenses cheat“. Despite those words being entirely truthful, they were held at Tribunal to be “grossly offensive”! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Gove#Controversies.

I, like the public in general, was unaware until last year that Gove is or was also both a cocaine-abuser and a pisshead who even appears dead drunk in the Chamber of the House of Commons! The video of Gove thus staggeringly drunk and/or drugged is now “unavailable” on YouTube… https://telescoper.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/a-drunk-and-disorderly-brexit/; https://evolvepolitics.com/watch-michael-gove-accused-of-being-drunk-or-on-drugs-as-he-sways-and-stumbles-during-crucial-commons-debate/

The shrivelled little bastard can be seen here, though: https://vimeo.com/430725285

Nonetheless, Sarah Vine’s article is worth reading: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8827383/SARAH-VINE-Police-investigate-journalists-like-Darren-Grimes-asking-questions.html

Below, a typical tweeter who supports free speech (he says) yet seems rather naive to say the least—for a lecturer in politics (even at secondary school level): http://www.adrianhilton.com/index.php/sample-page/.

Support people like Alison Chabloz, like Jez Turner, and like me! Overseas, other persecuted people too, such as Ursula Haverbeck! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_Haverbeck


Darren Grimes is perhaps not sufficiently aware to know that it was the Jew-Zionist lobby that started this fairly recent trend of “lawfare”, meaning the abuse of badly-drafted laws to repress opinions of which that Jew lobby disapproves. The most obvious example of a badly-drafted law is the Communications Act 2003, s.127.

Jews are fond of saying that “repression may start with the Jews but rarely finishes with them“. It seems to be true, but not in the way “they” mean. They themselves started this attack on free speech, but it is not the Jewish population that suffers from it.

Oh, and right on cue (see below) comes Karl Turner MP [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Turner_(British_politician)], the sort of muddle-head who thinks that he is being terribly clever for saying “freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences“, a phrase which could be applied to Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China.

The same kind of deadhead thinking is often tweeted by one Paul Bernal, a law lecturer at the University of East Anglia.

In fact, looking at Karl Turner’s Wikipedia entry, he looks like a suitable candidate for my Deadhead MPs series…

More tweets seen

On the face of it, Identity England seems to be a commendable and worthwhile organization, though I do not know much about it as yet (and cannot read their material on the Telegram platform because I am not signed up to that or to Facebook).


So the BBC pays some ignorant Northern Irish slug to harass members of the public. Quelle surprise. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Nolan, though the main photo seems to be a decade or more out of date.

That Nolan person (of whom I had never heard until today), seems to be unaware that not everyone has to wear a facemask muzzle even under the (probably legally invalid) government “rules”…

The BBC must be demolished, rubbed out, replaced.

Interesting. Last year? It’s almost as if some in the Government knew that there would be a Coronavirus “crisis”…Google “Great Reset” and/or “Great Replacement”…




The problem is that a huge number of people who want to be taken seriously have a huge amount of emotional capital invested in the fear propaganda, the facemask nonsense, the “lockdown” stupidity, the “clap for the NHS” nonsense (remember that? Idiots standing and clapping to order?). Not just the Government of Clowns; also the Twitterati (most of them), the pseudo-socialists etc. The facts are plainly against them, but all they (really) want to do is control what others do and say, or even think. The facemask muzzling is symbolic of that tendency.


I would rather trust Soviet TV, if it still existed, than today’s BBC.

[original article published in March 2020, and even more relevant 7 months later]

Peter Hitchens “fears” that that might happen (the “thought police” visiting dissidents)?! Where has he been for the past several years?! https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and has he never heard of Alison Chabloz or Jez Turner, among others?

…and don’t I know it!



It is a good list.

“There is no getting around the fact that Europe is in absolute decline.”

The continent’s long-stagnating economy is perched at the edge of a precipice. The Covid-19 health crisis has morphed over these past six months into a severe recession, exacerbating long-established European economic fault lines. Already hard-pressed southern Europe is experiencing by far the worst of things, as the continent is rotting from within. The south grows ever more politically resentful, even as the north grows weary of bailing out its hapless European brethren. 

