Tag Archives: UK Lawyers for Israel

Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer

Morning music



I agree with that “@chelleryn99” tweet.

As with “Boris”-idiot, there is something of the onion, or the matrioshka, about Starmer. Several layers, but nothing (or something quite different and/or alien) at the centre.

Performative Labour tribalist (who however always looks uncomfortable with that), one-time criminal defence barrister turned high-level public prosecution lawyer, the not-quite-true faux-proletarian background (parents not so poor, and who sent him to a partly fee-paying school in a good part of Surrey), the (half-) Polish-Jewish wife, and the children brought up as if fully-Jewish… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Starmer.

Lady Starmer is Jewish and Sir Keir has talked about keeping the tradition of family Friday night dinners, where they are often joined by her father for prayers.


So I suppose that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps, a yarmulka (I think) on such occasions? Maybe, maybe not. I have not seen anything as to whether all attendees at such dinners do or not. The Jewish prayer part of that paragraph seems to suggest that Starmer does wear such headgear but (needless to say) I have never seen a photo of him wearing it.

The YouGov/Sky News poll asked this week whether voters thought he would be a good or bad prime minister. Almost half – 47% – said bad. The older the voter, the more pessimistic they are.

Sir Keir is starting from a low base – not as bad as Rishi Sunak, but still bad. By contrast, only 33% said they thought he’d be good.

That level of enthusiasm suggests Sir Keir may not enjoy much of a public opinion honeymoon, just at a point where he is likely to have to start by making difficult decisions, most notably on raising taxes.

One of the themes of this election has been the party’s clarity that while it will promise not to raise income tax, national insurance and corporation tax, no such bar exists on other taxes.

[Sky News]

He will probably raise the level of VAT. Even a 1% rise would harvest a huge amount of money. Pretty tough on poorer people, though…Maybe an increase in fuel duty, too (sold —or not— to the public as “green”, of course…).

Where is Starmer, ideologically?

Starmer’s politics have been described as unclear and “hard to define”.[142][143][144] When he was elected as Labour leader, Starmer was widely believed to belong to the soft left of the Labour Party.[145] However, he has since moved to the political centre-ground.[146][147] By the September 2023 shadow cabinet reshuffle, most analysts concluded that Starmer had moved to the right of the party, and had demoted and marginalised those on the soft left, replacing them with Blairites.[148][149][150][128][127]

[Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Political_positions].

So, again, Starmer is impossible to pin down. Not socialist, not really even a social-democrat, yet also without any of the respect for private enterprise or private views that one used to see in the “small-c” conservatives.

In April 2023, Starmer gave an interview to The Economist on defining Starmerism.[152][154] In this interview, two main strands of Starmerism were identified.[154]

The first strand focused on a critique of the British state for being too ineffective and over-centralised. The answer to this critique was to base governance on five main missions to be followed over two terms of government; these missions would determine all government policy.

The second strand was the adherence to an economic policy of “modern supply-side economics” based on expanding economic productivity by increasing participation in the labour market, mitigating the impact of Brexit and simplifying the construction planning process.[154]


Boiled down, what that seems to suggest is another Iain Dunce Duncan Smith-style attempt to harry the poor, sick, disabled (and the middle-aged not yet of State Pension age) to poorly-paid work “opportunities”, while cutting back social security “welfare” payments harshly. Also, Starmer will cave in to the any demands of the EU.

There is no obvious suggestion that Starmer and Rachel Reeves are interested in the effect of robotics and AI, which together may destroy existing jobs by the million, thus positing the need for Basic Income.

The last strand featured is as bad, or worse: caving in to the demands of the housebuilding industry.

Starmer will probably allow the large housebuilding companies to spread their expensive but often jerry-built “little boxes, made of ticky-tacky” across the English countryside.

Starmer will no doubt talk about the “housing crisis” but fail to note that most of that is consequential upon the migration invasion (a million or more every year now). Sajid Javid, another pro-Israel puppet (now washed-up politically), also showed himself unwilling to see the facts:

Try 10-15 million (over the past 25 years, including births to immigrants)…

As to the mass immigration influx itself, Starmer-Labour will eventually stop most of the cross-Channel small-boat invasion by the simple expedient of setting up “processing centres” (maybe simple offices) in Northern France. There, the would-be invaders will, almost all of them, have their applications to enter the UK rubber-stamped.

At present, 80% of those arriving here and claiming “asylum” have their applications approved anyway (under a system that was out of date decades ago), so Starmer will simply lower the bar even further so that 90% or 95% are approved (filtering out, it will be claimed, any known criminals or terrorists— all bs of course). The public will then be sedated into complacency— far fewer “small boats” (or invaders ferried in by the RNLI, Navy, Border “Farce” etc) will be seen arriving.

In fact, the more obvious criminal/terrorist invaders will still arrive, using the “small boat” or “back of truck” methods, but the numbers will be only about a twentieth of the number now arriving. As to the rest, armed with their new Starmer-visas, they will just take the ordinary ferries.

Of course, Starmer will not “solve” the migration-invasion crisis, but just cover it up. That is what he does. There is a massive dishonesty lurking in Starmer.

More? “Starmer has pledged to halve the rates of violence against women and girls, halve the rates of serious violent crime, halve the incidents of knife crime, increase confidence in the criminal justice system, and create a ‘Charging Commission’ which would be “tasked with coming up with reforms to reverse the decline in the number of offences being solved”.[190] He has also committed to placing specialist domestic violence workers in the control rooms of every police force responding to 999 calls to support victims of abuse.[191]

In 2023, the Byline Times wrote that Starmer “actively opposes a move to proportional representation for the House of Commons”.[192]

After confirming he would not scrap the current two-child benefit cap, Starmer was criticised by many within his own party.[193]


There is a thread there, a thread of antipathy to civil rights; a thread of authoritarianism .

Remember how Starmer wanted even fiercer, more restrictive, and longer-lasting “lockdowns” during the 2020-2022 currency of the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

My response?

There are times in history when authoritarian government is inescapable; even outright —though temporary— dictatorship. However, that should not be the norm, particularly in a country such as the UK, with its history of gradually-broadening rights and freedoms.

Incidentally (?), “According to Declassified UK, Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.[225]


In other words, Starmer is a “chosen” part of the whole NWO/ZOG matrix, and that of course includes the plan to destroy the future of the European peoples, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Starmer may take part in Jewish pre-prandial or post-prandial (?) prayers (as he has stated) but, once again, that seems to be something merely performative with him, he being an atheist anyway.

Foreign policy is easy to predict: Starmer was willing to say that the “Israelis” have every right to shut off even water to the suffering children of Gaza. He is a Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet. Completely.

Other than that, Starmer will do whatever the “Americans” (the USA’s ruling circles and cabals) want him to do. So… “support” for Israel, “support” (money, arms etc ) for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) etc.

Incidentally, there is much election bs being talked by Labour Party supporters as to how Labour will be a kinder sort of government than that of Sunak’s clowns. I doubt it. I would not put anyone in charge of such as Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, and the other Labour Friends of Israel types. As to Starmer, his support for Israel cutting off food and even water to the women and children of devastated Gaza shows just how far his much-trumpeted “compassion” goes…

If Starmer is willing to cut off food and water to the suffering civilians of Gaza, what might he be willing to do to the people of the UK?

I see no real centre to Starmer; even his doglike loyalty to Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby seems performative, yet that is the only thing that seems to mean anything at all to him.

Starmer displays no obvious ideological loyalty (as such), no old-fashioned class-loyalty (to any social class or category), and no religious loyalty (an atheist, presumably originally Church of England).

Who, really, is this?

It is hard, of course, to see evil in someone as dull as Starmer, despite the oft-quoted words of Hannah Arendt about “the banality of evil“. The expectation, I think misguided, is that Evil, whether cosmic or on the mundane plane, will somehow be more interesting than the Good.

Starmer should worry people, not because he has expressed any particularly “evil”, or even “bad” ideas (he even weaselled ab out cutting off water to families in Gaza, tried to evade the question etc), or some kind of (obviously) sinister ideological base, but more because he, like those he gathers closely around him, has no ideas beyond the most shallow. Someone trying to be elected (in effect) as Prime Minister is expected to come up with at least a few ideas, if not a coherent ideology, and Starmer either does not or cannot.

Will Starmer-Labour create a better Britain? No. I see a harsher, more intrusive police state likely to emerge. Mass immigration will continue, perhaps in even greater volume, and our towns and cities will, despite the encroaching police state, become no-go areas policed by even-less responsive paramilitary police.

Economically? A gradual downturn. The spending cuts agenda apparently very likely, combined with the cost of the continuing migration invasion of parasites, as well as the backfire effect of sanctions against Russia will ensure that.

Starmer’s government will, as predicted by Matt Goodwin, become very unpopular very quickly. However, in the absence of any real Opposition in the Commons (the Con —or possibly LibDem— official Opposition, post-GE 2024, may have only about 50 MPs), it may be possible for social nationalism to make real headway outside, in the “real world”.

Election notes

Well, we now know that 4 July 2024 is to be the fateful day. Is it a co-incidence that that is Independence Day in the USA? Does the choice of day have some symbolic, even occultic, significance? Maybe not, but there seems to be no obvious reason for that day to be the day.

Exactly 5 weeks from today.

Close to my own Electoral Calculus use yesterday.

Note the huge Lab majority, and the fact that the Cons are not even shown as the official Opposition (LibDems, incredibly). Also, the SNP predicted to lose three-quarters of their 2019 seats.

Tweets seen

As I have been saying for a long time on the blog.

Gradually, gradually, South Africa descends into darkness. The European (white) population, which at one time (1911) was about 22% of the whole, has declined sharply since “majority rule” (African corrupt crony rule) came in 30 years ago, and is now only about 7%. Once that 7% figure drops to 1% or 2%, maybe by 2040, South Africa will go the way of the Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc.

