Tag Archives: Plesetsk

Diary Blog, 27 October 2023

Morning music

[Russian Orthodox monastery, Kiev]

Battles past

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American aircraft carriers will not scare anyone in the Middle East, says Ritter.

Washington sent two aircraft carrier groups to the Mediterranean and Red Sea. But their presence will not change the situation in the Middle East and will not impress adversaries, US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter said in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.

In his opinion, the forces that the Pentagon is deploying in the region will not be able to have a significant impact on the brewing hostilities. They will not be able to intimidate Iran, Hezbollah, or even the militants who are launching attacks on American bases in Iraq and Syria.

“This is just posturing. In this way, the United States is trying to create the appearance of activity, while behind the scenes it is desperately trying to get Israel to defuse the situation and not invade the Gaza Strip,” Ritter explained.”

Those who live will see…

Sajid Javid, that weird little monkey-on-a-stick. I thought that he had self-immolated, or at least left political life.

If some Gazans are monstrous, they have been made monstrous, and made so by Israel, by Israeli Jews, almost all of which undertake military service, including keeping the Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza and other parts of former Palestine.

The Israeli narrative now is, in effect, “Hamas operatives entered southern Israel a few weeks ago, killing hundreds of Israelis. Most of the attackers were killed or captured, but we have bombed and rocketed, and will now continue to rocket and bomb, Gaza, killing tens of thousands directly. We have also switched off most supplies to Gaza of water, food, electricity, and gas, which may kill hundreds of thousands directly and indirectly. We also intend to use poison gas. We are the victims (always)...”


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Lunatic Jew-Zionist.

See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

There are no more combat-ready Ukrainians.

The Russian army has “learned lessons from the conflict” and will soon be ready to attack Ukraine, General Waldemar Skrzypczak told RP.

“Moscow is effectively bypassing sanctions barriers, actively replenishing stocks of all types of weapons and preparing for long, difficult military operations,” the military officer notes.

At the same time, things are going poorly in Kyiv: fatigue and lack of resources are taking their toll. The Armed Forces of Ukraine simply do not have enough people capable of fighting,” states the general.”

That general is a retired former Head of Polish Land Forces: see https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldemar_Skrzypczak.

The Kiev regime is toast.

Ukrainians demand answers from Zelensky about missing soldiers, writes New York Times Last week, hundreds of Ukrainians who came to Kyiv from different parts of the country staged a demonstration near the office of Vladimir Zelensky.

Those gathered chanted his name and demanded that he bring their loved ones home from the front, writes The New York Times. The protest was a “rare display” of discontent.

Despite the fact that cemeteries across Ukraine are steadily filling up, there is almost no open criticism of the authorities’ actions. But the pain and losses accumulate, the publication notes. Relatives of missing Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are growing increasingly frustrated that the government, which fears a decline in morale in society, is unable to give them concrete answers.

Some demonstrators admitted to The New York Times that they had been trying to obtain this information for more than a year without success, and asked reporters to write down the names of their sons.”

A brutal, corrupt and shambolic failed state, now headed by a Jew-Zionist “President” who used to be a cheap TV comedian, and who is surrounded by amateur intelligence chiefs and equally-poor would-be “military strategists”.


Israel’s future?

Gaza Municipality:

We received a threat via phone call from the Israeli occupation threatening the destruction of the main Gaza Municipality building in Palestine Square.

We confirm that the main municipal building is the headquarters of the main administration of the municipality, and it is a building that was built about 200 years ago.

The building contains the city’s documents and archives, and implementing the occupation’s threats to bomb it would plunge the city into a state of great chaos.

We call on all international and humanitarian organizations to intervene urgently and curb the occupation.”

While I doubt that Aaron Bastani, Ash Sarkar etc are themselves proponents of a “free society” anyway, the fact is that an editor, a Jew at that, has been dismissed for noting the callousness of (I presume, not having read the material) Israel and the Jews and others outside Israel who regard the victims of the attack on the Gaza “Ghetto” as “collateral damage”, in some cases expressly.

You see that attitude in tweets by some of the unpleasant Jews in the UK prolific on Twitter/X.

The editor in question lives and works in the USA, with its supposed regard for “free speech”. However, as I have blogged in the past, while that U.S. Constitutional protection may save someone from being arrested and/or prosecuted, it does not save someone from being dismissed from a job, or removed from a profession (perhaps), and so (in a finance-capitalist society) possibly losing his place of abode, quite possibly also his family life etc.

See also: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/firing-science-journal-editor-gaza-post-sparks-free-speech-rift-rcna122128;


Needless to say, the mainstream media, publishing etc are completely owned or controlled by Jews in the USA (and UK, for that matter), and even where not, strongly influenced by Jew-Zionism.

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“The Great Replacement” is no mere “conspiracy theory”. Just look around you.


[Amina Noor, the defendant]

Born in Somalia, brought up there and in Kenya, then (how? why?) came to the UK, was granted asylum (why?) and later made a “British” citizen (why?). No education (even at primary level), no job. Basically both a parasite and a criminal. A completely useless individual from the point of view of British society.

That is one migrant-invader out of literally millions. She has been sheltered and fed (etc) by the British people (through their taxes), and now large further monies have been spent on her investigation, prosecution, trial, defence, possible appeal, and costs of imprisonment. Then, after her eventual release, more monies spent on her shelter, food, etc. That is only ONE migrant-invader, out of millions.

The best you can hope for is that they are just useless; many are far worse.

The present mainly white Northern European UK population will be, within a few decades, a mainly black/brown/Chinese (etc) population, ruled over by finance-capitalist cabals (mainly Jewish or mixed Jew/white), as provided for in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Britain has no decent future with such a population and society.

Late thought

The Israelis say that they have proven that Hamas has been using some areas in or below hospitals in Gaza as HQ and staff centres, and that that fact (if it is a fact) gives Israel the right to flatten such hospitals (after —sometimes— telephoning a hypocritical “warning”).

Decent people(s) would of course still not bomb such hospitals, knowing that civilians, many of them mere children, are there. The Israelis not only “disagree”; I do not think that they (and their Jewish supporters in countries such as the UK) actually see the inhumanity in that reasoning.

As someone once put it, “the simulacrum of the human“…

Late music