Vastly underreported, Europe’s moribund economy is presently entering a doom loop of deflation, with extremely limited weapons at its disposal to avoid the dreaded Japanification of the continent.”  [City AM magazine] https://www.cityam.com/almost-unnoticed-europe-hurtles-into-decline/

At last, an msm outlet with some sense.

Another important point. I see reports now from industries as diverse as hotels and construction, all starting to seriously consider increasing the use of robotics and allied technologies. Caterpillar is even adapting existing machines to no-driver operation.

So almost every business and economic sector now wants State “support”. How long can the house of cards keep standing?

What kind of bad joke is this?! Banana republic meets Ruritania! The Garden Bridge: FAILURE; Brexit: mishandled FAILURE. Incredible. When will the idiot scientists on “SAGE” [me version is DUMB— Department Under Matt and Boris] get gongs too? Next year probably…

Walls. Squads. End…

More about the Darren Grimes matter

The above thread (worth seeing) was about Keir Starmer’s refusal to support free speech. He of course is completely tied up with the Jew-Zionist lobby and the freemasons.

A tidal wave of “usual suspect” idiots are on Twitter today, not supporting free speech but socio-political repression. Look at the idiot below:


Nice to see that some people see the sheer stupidity of many of the “politically-correct”.

That Dom Dyer person is pretty thick. He used to block me and tweet against me. Incidentally, I favour protecting badgers; he ought to stick to that. He does not have the horsepower to think and discuss about these wider socio-political issues.

Ah…I see now why he is so exercized about “racism”…part-Jew and part Turkish-Cypriot [http://www.projects.law.manchester.ac.uk/religion-law-and-the-constitution/dominic-dyer/]

Frankly, I think that half the problems with Britain are connected with the fact that far too many people in high or significant positions are simply not intelligent or educated enough. You only have to look at the present pack of clowns posing as a government.

Here (below) is another unthinking one, a scribbler in the past for the Judenpresse/Lugenpresse, and in recent years editor of a holiday cruise magazine:


She sounds brainwashed, probably when a school student. A former Blairite Labour Party member who is now a LibDem and thinks that she has “a political career”. A “comms” person too, among various business activities, her own website was set up a year or so ago but is still empty of content.

Those business activities seem to have crashed now:

Liz Jarvis stood for the LibDems at Southampton Itchen in 2019, but came a very poor third behind Con and Lab, getting a vote share of only 5.3%; that was a big improvement on the LibDems’ showing in both 2015 and 2017 (though well down on the 20%+ of 2010): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southampton_Itchen_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s

She looks pretty good, and seems to support some socially-good policies (eg Basic Income), but at the same time also seems to have no idea that one cannot create an advanced society with backward people…

If only more people like her were national as well as social (and also had an understanding of the importance of freedom of expression) …

Late music

Diary Blog, 5 September 2020, including thoughts about the demise of the “Alt-Right”

Eric Joyce and India Knight

I may not always agree with her ideological positions, but Julie Burchill is rarely boring as a writer:


When I still had a Twitter account, I received a couple of rude and unsolicited replies (to a tweet not addressed to him) from the then-MP Eric Joyce, and another, though on a different topic (re. MP expenses generally) from his then-fiancee, “columnist”/book scribbler India Knight. Her tweet was both presumptuous and incorrect.

As to Joyce’s own expenses, during his time as MP he managed to rip off the taxpayer in a truly royal fashion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Joyce#Expenses_claims; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8499753/ANDREW-PIERCE-final-shame-violent-ex-major-bragged-touch-Im-MP.html

[As some Daily Mail readers’ comments noted, Joyce was not an officer of the Black Watch (though he was a private soldier in that regiment), but later was commissioned in the Royal Logistics Corps].

As to India Knight, I laugh at her present embarrassment, but feel that it is insufficient punishment. Still, there it is.

Oh, here is the “happy couple”, at an event for dogs:

Long-term relationship: Eric Joyce and his partner India Knight pictured in London

Some tweets seen

Unfortunately, neither Jew barrister/scribbler Rupert Myers, nor former hugely-overpaid charity executive and woke-drone, Brendan Cox, both sex pests and sexual assaulters of vulnerable drunken women, were ever prosecuted. I believe that both tweeted against me in the past. Myers certainly did.

Once again, persons who deserve punishment but have escaped.