Imagine if the Jews had never been allowed to create the Israeli state in the 1940s, and had (in the 1940s and 1930s, and also since 1956) been prevented from moving there. The whole of the Israel/Palestine situation, and much of the instability of the region, would never have developed.

If this situation continues to slide, by 2030 there will be no Germany, no Poland as we know them. Probably no Ukraine either, and quite possibly no UK, France, USA or urban Russia.

As white Northern Europeans, those of us left alive at that point would be faced with the necessity of creating almost an entirely new culture and civilization as a basic foundation for a much later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Ukrainian “nationalists” whose President is a corrupt and dictatorial Jewish comedian incapable of running anything, let alone a large and, until recently, relatively civilized country.

Myerson. Again…

A pro-Israel Jew-Zionist obsessive, and a member of the two Zionist organizations (UK Lawyers for Israel, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) which have been, inter alia, making malicious complaints about me for a decade, complaints which have resulted in both my (unlawful as well as wrongful) 2016 disbarment and my 2023 free speech conviction under the repressive Communications Act 2003, s.127).

Here we are, at 1224 on a Thursday early afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted, by my count, 49 times today, mostly to mock others.

This is not, in my view, an individual fitted to sit in judgment over others as a Recorder (p/t judge).

1229: make that 51 times…

[Update, 1528 same day: now 64 tweets and counting… has he nothing else to do?].

[Update, 1737 same day: now 76 tweets and counting...].

…and —wouldn’t you know it?— pro-Israel puppet Iain Dale stands, in that Daily Telegraph photo, with the branding of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” behind him.

It would be good were Dale to fail to be elected, but Tunbridge Wells has not elected anyone not from the Conservative Party since the present constituency was established in 1974: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Even Peter Oborne, though, does not mention, expressly, the “JQ”, or that the msm in the UK is not free at all (for that reason).

Note the BICOM connection. The half-Jewish Israel activist, former MP, and now life peer —thanks to Starmer— Ruth Smeeth was at one point one of its directors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth.


Ruth Smeeth has also worked for other Jewish and Israeli organizations.

I have to admit that I did not know that Myerson had called another Jew a “house Jew“. I wonder whether that would count as “grossly offensive“? It would if I published it, no doubt…

Ha. Quite. Scotland, were it to vote for the SNP’s faux-“Independence”, would not be governed by Westminster, true, but it would be governed by the EU, by American or NWO/ZOG influence (NATO etc), by the international banking system etc, and domestically probably by a Pakistani “Scotsman”. Who are the SNP trying to fool? The Scottish people, I suppose.

I see that the SNP is now predicted to win as few as 12 seats (out of 57) this year, from 48 (out of 59) won in 2019. I think that the SNP has had its day as an overwhelming force in Scotland. In 2015, it suddenly shot into prominence with 56 out of 59 Scottish Westminster seats, but the last 9 years have been riven with scandal and underperformance. Above all, not only has Independence not happened, fewer Scots now support it than did a decade ago; it is a minority cause.

Good grief. What a deadhead. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Logan_(politician). Hard to believe that the Foreign Office employed him in some capacity for a (brief? Not so brief?) period (in Shanghai). He also worked for a Chinese company. The gap between when he left f/t education around 2007 and when he started to contest elections (2017) is about 10 years, so there may have been other activity somewhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolton_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

I examined Natalie Elphicke and her defection on yesterday’s blog post.

There should be, must be, a cultural purge in the UK, taking in almost all present-day vulgar pseudo-comedians. Let’s see how loud they laugh then…

BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the “preferred candidate” for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad.

Dick Schoof – or “Mr. Deepstate” as I’d like to call him – is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting “anti-government extremism”. As if that isn’t bad enough, he was also: – behind the Dutch covid regime – involved in the Trump-Russia hoax – behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports – spying on Dutch citizens here on @X with fake accounts operated by the government.

He’s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. He’s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, – being a former member of the Dutch Labour party – the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November.

@geertwilderspvv should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership. With a man like this leading the country I’m sure the digital surveillance state we’ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.”

Well, at least he has been identified…

That little monkey Pierce, the pathetic System puppet Vine, anti-white know-nothing Yasmin Alibhai-Brown— all System propagandists, pretending to be promoting a variety of views, but really all actors in a kind of play, presented to the public as “debate”.

Late music

The later depth is not there so much, but these were pieces written by a boy of 15, amazingly enough.

[painting by Leonid Afremov]

Diary Blog, 22 May 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

Issued with formal advice“? Myerson’s defaults were surely worse than those attributed to me in 2016, yet I was disbarred (it later turned out, unlawfully as well as wrongly) because I tweeted a mere 5 supposedly “offensive” tweets or retweets (out of over 150,000, over about 6 years). Justice? I think not. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Jew-Zionist hypocrite Myerson, whose recent evidence on oath as a witness on the losing side of a significant legal case [Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor] was given little if any weight by a High Court judge, should be removed in short order as Recorder (p/t judge), and also disbarred, in my opinion.

Incidentally, Myerson belongs to the very organization that complained (via another Jew barrister, of whom I had previously never even heard) about me in 2014— “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”]; he also belongs to the malicious and conspiratorial “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], which was behind other contrived and malicious complaints against me, such as the one that resulted in my being put on trial in November 2023.


When I look at the MPs in the Westminster monkeyhouse, or at least 80%+ of them, what amazes me is the sheer patience (or is it lazy complacency?) of the British people.

Not very Parliamentary language, but truth is its own defence (or used to be…).

More music

More tweets seen

Not one mention of the fact that a million unwanted immigrants are entering this country every single year now. Cloud-cuckoo land. Madness.

More from James Wilson about his recent legal case

…and with all the Jewish persons involved, those students must have imagined themselves as extras in some sort of Hollywood film…

More tweets

“They” love to “report” people, but if it happens to them, they recoil in horror, and from that moment become, yet again, “innocent victims”.

As to Mark Lewis, he is an appallingly bad (bad in more than one sense) lawyer. He should be struck off the solicitors’ roll.

Lewis was always a self-publicist first and foremost. The Jewish lobby so embedded in the “British” msm has always given him a free ride, publicizing any legal successes (mostly very easy wins, such as the “Jack Monroe” defamation suit against Katie Hopkins), but keeping silent about the many times when Lewis has failed.

As previously blogged, I (unlike the seemingly well-meaning James Wilson) have no sympathy for the Jew-Zionist defendants. One has committed suicide, the other two are now as good as bankrupt, with one apparently likely to lose his family house, unless (and here’s the rub) he sues Mark Lewis, and possibly/probably the firm of which Lewis is a partner, Patron Law, in professional negligence and/or otherwise.

To recycle Lewis’s own arrogant boast, but with a twist, “someone can be a fanatical Jew-Zionist twister and lawyer, but at least they can be a bankrupt and struck-off one“…

Late tweets

Or deal with them another way, and so save the air fares.

That is unarguable.

I agree with Goodwin. What Mackinlay is suffering and has suffered, I should not wish on (most of) my worst enemies. However, it is not wrong or in bad taste to note that, throughout his time as MP, Mackinlay has voted, consistently, in Parliament to reduce social security/”welfare” benefits, including those paid to the sick and disabled.

Mackinlay and his wife have high incomes, and many “perks” etc. Many sick and disabled people struggle by without such privilege. I wonder whether his recent experiences have in any way changed his outlook on the life-challenges facing less-affluent people in the UK?


Get him on the train!

Idiots like that may be digging their own irradiated graves.

Never give “them” power…


Late music

Diary Blog, 21 April 2024, with more about the legal case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor

Morning music

[Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Tweets seen

More about the legal case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor

I pity anyone using Mark Lewis as their solicitor…

See my blog posts from yesterday (20 April 2024) and 18 April 2024: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/04/20/diary-blog-20-april-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/04/18/diary-blog-18-april-2024/, also my posts from a few years ago, and especially https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/. Also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/16/diary-blog-16-september-2023/.


Those self-describing “left” people, such as Maginn and Dr. David Miller, always call their persecutors “rightwing“, when really the said persecutors are mostly Jews, with a few non-Jewish pro-Israel “doormat” types as makeweights.

The old “right”/”left” descriptors were out of date a century ago.

Academic James Wilson wins defamation case against Zionist trolls Mendelsohn and Cantor. Judgment speaks volumes about methods and attitudes of so-called ‘campaigners against antisemitism’.

It’s worth posting this Skwawkbox report in full so people can appreciate what those of us critical of Zionism are up against.

The academic James Wilson was defamed, bullied and lied about by a phalanx of Zionist troll merchants including some who had, or have, jobs in academia – such as the late, and not lamented, Pete Newbon, and the Zionist regime asset David Hirsh.

I have highlighted the names of this Zionist hyaena pack in bold for ease of reference. [Link to the Skwawkbox post at the end.]

University lecturer James Wilson has been awarded £30,000 in damages against James Mendelsohn and Edward Cantor for defamatory material published about him during an argument about supposed antisemitism in the Labour party.

The false claim, that Mr Wilson was a ‘freak [who] takes pictures of kids’, put Mr Wilson and his partner in fear of physical danger, as well as seriously damaging his reputation.

The judge had previously rejected an attempt by Mendelsohn and Cantor to quash the lawsuit. The judgement lays bare that: Mendelsohn and Cantor kept private information and recycled it to the late Dr Pete Newbon – a director of the anti-left group ‘Labour against Antisemitism’ (LAAS), so that he could use it to defame Wilson – the information was untrue and based a) on statements from someone the judge found to have lied about Wilson and b) on false claims about a university disciplinary investigation.

Newbon was described by the judge as ‘bullying’. That Newbon, who committed suicided in 2022 after a row with his wife and has been lionised by so-called ‘antisemitism campaigners’ despite his awful record as a serial troll repeatedly disciplined by his employers Northumbria University for his appalling social media conduct, had not told her of Wilson’s lawsuit against him for the defamatory posts.

Mendelsohn and Cantor refused to apologise, mediate or settle, forcing the legal action to proceed to its conclusion. A key witness for the defendants said that she had been offered £5,000 by Mendelsohn and Cantor to testify for them (though the judge did not make a finding that her claim was true).

