Diary Blog, 19 May 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen



The savagery of a bygone age, come to life again in our times. Europe must create a civilization without savagery, and without savages (from either side).

Not something from which I myself suffer, thank God, but such conditions are more widespread than often thought. The social security system as at present constituted is designed (especially since 2010 and the influence of Dunce Duncan Smith, aka “IDS”) to attack the sick and disabled, and to make them jump through hoops, rather than to help them.

God. That stupid woman talking rubbish is actually the Prime Minister of Estonia! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaja_Kallas. Her father was also Prime Minister of Estonia.

Personally, I think that the Baltic states, or pribaltika as the Russians call them, have every right to self-determination, but their leaders have now gone well beyond that, in becoming puppets of NATO, or really of NWO/ZOG.

Zahawi and many like him (not only Kurds like him, but also Pakistanis, Indians, Jews, Arabs etc) have brought the ethos of the Middle Eastern and South Asian bazaars to Westminster. Many English MPs are no better now. Just unclean.

Cleanse the Augean Stables.

Late tweets seen


Interesting, though the headline is a little misleading. Arnhem was, after all, at a time when the main action was not on the admittedly very active Western Front but the ever-rolling-westward Red Army on the Eastern Front.

The amusing aspect is that anyone should be surprised about it all. Give tens of millions or more to a load of black “activists”, and then wonder “where the money went“? Ha ha.

Interesting way of looking at it…

Extradition or continuation of legal battles – Assange faces a decisive trial on May 20.

The “court saga” of journalist Julian Assange, which has been dragging on for more than ten years, could end in the UK as early as Monday. Assange faces a May 20 hearing in London’s High Court that could result in him being sent to the United States to face espionage charges or give him another chance to appeal his extradition, ABC News reports.

The outcome of the case will depend on how much weight the judges place on assurances from US officials that Assange’s rights will not be harmed if he stands trial in the US. As the publication explains, London judges must rule on whether the court has satisfied Washington’s guarantee that Assange will not face the death penalty and that he can rely on the right and freedom of speech provided for by the First Amendment of the US Constitution if he is tried for espionage in United States.

Assange’s lawyers say the journalist could be on a plane across the Atlantic within 24 hours of the decision, or his case could again drag on for months of legal battles.

If Assange is extradited, he may not face the death penalty (for telling the truths the System did not want told) but may face 10, 20, 50, 100 years (sentence) in some American “Supermax” giant tomb.

What a disgrace, that the UK is so craven in respect of the USA these days. Long ago, America was our colony; now we are America’s colony.

The Razumkov Center survey shows that trust in the presidency has fallen from a rating of 71% in 2023 to a rating of 26%,” the article states.



Late music

17 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 19 May 2024”

  1. Thick and profoundly evil Duncan-Smith will lose his seat soon to the Labour Party thanks to the sheer unpopularity of this utterly incompetent, rudderless, globalist and anti-British administration and the ethnic encroachment in his seat.

    Considering the evil he has wrought as one of the most bigoted and callous Works and Pensions Secretaries this country has ever had that is a good punishment for him but isn’t enough. If Britain was a decent and moral country nowadays which it sadly is not he would get the death penalty and be executed. That would be REAL justice for all the people who have died early after committing suicide due to his so-called ‘reforms’ and their parents and relatives. The bloke is pure libertarian ‘Tory’ filth.


  2. Import the Third World and you will become the Third World! It isn’t rocket science but the anti-British libertarian, globalist Tories and Labour continue to flood us with people like failed ex Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi and we get their corrupt practices/cultures ect in return.

    The electorate of Stratford Upon Avon should have seen him coming. Why vote for him? Most people don’t understand our highly antiquated electoral system and think they are voting for parties. As recent defections to Labour prove they are NOT. We don’t get an EXPLICIT party vote. You only get ONE vote for ONE candidate in a SINGLE member parliamentary seat so how can you vote for a party which, by definition, will have at least two people in it? Our system is a CANDIDATE-centered electoral system NOT a party orientated one such as party list Proportional Representation. However, this does mean ALL MPs are directly-elected into office so if you don’t approve of a candidate for whatever reason such as the local so-called Conservative Party selecting an ethnic candidate for what is probably the most quintessentially English seat in the country ie William Shakespeare’s birthplace you have the option of not voting for them.

    If we were a genuinely democratic country instead of being a largely fake democracy we would have the Mixed-Member Proportional Representation electoral system then you could vote or not for your preferred party’s candidate in your local constituency and have a separate, explicit PARTY vote for a regional party list:




  3. Beheaded Babies! Urgh! Even for the Zionist fanatics in the Zionist state that is a new low! Zionism is a dangerous disease which has infected far too many Jews in Israel and around the world. Basically, it is a cancer and should be treated like a cancer in the human body.