In fact, “free speech” is now severely restricted in the UK, largely because of the Jewish lobby that Julia Hartley-Brewer supports, or implicitly supports. As for “democracy”, hardy ha ha.

Still, I disapprove of the Extinction Rebellion zealots, overall, and can see that the System and its police are tolerating them for covert reasons, so I repost JHB (who was another one once rude to me and also wrong, on Twitter, in the past) out of duty on this occasion.

It is a rare day when I repost material from Jewish lobby drones like Stephen Pollard and Douglas Murray, but “no religion is higher than truth” [सत्यान्नास्ति परो धर्मः]…

Long-term readers of this blog will be aware that I have blogged in the past about “Extinction Rebellion”: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; and https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; and https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/

Other tweets seen

1902! Think about that!

So much for the “peer reviews” so beloved of the mediocre Twitterati…

Oh, and where did this “no platforming” of dissenting views start? In the campaigns by Jew-Zionists to shut down or shout down the opinions of anti-Zionists and social-nationalists. The whole idea of historical revision or inquiry being labelled “holocaust” “denial” etc. Also, people losing jobs, professions, and homes because of Jew “lawfare” (malicious complaints to police, CPS, social media sites etc).

Then there came, in parts of Europe, quasi-mediaeval laws banning what can be said or written about the Second World War, particularly the non-existent “gas chambers” etc. So called “holocaust” “denial” laws.

That tendency then spread to dissenting views about “climate change”, under the label “climate change denial”.

Now we see the same tendency in respect of “Coronavirus”. Anyone doubting any part of the officially-approved narrative, whether of the causes, spread, or treatment of “the virus” (or even things such as the facemask nonsense) is to be censored or banned…

I think that I can lay claim to having been consistently hostile, for a decade or more, to Boris-idiot, the part-Jew, part-Levantine public entertainer who has now been posing as PM for over a year, and whose jokes are starting to fall very flat.

Likewise, I can also claim that I was able to discern at an early stage that “Boris” was not the strong leader many imagined, but as weak as weak could be, made yet weaker by his complete lack of both ideology and principle. The mob now starts to catch up with me.

G.K. Chesterton, that great cynic who was also a great reverer (to paraphrase Nietzsche) would be very sad to see what has happened to what he called the “good Christian inns” of old England.

The only heartening thing is that many are awakening to how deeply sinister all of this is. Incidentally, in Russian prisons, going back to the time of Stalin at least, prisoners being taken anywhere inside a prison are ordered to face the wall whenever another prisoner is brought along the same corridor.

Pay peanuts, get monkeys; pay more, get more monkeys…

There it is again: “holocaust”, “global warming”, “climate change”, “Coronavirus pandemic”, “Black Lives Matter” (etc)…”YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO QUESTION THE NARRATIVE”…

…and few will annoy the plebs by saying the truth: that most of the negative changes in the UK have come about because said plebs are more interested in whether the “England” team (mostly non-whites anyway) has won a football game, cricket match or rugby fixture somewhere on the other side of the world than they are about the shape and structure of their own society, or the composition of their own cities.

America has not seen anything like this since the days of the Hard Hats, the Yippies, the Black Panthers, and the Weather Underground. Maybe not even then.

The “Alt-Right”

A few years ago, one heard much about the “Alt-Right”. They were the steam powering the Trump campaign, they were rallying in the USA, they were active on social media in the UK. Now? As the Americans say, “crickets”. We just hear crickets, as I did at night as a child in Sydney. The noisy sound of silence.

Look at a few examples: Katie Hopkins is now off the msm, off Twitter, though still on YouTube, Facebook and her own website.

Tommy Robinson has decamped to Spain and is barred from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, though still has his own website and is trying to get back on YouTube.

“Prison Planet” Watson is on Twitter (though briefly barred) , YouTube (I think ditto), Facebook.

The other UK “alt-Right” faces, such as Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin), have faded into obscurity.

In the UK, we see that those “alt-Right” faces who merely rant and rave, and have no real political influence, are still online. Paul Joseph Watson, aka “Prison Planet”, poses no threat to the System, despite his million Twitter followers. He has no party, though he did join UKIP (with Benjamin and others) in 2018. When he joined UKIP, that doomed party (which peaked in 2014) acquired, not a million members but…500! A timely reminder of the relationship between a Twitter “following” and a real one…

Oh, and in the real 2019 election, UKIP got less than 23,000 votes across the 44 seats it contested, an average of little more than 500 each. So much for “Prison Planet’s” real-world political influence.