The defendants further abused and insulted Wilson in the course of their defence – despite, in the case of Cantor, being warned by the judge not to do so.

The defendants – who represented themselves in court apart from the use of a barrister to cross-examine Wilson – wheeled out a number of figures who are well known for their attacks on the left in an attempt to shore up their defence. The judge dismissed them:

*University lecturer David Hirsh, a prominent, pro-Israel proponent of supposed ‘left antisemitism’, who wrote an unintentionally revealing elegy to Pete Newbon after his suicide. Hirsh was called to bolster the defendants’ claim that Wilson had shown ‘unwarrantedly aggressive and belligerent conduct’. The judge rejected Hirsh’s evidence that Wilson was ‘aggressive, unpredictable, persistent and irrational’ and found that Wilson’s communications with him over the spreading of a crowdfund for the defendants’ legal costs were ‘not unreasonable’

*Nathan Comiskey, another advocate of ‘left antisemitism’, who claimed that Wilson contacting him about insulting remarks was ‘highly intrusive and upsetting’ and that he had felt ‘harassed and targeted’. The judge ruled that there was nothing unreasonable in Wilson’s communications and that Comiskey’s testimony did nothing to support the defendants’ claims about supposed unwarranted aggression or belligerence.

*Simon Myerson – a founding signatory of LAAS and supporter of Israel, and a part-time judge recently sanctioned for judicial misconduct for abusive social media posts. Myerson was also a vocal supporter of Newbon, trying to link Jewish author Michael Rosen to Newbon’s suicide, despite a coroner not mentioning Rosen at all in his inquest findings. Mendelsohn and Cantor put forward Wilson’s communications with Myerson, who had shared a post describing Wilson as ‘scum of the earth’, as evidence to support their claim of aggressive behaviour.

The judge ruled that it did nothing of the sort. Joanne Bell and journalist Adam Cailler – more well-known anti-left activists whose correspondence with Wilson was put forward by the defence as supporting evidence. The judge ruled, “I can find nothing in the emails which is particularly aggressive or which points to conduct of the kind said to demonstrate the pleaded propensity [to aggression]”.”

A Myerson attack on Michael Rosen:

The findings, as well as being clearly welcome to the smeared and endangered James Wilson, illuminate much of the approach of the right-wingers who created and propagated the ‘Labour antisemitism’ smear. While so-called ‘antisemitism campaigners’ – lauded by Hirsh in his document supporting the creation of the so-called ‘Pete Newbon award’ – are ready to doxx, insult, smear and abuse those with whom they disagree, the conduct of the defence and the witnesses it put forward or quoted reveal a group that is quick to describe their supposed hurt and fear when someone challenges them and, even in the most reasonable terms, takes issue with the smears and abuse.

Happily, the judge saw through such asymmetrical nonsense. Mr Wilson, in a statement about the result, said: The Judge has found that Mr James Mendelsohn gave Dr Pete Newbon confidential and defamatory information about me. It included a screenshot of a Facebook post that said I was “a freak who took pictures of kids” outside a school with a clear photo of me.

The impression was, as the Judge decided, like a ‘wanted’ poster. When the Facebook post was published originally, there were incidents that made me fear for the safety of me and my family. The police secured its deletion within 24 hours.

The Judge found that the allegations in the Facebook post were untrue. Mr Mendelsohn took a screenshot of the Facebook post in the 24 hours it was published and, having kept it for 19 months, gave it to Dr Newbon in August 2020 knowing Dr Newbon was making abusive attacks on me on Twitter/X and so he could use the screenshot as a weapon against me.

Dr Newbon and Mr Eddy Cantor then published the screenshot on Twitter/X too, as the Judge has found, abuse and bully me. When Dr Newbon realised the screenshot he and Mr Cantor had published put the safety of me and my family at risk, he took no action. I suspect this was on the basis of advice he got from his solicitor [Mark Lewis of Eilat, Israel].

Even when Dr Newbon deleted the screenshot from his feed, he sent it to other people by private message. He also invented seriously defamatory allegations about me that he sent to other people.

I did not want the litigation to start. The Defendants could have settled for zero damages and zero costs, and an agreement to delete and not to further publish the screenshot. Litigation only started because all the Defendants, presumably on advice from their solicitors [Mark Lewis of Eilat, Israel, and the Jewish law firm in London with which he is connected], insisted that publication of the screenshot was in the public interest.

They claimed this despite knowing of the intimidatory incidents. I did not want there to be a trial. What made a trial inevitable was the conduct of the Defendants. I suspect some of the Defendants’ conduct was the result of advice from their solicitors [Lewis, again].

The Defendants’ conduct included:

*Refusing to comply with the Civil Procedure Rules on pre-action conduct.

*Refusing mediation in favour of litigation to drive up my costs and to try to bankrupt me.

*Making repeated threats to bankrupt me, explicitly referring to the impact this would have on my employment and children.

*Making false allegations of anti-Semitism to try to get me to abandon my claim.

*Making misogynistic allegations about my partner and falsely accusing her of conspiring to pervert the course of justice and breaching professional conduct rules.

*Taking the case to trial having stated: (a) they had no money and I would not recover any costs or damages; (b) they did not care about the outcome (they were “blasé about the result”); (c) they saw what they were doing as some sort of revenge (they “regard this as payback time”).

*Refusing to engage sensibly in negotiations to settle the whole claim when both Dr Newbon’s widow and I wanted to quietly and cheaply settle the claim and avoid further publicity after Dr Newbon’s tragic death.

The Defendants received encouragement on social media and financial help in pursuing their defences. The crowdfunding claims made by the Defendants were outrageous. The most distasteful aspect was using Dr Newbon’s death to raise money (“One of us is now sadly silent. Those remaining must today come together and fight”).

The reality was that, having used Dr Newbon’s death to raise money, no serious effort was made to defend Dr Newbon at trial. I tried to protect Dr Newbon’s posthumous reputation by settling the claim without a trial and judgment.

Mr Cantor rejected in principle a settlement for nominal damages and zero costs in November 2021. Rather than getting Mr Cantor out of the litigation for a nominal sum, [his lawyer] [Lewis, again] insisted I would have to pay him money before Mr Cantor would settle the claim.

I do not know whether Mr Cantor himself knew about this, given his subsequent expressions of bemusement about being involved in the proceedings at all.

Both Defendants refused an offer to settle before trial for just a quarter of the damages the Judge has awarded. When the trial started, I avoided seeking a finding of harassment against Dr Newbon. It is unfortunate that detailed information about Dr Newbon’s conduct has been put in the public domain after his death.

In my opinion, the Defendants and/or their solicitors tried to cause me devastating reputational and, through the costs of the proceedings, financial harm because they disagree with my views on the State of Israel. The Defendants’ conduct was encouraged by others who share their views.

Dr Newbon also brought a separate defamation claim [against author Michael Rosen, who had complained about the antisemitic editing of an image showing one of his books].

He had intended to apologise for the conduct which was the subject of that case, but seems to have received dreadful advice [from Mark Lewis, again] to sue rather than simply say sorry. He ended up involved in two completely unnecessary and hopeless legal cases.

As the Judge found, it seemed the Defendants were motivated by an intense dislike if not hatred of me. For my part, I have no antipathy towards the Defendants despite their conduct and its impact on me and my family. I have never published confidential or defamatory information about the Defendants. I have never been abusive to them. I never retaliated to the Defendants’ abuse and bullying. It is ironic that while the Defendants are convinced that I am motivated by prejudice against them, it is they who had an obsessive and irrational dislike of me

[typical of “them”, of course— Ian Millard].

I find it sad that the Defendants, their former legal advisers [Lewis etc], and others believed that defending the State of Israel from criticism justified their conduct to me and my family. It is my hope that what has happened to the Defendants and their families, and me and my family, never happens to anyone else again. Please do not use the judgment in my case as a reason to attack or abuse others on social media. Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor definitely do not deserve to be attacked or abused and I urge people not to do so.

[really? Mr. Wilson may be “too nice” to that pack who have savaged him]

[the above (except for the few additions in square brackets) posted by Dr. David Miller, the academic sacked from Bristol University after a vicious campaign by Jew-Zionists, a campaign led (ostensibly) by a Jewish girl who also, inter alia, tweeted and/or wrote in favour of the decriminalization of bestiality pornography (as also did, incidentally, former MP and Israel supporter Ian Austin, who is now, absurdly, a member of the House of Lords, and who also wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions demanding that I be prosecuted for “crimes” connected to “antisemitism”).]

Surely it is time that the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority took Lewis in hand and (again) to a Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal; he should be struck off the solicitors’ roll. He has been lucky in that respect in the past, several times. He may have been cut slack by reason of his various chronic physical and mental problems (multiple sclerosis being one).

Myerson is a lying hypocrite, of course; I have various examples of that. He used to tweet frequently about me, and is a supporter of the two main Jew-Zionist groups that have attacked me (and my free speech rights) for the past decade— “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

The Bar Standards Board and Judicial Conduct Investigations Office should both take up (as to the latter, again) the case of Myerson, who has been a Recorder as well as working as a barrister, and who possibly still does sit as a Recorder (“part-time judge”). I do not know whether he still does.

I know only the outline of the other Jew-Zionist false witnesses mentioned. Adam Cailler is a scribbler for the Daily Star “newspaper”, while Joanne Bell is prolific on Twitter/X and, until someone was rude to her in a pub, used to describe herself as a “beauty junkie“.

Most of those false witnesses have at some point tweeted against me, many times in the case of Myerson.

The Jew-Zionist lobby, also known as the Israel lobby, abuse law (they call their activities “lawfare”) against both the perceived enemies of the Jews and also against those trying to exercise free speech on various matters social, political, historical etc. An evil pack. I myself have been the Israel lobby’s target for about 12 years (online), if not 48 years (offline).

