Tag Archives: they’re coming to take me away ha ha

Diary Blog, 14 January 2024

Morning music

[Kennet & Avon Canal]

From the newspapers


Oh, when will Britain just grow up? We have no money, yet we spend billions on arming Ukraine in a dubious war in which we have no national interest. We cannot control the beaches on our southern shores, on which strangers land almost daily, but we tail along behind the Americans in the pretence that we can control the Red Sea as we seek (as far as I can grasp) to get entangled in yet another war in the Middle East. Haven’t we had enough of these stupid brawls?

We spend decades failing to do justice to wronged postmasters. We cannot keep order in our pothole-peppered streets. Our children can’t read or write. Our universities, when they are not imposing mad speech codes on students and teachers, sell themselves to the highest bidder to ensure they can pay their vice-chancellors’ enormous salaries.

We have created a society in which working hard is probably the worst possible route to riches. If you want to be comfortably off (and perhaps get a decoration or a peerage too), go and strip some assets, or sell dodgy PPE to the NHS, or some such.

[Peter Hitchens, in the Mail on Sunday]

Also, from the same Peter Hitchens column:

Might I too be sanctioned for saying the ‘wrong’ thing?”  

At some point I shall write at more length about the High Court’s failure last week to come to the aid of Graham Phillips, the unlovable video blogger sanctioned by the Foreign Office.

The case is not about Mr Phillips. It is about free speech, and whether the Government can punish people for exercising it.

I might say I was (in the judge’s words) ‘an objective independent and fair-minded journalist’ who had happened to say things that ‘did not align’ with UK Government policy. But how would I prove it? The Government would be its own prosecution, judge and jury, and my only recourse would be to take the matter before someone, well, like Mr Justice Johnson. Be warned. These are dark times for dissent.”

Don’t I know it! Sad to say, the likes of Peter Hitchens, Toby Young, Farage, the “Free Speech Union” etc have not mentioned my “case” once. Disbarred (wrongfully and unlawfully, which the Bar Standards Board itself accepts was the case) in 2016, and now facing court sentence (in a few weeks’ time) for having allegedly posted a few home truths about the Jew-Zionists in the UK and Israel/Palestine.

People might argue that the apparent lack of interest (or is it out of fear of the Jewish lobby?) on the part of Hitchens (himself of course part-Jew), Toby Young (uncertain) etc is because I am not sufficiently well-known (and so of too little importance) for those puffed-up characters to take an interest in how my rights to freedom of expression are being trashed.

Well, if so, that scarcely chimes with the assertion of the malicious Jewish or Jew-Zionist cabal known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] itself, on their own website and Twitter/X account, to the effect that it has taken them seven years of effort to finally have the (corrupt and/or suborned) police and Crown Prosecution Service get me into court (magistrates’ court) and have me tried and convicted of having posted supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks, cartoons etc about Jews or Jew-Zionists on my blog (those remarks and cartoons being only a small part of the allegedly posted blog posts, and those five blog posts only 5 of over 1,700 posted since this blog started to operate in late 2016, over seven years ago).

As to my case itself, anyone interested might like to know that, though I am inclined to appeal the conviction (the trial was a couple of months ago), I shall only decide on that after the sentencing hearing.

If I do appeal, the appeal would be, in effect, a complete retrial, but this time in the Crown Court. There does exist another route of appeal, by “case stated” to the Divisional Court (i.e. High Court) on point of law, but I should probably take the more usual route if I do appeal, i.e. via the Crown Court. If that happens, the appeal might not be heard until late 2024, or even on some date in 2025.

Tweets seen


“They”, meaning (((they))), have thoroughly infiltrated the UK mass media, publishing etc over the past 75+ years. That applies even more to anything published about the Second World War, “holocaust” etc.

Ha ha. The Financial Times has lost all credibility in recent years, and politically is on or about the same level as someone such as Paul Mason. Pathetic.

Yemeni Houtis maintain offensive capabilities despite US bombing US and British forces in the Red Sea struck 30 targets of Yemen’s Houthis.

It is stated that “about 90 percent of targets were damaged or destroyed.” Lieutenant General Douglas Sims even states that “the strikes achieved their goal of crippling the Houthis’ ability to conduct sophisticated drone and missile attacks.”

At the same time, two American officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The New York Times that even after massive bombing, the Houthis retain “three-quarters of their offensive capabilities.”