Katie Hopkins had more real influence, which is why the System had her expelled from Twitter. The same is true of Tommy Robinson. He, like the others, is just “controlled opposition”, but his street army of ex-EDL bottlethrowers had at least the potential to become a real street army. It went too far, so the System closed him down.

Note that all the above are professedly pro-Jew, pro-Israel. That did not save them and will not save them, as soon as the game moves on. They are used; they are not, in the end, playing on their own behalf, even if they imagine that they are.

In the end, the “Alt-Right” and similar are just a distraction from real politics. Is there anything good about them from the social-national point of view? I suppose that they do, to a limited extent, partly set the agenda, but only to that limited extent.

Only organizations with a real world presence can survive a System onslaught, if and when it comes. Those making a living from donations etc online only will find no shelter when the wintry winds blow.

I do not regret the demise of the “Alt-Right”. It clears the decks for real action.

More tweets seen

I think that that tweet by tweeter “@FreejackFan” is not so far from my own attitude.

What is very noticeable is how many pseudo-socialists on Twitter are supporting (from the safety of their computers) the Extinction Rebellion mob. “An infantile disorder” indeed!

Need I say, at least to regular readers of this blog, how much I hate the “free Press”, more accurately termed either Lugenpresse or Judenpresse? The last two terms are more or less interchangeable.

Extinction Rebellion, like their idol, Greta Nut, have no solutions to the problems they highlight. They seem to believe that industry and modern life can be and should be shut down within about 5 years. They also seem to be saying that, if they can get 3.5% of the population to support them, that they can impose their ideas (such as they may be). Have they considered what might happen if the other 96.5% of the population start to dislike Extinction Rebellion intensely? Walls, squads. You get the picture.

Of course, Judenpresse scribblers such as Dan Hodges are hypocrites. Not one of them stood up for me in 2016 when I was wrongfully disbarred for having tweeted, in the end, five (5) completely true tweets about UK society. Not one stood up for free speech. Not Dan Hodges. Not Julia Hartley-Brewer (whom I think is part-Jew). Not the Jew hypocrite Oliver Kamm (in fact, he told the newspapers, and also tweeted, how much he approved of my disbarment).

As one of the tweeters I have cited in this blog tweeted, Extinction Rebellion is controlled opposition. Look at how the police give it pretty free rein, at least up to the point at which the public notices. Cressida Dick (again); Common Purpose (again).

Those supporting Extinction Rebellion’s activities today are ideologically pathetic, like the tweeters cited below, even though the msm does often print a pack of lies.

The Extinction Rebellion mob might be the catalyst, somewhere down the line, for a reaction that will be of a very different kind, and which may well roll its tanks over their “3.5%” (though in fact, in System elections, Extinction Rebellion candidates have never, as far as I know, even garnered 1% of the popular vote, or even a tenth of 1%.

Roger Hallam, the de facto leader of “XR”, stood in the last EU elections (as “Independent”). His vote was 0.004%, i.e. 4 votes out of every 10,000 voters! https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/

A recent Daily Mail report: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8694867/Fury-Extinction-Rebellion-founder-says-MPs-bullet-heads.html

Incidentally, if anyone thinks that I am kindly disposed to the Daily Mail, google “Ian Millard barrister Daily Mail” and see what you find…

As far as I am concerned, if all the scribblers for the Mail and the rest of the Judenpresse lose their jobs, I shall be happy. That, however, does not mean that I support the “XR” idiots. Far from it.

Look at this (below)!

When Africans can establish and run any state, or even make the ones bequeathed to them by Europeans function properly, maybe then they can think about creating a “superstate”!

The tweet below is typical of the muddled thinking common among UK pseudo-socialists today:

The tweeter is of course right, or partly-right in talking about the System newspapers, but seems to think that the revolution that “XR” will never bring about would usher in a new age of rights and freedoms. Who will control the Press then? Assemblies of “comrades”? Ever heard of Kronstadt?