Incidentally, this may be of interest to many: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

More music

More tweets seen

The condition for the new delivery of weapons to Kiev by the NATO countries was the adoption in Ukraine of a strict law on mobilization in order to compensate for the losses of Ukrainian forces , “TASS” states, referring to an unnamed diplomat in Brussels. ” The adoption of a new strict law on mobilization in Ukraine was a condition for new deliveries of weapons from NATO countries. The delivery of weapons makes sense only if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations, as well as with timely filling losses, which is why it is necessary to actively recruit new soldiers,” the diplomat pointed out.”

In other words, and as this blog has repeatedly pointed out, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder, despite press-gangs hauling people off the streets to serve on the collapsing front-lines, and despite the forced recruitment of the middle-aged (even those 60+) and disabled.

Unsurprising that few volunteer to serve: open-ended commitment, with poor pay and poor living conditions, as well as incompetent senior officers.

Soon, there will probably be a general Russian advance in Eastern Ukraine.

It is a terrible situation. Russia should have struck early and hard at Zelensky and his cabal in Kiev, using Spetsnaz forces, and parachute forces en masse, thus decapitating the Kiev regime. This present ghastly attritional war, with its huge destruction, and harm to both humans and their animal companions, would then have been averted.

More tweets etc about that legal matter

Well, guess what general (((group))) controls or strongly influences the “British” Press, radio and TV?

Note also the threat by Myerson to involve the police. Again typical of “them”. I have endured the same over many years: false and malicious complaints to police etc by connected packs of Jew-Zionists. After a decade of conspiracy, and whining demands to police and the Crown Prosecution Service, they finally succeeded in having me prosecuted. I was eventually convicted in November 2023 and, in March 2024, sentenced to a 9-month “community order” of 15 days or part-days of meetings with the Probation Service etc, as well as costs amounting to £734.

Incidentally, my crowdfunder is still open, should anyone want to help: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J. You can donate, or share the link. Thank you.

Myerson, despite his almost non-stop vituperation of others, is quick to play the “victim” (((victim))) card when on the defensive; he has done it previously when he thought that the Bar regulator was going to take up a case against him.

I hope that Mr. Wilson or others make what would surely be a thoroughly-justified complaint about him to the Bar Standards Board and/or the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

Incidentally, it is only just after midday; so far today, in only a few hours, Myerson has already tweeted about 20 times. As he does most days, it seems. Obsessed?

Andrew Davis, famous orchestral conductor

When I was about 16, I owned a 1972 vinyl containing short works conducted by Davis; a potboiler selection but very good all the same, called Crown Imperial:

Later, in (I think) 1988, when I was just 32 and had a beard (a bad mistake with which I persisted from about 1983 to late 1988), I looked quite like also-bearded Andrew Davis in that same year. I was unaware of the temporary resemblance (the 1972 vinyl had a pre-beard photo of Davis) until an amusing incident happened.

I lived in Little Venice, London, and had the use, at the time, of a box at the Royal Albert Hall. I went there occasionally. One summer evening in 1988, I did just that. Andrew Davis was not conducting, but he was conducting on other nights at the Albert Hall in that same season, notably at the famous Last Night of the Proms (September 1988).

I breakfasted daily at the fashionable and nearby Raoul’s Cafe in Little Venice in those days. One day, a few days after I had been to the Albert Hall, I went into the cafe, sat, and noticed a young couple almost staring at me, smiling as if trying to catch my attention. I politely smiled back, at which the young woman said “we saw you at the Albert Hall the other night!

I had no idea that Andrew Davis had just conducted at the Albert Hall, and no idea how much like him I looked at the time, so replied “oh, yes, I was there. I am there occasionally.

The young couple, who told me that they were just visiting from New Zealand, said that they were staying one or two houses down from the semi-detached Victorian villa in Lanark Road, a stone’s throw from Raoul’s, in which I lived, and they thought that they had seen me. They continued:

Are you often at the Albert Hall?“, to which I replied, in my innocence, “yes, when I am invited.”

After a few more pleasantries, the conversation ended, and the young couple departed from the cafe, though I saw them once or twice in succeeding days, as they entered a house; they were indeed staying almost next door to me. They smiled at me in an oddly awestruck way, though I took it to be mere courtesy.

Scroll on a day or so, and I encountered a friend of mine, whom I had met, along with the girl whom he later married, when we were all Bar Finals students at the Inns of Court School in Gray’s Inn (at the time, all prospective English barristers had to attend there). His first words were “Helen and I thought you were conducting the Last Night of the Proms on TV the other night! You have an uncanny resemblance to Sir Andrew Davis!” Others later made similar remarks, having also seen the performance on television.

No doubt the young couple returned to New Zealand telling people that, on their trip to London, they had encountered the famous conductor Andrew Davis, and what a modest fellow he was…

My little story has a twist. Almost a decade later, maybe in 1995 or 1996, I was having a drink with a lady and a few other regular habitues of “the Bunker”, our name for the basement bar at the Colonnade Hotel, Little Venice, when a bearded fellow entered from the hotel. The bar was a small and intimate one, so I said good evening, but then exclaimed “you know, you look just like Andrew Davis, the conductor“, to which he replied “I am Andrew Davis“…

Well, I bought Davis a beer (I offered Champagne, but beer was his modest choice), and gave him a few (no doubt, to his mind, both simplistic and unwanted) thoughts about my taste in music, and he eventually exited.

I presume that Davis had been recording at the BBC Maida Vale Studios not very far away. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maida_Vale_Studios.

Das ist’s

A pretty fine conductor.

[Colonnade Hotel, Little Venice, London. The street entrance to “the Bunker” was through that entrance marked “2” in the photograph, then down steep steps]

More tweets

That refers to the recent provocation staged by the evil “Campaign Against Antisemitism” pack, in this case fronted by their chief spokesperson, one Gideon Falter. In at least one previous case, a Crown Court judge found Falter’s sworn testimony not credible.

I have not seen anything about that context or background in the msm reports about the recent incident, though. What a surprise (not)…

True. Curious, though. I thought that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel. Maybe her beliefs are more nuanced. Don’t know. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

Falter is an out and out Jew-Zionist liar. If he was willing to lie on oath in a criminal case (against Rowan Laxton, a British diplomat https://www.gov.uk/government/people/rowan-james-laxton–2, whose initial prosecution Falter had procured by making a malicious complaint about Laxton to the police…”their” tactics yet again…), then lying on TV and Twitter/X will be easy enough for him. See also https://www.thejc.com/news/foreign-office-man-wins-appeal-against-race-abuse-claim-gyp2ql35.

Had Laxton not won his appeal to Crown Court from magistrates’ court, he would probably have been dismissed from the Foreign Office, or at least demoted; his career would have ended. “Their” usual tactics, again.

The Crown Court judge did not believe Falter’s testimony.

Note also how the initial conviction was reported in all of the msm newspapers, but (ironically) only the Jewish Chronicle reported the success of the appeal. That newspaper however failed to name Falter at all, or as to Falter having given testimony that the court decided was “unreliable” (to put it diplomatically).

Seems, though, that I am not alone in recalling Falter’s “perjury” (though he was never charged with that) or his “unreliable testimony” (that is a much more “diplomatic” way of putting it, I suppose):

Where are the journalists?“, asks tweeter Jackie Walker. There are no real journalists these days, just laughable 20-somethings, semi-literate scribblers, who want not to impede their pathetic careers by going up against the Israel lobby; also, older scribblers with similar motivations and inhibitions, who know that going against the Jewish lobby or Israel might mean the loss of very high salaries, in the hundreds of thousands in some cases.

I have a very good cartoon about (((control))) and/or (((influence))) over the “British” msm, but after my recent free speech conviction think it more diplomatic not to republish it…

Apologies for living in a country where “a certain element” has killed off free speech over the past 30+ years.

Falter has bodyguards from Jew-Zionist strongarm and snoop organizations whenever he makes a public appearance.

Incidentally, Falter is involved in activities which, were they Islamist, would be called (and treated as) support for terrorism: see below

Incidentally, the news editor posting that Novara Media piece, Rivkah Brown, is herself Jewish, though anti-Zionist.

Guess what types own LBC? Yes… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBC#Global_Radio; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Tabor-King.

Tabor-King has lived in The Knightsbridge Apartments complex since 2006, in an apartment he bought for £15 million.[14] In 2017 he bought the next-door apartment for £90 million.[14] Tabor-King also owns a mansion in Los Angeles. The site was purchased from Megan Ellison, daughter of Larry Ellison, for $26.25 million. Tabor-King also owns a $21 million apartment in Barbados.” [Wikipedia].

Who are their presenters? Among others, Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel, Lewis Goodall…

Get the idea?

More tweets

The U.S. Congress easily passed the bill to supply more huge amounts of money, arms, ammunition etc to Israel. American politicians are as, or more, “owned” even than the ones in the UK.

Late tweets seen

Falter trying to dominate the radio caller by speaking over him. Impudent bastard. Look at (part-Jewish) Rachel Johnson too, making faces when that caller speaks. She is both “entitled” and very very stupid.

Quite. As for “Lord Walney” (former MP, doormat for Israel and the Jewish-Zionist lobby, and sex-pest depressive, John Woodcock), I penned an assessment of him some years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/05/04/john-woodcock-barrow-and-furness-and-the-general-election-2017/.

The mass media, the police, and the “Clown” Prosecution Service should all wake up to the manipulations being carried out by the Jewish/Israel lobby in general, and the malicious and dishonest “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] in particular.

There is a hidden agenda (not deeply hidden though): if the Metropolitan Police Commissioner resigns, or is dismissed, because of the present contrived “CAA”/general Jew-Zionist storm, the “CAA” will have sent the message to the police (and “Clown” Prosecution Service) “do as we wish— or else”…The police and CPS will then cower whenever the “CAA” or other Israel-lobby creatures write a letter or pick up the telephone.

