Tag Archives: SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

Diary Blog, 28 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Talking point

Peter Hitchens


Worth reading. My views on this are at least somewhat similar.

I have blogged a few times about the Beeching Report etc: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/04/what-is-and-what-might-have-been/.

[Amerika, the train used by Adolf Hitler when German Chancellor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrersonderzug]

When will our train arrive?

More from the newspapers


Britain in 2023…

Tweets seen

Gordon Brown— a totally useless pseudo-democratic political drone. As Prime Minister, he understood nothing about either politics or (real) economics. Superficial erudition covering utter ignorance of almost everything.

Listen to the idiot, saying in one sentence that he is not in favour of censorship but that “these people” (GB News) have to be kept off the air. When did he say that about vulgar pests such as Jo Brand or, say, the Jewish “comedians”, such as David Baddiel? Never, as far as I know.

Of course, GB News is mainly “controlled opposition” (OFCOM would never allow me to have a TV show, for example), but “all roads lead to Rome”…

Zoo. Worse than a zoo, in fact.

Corbyn has no idea. He stood up quite well (though half-heartedly) to the Jew-Zionist element for a few years, but is otherwise politically disastrous.

Short answer to tweeter “Norfolk Forever”— Yes. Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan“.

Just think of what’s happened on channels like the BBC and Channel 4.

In 2019 Jo Brand joked about throwing acid over Nigel Farage on the BBC – No further action.

In 2020 Sophie Dukes joked about killing white people on Frankie Boyle’s New World Order – No further action.

In 2020 Miriam Margolyes said she wanted Boris Johnson to die on live TV while he was seriously ill with COVID – No further action.

Did the same people calling for GB News to be shut down call for the BBC and Channel 4 to be shut down? Of course they didn’t. The double standards are utterly staggering.”

I covered the Jo Brand scandal thus: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/06/16/__trashed/.

Regular readers will know that I myself currently face trial by the State (at the instigation of a pack of Jew-Zionists). I cannot blog about that prior to said trial (for reasons to do with potential contempt of court) but the above tweet makes the point for me.


More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

More tweets seen

My final thoughts, before I move on. As we have a busy day helping a girl who misgendered another student, by refusing to call her a cat. I know. Welcome to 2023. People are entitled to have a view on what I said and that is fine by me. Whilst a bit crass, it certainly didn’t merit the mega media storm which has resulted. Especially given the genuinely appalling things said on TV which pass without comment. The woman on the BBC saying she wanted to kill all white people. And countless other examples. I have been saying to GB news for months that they should stand up for themselves more against these unending attacks. Instead they panicked. Trying to appease an enemy, who will not stop until they shut down. Namely @Ofcom. A regulator created to ensure the state narrative is persistently and regularly hammered into every home.

As it happens, I am the catalyst for the great takedown to begin, which on reflection is a cause of sadness and regret, but if it hadn’t been me, it would have been one of the desperate presenters currently joining in the pile on, not realising that it’s just a crocodile eating itself, and not long from now, many of them will be out of a television job, or so shackled and censored, that any whiff of authenticity is gone. Like a nodding dog on a car dashboard. And about as relevant.

The United Kingdom is run by one political party, pretending to be two, by wearing different coloured rosettes, with the same freedom sapping policies and controlling agendas.

That is why you are seeing every show on regime TV discussing this affair, and both sides of the uni party calling in unison for an end to the insurgent channel. The uni party need Izvestia to spout their narrative.

Where GB news have erred is by forgetting why they came into existence in the first place. Calling themselves the “home of free speech” is a simple principle to protect. They could have easily said “whilst we find Laurence Foxes comments appalling and they aren’t representative of our views, we respect and uphold the fundamental right of free speech.”

This would have provided at least some defence and given time and opportunity to rally public support and fight back. Instead they went on the defensive. I still haven’t heard a word from them, and am waiting for the chop on Friday at my disciplinary hearing.

Such is life. I own my mistakes and take full responsibility for them. The major problem for them is now they are not the home of free speech at all. They are the exact opposite. They will cancel just as readily, if not more so, than the rest just to try and stay alive, and they have opened themselves up to an unending, brutal and sustained attack from the regime and their media lapdogs. In trying to appease the mob, they have emboldened it. Which is why you never apologise to the mob.

I have worked hard to put across different stories, like the case of ST, which most of the propaganda media have ignored. I have enjoyed the lovely responses I get from the public for doing so. So it is a shame I feel for everyone that GB fell straight into the trap set for them. I feel even sadder, and pissed off at myself, that I allowed myself to be the bait for that trap by trying to make a serious point in a jokey and lighthearted way.

Now I must rebuild. I’ve done it before and I will do it again. I have two kids to feed and clothe after all.

On a final note, we should all ask ourselves if this is a society we want to live in, where the cancel mob reign and your only chance at existence is total and utter capitulation to their whims.

Loz x.”

[Twitter/”X” statement by Laurence Fox].

My own upcoming trial (for allegedly having posted a handful of comments and cartoons on my blog) is yet another example of the encroaching police state.

Professor Curtice, eminent and erudite psephologist though he is, cannot see the wood for the trees.

In the world of the Professor, there are parties A, B, C, D, and the game is to accurately predict how those parties will do competing against each other in a structured contest in which all parties of importance are saying variations of the same thing.

In the real Britain, however, there is migration-invasion on a vast scale, our society is being trashed, almost everything is slowly seizing up and ceasing to work properly —or at all— and standards in all areas are sliding.

“Left/Right” means nothing but, otherwise, that tweet is correct. Adam Boulton is a System drone, like so many others. Applauds the forced closure of the RT television station, and wants GB News to be shut as well. Freedom of expression, free speech etc mean nothing to these propagandists, who are akin to Soviet media broadcasters.

The System media in the UK promoted the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic, has never seriously challenged the mass immigration into this country, nor examined the results of Jewish immigration into the UK in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The System drones and propagandists are all piling in to bury even the semblance of free speech. Here is BBC (also ITN, Channel 4 etc) drone Michael Crick:

These types are no different at root from Soviet media enforcers and sell-outs. They cannot wait for Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and his post-Blairite know-nothing MPs to form a quasi-dictatorial government, to really shut down freedom of expression using the Online Safety Bill expected to become law soon.

When you see Adam Boulton, Kay Burley, Tom Bradby, Newsnight presenters etc, you are not seeing people who live as slightly more affluent members of the public, but people paid literally millions of pounds per year. They are shackled to the System, afraid to lose their pay and privileges.

As a matter of fact, you find that most of these prominent media faces also have personal and family links with System politicians or those who work in TV current affairs. Examples:

Boulton divorced his first wife, The Hon. Kerena Anne Boulton, after his affair with Tony Blair‘s spin doctor Anji Hunter became front page tabloid news in 2002.” [Wikipedia];

Crick lives in Wandsworth,[33] South London, with his partner Lucy Hetherington, an executive TV producer who has managed documentaries and current affairs programmes. She is the daughter of former Guardian editor Alastair Hetherington.” [Wikipedia].

More tweets

Ha ha. “I’m lovin’ it!“…

Now for the works of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst…

84 years and one week ago. Interesting. Even in the photo, you can see that the German, Guderian, a famous tank general, is basically a decent person, whereas the Soviet representative, Krivoshein, a Jewish Bolshevik who became a leading tank warfare exponent in the Red Army, is not, though of course that view may be taken to be speculative.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semyon_Krivoshein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Guderian.

How very sad. I hope that the perpetrator is punished properly. As Chekhov once said, “there are people to whom a tree is sacred“. That includes me.

Late tweets

Late music