System police getting rough with British demonstrators at Dover, people sick of migration-invasion. Not one robocop went down on one knee. “Is it ‘cos we is not black?”

but look at the tweet below:

A pseudo-socialist “XR” supporter yet again. A Jew. “National Policy Officer, RMT union.” Pro-“BLM”, pro-facemask nonsense; and also pro-Israel ? (his Twitter profile does not say).

Yes, because the System needs the organs of propaganda in order to impose a quasi-dictatorship on the UK. The newspapers (together with radio, TV and schools) promote the “Coronavirus” fear propaganda, the “Black Lives Matter” propaganda, the “holocaust” propaganda etc.

Diary Blog, 31 August-1 September 2020

The madness continues

BBC Radio 4 News report on a budget/holiday airline flight where —horrors!— passengers were not wearing facemasks. It was claimed that one couple have already (since yesterday? Perhaps I misheard) both “developed Covid-like symptoms“. Well, I don’t believe the woman talking about having been infected; maybe she and her husband are planning a nice little compensation claim against the airline.

Even leaving all that aside, “mild Covid-like symptoms?” So what do they want? A medal? What does it matter if a few people develop mild symptoms? Yet here we are, with the BBC going mad because one couple out of hundreds of passengers on a plane are showing mild symptoms of “the virus” (which may or may not be “the virus” and could have been picked up anywhere). This has become hysteria on the grand scale.

More-pleasant news

Housing shortage? What housing shortage?

…and the rent is only £281,661 per monthhttps://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/53869510#/


I have been to Ilford (East London) a few times. The first was when I was a Bar pupil (trainee) nearly 30 years ago and we had a case at Snaresbrook Crown Court where some Arab gypsies had targeted the BHS store in Ilford (now shut down with all the rest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Home_Stores). The barrister whom I accompanied wanted to see the locus for some reason, so we drove there.

I blogged a couple of years ago about that trial: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2018/08/03/first-steal-a-chicken/

Snaresbrook Crown Court - Wikipedia
[Snaresbrook Crown Court]

Sometime around 2006-2007 I returned to Ilford, where there was a small County Court which was, a few years later, one of the hundreds of County and Magistrates’ courts closed by reason of the spending cuts of the 2010-2015 David Cameron-Levita government: https://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/news/politics/ilford-county-court-to-close-1-753547;

Ilford County Court to close | Ilford Recorder
[Ilford County Court, permanently closed 2011-2012]

On my third visit to Ilford (on the same matter as I visited the second time), again I appeared at the small, dark and moribund-looking County Court (one good thing was that, being situate in a side street out of the central area of Ilford, one could park almost opposite the Court, by a small park or cemetery).

I had stayed overnight at a strange “hotel” of sorts, which was actually in a multistorey car park in the central area, and was on the top floor of the same. I may have been lucky, in that a fellow-member of my chambers, a medico-legal expert called Dr. Thomas (an ex-NHS consultant), parked there a few weeks later, also because he was due to appear at Ilford County Court; his car was broken into, his wig, gown and legal books etc all stolen.

I had the opportunity, if such is the bon mot, to explore the area of central Ilford around the hotel, as I searched for a takeaway (I think that I found a Chinese in the end). My impressions of Ilford (and this was about 14 years ago): something like a cross between a downbeat part of New York City, and maybe Calcutta (though I have never been to the latter).

Seems that Ilford is almost a microcosmic example of the rest of urban Britain: migration invasion, scarcely a white face, litter everywhere, and not so long after I was there, closure of shops and even the local County Court.

More Coronavirus madness

One of the “victims” mentioned in the report at top of this blog post was on Sky News, saying how terrible it was that no-one was wearing a facemask or “social distancing” on the plane! How do you “social distance” on a crowded plane? I think that the woman was a totally brainwashed facemask zealot. She and her husband had themselves decided to “self-isolate” even before being “ordered” to do so! So yes, 16 people out of nearly 200 on that plane have “tested positive”. So what? None are or are likely to show any, or any serious, symptoms.

There is a massive scam/fraud being tried on by the System, via the Government and msm. Fear propaganda.