Late music

[Prague, Vltava bridges from Hradčany]

Diary Blog, 7 April 2024

Morning music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

Tweets seen

Compare that to the Profumo affair of the early 1960s. A Cabinet minister resigned merely for having had a secret girlfriend who happened to be also involved with the Soviet Naval Attache, and having lied about the affair.

Standards in public life have always fallen, at times and in regard to this or that individual, from the strictest level, but what we now see is a general collapse of decent behaviour.

My assessment of hugely ignorant Esther McVey, from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

A good example of stolid English police humour.

All Jews or, in a couple of cases, part-Jews.

Maureen Lipman thinks that no-one has a “right to return” (except, of course, Jews, who have a “Right of Return” law in Israel/Occupied Palestine, which allows any Jew to settle in Israel/Palestine, even those whose DNA shows that their ancestors were from Khazaria or elsewhere, and never anywhere near Israel/Palestine…).


[Ashkenazi Jews in Jerusalem, c.1885; comment perhaps unnecessary (or effectively banned by law)…]


The game is not…quite… at an end. There is still the possibility that a very small minority of Europeans (“Aryans” or, more accurately, post-Aryans) can take control sufficiently to vanquish evil and then create the basis for a new society which, eventually, over a long period of time, can become the foundation for an even later super-race.

[the Swastika, or Hakenkreuz, symbol of the positive evolution of consciousness]

As so often, people tweet or otherwise comment about the Muslim encroachment, and I have no argument about that, but they all too often ignore the fact of the far more powerful “Zionist” lobby, so embedded now in UK System politics, law, finance and business (obviously), and in the mainstream media and elsewhere.

Look at that cartoon. Islamic flags, but no Star of David or Israeli flags; yet which bloc or lobby is taking away freedom of expression in the UK? 90%+ of the repression is being co-ordinated by Jewish/Zionist and/or pro-Israel groups, such as the small but well-funded and very malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” kruzhok, which has attacked and tried to prosecute not only me but also such as Alison Chabloz, Al-Jazeera TV, David Icke, the Jewish —but anti-Israel— jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, and numerous others.

As far as my own situation is concerned, the “CAA” has engaged in a decade-long campaign against me (which fact the CAA admits, though saying it has been 7+ years-long). They also admit using the very peculiar Israel-lobby-owned “lord”, former MP Ian Austin, to pressure officials of the Crown (Clown) Prosecution Service, right up to the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions himself, to prosecute me on any basis that could be contrived.

The “CAA” (and their suborned dupes, the “Clown” Prosecution Service) were crowing online, including on Twitter/X, about having managed to get me convicted in November 2023, using the Communications Act 2003, s.127, a law so badly-drafted and unjust that the Law Commission has formally recommended its repeal, but the “CAA” has not tweeted at all about the sentence handed down in March 2024— 15 “rehabilitation” meetings with or via the Probation Service, and a costs order of £734 in all.

[I now, today, have just seen that the “CAA” website has published a long whining complaint that the sentence given to me was “scandalously lenient“. The “CAA” has nothing to complain about— its so-called “Director of Investigations and Enforcement” made a totally false allegation in 2021 that I had “racially abused” him. There was no evidence at all for that complaint, yet the individual has never been prosecuted, not yet anyway, for a quite plain attempted perversion of the course of justice].

Incidentally, should any kind persons wish to defray the costs imposed on me by the Court, donations can be made here: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

So far, £235 has been raised, about a third of the minimum payment required, and I have agreed with the payment office of the Court to pay £91.75 per month (for 8 months).

The history of my decade of persecution by the “CAA” and the other involved group, “UK Lawyers for Israel” ([UKLFI”] (both presently to be seen supporting the slaughter in Gaza, and the latter responsible for the complaint against me that resulted, after 2+ years, in my getting disbarred in 2016) can be found, in part, here below:

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/15/diary-blog-15-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/16/diary-blog-16-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/17/diary-blog-17-march-2024/.

I have little doubt that that “CAA” cabal will be trying to contrive another malicious complaint against me now that their 2021-2024 ones have fallen flat; fallen flat despite my 2023 conviction and 2024 sentence, because the sentence was fairly lenient (though I had hoped for an even-lighter sentence, a conditional discharge and/or small fine), and because the (rather fair-minded, in my opinion) sentencing judge refused to grant the pathetic —and pathetically-poorly drafted— Clown Crown Prosecution Service application to restrict what I say or publish on the blog.

Also, there was no suspended sentence of imprisonment— my written Defendant’s Argument on Sentence put paid to any idea of that sort, and Prosecution Counsel, to be fair, was not foolish enough to ask for one once the trial judge had effectively ruled that out at end of trial (let alone actual imprisonment).

Anyway, what that means is that, should the “CAA” and/or police and Clown Prosecution Service want to prosecute me again, i.e. for what has been posted on the blog since mid-November 2023, or what is being currently posted on the blog, they will have to start all over again, and if they were to do that (pointlessly wasting yet more tens of thousands of pounds of public money), the matter would probably not conclude until some time in 2025, or even later, were I to appeal any conviction and sentence (and, were I to be convicted again, an appeal might be more likely than it was in the 2023/2024 matter).

I should robustly defend any further attempt to prosecute me for anything, of course.

Actually, while I dispute that any of the material in respect of which I was recently convicted and sentenced was “grossly offensive” anyway, regular readers will have noted that the blog has, in the past months, taken on a more diplomatic and more thoughtful tone, while remaining staunch and steadfast in principle and ideology.

Incidentally, readers may like to know that no Prosecution application was made to the Court at trial or after sentence that any material should be removed from the blog. All the (5) blog posts (out of 1,800 posted since 2016) which were the subject-matter of the trial remain extant and, while naturally it is the wiser course for me not to link to them, browsing readers interested in seeing what nonsense the prosecution was can see all of those blog posts via the search box or otherwise.

Indeed, the Clown Prosecution Service and “CAA”, as well as the few mass media outlets that reported my conviction and/or sentence, have themselves republished most of the supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks about Jews allegedly first posted by me, thus spreading those remarks far and wide. Thank you, clowns!

My legal position now, in respect of the blog, is what it was this time last year, or indeed in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 (when the blog started). The blog remains, all previous posts remain in place, and I continue to blog, despite the inevitably chilling effect on freedom of expression of the past year’s repressive legal process.

More tweets seen

I have little time for any of the three (Julia-Hartley-Brewer, Andrew Tate, Greta Nut), but I agree (for once) with radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer (about Greta Nut).

From the newspapers


British soldiers training in Kenya have carried out initiation ceremonies in which younger recruits are forced into having unprotected sex with prostitutes, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Senior soldiers allegedly toss a coin to determine whether the squaddie wears a condom, to prove how ‘brave’ they are.

The claims have alarmed defence chiefs because of the high rates of HIV/Aids in Kenya, where it affects one in 20 people.

[Daily Mail]


Wait until Spetsnaz commandos burst into your base; prove how “brave” you and your officers are then…

More seriously, are any of the UK armed forces worth a plugged nickel these days?

Talking point

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future” [Oscar Wilde].

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

More tweets

London. Zoo.


[My London]

Look at the photographs…

Late tweets

Late music

[Shishkin, Bee Families in the Forest]

Diary Blog, 24 March 2024

Morning music

[El Greco, The Purification of the Temple]

From the newspapers


Three out of the four Tory MPs seen as the most likely replacements for Rishi Sunak would fare even worse than the current prime minister in a general election battle against Keir Starmer, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.

The Conservatives have been involved in a fresh bout of leadership speculation over the past week, after rumours surfaced of a plot to dump Sunak and replace him with Penny Mordaunt, the leader of the House, before the next election.

But Opinium found that of the four most likely replacements for Sunak, were there to be a contest – Mordaunt, James Cleverly, the home secretary, Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, and Kemi Badenoch, the business and trade secretary – only Mordaunt would have any positive effect at all on the Tory vote.

And even then, the “Mordaunt bounce” would only be marginal and still end in a large defeat.”

[The Guardian]

The Guardian scribbler either cannot see or —probably— prefers not to see the main reason why voters polled prefer Penny Mordaunt to the other three— she is the only European (white) of the quartet.

This is to what the Conservative Party is now reduced. Out of three potential party leaders, only one, Penny Mordaunt, is even English (Cleverly has an English father).

The Great Replacement. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

That Opinium poll puts the Cons on 25%, Lab 41%, Reform UK 11%, LibDems 10%, Greens 8%.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would leave the Conservative Party with 124 MPs (Lab 437, LibDems 47, Greens 2, Reform UK 0); a bad defeat, but less of a complete collapse than shown in other recent polls (one of which put the Cons on only 19%).


My own prediction, also using Electoral Calculus, is very different, and leaves the Cons with only 39 MPs.

Tweets seen

The fact is that, since the 1970s, the UK has changed out of all recognition, and in the next 50 years will probably be completely ruined, unless something really big happens. A million a year coming in, and only about 200,000 a year leaving (but mostly English/British people emigrating to Australasia etc). Even in terms of sheer numbers, and “net”, 700,000+ every single year…unsustainable. UK society is already near breaking point.

After Russia’s victory in 2024-2025, there will have to be rebuilding of the infrastructure of however much of Ukraine will be under Russian administration.

Just as Osama bin Laden and his ghastly rabble were CIA creations, at root. The same with most of those groups.

I have been to, or through, Alexandropolis, or Alexandropouli as the Greeks call it: April 2001, when I drove from the UK to Turkey, a more difficult trip then than it is today (for several reasons). Alexandropolis is not very far from the border of Turkey; about a half-hour drive.

As far as I know, even the Jew-Zionist propagandists do not claim that German forces in WW2 did such things.

What goes around comes around.”

Gaza 2024, Tel Aviv 2034…

UK State Pension triple lock

For the Conservative Party, it is now not about trying to “win” GE 2024, but trying to mitigate losses— damage control.

Apart from the wealthy/very wealthy, the core Conservative Party vote is composed of persons over the age of 65. About 20% in toto. Recently, that core vote has been showing signs of erosion. Hence Jeremy Hunt’s triple lock pledge.