    Didn’t Nazi soldiers do some unspeakable brutality like that to Jewish babies in the early to mid 1940’s? The so-called Israel Defence Force is becoming more like the SS with every passing day.






    1. John:
      There *were* stories told about such atrocities in the early 1940s; how many (if any) were true, I have no idea. Very likely, none of them, in view of the (((provenance))) of most of the stories.

      The old stuff about Jewish skin made into lampshades, book-bindings, and upholstery in WW2 is now totally debunked. In fact, those stories, in their original form, were invented by a British unit in *WW1*, with the Germans still as the villains and, in that original version, Belgians and French as the supposed victims.

      In fact, you rarely hear much about those recycled WW2 tales now. I think that the Israeli and other Jewish propagandists realize how absurd they are, a bit of an embarrassment; and of course there is no physical evidence. No lampshades. No books bound in Jewish-skin leather binding. No such chairs or sofas, either.

      As for that accusation against the Israeli forces, it may or may not be true. I would not think it unlikely, in view of their appalling mindset.


      1. I do think the SS committed atrocities like that and there is evidence to prove it which makes it all the more sickening and utterly repulsive that Zionist Jews in Israel, in this country and their apologists would seek to defend similar actions by the so-called Israeli Defence Forces. Jew Zionist fanatics and Zionist Gentile apologists such as Sunak and Starmer and Zionist journalists in the Daily Tory Moron and Daily Telegraph should be expelled from this country. I don’t want to live amongst such vile and evil people.

        The Zionist state is basically the world’s only remaining Nazi state. It should disappear from history before it helps to create WW3 or commits any further atrocities against Palestinians. Certainly economic sanctions and sporting boycotts should be enacted against the Nazi Zionist state. Israeli athletes should be banned from the Paris Olympics.


      1. Of course, there are many souces. However, only this man is producing bite sized pieces and posting them on Twitter.


      2. Yes, I understand what you say. Unfortunately, there is TOO MUCH information available and it is impossible to keep up with all the articles or videos published. However, I will keep an eye on it. Thank you!


  4. That fellow called Winston Marshall is another fake like Nigel Farage and Goodwin himself. Look at his biography and you will see why. The system, and not only in the UK, is desperate to drive the angry masses towards “safe” parties or movements like “Reform” in the UK, “Rassemblement National” in France (Marine Le Pen) and “Fratelli d´Italia” (Meloni). They ALL are dead-end roads that lead to nowhere.



    1. Putting Marine Le Pen’s party or that of Meloni alongside Reform UK is doing those parties a disservice. Reform UK isn’t sophisticated enough to have a coherent political philosophy. They are just a Tory grumble club offshoot of the fake Conservative Party which has dumped overboard all semblance of real Conservatism and is now just an open borders supporting globalist, PC libertarian party for the wealthiest in society. That will soon lead to a massive defeat that might well prove to be an extinction level event.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Matt Goodwin thinks we should not be tolerant of Islamists but he seems to have a soft spot for Zionist fanatics. How about we develop an aversion and intolerance towards BOTH? Jewish and non Jewish Zionist zealots such as the ‘gruesome twosome’ ie Sunak and Starmer should be shunned as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yes, an interesting point of view. Most political parties in the world seem to be under the Zionist Lobby’s influence to a greater or lesser extent ie the US Democratic Party to an absurd degree and the ‘British’ Labour Party may as well be renamed the Likud Party (overseas branch). The Conservative Party, meanwhile, has jettisoned another Tory tradition in this respect along with many others:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_the_UK_Conservative _Party


  7. We have been an effective US colony since that disastrous day half-Yank Churchill became PM in May 1940. If only Chamberlain had continued in the post or we had Rab Butler or Lord Halifax as PM instead. No wonder Boris the Clown/Buffoon wrote a flattering book on Winston and wanted to emulate him by involving us in another dispute in Eastern Europe with very little to no essential British national interests at stake ie the present Ukraine-Russia conflict.


    1. John:
      There was some kind of movement or tendency in Britain in the 1990s to make the UK an actual state of the USA, but I have no idea how high the idea reached, or whether many —if any— MPs supported it. I heard of it sometime around 1993.


      1. I wouldn’t be surprised. America shares a language with us but that doesn’t mean we don’t have some profound cultural differences eg their love of guns compared to us to name just one. Making us an overseas part of Canada, New Zealand or Australia would make more cultural sense. I think we have more cultural and historical affinity with those countries.


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