1 September 2020

Tweets seen

As the UK becomes ever-more obviously a “control state”, with an “elected” dictatorship of a government and a compliant or similar “Opposition”, anything is justifiable if it stands up for the reasonable freedom and decent future of the British people.

Hopefully, a GoFundMe appeal will be launched to pay his fine. The bigger question is how to destroy the cabals that are behind the conspiracy to make the population compliant and intimidated.

Hitchens is right. Look at the proclamations from government, the documents from the “advisers” and sinister backroom types that have leaked, from Common Purpose drones such as Cressida Dick (who actually suggested that non-masked persons should be “shamed”, meaning bullied, in public. What about, inter alia, “exempt” persons? Do they have to explain themselves to aggressive mask zealots and busybodies, begging their permission or leave?).

Look at that “study” from Brazil. Even on its face, it is plainly nonsense. Its methods and bases are obviously biased. A priori flaws etc.

The “study” also seems to conflate mask-wearing, washing hands, and “social distancing”.

I have blogged for months in favour of washing hands frequently, which is almost certainly the only really important way of protecting oneself and those in one’s own social circle.

“Social distancing”, if done reasonably (eg not attending crowded nightclubs, pubs etc) is also sensible. It is for individuals to protect themselves that way, mostly by avoiding crowded and hot places. The whole “keeping 6 feet away from everyone” is not necessary; peripheral.

As for facemasks, they are useless and may be counter-productive. For the State to mandate the wearing of muzzles is quite wrong; dictatorial.

I have already seen many tweets saying (inaccurately, and presumably based on the fact that the “study” has been published in some obscure psychology magazine) that the “study” has been “peer-reviewed” and so (it is implied) credible. The problem with that is that when a “study” is created by people with a certain view, and then “reviewed” favourably —and so published— by people with similar views, objectivity goes out of the window, and the “study” is not worth the paper on which it was written.

To use the reductio ad absurdam, a “study” created by idiots and “peer-reviewed” by idiots is in reality not credible.

We are getting perilously close to equating dissidence with insanity, as in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s, as exemplified by the notorious Serbsky Institute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbsky_Center

Brenton Tarrant

I would not wish to kick someone who is well and truly down, but it is worth considering what Tarrant might have done had he not carried out his notorious massacre. He might, for example, have engaged in political educative work, trying to awaken New Zealand to the menace of mass immigration.

More interestingly, Tarrant might also, for example, have planned and carried out the establishment of a mini-ethnostate in New Zealand, perhaps in the South Island, which has only about a million inhabitants (compared to 4 million on the North Island). The South Island has only one medium-size city (Christchurch; 377,000 inhabitants) and only one other of any size (Dunedin; 105,000). About half of the population live in those two cities.

New Zealand has about 5 million inhabitants in an area about 20% larger than the whole of the UK, which has (disastrously) nearly 70 million people now.

The South Island of New Zealand, much larger than the North, is 58,000 square miles (England alone is 50,000) and, as noted, has a million inhabitants, compared to about 56 million in England alone. The population density is only about a 60th of that of England.

Indeed, the third-largest island of New Zealand, Stewart Island, has only about 400 people in 650 sq. miles, i.e. an area of about 20×30 miles.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Island. It would be easy to simply take over such an island by moving a few hundred supporters there. Tarrant was maybe too much of a “lone wolf” to think like that.

Tarrant’s massacre has resulted in sympathy for the Muslim immigrants to New Zealand. At least, that is the official line.

There might have been another and better way.

Some notes:

I blogged about the Christchurch attack at the time: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/03/25/the-new-zealand-attack-and-related-matters/




Tweets seen on 1 September

That is in North America.

As far as that tweet is concerned, I agree with Batten 100%. Hitchens is too ready to say “it’s all incompetence by the government and its advisers”. Yes, true enough but too limited. What about those behind the Government, embedded in the Deep State and msm?

Once again, Hitchens is partly-right. However, would you call the Jew Shapps, the part-Jew “Boris”-idiot, the Indian Rishi Sunak, the Indian Priti Patel, Matt Hancock, Gavin Williamson, or the rest, “sons [or daughters] of gentlemen”?! I suggest that Hitchens overvalues the result of a secondary education at Eton or Winchester…

Valete (for today)

Tomorrow, I shall be 64. Let us hope that the year ahead will be productive.