Diary Blog, 22 July 2021

Crazed Britain

A woman who shielded for nine months was killed on her first day out after being hit by a lorry while searching for a face mask in her handbag. Sarah Lewis was struck by the vehicle on November 16, 2020 after stepping into its blind spot while untangling a face covering from her belongings.” [Daily Telegraph] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/07/21/woman-killed-lorry-first-day-shielding-nine-months/.

I myself have saved not only reckless pheasant and pigeons (not to mention a number of cats) from certain death on the road recently, but several equally-reckless human persons, including one old lady and one young girl, both of whom insisted on stepping in front of my car while muzzled, and also engrossed in what I took to be mobile telephones.

Zoo news


Tweets seen

I rarely repost tweets by Jewish-Zionist individuals but, in the old Theosophical saying, “there is no religion higher than truth”…


Look at that Patel bitch! Smirking…Well, of course she is smirking! Instead of spending her life serving behind the counter of a Kampala grocery shop, she is a “British” Cabinet minister! She may be rubbish at her job, she may be thick as two short planks, but there she is… sitting there…(and dragging down a few hundred thousand a year as well).

More tweets

God, how absolutely disgusting.

I myself have heard verified accounts of how some people with serious conditions are now effectively barred from getting necessary scans and/or treatments because unwilling to have the painful and intrusive “Covid tests” before being allowed into the precincts of the therapeutic clinics.

Tweets seen

I have blogged about Paul Mason previously. When he writes about economics, he can be interesting, but when he writes or speaks about politics, he is ludicrous. His political viewpoint seems to be a kind of anarcho-syndicalist/Trotskyist/general “Leftist” mixture which leaves both history and good sense far behind.

Why does Mason support Jewish-lobby puppet, Keir Starmer? Well, that is an open question. Mason is part-Jew, like Owen Jones and other msm talking heads, so that may be part of it. There again, it may be that Mason thinks that “mainstream” Labour is still the only political game in town apart from the equally-misnamed Conservative Party. He may therefore imagine that he can perhaps influence Starmer-Labour, and so rescue himself from being a fringe commentator.

For all I know, Mason may even harbour ambitions to become a Labour MP and then something more, such as, in time, a major Labour Party figure. Who knows?

That may seem to be absurd, but perhaps less so than “Boris” becoming a Cabinet minister and then Prime Minister…if one political bad joke can rise high, why not another? After all, it happened not only to “Boris” but to Priti Patel, Sajid Javid, Grant Shapps, Matt Hancock etc. A similar case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanis_Varoufakis.

Never say never…

John Pilger! A “blast from the past” as people used to say. Had not heard of him for many years. 81 now, apparently: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Pilger.

The prosecutor? “Gordon Kromberg“. Every. Single. Time.

Another myth is that a scientist is, ipso facto, honest. We have seen enough fakery around the “climate change” narrative to have a different view. For example, that scientist (whose name I forget) at the UN IPCC (and University of East Anglia) who colluded with the Indian at the IPCC to falsify data, so that the public would believe the “climate change” narrative more readily.

That was about 13 years ago, about the same time as said Indian claimed that the Himalayan glaciers would cease to exist by about 2015, leading to the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus and other rivers running dry. Not yet, anyway.

Many will recall the Al Gore film, An Inconvenient Truth, with its claims that, inter alia, “climate change” caused the Aral Sea to dry up (no, it was caused by the mad diversion of rivers in order to support cotton production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea).

That is without even starting on certain “historical” untruths…scientists are not necessarily any more credible than historians, when they depend on certain “narratives” for their careers, publishing etc.

Peter Hitchens has an almost touching faith in the efficacy of writing to MPs. That is one rather big delusion (though I like much of what he writes). I do not know what might change the mind of the clowns now posing as MPs. Not letters, anyway…


and once again the police are useless, pathetically begging the unidentified perpetrator to hand himself in…

Those once-fine old English/British institutions such as the RSPB, RNLI, National Trust etc have all been taken over by the enemy, the fake communitarians of Common Purpose, “BLM” etc. The enemy thus gets well-paid while subverting both the institution in question and the general society. A general purge is needed.

The sort of rabbits that go around wearing facemasks are really the weak-minded who do what they think the mob wants. “Everybody” does it, think they. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you see someone masked or muzzled when the law does not mandate it, that person can probably be written off as a free or independent thinker.



Glad to see that I am not the only person awake! Ouspensky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._D._Ouspensky] once had an experience in the street in which he perceived that all others in that street were actually asleep, not really awake…

I was in Australia for 3 years in the late 1960s, and attended school there (Middle Harbour PS and North Sydney Boys’ High). I have come to understand that basically Anglo countries such as Australia and the UK are held back by their basic philistinism; in other words, by their prioritizing of mass spectator sport and mass TV rubbish over thinking freely.

Thus, the System can easily impose a biosecurity police state, or import millions of backward people from Africa, Asia, Caribbean, without the slightest serious challenge from the people, because what matters to the (so far) majority white population is not spirituality, philosophy, history, good government, even logic, but winning some televised sporting pleb-fest on the other side of the world.

Look at New Zealand. I do not say that Brenton Tarrant [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings] did the “right thing” in 2019 (indeed, I blogged to the contrary at the time: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/25/the-new-zealand-attack-and-related-matters/), but he saw New Zealand’s trajectory and wanted to change it, whereas the mass of the population was and remains asleep, and led by a woman totally part of the international System [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern].

More tweets

These are invaders, and must be treated as such.

I’m with tweeter “@barbyonabike” as far as this goes.