If the core vote stays quite firm, and the Conservative Party gets about 25% in the upcoming General Election, Con Party might expect to be left with maybe 100 MPs, possibly more if Labour dips below 45%.

If, on the other hand, the Cons only get 20%, their MP-cadre might only be 40. The first scenario is very bad for them but the second, disastrous.

Should the Con vote overall fall to 15% (admittedly unlikely), the number of Con MPs would fall below 15, effectively a wipe-out.

So that is Hunt’s idea. Keep the pensioners on board, and so end up in 2025 with 100+ MPs instead of 50 or fewer.

Anneliese Dodds, the uninspiring Labour Shadow Chancellor, has responded sluggishly to Hunt’s foray, and will not commit to the triple lock. Result— not a knockout, but a win on points anyway for Hunt and the Cons.

In reality, Hunt’s pledge was an easy and cheap one to make. He knows that there is a 99% (?) chance of the Conservative Party not forming the next government; he will never have to implement his “pledge”.

That being so, the pledge is worthless, and any thinking pensioner voter will (?) understand that it changes nothing, and the pensioner vote changes nothing, in terms of formation of the next government.

On the premises, that may mean that the “pledge” will not be fully effective in influencing intended voting. Still, it may have some effect.

I should add that, though I myself do now receive a State Pension, it is only about half of the maximum, by reason of my many years overseas. The pledge by Hunt therefore impacts me far less than it does others.

More tweets

An old one, from 2016, prior to my wrongful and indeed unlawful disbarment in October of that year, which disbarment was procured by so-called “UK Lawyers for Israel” or “UKLFI”.

Still true, though. You never find those making money out of clicks and donations, such as “Prison Planet” Watson, supporting social-national people whose freedom of expression is stolen by “the usual suspects” and their dupes in the police and CPS etc.

Late tweets

Gaza: as of today, @UNRWA, the main lifeline for #Palestine Refugees, is denied from providing lifesaving assistance to northern Gaza. Despite the tragedy unfolding under our watch, the Israeli Authorities informed the UN that they will no longer approve any @UNRWA food convoys to the north.

This is outrageous & makes it intentional to obstruct lifesaving assistance during a man made famine. These restrictions must be lifted. UNRWA is the largest organisation with the highest reach to displaced communities in Gaza. By preventing UNRWA to fulfill its mandate in Gaza, the clock will tick faster towards famine & many more will die of hunger, dehydration + lack of shelter. This cannot happen, it would only stain our collective humanity.

Israeli war crimes continue.

There is no such thing, as such, as “the wandering Muslim”. On the other hand…

Well, ’nuff said…

Not yet. In the future.

Late music


My crowdfunder remains open at https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J. If you are unable to donate, sharing the appeal on social media etc is also useful. Thank you.

Diary Blog, 16 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Just managed to beat political journalist John Rentoul this week— a poor 4/10, as against Rentoul’s even less impressive “3.5/10”.

I disallowed myself the extra point for question no.10, which I really knew but could not recall. I knew and recalled the answers to questions 3, 5, 8, and 9.

From the newspapers


My blog post from nearly 5 years ago about Macron has held up quite well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/

Tweets seen

More music

“русский народ – культурный народ”…

More tweets seen

As previously blogged, the armed forces of the Kiev regime are running out of cannon-fodder. There are few if any volunteers from Ukraine itself, and the virtue-signalling nitwits and would-be “soldiers of fortune” from the UK, USA etc have either been killed or returned home, and the supply has now dried-up. Thus the regime uses press-gangs to force service upon ever-less-useful categories of recruit: the disabled, the middle-aged, those with various illnesses etc.

“Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) has only one chance— to drag NATO into the war. All their efforts are directed to that end.

More from the newspapers

I must have missed that, from last month:

Israel-based solicitor Mark Lewis has been heavily criticised by Mr Justice Nicklin in a recent High Court judgement. Lewis is known for acting for Rachel Riley against Mike Sivier and Laura Murray, and for John Ware against Jewish Voice for Labour and Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi. Lewis also acted for the late Dr Pete Newbon – a director of the notorious so-called ‘Labour Against Antisemitism’ (LAAS) group who was repeatedly disciplined by his employers for his behaviour on social media and was being sued by another of his victims – in his libel claim against Michael Rosen after Rosen had complained about Newbon’s tweeted misuse of Rosen’s famous ‘Bear Hunt’ book to attack former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

In the recent case, Lewis came unstuck when he was acting for Richard Davidoff of ABC Estates, a lettings and leasehold management firm. Lewis was seeking a court order requiring Google to disclose the identities of people with gmail addresses who had left negative reviews about ABC Estates on Trustpilot. The evidence in support of the court order was two witness statement by Lewis. The judge described Lewis’ evidence in general as “nothing more than assertion” and “perfunctory, even desultory” and “simply not good enough” to justify making the court order.

Things then got much worse for Lewis. He had stated that the Trustpilot reviews were “false, fabricated statements which Unknown person(s) know are untrue”. The judge conducted some online research himself and found that one of the reviews was true and based on the findings of another court. The judge said it was:

a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

The judge did not require Lewis to provide an explanation for the evidence that was “seriously in error” and accepted that Lewis would not have knowingly misled the court. The judge’s explained Lewis’ evidence as being:

because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients.

The judge also stated that there had been a “significant failure” by Lewis to comply with the general obligation of full and frank disclosure. The judge refused all the applications and the escapade is likely to have costs Lewis’ clients tens of thousands of pounds. Perhaps Lewis’ claim against Michael Rosen would have ended in the same way?

Mr Justice Nicklin’s full judgment is available here, with comments about Lewis’s contribution from paragraph 84 onwards.

Mark Lewis is a former director of UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) until his emigration to Israel and was involved in the relaunch of right-wing pro-Israel group Herut UK. UKLFI locked access to a YouTube video in which a panel discussed Lewis’s “very handy way of bankrupting organisations” the group considered to have done ‘wrong’. However, a transcript of the discussion is still available.

In 2018, Lewis was fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority for abusive speech on social media toward a young Labour-supporting critic and others.


Some of my blog posts from past years about the egregious Lewis:

[other posts are linked via the one above]

Lewis was (is still?) a “Patron” of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” or “CAA”.

Incidentally, the title “Patron” does not indicate financial support. When Lewis was censured and fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority a few years ago, his fine was reduced by two-thirds after his Counsel told the tribunal that Lewis’s sole assets were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a used mobility scooter! So much for the so-called (sometimes, but only by the naive and ignorant) “top lawyer”! He then scuttled off to Israel.

Here is more on that story:

Richard Davidoff, of ABC Estates, and his legal team bungled a high court attempt to force Google to reveal the identities of online reviewers whose comments they claimed were false and defamatory.

The case unravelled after libel lawyer Mark Lewis, of Patron Law, accused one reviewer of writing a “false, fabricated statement” that referenced the decision by ARMA and IRPM to expel ABC Estates and Richard Davidoff.

Mr Justice Nicklin became peppery in his ruling (below, pp84-89) as his own “basic online research” revealed that this allegation was in fact true…”

It is a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

Mr Lewis has not provided an explanation to the Court for this error (I have not required him to provide one). Nevertheless, I accept that Mr Lewis would not have knowingly misled the Court.

It is likely that this error occurred because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients. Nevertheless, as a result, he included a statement in his witness statement that was seriously in error. That error was not detected (or corrected) by the Claimants.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, in the High Court]

The High Court judge accepted that Lewis “would not have knowingly misled the Court” (but why accept that? Lewis is hardly a credible witness). Still, as the extract shows, Lewis (once again) “bungled” his work…

The judge [also] said “the underlying claims in defamation are hopelessly weak”.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, reported by LKP]

Neither Lewis nor the Counsel in the case (also used by Lewis in other cases in the past several years) seem to have taken that last into account.

Cave emptor

See also: https://www.leaseholdknowledge.com/richard-davidoff-given-the-boot-as-section-24-court-appointed-manager-after-expulsion-from-arma-irpm-and-propertymark/

More from the newspapers


I agree with some of what Stewart says; in much of it I was there 30+ years ahead of him, though that is not entirely his fault, he being 16-17 years my junior in years.

My assessment of Stewart (updated since then), from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

As I blogged recently, I shall probably buy his latest book used, via Amazon, once its £22 cover price reduces (you can already get a new copy for £16.69, and a used but almost new copy for £16.02). Once it gets down to a fiver…

More tweets


Historical note


In 1907, Dr. Henry Cotton became the medical director. Believing that infections were the key to mental illness, he had his staff remove teeth and various other body parts that might become infected from the hospital patients. Cotton’s legacy of hundreds of fatalities and thousands of maimed and mutilated patients did not end with his leaving Trenton in 1930 or his death in 1933; in fact, removal of patients’ teeth at the Trenton asylum was still the norm until 1960.[3]


Can you imagine the furore had a German psychiatrist done that during the currency of the Third Reich? It would be notorious and known across the world.

[Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, 19th Century engraving]
[West Entrance, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, in 2023]

More tweets

Late music

[Pushkin Square, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, in winter]

Diary Blog, 23 July 2023, including a few thoughts about Ukraine and about the films of The Razor’s Edge

Morning music

[Elizabeth I holds court]

Battles past

From the newspapers



More from the newspapers


Manchester. Zoo.


More of the fruits of “diversity”…

Peter Hitchens


See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/.

Tweets seen

I would be very glad to see Gove “scrapped” (that’s putting it politely); one of the merely five tweets which resulted in my 2016 disbarment (at the instigation of a pack of Jews calling themselves “UK Lawyers for Israel”) was that referring to Gove, entirely accurately, as a Jewish-lobby puppet and expenses cheat.

Truth is no defence, it seems, in such a case. Gove has always been in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby, and as for his being an expenses cheat, the only reason he was not prosecuted in 2009 was that the rules on MP expenses were too-loosely drafted and executed. Parliament cannot even run its own affairs properly, yet purports to be able to run the country effectively.

