Tag Archives: Tracey-Ann Oberman

Diary Blog, 7 April 2024

Morning music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

Tweets seen

Compare that to the Profumo affair of the early 1960s. A Cabinet minister resigned merely for having had a secret girlfriend who happened to be also involved with the Soviet Naval Attache, and having lied about the affair.

Standards in public life have always fallen, at times and in regard to this or that individual, from the strictest level, but what we now see is a general collapse of decent behaviour.

My assessment of hugely ignorant Esther McVey, from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

A good example of stolid English police humour.

All Jews or, in a couple of cases, part-Jews.

Maureen Lipman thinks that no-one has a “right to return” (except, of course, Jews, who have a “Right of Return” law in Israel/Occupied Palestine, which allows any Jew to settle in Israel/Palestine, even those whose DNA shows that their ancestors were from Khazaria or elsewhere, and never anywhere near Israel/Palestine…).


[Ashkenazi Jews in Jerusalem, c.1885; comment perhaps unnecessary (or effectively banned by law)…]


The game is not…quite… at an end. There is still the possibility that a very small minority of Europeans (“Aryans” or, more accurately, post-Aryans) can take control sufficiently to vanquish evil and then create the basis for a new society which, eventually, over a long period of time, can become the foundation for an even later super-race.

[the Swastika, or Hakenkreuz, symbol of the positive evolution of consciousness]

As so often, people tweet or otherwise comment about the Muslim encroachment, and I have no argument about that, but they all too often ignore the fact of the far more powerful “Zionist” lobby, so embedded now in UK System politics, law, finance and business (obviously), and in the mainstream media and elsewhere.

Look at that cartoon. Islamic flags, but no Star of David or Israeli flags; yet which bloc or lobby is taking away freedom of expression in the UK? 90%+ of the repression is being co-ordinated by Jewish/Zionist and/or pro-Israel groups, such as the small but well-funded and very malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” kruzhok, which has attacked and tried to prosecute not only me but also such as Alison Chabloz, Al-Jazeera TV, David Icke, the Jewish —but anti-Israel— jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, and numerous others.

As far as my own situation is concerned, the “CAA” has engaged in a decade-long campaign against me (which fact the CAA admits, though saying it has been 7+ years-long). They also admit using the very peculiar Israel-lobby-owned “lord”, former MP Ian Austin, to pressure officials of the Crown (Clown) Prosecution Service, right up to the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions himself, to prosecute me on any basis that could be contrived.

The “CAA” (and their suborned dupes, the “Clown” Prosecution Service) were crowing online, including on Twitter/X, about having managed to get me convicted in November 2023, using the Communications Act 2003, s.127, a law so badly-drafted and unjust that the Law Commission has formally recommended its repeal, but the “CAA” has not tweeted at all about the sentence handed down in March 2024— 15 “rehabilitation” meetings with or via the Probation Service, and a costs order of £734 in all.

[I now, today, have just seen that the “CAA” website has published a long whining complaint that the sentence given to me was “scandalously lenient“. The “CAA” has nothing to complain about— its so-called “Director of Investigations and Enforcement” made a totally false allegation in 2021 that I had “racially abused” him. There was no evidence at all for that complaint, yet the individual has never been prosecuted, not yet anyway, for a quite plain attempted perversion of the course of justice].

Incidentally, should any kind persons wish to defray the costs imposed on me by the Court, donations can be made here: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

So far, £235 has been raised, about a third of the minimum payment required, and I have agreed with the payment office of the Court to pay £91.75 per month (for 8 months).

The history of my decade of persecution by the “CAA” and the other involved group, “UK Lawyers for Israel” ([UKLFI”] (both presently to be seen supporting the slaughter in Gaza, and the latter responsible for the complaint against me that resulted, after 2+ years, in my getting disbarred in 2016) can be found, in part, here below:

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/15/diary-blog-15-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/16/diary-blog-16-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/17/diary-blog-17-march-2024/.

I have little doubt that that “CAA” cabal will be trying to contrive another malicious complaint against me now that their 2021-2024 ones have fallen flat; fallen flat despite my 2023 conviction and 2024 sentence, because the sentence was fairly lenient (though I had hoped for an even-lighter sentence, a conditional discharge and/or small fine), and because the (rather fair-minded, in my opinion) sentencing judge refused to grant the pathetic —and pathetically-poorly drafted— Clown Crown Prosecution Service application to restrict what I say or publish on the blog.

Also, there was no suspended sentence of imprisonment— my written Defendant’s Argument on Sentence put paid to any idea of that sort, and Prosecution Counsel, to be fair, was not foolish enough to ask for one once the trial judge had effectively ruled that out at end of trial (let alone actual imprisonment).

Anyway, what that means is that, should the “CAA” and/or police and Clown Prosecution Service want to prosecute me again, i.e. for what has been posted on the blog since mid-November 2023, or what is being currently posted on the blog, they will have to start all over again, and if they were to do that (pointlessly wasting yet more tens of thousands of pounds of public money), the matter would probably not conclude until some time in 2025, or even later, were I to appeal any conviction and sentence (and, were I to be convicted again, an appeal might be more likely than it was in the 2023/2024 matter).

I should robustly defend any further attempt to prosecute me for anything, of course.

Actually, while I dispute that any of the material in respect of which I was recently convicted and sentenced was “grossly offensive” anyway, regular readers will have noted that the blog has, in the past months, taken on a more diplomatic and more thoughtful tone, while remaining staunch and steadfast in principle and ideology.

Incidentally, readers may like to know that no Prosecution application was made to the Court at trial or after sentence that any material should be removed from the blog. All the (5) blog posts (out of 1,800 posted since 2016) which were the subject-matter of the trial remain extant and, while naturally it is the wiser course for me not to link to them, browsing readers interested in seeing what nonsense the prosecution was can see all of those blog posts via the search box or otherwise.

Indeed, the Clown Prosecution Service and “CAA”, as well as the few mass media outlets that reported my conviction and/or sentence, have themselves republished most of the supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks about Jews allegedly first posted by me, thus spreading those remarks far and wide. Thank you, clowns!

My legal position now, in respect of the blog, is what it was this time last year, or indeed in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 (when the blog started). The blog remains, all previous posts remain in place, and I continue to blog, despite the inevitably chilling effect on freedom of expression of the past year’s repressive legal process.

More tweets seen

I have little time for any of the three (Julia-Hartley-Brewer, Andrew Tate, Greta Nut), but I agree (for once) with radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer (about Greta Nut).

From the newspapers


British soldiers training in Kenya have carried out initiation ceremonies in which younger recruits are forced into having unprotected sex with prostitutes, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Senior soldiers allegedly toss a coin to determine whether the squaddie wears a condom, to prove how ‘brave’ they are.

The claims have alarmed defence chiefs because of the high rates of HIV/Aids in Kenya, where it affects one in 20 people.

[Daily Mail]


Wait until Spetsnaz commandos burst into your base; prove how “brave” you and your officers are then…

More seriously, are any of the UK armed forces worth a plugged nickel these days?

Talking point

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future” [Oscar Wilde].

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

More tweets

London. Zoo.


[My London]

Look at the photographs…

Late tweets

Late music

[Shishkin, Bee Families in the Forest]