Diary Blog, 19 June 2021

Britain’s (and the world’s) developing NWO/ZOG regime

An interesting article seen today: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/feeling-downtrodden-you-aint-seen-nothing-yet/:

We are living under tyranny. The novelty of our situation has made its essence difficult to grasp, while the comforts that we still enjoy (for now) are concealing this reality for many, but the direction of travel is clear. The British government, and other governments, are operating through propaganda, censorship, deception, whisper networks, diktats, smear campaigns, political corruption and political repression to disseminate a pseudo-scientific narrative and ideology intended to entrench their power.

Government scientists, claiming to be speaking apolitically on the basis of ‘pure scientific facts’ are producing, on commission, pseudo-objective recommendations to camouflage an unrelated set of policies intended to achieve political and economic ends. At the same time, other government scientists manipulate the public with terrifying images and slogans, to pressurise against examining the government claims too closely.

The real policy agenda is fundamentally destructive and unpopular. Nobody was asked about it, nobody voted for it, and nobody wants it, except for the powerful global corporate, financial and political powers which are now collaborating to install it though force and fraud.

This is the pandemic: a global shock doctrine used as cover fundamentally to restructure global society.

The next political step in the plan remains the total social control matrix represented by immunity passports. For the moment, Britain is kept in lockdown because the lockdowns are required in order ‘to escape’ via vaccine passports; this too, of course, will not be an escape but an enslavement. Further steps will involve intensifying persecution of the ‘anti-vaxxers’, that is, all opposition to the government as it becomes more nakedly tyrannical, along with actions to co-opt opposition, misdirect it, misrepresent it and deflect it. A variety of active measures have begun already, for example the reported mandatory vaccination of NHS and care home workers.

Two weeks ago New York asset manager BlackRock began purchasing whole neighbourhoods of single-family homes in the United States. The idea is to shift from an ownership to a more profitable rental model. As the World Economic Forum says: ’You will own nothing and you will be happy.’

You actually will be a slave. Your social existence will now be made dependent on an algorithm determining how good a slave you are.” [Daniel Miller, writing in Conservative Woman online magazine].

In the UK, this is manifesting in various ways rather rapidly.

The country is split into two: the majority, perhaps vast majority, who take everything about “the virus”, its supposed importance, and the measures taken around it by government, at face value; and the smaller section of society who realize or have realized that “something is going on” that has little to do, directly, with necessary public health precautions etc, but much to do with the creation of a kind of disguised police state combined with the simultaneous creation of a panic-driven “public fear state”.

Tweets seen


Well, once again I beat John Rentoul. He scored 6/10, but I trump that with 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 3 and 10 (though hit the post on question 2, thinking that it was 25 years and not the correct 20).

Much as I have little or no time for Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer, I am yet surprised at some of those opinion poll responses. Boris-idiot leads a charmed life (so far)…

As for Andy Burnham, I realized years ago that he was a likely Labour Party leader (amid a poor selection bunch) but I see from the opinion poll that while about half the respondents would be more likely to vote Lab were Burnham to be leader, and only 10% less likely, 41% are unsure. Maybe Burnham is seen as dull (just like Starmer).

The problem for Labour, as I have blogged repeatedly, lies not only or mainly with its leader(s) but with its whole raison d’etre.

More tweets seen

Most of the measures taken have been a complete waste of time. That applies particularly to the facemask nonsense.

Roanna Carleton-Taylor and “Resisting Hate”

Twitter users will have seen many tweets by one Roanna Carleton-Taylor of Derbyshire (near Chesterfield), who was the mainstay of yet another hate-filled “anti-fascist” “organization” (consisting of a small number of lunatics and/or non-Brits). It is or was (possibly defunct now) smaller than the better-known and mainly Jewish “anti-hate” hate orgs such as “Hope Not Hate” and “United Against Fascism”.

“Roanna” was on Twitter as “@antifashwitch” and is now “@oilpaintwitch”. She has tweeted about me occasionally in the past; also about Alison Chabloz and others. She is friendly on Twitter with a few mentally-disturbed Jewish and other trolls in North London and elsewhere.

I have just seen a WordPress blog post about her, her husband, and others, which post is so plainly libellous (though I believe probably true) that I decline to quote from it or even link to it here.

Not that I am worried about being sued. My financial status now is such that I am effectively “unsueable” (to the chagrin of a few ambulance-chasing Jew lawyers and others!). Also my legal skills are still (mostly) there (despite having not had professional outing for many years). The Jews on Twitter have often mocked (what they assert were) my poor talents, but the unpleasant old Jew Q.C. who led the complaint against me to the Bar Standards Board in 2014 (resulting in my disbarment in late 2016) wrote to the BSB that, inter alia, “[Millard] has a strong and subtle intelligence“, if I recall his letter aright…

“Resisting Hate” seems to have imploded now, and “Roanna” has turned to painting. Her oils, some of them, are not too bad in fact, rather odd but quite original. Not sure what to call them. Something in the Primitive category, maybe. I am probably not qualified to categorize them. They have a certain soulfulness, suffused with foreboding.

In fact, I am often interested to see what happens to those who say “bad things” about me on Twitter and elsewhere, or indeed do bad things. These are or were persons who had never met me, knew little or nothing about me, yet were happy to laugh at my disbarment in 2016, laugh at my being expelled from Twitter in 2018 etc, and even to make malicious complaints about me to Internet organizations, professional organizations, even police organizations.

Quite a few of those mentioned above are now dead (natural causes, and “nothing to do with me, guv”…). I refrain from naming them because some troll would no doubt claim to the police that I am posting “grossly offensive” things. I sometimes amuse myself by reading the trolls’ (often still-extant) tweets attacking or mocking me. Who’s laughing now?…

Others have had other “tragic” events happen to them or to their families. Again, I choose not to give specific examples. Some of my most relentless trolls and pursuers are also now suffering from serious medical conditions.

“The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [Chinese proverb]

Migration invasion


This is direct evidence of a transnational conspiracy.

More tweets

Ha ha! George Galloway seems to be making the difference between either a very close win (for either main System party), and a Labour-crashes-in flames defeat (and so quite clear Con win by default).


As I remarked earlier, I might have little time for Starmer, but that people see “Boris” as more intelligent and, incredibly, more trustworthy than Starmer!… What dystopian parallel universe is this?

For me, leaving aside the plainly significant local factors, I should say that there is huge dissatisfaction with the present ridiculous government, but that, also, people have nowhere to go as yet. Yes, the LibDems had a stunning by-election victory in Chesham and Amersham, but there is no LibDem revival generally; and very few will vote Labour in southern England outside (or even inside) London.

The overnight upsurge of Brexit Party in 2019 is a lesson not much taken on board. If it had not been “controlled opposition”, if its leader had been someone more honest and ideological than snake-oil salesman Nigel Farage, if Farage had not stabbed Brexit Party in the back during the General Election, if if if…

Still, if one party can do it, rise up “from nowhere”, another party, social national and more honest, could do the same…

Interesting perhaps, but there was a similar list before the 2019 General Election. I have no faith either that the LibDems will revive enough to become significant players on the national stage or, in the unlikely event that they were to repeat their 2010 successes, that the LibDems would not then sell out again, as they did in 2010, for ministerial portfolios and money.

Late music

3 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 19 June 2021”

  1. Hello Ian! I just found this little video from Alex Belfield about a charlatan and a quack called Dr Hilary Jones. The man should have his title taken away. He is a liar and a bastard who has been promoting Boris’ stupid policy regarding Covid-19. I bet he has been handsomely rewarded.


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