Gove is, of course, also a drunk and a cocaine abuser, facts of which both I and the public were unaware in 2016.

Look at that photo: careerist Gove, the Jew Miliband, and mentally-unstable part-Palestinian atheist, “pansexual” and LibDem MP, Layla Moran [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layla_Moran#Personal_life], all pretending to applaud Greta Thunberg, the mentally-afflicted Swedish autistic, who has nothing to say that can help anyone or anything . Of course, that was years ago, and Greta Nut is of little interest to the public now (thankfully).

More tweets

Truth doesn’t mind being questioned“? Very true, but tell that to the Jew-Zionist lobby re. the “holocaust” farrago…

I saw an assessment by some British ex-officer that, were the Russian forces to use nuclear weapons (I presume he means tactical ones) in Ukraine, US and UK forces would respond, directly, by wiping out the Russian forces in Ukraine in 2-3 days! Really? What if Putin decided to raze all major Ukrainian cities, especially Kiev, to the ground, using larger, strategic, nuclear missiles? Would US/UK forces still enter Ukraine (presumably only by air power)?

What if the Russians were to take the “Devil’s alternative” and decided to destroy London and a few key airfields, strategic telecoms centres, and ports? At that point, there is no British Army, navy, or air force to speak of, the UK Government would no longer exist, there would be social chaos in Britain, and it would be all but irrelevant that Russian cities and military facilities would also be eliminated.

If the above were to happen, we would be in world war, “Dr. Strangelove” territory, and the USA would be involved both as target and as nuclear attacker.

This is becoming truly dangerous for avoidance of a real nuclear war, both in Europe and beyond. Are the British ruling circles, for example, really willing to risk a nuclear attack on the UK itself just because they want to deny victory to the Russian forces in eastern Ukraine?


The Razor’s Edge

I just wasted 2 hours watching the 1984 remake of the fine 1946 film, The Razor’s Edge, which was based on a novel by Somerset Maugham.

The remake expunged entirely the character of Somerset Maugham himself, who in the 1946 version was both the unseen narrator and also seen in several scenes throughout the film (Somerset Maugham was played by Herbert Marshall: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Marshall).

Several changes were made, I think not very successfully, in the 1984 version: the film starts at a kind of charity fete, rather than a country club by one of the Great Lakes. The main character, Larry Darrell (played by Bill Murray in the 1984 film, but —far better— by Tyrone Power in the 1946 one) is, in the 1984 version, a former ambulance orderly home from American involvement in WW1 (in the 1946 film, he is a former WW1 American pilot).

The 1984 film leaves out, entirely, the 1946 version’s final parts set on the Cote d’Azur, and resets those scenes in Paris.

The Himalayan scenes, where Larry Darrell seeks and finds enlightenment after consulting with an Indian holy man and “abbot” of an ashram, were much more powerful in the 1946 version; the 1984 film makes the ashram a Tibetan Buddhist monastery, and the scene in which Larry Darrell is enlightened on a mountain is just not at all convincing.

I have never read the novel, but I see now from Wikipedia that Darrell’s enlightenment in the book came after encounter with a Hindu spiritual master. The 1946 film leaves it vague as to the religion of the “abbot”, but the “abbey” is described as an ashram.

Even the drink which causes the character, Sophie, to fall back into alcohol abuse, is changed from Pertsovka (pepper-and-honey vodka, called —in the French way— “persovka”, in the film) to Zubrovka (bison-grass vodka). I can only assume that that that is because Zubrovka had become well-known, whereas few people in the USA had or have heard of Pertsovka.

Personally, I would give the 1946 version 8/10 as a film, but the 1984 version 2/10.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Razor%27s_Edge; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Razor%27s_Edge_(1984_film); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Razor%27s_Edge_(1946_film)

Incidentally, the 1984 film was both a critical and commercial flop, making back only half of its production budget, whereas the original 1946 version was nominated for four Academy Awards, and won one (Anne Baxter, playing Sophie); it also won two Golden Globes. The 1946 film was not a huge success commercially, but still made back 4-5 times its production cost.

Sometimes, remakes surpass earlier versions, but rarely. In this case, the 1946 version outdoes the 1984 remake in every way: storyline, acting, music, cinematography (despite the 38-year gap). The script in particular is very crisp in the 1946 film.

Late tweets

Mozdok— Ossetia region: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozdok#Military.

Macron, the NWO/ZOG puppet: see also this, from 2019— https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Sign of the coming times…

Late music

Diary Blog, 25 February 2023

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Another week when political journalist John Rentoul and I scored the same— 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, and 4.

Patriotic Alternative

I read that Sam Melia, husband of leading PA activist Laura Towler, is now charged with several (political) “crimes”: see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-64757885.

Coming hard on the heels of a Twitter ban on Melia, Laura Towler, Mark Collett, and PA itself, it is hard not to see this as part of a co-ordinated attack.

When the BNP started to get real traction about 20 years ago, Nick Griffin and Mark Collett were charged with “incitement to racial hatred” by collusive CPS lawyers and politically-motivated police. They were both acquitted in the end, thanks to the good sense of the British jury (and were lucky that the jury in the case was British).

The motivation was because the BNP was just starting to really go places. The same may be true now, in respect of this matter. PA is starting to resonate with many in the betrayed British enclaves of, especially, Northern England. The System wants to squash that, and leave the British people, especially the poorer ones, defenceless against the alien migration-invasion and the emergent police state.

I see from the BBC report that at least some of the charges relate to making or distribution of electronic or real/paper stickers. Stickers?! Is that something with which “Counter Terrorism Policing North East” ought to be concerning themselves?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

From the newspapers


A prison reform boss is herself behind bars tonight after subjecting her husband to 15 years of physical attacks and verbal humiliation which has left him with mental scars ‘that will last a lifetime’. 

Sheree Spencer, 45, was jailed for four years for making husband Richard’s life a living hell with daily beatings and verbal attacks that left him cowering on the floor in the foetal position.

On one occasion she defecated on the floor and forced him to clean it up, and on another she beat him with a wine bottle so hard it permanently disfigured his ear.

She worked at the highest levels for HM Prison and Probation Service and bragged to friends that she had the ear of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Spencer’s reign of domestic terror finally ended in June 2021 when the police were called to their family home by a concerned welfare worker.

Her arrest that day on suspicion of assaulting her husband opened a door into the hell he had kept private for his entire married life.

[Counsel] said that Spencer had suffered bouts of depression and anxiety throughout her life which she had ‘wrongly’ sought to self medicate by drinking alcohol.

The court was told that on some days she would drink as much as three bottles of wine.

Spencer could be heard sobbing as she was led away to the cells to begin her four year term.

[Daily Mail]

That case is evidently an extreme example of a phenomenon often seen, perhaps especially in the UK, i.e. a woman trying to hold down a bigger job than that which she can handle, and trying to compete with male colleagues etc, while completely falling to pieces psychologically.

City of London law firms are a typical breeding-ground for that kind of craziness.

I liked the last sentence, by the way, about how that wicked woman cried as she was taken to the cells. Justice, however inadequate.

Sheree Spencer, the defendant, will be out in a couple of years, but (presumably) will now lose her (supposedly) “high-flying” Civil Service position. Also, one presumes that, while she is enjoying life in some women’s prison over the next two years, her husband will probably divorce her, and (as primary care-taker of their offspring) will be awarded the “family” house, very likely, or most of its value. She will therefore come out of prison to no house, no family, no job, and no future, aged 47 or 48.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” [Matthew 5:6].

All the same, I cannot understand why the husband did not simply take her down many years before. True, a man should not, in principle, hit a woman, even (arguably) in self-defence, but every rule has its exceptions, and a woman who behaves as that bitch did deserves no misplaced cartoon chivalry.

How true it is that “there are more things in Heaven and Earth…than are dreamt of in your philosophy“…[Shakespeare, Hamlet].

[Update, 2 March 2023: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11811165/EXCLUSIVE-Prison-reform-boss-jailed-subjecting-husband-daily-beatings-20-years.html].

Other newspaper stories:




Britain’s Covid lockdown architect once warned that up to 200million people could die worldwide during a bird flu pandemic. 

Professor Neil Ferguson, tasked with forecasting coronavirus-style scenarios in case the pathogen mutates to spread among humans easier, made the dire prediction in 2005 when fears of an avian influenza crisis were similarly high.

His original apocalyptic conclusion that up to 500,000 Brits could die if nothing was done to stop the spread of Covid spooked then-PM Boris Johnson into lockdown.

[Daily Mail].

Many another society would have put the bastard up against a wall.



Recent polling shared with the Guardian by HnH [the misnamed Jew-Zionist snoop and provocateur group, “Hope not Hate”] underlines the potential traction for such conspiracy theories among the public. As many as 34% of people claim to definitely or probably believe that “there is a single group of people who secretly control events and rule the world together”.

Young people…More than a fifth (22%) of 18- to 24-year-olds thought it was “definitely” or “probably true” the official account of the ‘Holocaust’ was a lie…”

[The Guardian]

Ha ha! “I’m lovin’ it!“. It’s a start, anyway.


Well worth reading.

Tweets seen

More tweets

Well, I am not at all surprised, looking at those who control most of the msm narrative about the conflict in Ukraine.

Cut off money, arms, and ammunition to the Zionist regime in Kiev, and the whole war or conflict will or would wind down fairly rapidly. Weeks not months. Russia will or would then occupy Kiev, Ukraine east of the Dnieper and also the Odessa littoral. The Jew Zelensky and his cabal, if still alive, can be allowed to go to Lvov (from where he will or would rule only parts of Western Ukraine before, probably, decamping to either Florida or Tel Aviv). Rebuilding can then start.

More tweets

The love between human and cat passeth all understanding. Life without cats is not life…

Interesting. Of course, those American “religious Right” types are scarcely on the same ideological page as me, but the practical sentiment is not unalike to the ideas I have put forward on this blog since 2016 or 2017 about creating a focus for social nationalism in the UK by a concentration of people in one or two zones (my suggestion has been the peninsula of the South West of England)..

