Tag Archives: lenient sentencing

Diary Blog, 2 August 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Even a stopped clock is right once or twice a day (depending on whether analogue or digital).

Lenient sentencing


Yet another example of what is now almost ubiquitous— a defendant being given a pathetically weak sentence (in this case, a suspended term of imprisonment plus a fine and a couple of add-ons) despite having deliberately pushed a glass into a woman’s face, leaving her traumatized and with permanent scars.

The courts have to get a lot tougher on crimes of violence.

More tweets

Life (existence?) in a multikulti society.

This episode shows (confirms) that Liz Truss is completely idiotic, has no real idea even now how the British state is run, and has no serious ideas, ideas that are thought out properly.

I doubt that her evident incompetence will much affect her chances of taking over the Conservative Party leadership, though. After all, the same people (Conservative Party members) elected Boris-idiot as their leader a few years ago; he also was incompetent and had no serious ideas.

Late tweets

The UK is in the same position, more or less. Only a small minority of the “blacks and browns” are really of any use whatever. Many, perhaps a majority, while not being very criminal or dangerous, are basically useless, and are a dead weight, a millstone round the neck of the British people. Another minority are actively criminal and/or terroristic.

Looks like a reasonably good neighbourhood. Surely children should not be selling drinks on the street? I suppose it is part of the mercantile ethos ingrained in many Americans.

The cleansing power of death in human society. The great equalizer…

Late music

[aerial view of Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, in summer]