Tag Archives: Nikolai Rerikh

Diary Blog, 23 October 2023

Morning music

[view from The Wrekin, Shropshire]

Battles past

From the newspapers


It may be good news; certainly not bad news.


As I know only too well, free speech is on the way out in the UK. I am (obviously) not a Muslim, let alone an “Islamist”, but I am not at all “offended” by some foreign person shouting about “Jihad” against Israel in the streets of London. I am not even very offended, or would not be, if the same foreign individual were to cry out for “Jihad” against the UK, or against me personally. After all, the most extreme Zionist Jews have been tweeting malevolently about me for about 13 years. The people of whom to be afraid are those not shouting in the streets.

If foreign (inc. foreign but born here) groups are a danger, then resettle them outside the UK.

As for Suella Braverman, she (like Jenrick, and Mark Harper, who was weaselling for Israel, as usual, on Sky News this morning) is just another doormat for the Jewish lobby. She has no idea of much, either politically or, I think, legally. A silly woman who is trying to position herself to be the leader of whatever small group of Conservative Party MPs is left after 2024.


A significant problem that deserves a great deal more attention from society than it is getting.


In the old rhetorical question, how do you shuffle a pack consisting only of jokers?

The only “shuffle” that might have at least a slight effect would be to replace Sunak by someone recognisably English and at least superficially credible. The same with the Cabinet as a whole. At present, the song might be “where have all the English gone?

Tweets seen


Just what does this mean, when one also reads that no less than 75% of “asylum” claims are being approved?!

Just a weasel-trick lie from yet another corrupt puppet of the Jewish/Israel lobby. Just another way of funnelling more non-whites into this suffering country.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Eventually, Israel will be isolated, and its population will be trapped within its chosen boundaries, just as the people of Gaza are now trapped within their never-chosen boundaries.

The tweet refers to Nikolai Rerikh or Rerich, more often known as Nicholas Roerich, the once very famous Baltic German/Russian painter: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Roerich.

I visited the Roerich Museum in Manhattan a few times in the past: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Roerich#Cultural_legacy.

[Roerich Museum, 319 W.107th, Manhattan, New York]
[Roerich Museum, Moscow]
[Nicholas Roerich, Guests from Overseas, showing Varangians (Vikings) exploring the great rivers of Western Russia about 1200 years ago]
[Nicholas Roerich, Lights on the Ganges]

More tweets

Ha ha! No comment, I think, except to say that the word you want is “effect“, not “affect” (but I should not want to be regarded as a “grammar nazi”…).

On September 25, 2000, 19-year-old Kevin Hines attempted to end his own life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Plunging over 220 feet at a speed of 75 miles per hour, he hit the water below, shattering three of his vertebrae and narrowly missing severing his spine by two millimeters.

Despite the odds, he miraculously survived the impact. Upon realizing he was still alive, an intense will to live surged within him. Yet, the weight of his clothes continuously pulled him beneath the surface of San Francisco Bay. For what seemed like an eternity, he struggled to resurface briefly, gasping for air, just enough to hold on to life.

Suddenly, he felt an unusual force from below lifting him above the water’s surface, where he remained until the Coast Guard arrived. It was only later that he discovered the mysterious presence keeping him afloat: a sea lion had been supporting his body until the rescue boat arrived, as eyewitnesses had observed.

His story gained major media coverage and he has since become a motivational speaker and advocate for suicide prevention.

I read somewhere or other that, of those who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and then survive both the impact and the waters (about 2%), most recall having a moment when they wished not to have jumped, and/or prayed for a miracle. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicides_at_the_Golden_Gate_Bridge#False_suicides_and_survivors.

More from the newspapers


Unsurprising. “They” have already destroyed free speech in the UK…

More tweets seen

Knowing almost no Arabic, I have no idea what he is saying; maybe praising the build-quality of the tunnel.

As I blogged before, the old Soviet KGB had great expertise in digging tunnels. The one shown above looks well-constructed, lined etc. No idea as to depth, though. Presumably very deep.

It is not impossible that there will eventually be a kind of sectarian/civil war across Israel/Palestine. The massive military advantages Israel possesses lie in nuclear weapons, tanks and other armour, air power, high-tech surveillance, much of which loses effectiveness or even utility in closely-packed areas (which describes much of Israel/Palestine).

There may be a war, eventually, in which infantry or guerrilla forces play a major part.

Impossible? Maybe, but my prediction, a few years ago, that the Palestinians might break out of their “open prisons” to attack Israeli civilians in Jewish areas has now come to pass in the recent attack on Southern Israel, so who knows?

As I blogged before, the Gaza situation, as it now is, is most similar, historically, to the Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, but this time the Jews are not the ragged defenders but the heavily-armed and armoured army, with air support, attacking an urban enclave filled with mostly-unarmed civilians (in this case, mostly babies, young children, and young teenagers).


[A woman holding a girl reacts after Israeli airstrikes hit Ridwan neighborhood of Gaza – Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Daily Telegraph]

More music

Late tweets

My very popular assessment of Therese Coffey from 4 years ago (updated): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

…and in, say, 20 years’ time, when the children in Gaza suffering now are 25-35 years old, what do you imagine will be their feeling about Israel and Israelis? Israel may not —now— much care, but if the results are incursions and massacres on 10x the scale of that recently seen, it will have no choice but to care…

Late music