“Locating Houthi targets has proven more difficult than expected,” as, according to the officials, “US and other Western intelligence agencies have not spent significant time or resources in recent years collecting data on the locations of Houthi air defenses, command centers, ammunition depots, as well as facilities for the storage and production of drones and missiles.” Currently, the Pentagon is forced to conduct an urgent analysis of the situation and literally in real time assign targets for troops to strike.

The USA has a short collective memory. “What goes around comes around”…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

You cannot compare the Israeli-Jew mindset with that of nominally Christian countries, or even that of the Soviet Union under Stalin; you have to revisit the Old Testament, in which the ancient Israelites wiped whole tribes and nations off the map.

So in just over three months, the Israeli war machine has killed or injured over 84,000 people, the vast majority civilians. It is worth remembering, also, that about half of those killed or injured have been under 18 years of age, and about half of those under 12 years of age. Israeli war crimes.

Those supporting those war crimes, and who are resident in the UK, France, USA, are also guilty.

I certainly disagree with the overall state of society in Russia (as well as in the UK and Western Europe, let alone USA etc), but the fact remains that Putin “bestrides the narrow world like a colossus” when compared to political pygmies such as Sunak, Starmer, Macron etc, and of course poor old dementia sufferer Biden.

If you would not have sympathy for predators and pillagers who get hurt trying to break into and enter your individual home, why would you sympathize with predators and pillagers trying to break into our collective home— “this England“?

Gonzalo Lira’s last public statement is chilling. He knew that if arrested, he would die in a Ukrainian prison. He pleaded for public outcry to put pressure on the U.S. State Department to do what it ordinarily does for American citizens trapped in these circumstances. But the outcry never came. The mainstream media ignored his story. So State Department officials were free to ignore the plight of a journalist who had criticized them. Gonzalo was abandoned.

And so the Ukrainian government could treat him as they wished, as they treat other dissenters and critics — with imprisonment, brutality and murder.”

I published Lira’s last tweet (before his final arrest) a few months ago on the blog. Sadly, it looks as though the brutal, murderous, corrupt yet shambolic Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev has finally killed him.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak, the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as UK Prime Minister, is just now gifting the Jew Zelensky another £2.5 BILLIONS of UK taxpayers’ money.

The Kiev regime is toast regardless of how many billions are thrown its way by Sunak, Biden etc. Its people are not reproducing themselves, its population numbers are collapsing, it has no volunteers asking to join its armed forces, only foreign mercenaries from poor parts of the world (the Western ones have all gone home or been killed off in battle), and the Kiev regime is press-ganging any Ukrainians able to walk and talk, regardless of health, fitness, and age (except the gilded offspring of the pseudo-elite).

“Ukraine”, the failed state, only keeps fighting because the UK, USA etc are supplying arms, ammunition, medical supplies, food, and vast amounts of UK/US/EU taxpayers’ money.

All the same, strategically, Ukraine has already lost. The failed 2023 summer counter-offensive proved that. Once the ground is hard, very soon, Russian armour will rule the land, as Russian air already rules the skies.

Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure is already largely shattered.

The Russian economy is doing better not only compared to the collapsed economy of Ukraine but also better than those of the UK, USA, and EU.

In any case, even if (which cannot now happen, realistically) the Kiev regime could contemplate advancing in eastern Ukraine or (impossible) southern Russia, Russia has devastating weapons which have not even been used yet, not least tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

I repeat, “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) simply cannot “win” this war.

Jesus H. Christ! There are still idiots, or maliciously tendentious types, like that Dominic Campbell tweeter, who can claim that Europe (inc. UK) is somehow better off because it is flooded by huge numbers of low-skilled, often hostile, immigrants. “Treason” is a word often bandied about carelessly, but what else is such deliberately misinformed and misinforming nonsense?

The said tweeter is obviously one of those who thinks himself part of a self-regarding “enlightened”/”woke” fake “elite”. Wrongly, at that.

Immigration is good for the ultra-wealthy, and exploitative transnational companies, because a larger population creates more consumer demand, and because pay rates and benefit rates are automatically lower as more potential workers flood in. For 99% of the population, though, mass immigration is a disaster.

We, the British people, do not need more “debate”, more research papers, more msm yapping on chat shows or Question Time, more pointless dialogue with idiots or enemies. We need political action to create an ethnostate.

I myself am already facing a sentencing hearing in court, after my recent political trial, for having published the truth about what is happening in our society. I therefore cannot speak freely. Read between the lines, dear blog readers…

Late music

[pine martens in the New Forest]