Well, as I understand it (may or may not be correct), Tommy Robinson is not only insolvent but actually bankrupt [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/tommy-robinson-cocaine-donations-prison-b1787467.html], in which case the damages awarded today will not be collected.

Legal action cannot usually be taken against a bankrupt, but the issuance of proceedings for legal action in this case preceded the bankruptcy petition.

It will be recalled that I blogged prolifically about the supposed legal action (in harassment, I think) being taken a couple of years ago by Twitter twit, “antifa” cheerleader and mental case Mike Stuchbery against Tommy Robinson. It never was likely to happen, as I said from the start. Now, it cannot. A bankrupt cannot usually be sued, as noted. Also, there would be no point in suing “Tommy Robinson” now, even if it could be done.

I suppose that that one will have to be filed with Stuchbery’s other fantasy libel actions (against stray Twitter users, a number of Danes who laughed at him, and against me!). He loves the idea that he might “clean them out”…

Never mind, he can also send me (yet another— he sent a couple in the past when he forgot to take his medication) would-be intimidating comment on my blog comments page. They made me laugh (which is “the best medicine”, it is said; not that I need any).

Stuchbery, with “Resisting Hate” Twitter troll Roanna Carleton Taylor (“@witchofpeace”, aka “@antifashwitch” and now “@oilpaintwitch”) launched a GoFundMe appeal to pay for action against “Robinson”. A Pakistani one-man solicitor firm was supposedly going to issue proceedings. As I guessed would prove to be the case, from the beginning, it never happened.

I still sometimes idly wonder what Roanna Carleton Taylor, Stuchbery, and the Pakistani did with the nearly £12,000 they were given (by a total of nearly 700 “antifascist” mugs). It certainly was not spent on legal work. It seems that the Pakistani drafted only one very short and very poor “letter before action” to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson’s real name), which letter may not even have been delivered.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/.

More tweets

Below, a typical Twitter-twit hysteric:

Possibly yet another Twitter user with mental health problems. I do not know. The “virus” infects many people, but only a tiny number have any symptoms; only a few (an even smaller proportion) need any medical help at all. A tiny tiny number die from or “with” this virus.

My 99-y-o mother-in-law only knew she had it after having been routinely tested while in hospital for a fracture; oh, and she contracted it in hospital, where all patients were constantly masked, an indictment of both the appallingly-poor hygiene in NHS hospitals and the uselessness of facemasks; she was discharged weeks later, still without symptoms.

My 20-something Australian niece (working in London) contracted the virus last year, but only required a few paracetomol tablets and a few weeks of rest. I know of no-one else at all who has knowingly contracted “Covid-19”.

Dan Snow, System msm drone and over-privileged silver-spoon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Snow

Late tweets


Tweeter “@Gelert9” may be worth following for those with a Twitter account (a pack of Jews had me expelled from Twitter in 2018).



The sooner all those Gulf micro-states bite the dust, the better.


I wonder why so many white British people want to live outside the main urban concentrations?…I blogged about the question in early 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

When will the poor people of this land awaken to the false binary choice presented to them time and again?

As for the USA, a dystopian facade of fake “democracy”…

The, so to speak, killer question…

The British answer to the society of The Handmaid’s Tale

By the dummy logic of tweeter “@peterfrot27”, all cars should be run at 5 mph…

Late music

9 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 22 July 2021”

      1. Ffs you moron, I know it isn’t. The point i was making know-it-all is the fact that many want to come to the UK!


  1. You made my day with the story about that stupid woman killed by a lorry while looking for her mask. I wonder if her death would be attributed to Covid? I was being sarcastic… (LOL)

    Mind you there are millions of morons like her, we need an army of lorries! (LOL) Yes, I know… I am a cruel person


  2. “Antifa cheerleader and mental case Mike Stuchbery” what a wonderful description! LOL. That reminds me of another idiot who used to harass you, the fool admitted to being on medication for some mental problem. (LOL). Most of these people are nut cases, as their choice of political ideology and lifestyle proves.


    1. Claudius:
      Thank again. As to my description, nothing more than the truth. I have found that many of the “antifascist” element (mostly but not all Jews) have mental problems of such a nature that they require medication and/or treatment for them. I blogged about it: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/

      In fact, one mentioned therein, an NHS psychiatrist called Tim G Stevens (from Essex, UK), even tweeted a pack of lies about 6 months ago about how Alison Chabloz, me, and a photographer called Jo Stowell were all supposedly going to do something (unspecified) to him and especially his children! A serious and completely untrue allegation. He even said that I and the other two might end up in prison by reason of the (non-existent) conspiracy.

      Stevens had to not only delete that tweet (which incidentally got him many sympathetic replies from concerned but unthinking idiots on Twitter, who had believed his lies) but had also to apologize to Alison Chabloz, though the weasel got his NHS trust (employer) to say sorry for him.

      I also complained about Tim G Stevens, and the NHS trust did reply to me saying that it was being treated as an “internal disciplinary matter”. However, nothing since then, so I am thinking of taking it further, to the GMC (the medical regulator here). I do not think that someone of that type should be employed in the NHS.


      1. That Tim G. Stevens should be locked up! BTW I remember another case of a similar nature. During, unfortunately, my very brief stay on Twitter I came across a maniac who was talking rubbish about you, among the stupid things he said I remember this one: “he is unhinged and capable of atrocities” (LOL) God! What a moron. He was egged on by a neurotic Jewish woman who was also saying nasty things about you. What a pair of losers! They deserve each other.


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