More tweets

“UK Lawyers for Israel” attacking art done by children? That’s a low hit, even for that evil pack, who were behind the malicious complaint made against me in 2014, as a result of which I was unlawfully and wrongfully disbarred in 2016: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Britain is simply infested, as is France.

When Russia invaded Ukraine a year ago, it should have been “a Blitzkrieg for the sake of mercy” (as I blogged at the time): swift, overwhelming, and effectively bloodless, with little or no damage to the lives and homes of the Ukrainian population.

The inefficiency of the Russian Army, General Staff, and GRU ruined it. That was, if you like, “Russia’s fault”, but the continuation and escalation since then has been and is the fault of the Western powers (aka “NWO”) and their Jewish puppet regime in Kiev, figureheaded by the Jew Zelensky.

However, we are where we are. For the sake of the future, Russia has to win this now, however bitter any “victory” will be, for both sides.

A rally against “15 minutes cities” and similar tricks designed to make compliant serfs out of the UK population.

Late tweets

Late music

[painting— Jack Vettriano]

Diary Blog, 28 August 2022

Afternoon music

[painting by Romero]

On this day a year ago

On this day 5 years ago

Peter Hitchens— Ukraine, police nonsense, and immigrant workers


Tellingly, the Daily Mail never accepts comments, from readers of the Peter Hitchens column, about that column.



Time was, when the word “traveller” referred to such as Wilfred Thesiger [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilfred_Thesiger], the fictional characters in The Sheltering Sky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sheltering_Sky_(film)],

or at least more modest “travellers”, whether backpack drifters or package tourists. Now, in the UK, this has changed.

The word “travellers” has now been hijacked to describe those who were formerly (if largely inaccurately) known as “Gypsies” (the “real” Gypsies being of Indian origin and, also inaccurately, thought in the Europe of the 16th Century to be “Egyptians”; the Parliament of Henry VIII passed the Egyptians Act 1530 with the idea of expelling them from England on pain of imprisonment and forfeiture: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptians_Act_1530).

The socio-ethnic group now often referred to as “travellers” are fundamentally the same as the Irish “tinkers”, a group which may have diverged from the general Irish population as early as the 17th Century, and possibly consequent upon the ravaging of Ireland by Cromwell: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers.

Most of the descendants of those “travellers” are certainly not welcome at the Travellers [Club: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travellers_Club]

[The Library, Travellers Club, London]

While many will claim that not all of the Irish tinker/travellers are a social nuisance, those that are a nuisance are a huge nuisance.

The present UK Government has passed some legislation to try to protect English people and the English countryside from the illegal squatting, illegal construction, litter, vandalism and crime which often accompanies the caravans of the “travellers”, I doubt whether the measures recently put in place are anything like strong enough. Also, the police, now so brainwashed by “anti-racist” propaganda, are often seen to be ineffective in dealing with the problem.

This is an ingrained and inter-generational social problem, and will require a determined effort if a lasting solution is to be put in place.

Proportional representation


The Tories could be locked out of power for a generation under controversial ‘coalition of chaos’ plans expected to be backed by Labour this autumn.

Conservative election planners privately raised fears that Sir Keir Starmer‘s party will next month finally approve plans to scrap Britain’s historic first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting system and replace it with ‘coalition-friendly’ proportional representation (PR).”

The Daily Mail has quite a cheek talking about “chaos” after the past 12 years of shambolic misgovernment, and especially the past 3 years.

So maybe there is one (possible) Labour Party policy that I might actually like…

Tweets seen

Much of “British” policy re. Ukraine is being driven by the Jew-Zionist lobby in Parliament and the msm. The present UK Ambassador in Kiev is a scruffy Jewish woman.

That Bilsland person, a solicitor since 2002, is apparently a CPS prosecutor, as well as someone involved in Army cadet training . Seems both silly and intemperate (and could not get Hitchens’ name spelled right).

I was actually disbarred for having tweeted a mere 5 completely true and accurate tweets about UK politics and society, including the assertion(s) that Michael Gove was a pro-Jew, pro-Israel expenses cheat. In 2016 (when I was disbarred, complaint having been laid —by a pack of Jews calling themselves “UK Lawyers for Israel”— in 2014), it was not publicly known that Gove is also a drunk and a cocaine abuser. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Still, even a stopped clock is right once or twice a day:

More music

[Windsor Castle]

More tweets

As noted before about the pseudo-green anti-oil “activists”, “Insulate Britain”, “Extinction Rebellion” etc, they rely on the still mainly decent and (often all-too) tolerant nature of British people, i.e. that they, the “activists” (and particularly the older women vandals, like the one shown in the clip), will not be hit in the face or pushed to the ground and stamped upon. In the colloquial, vandals such as those nuisances are “taking the p***” and should be dealt with.

Where are the police? Where are they?

This is not just “criminal damage”, bad enough though that is; this is conspiracy.

The Royal Cuck and the Royal Mulatta— gifts that keep on giving…

Were “the Harry formerly known as Prince” not blessed with the absurd and anachronistic title, no-one would be at all interested in the banal doings of a rather unintelligent and surely neurotic “young” man (38 in a couple of weeks) and/or those of his “mixed-race”, social-climbing, and slightly older (41 years) wife.

Kennedy on Hitler’s legacy


Kennedy, then 28, predicted [in 1945] “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived”.

He had in him the stuff of which legends are made,” he continued.

Kennedy wrote the entry in the summer of 1945 after touring the German dictator’s Bavarian mountain retreat.

The Kennedy assassination conundrum has never been fully resolved, and various possible culprits beyond Lee Harvey Oswald have been identified, among them the Mafia, the CIA, the KGB, MOSSAD, the American “Deep State” connected with Bohemian Grove, even Texans opposed to John Connally (who was injured in the attack).

Kennedy was unusual: a Roman Catholic and somewhat of an outsider in the US power milieu. It may be that he would have wrested control away from the entrenched power elites in the USA had he lived longer.

James O’Brien

I do not much like most of what I have heard from radio loudmouth James O’Brien, but this is worth seeing and hearing:

The answer to all that is real social nationalism, but of that O’Brien would have none…

More tweets

Red Sparrow

Saw a spy film called Red Sparrow. I think that “Swallow” may have been changed to “Sparrow” because of the unfortunate double-meaning in English: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexpionage#Soviet_and_Russian.

The film was well-made, and featured a number of famous actors and actresses. Locations in Moscow (maybe), London, Budapest (particularly) and elsewhere.

The plot was a little implausible in parts, as is typical of such films, and the ending even less plausible. Still, not bad. Entertaining, though I easily guessed most of what was going to happen.

[Afterthought, next day: the term “swallows” for KGB sex spies may have come from the similarity of words —in Russian– between “swallow” (bird), which is “lastochka” (ласточка) and “to caress” which is “laskat” (ласкать). I think that I may have cracked it; “give that man a cee-gar”…].

Late tweets seen

Well, now the system is in place, the illegitimate “laws” and “regulations” are there to be wheeled out again as required, and I have no doubt that State psychologists will have been analyzing the reaction of the public, so that an even more controlled regime can be put in place during the next fake “emergency” (maybe not a “medical” one).

Late music

Diary Blog, 8 August 2022

Morning music

[Old Gagra, Abkhazia]

On this day a year ago

Worth reading, I think, a year on.

M.R. James

I make no apology for posting, not for the first time, the above documentary about M.R. James, finely-narrated by the late Bill Wallis. Maybe it is not quite the right time of year (autumn, or winter, might be better), but never mind.

Hard to think of a better way to spend 50 peaceful minutes on, as it might be, a quiet evening or even afternoon.

Tweets seen

Monsters, that couple— just look at them. They may be —and I mean this to be taken literally— not human. Creatures of darkness.

Cost of living crisis


We are entering an era of mass fuel poverty and ‘warm banks’ – and complacent leaders have left a dangerous political vacuum.

The surreal, often absurd Conservative leadership election meanders on. Both candidates frantically float ideas for disrupting everything from university term dates to doctors’ pensions, while the Sunday Telegraph endorses Liz Truss as “the first truly philosophy-driven leader since Margaret Thatcher”, and Rishi Sunak stoically insists that he loves dancing. But we all know the gravity of the crisis that is now enveloping us, and it makes the vanities of their battle seem like some strange hallucination related to the summer’s stifling heat.

By the autumn, the victor – Truss, in all likelihood – may well be still trying to convince us that they are leading a national sprint towards sunlit uplands that only they can see. But the game is already up: the immediate future will be defined by skyrocketing energy prices, economic woe and a profound social emergency – and power will be a grinding matter of crisis management.

The unavoidable truth is that the United Kingdom is in such a fragile, frayed state that it can no longer keep its people warm or adequately feed them. Until that gnawing injustice is addressed, politics will continue to teeter into the absurd.

[The Guardian]

If only there were a credible social-national movement! If there were, we could be in power within a couple of years, and then start to do what has to be done. As it is, we are mere spectators, as the System is about to implode. We cannot, as things are, use events to bring about what we want.

Still, we may yet see the day.

More tweets seen

I was there 40-50 years ago…

Yes. Ironic, nicht wahr? Turns out that the “nazis” are and to a large extent always were the “good guys”…

The propaganda of the international conspiracy gets both filthier and more evident daily.

More music

[Shishkin, Bee Families in the Forest]

More about the police and their priorities in the Britain of 2022


[police hurry to the scene of an “antisemitic trope” (or something)]

Late tweets

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

Completely unacceptable.

The sick and degenerate multikultis on Twitter will think that this “cultural appropriation” is OK. We need a thoroughgoing cultural purge across the (((West))).

Ukraine, a Jew-ruled “failed state” or non-state, which without NWO/ZOG money and arms would collapse almost overnight.

Late music

[national memorial, Volgograd, Russia]