Tag Archives: wind turbines

Diary Blog, 8 February 2024

Morning music

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Rafah, the very place to where the Gazan civilian population was “ordered” (by the Israeli Jews’ army) to flee to as a sanctuary.

Well, I have to say that, for someone the Western msm has been writing off with (invented?) terminal illnesses for at least 3 years, Putin looks remarkably well. Has “our” (((their))) media been lying to us again?

God mote it be“, not because I think particularly highly of Trump as an individual, or as statesman of sorts, but because he will ensure, as far as possible, that the USA and Russia (etc) do not get into a Third World War that might set back civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

At the end of the day, the choice will be a poor one, because the US political system is sclerotic and almost incapable of substantial change. That will be so even were Biden and Trump not to be the candidates in the end.

As it is, it looks like being Trump on the one side, a very flawed individual but one with real strengths, as against Biden, a corrupt and possibly perverse individual who —most importantly— is plainly at least semi-demented.

People may say “so what if Biden has dementia? He has support etc“. Well, if that is so, why even elect a President? Just let the Deep State conclaves, and secretive Bohemian Grove circles, and Jew-Zionist cabals, rule the USA without the figurehead…

I think that the American public are looking at the two, and are seeing that (to put it that way) one of them is as good as “off his head”…so game over (?).

…and it now turns out that the untermensch even strolled past (the new) New Scotland Yard a while ago! The police must be hoping that he will just throw himself into the river, and thus save them further embarrassment. Where’s Waldo?

If this trend continues, there will eventually have to be, not only in the USA etc, but in the UK too, a purge that will make the Cultural Revolution, the Yezhovshchina, and others, seem mild.

Hillary Clinton, someone who only became prominent because she was married to Bill Clinton. Thank God she never became U.S. President. We would have had WW3 by now. A semi-educated idiot who is presented as some kind of great mind.

Where is Squeaky Fromme when you need her?

A Chinese commentary with English subtitles, posted on Twitter/X not by me but by the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle (ex-Daily Mail), no less.

In view of my upcoming magistrates’ court sentencing, I had better remain silent on this…

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[Blues and Royals, London]

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The SNP is always good for a laugh. As for Scotland’s “Independence” pretensions, what kind of “Scottish nation” has Pakistanis (yes, I know that they must have British passports…) leading two of its three largest political parties (SNP and Scottish Labour)?

Does anyone go there, do that, and be (or pretend to be) “overcome with emotion” unless he is at least “part-“? I am thinking of “Boris” Johnson, whose great-grandfather was a rabbi in Lithuania.



Whichever way you look at him, Milei seems to be some kind of lunatic.

Amazing how many —indeed, brainwashed— people really want to believe either that the UK actually benefits from mass immigration (which is such nonsense) or at least can comfortably absorb the present (net) inflow of about 750,000 a year (more in fact, bearing in mind that the incomers are almost all non-white, while emigrants are often British people —real British people— going to Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere).

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[Nikolai Rerich (Roerich), Guests from Overseas]

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Diary Blog, 10 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Two suspected ringleaders behind a day of chaos on London‘s Oxford Street, where police clashed with youths over fears of TikTok-inspired looting, were arrested last night.

Terrified shoppers were locked inside stores as staff pulled their shutters down yesterday afternoon as groups of youths gathered in the area after rumours on social media that gangs were going to ‘rob JD Sports’ and shoplift.

Shocking videos showed Metropolitan Police officers wielding batons and chasing after people in Europe’s busiest shopping street, with photos earlier in the day appearing to show one cop being punched in the face by a young man. 

Some youths were seen being wrestled away by officers in handcuffs, while others were detained on suspicion of going equipped to steal and breaching dispersal orders.

Police issued 34 dispersal orders, including one to TikTok prankster Mizzy who was seen by police in the area days after failing to appear before magistrates for breaching a court order. He later released a video insisting he was not involved in the disorder on Wednesday.

[Daily Mail]

Hundreds of blacks, but only two arrests? Also, they are often afraid of dogs, so why not use Alsatians in large numbers? Let the dogs loose to bite the untermenschen. Restore order to the streets.

As for that “Mizzy” cretin, he should be arrested and kept locked up until his trial(s).

Sadiq Khan has chosen this moment to announce that he will be turning over Trafalgar Square to the mob on 2 September, sub nom “Black on the Square”! In what proportion is the bastard mad or bad?

London. Zoo.


A British man is among five people who have been shot dead in violent protests in South Africa.

The 40-year-old, reportedly a doctor who was on holiday in the country with two members of his family, was killed in the Ntlangano Crescent area of Cape Town last Thursday, officials said.

It is believed he had taken a wrong turn from the nearby Cape Town International Airport while driving with two other people when a group approached the vehicle and shot him.”

[Evening Standard]

These days, you hear little about the supposedly wonderful post-apartheid South Africa and its supposed “rainbow nation” (more msm lies, of course). Even the BBC has gone pretty quiet on all that nonsense. As for white South Africans, most have voted with their feet and left the country. The proportion of whites in the SA population is now very small, and continues to fall.

[note: whites were 22% of the population in 1911, still 16% in 1980 (the black population having exploded thanks to food and medical services under apartheid…), but now somewhere around 7% or even 6%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_South_Africa#Ethnic_groups].


A woman accused of the shooting and acid murder of her Tinder date told a jury she was too “petrified” to tell police her new boyfriend was the killer, but went on holiday to Jamaica with him days later.

Mr Smith had been lured from his home, shot in the face then had sulphuric acid poured over him as he lay dying, Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester heard.”

[Evening Standard]

Britain in 2023…(allegedly).

Seven planets will retrograde at the same time in 2023: Key dates for your calendar…

Astrologers have warned people to be prepared for changes for the rest of the year as the planets move backwards.

Seven planets will retrograde – and almost all of them will happen at the same time.

Astrologers say we all need to be prepared for challenges that will force us to “take stock” or “review” our habits or circumstances – even if we don’t feel as if we are ready to do so, with the shift in the stars that is set to happen imminently.

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the seven planets that will all make a backwards move through the sky in the coming months, something that will affect us all through our astrology charts...

During this small window of intense retrograde action, be on alert for any profound shifts or thought-provoking insights around 4 September 2023.

[Evening Standard]

Well, my birthday is on 2 September, so…

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Young people“…meaning blacks. Correction: 95% blacks, 4% other non-whites, and maybe 1% real/white British.

They cannot create a civilization or culture, or maintain one already created by others, or even live in such a culture and civilization. So what is the answer? (answers on a postcard to 10 Downing Street).

Can anyone honest claim that they add anything at all positive to our country, to our way of life?

It would not matter if 99.9% of the world population were to disappear tomorrow, so long as the remaining 0.1% consisted mainly or entirely of (ideally) reasonably cultured and educated white European or European-descended people. In fact, it would be a wonderful new start for our world, a foundation on which could be built, over time, the basis for a quantum leap in human evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

Russia must and will eventually control all Ukraine east of the Dnieper (including all of Kiev), as well as Crimea, and also a coastal strip about 50-100 miles deep on the Black Sea, from the western bank of the Dnieper estuary to Transdniestria.

The SNP, in the contemporary era, say since the 1990s, is a complete System party, completely pro all the schemes of NWO/ZOG and the Jew-Zionist lobby.

The Biden family make Trump look like Mr. Clean, and even make the Clintons look not too bad.

Yes. It’s almost funny that the UK “security and intelligence” bods are still fighting the last war (in their case, the Cold War). They focus on Russian intelligence, or on British people publishing tweets or blogs, and call it “counter-terrorism” (even Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer, was arrested on such a basis, ludicrously); meanwhile about 3,000 non-whites a day invade the UK, hundreds of them in rubber boats across the Channel, the rest via plane, ferry etc. Then there are the births to non-Brits— huge numbers, every single day.

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Many Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] decisions are really political decisions. I myself face trial (it seems) later this year by reason of a decision taken by CPS drones at the behest of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism”, a tiny group of Jews (a few dozen, really) who pretend to represent all Jews in the UK (some 250,000+).

“Caring sharing” Britain, 2023. The police may be useless at their proper job, most of the time, but give them a “hate crime” dogwhistle, and the dogs are out of the traps, and racing, within seconds…

Sweden is going to be part of NATO. Goodnight Vienna Stockholm…

2066? I think much earlier, the way things are going. Maybe 2050, maybe even 2040.

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British people who do not want a million migrant-invaders a year coming to the UK (as at present) are “bigots“, says Kevin Maguire, the scribbler and talking head who gets paid hundreds of thousands a year to scribble and spout his kneejerk Labour-tribalist opinions.

Naturally, “gritty Northener” Maguire will not himself suffer from the migration-invasion, living as he does in a multi-million pound house in leafy Richmond, South West London (that is, when he and his wife Emma Burstall, novelist and newspaper scribbler, are not at their second home in Devon).

Quite; the real Ukraine…

They’re coming to take me away, ha ha!

I notice that my blog post from 2019 (with updates to 2023) has had a few hits today. It has stood the test of time rather well, if I say so myself.

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…and, while the picture in the UK may seem not so bad, in fact the non-Jew politicians of the System parties are mostly, almost all, in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Only the taxpayers of the USA, UK, and EU are being hit by the sanctions against Russia.

Now there’s an interesting speculative thought, in that second tweet.

Like a Swiss cheese.

Late music

[German Tiger tanks advance near Kiev in December 1943]