Tag Archives: Covid passports

Diary Blog, 28 April 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Covid police state


Another example of the way in which police powers were abused during the 2020-2021 “panicdemic”.

Tweets seen

Missed that one from a week or so ago.

Even I have been subject, over a number of years, to malicious Jew-Zionist complaints, always from the same basic cabal: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

The “blacks with everything” trend has become just ridiculous. I wrote the following blog post years ago, and its message has become more true with every passing year: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/

I have recently been watching a few “Nordic noirs” on TV. Most recently, a Danish thriller. The absurd thing was the number of blacks and other non-whites, not only in the street but also, and in particular, playing politicians, senior officials etc.

Either pure propaganda, or an alarming reflection of reality. I have never been to Denmark, so do not know.

In the UK, TV ads have now become completely taken over by the multikulti propaganda, the mixed couples, with (usually) the black man as “husband”-figure, and the white woman (often blonde) as “wife”-character.

The whole thing has become just ridiculous.

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A couple of rounds, right there, might start the process…

Untermenschen— raus!

Judaism/Zionism/Islam/Islamism. False choices. Grail Europe must strive to fly higher than any connection to these.

As if the poor creatures do not suffer enough already.

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This is the England that is worth saving.

Late tweets

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia]

Diary Blog, 9 February 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Only if the aforesaid vision is not eliminated first…

Justin Trudeau is only the figurehead for the NWO/ZOG repression in Canada, but if he were to…go, it would be a major advance.

As blogged previously, the words “Nadine Dorries” and “MP”, let alone “Nadine Dorries” and “Cabinet minister” should never appear together. That they do is an indictment of British society and its political system.

As for Priti Patel, send that one back to her ancestral Ugandan grocery shop.

In the UK, certainly in the cities, the class would be 90% non-white.

That is now, in 2022. Imagine what the international conspiracy might come up with by 2032, 2042, or 2052; still within the coming 33-year period. As often seen, “be afraid” (but strike back).

Needless to say, “microchipped people, tracked and controlled 24/7” was left out of the presentation…

The part-Jew, part-Levantine chancer currently posing as Prime Minister is really scraping the bottom of the barrel now!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_Nici: “Nici was for several years the Executive Producer of Estuary TV, a local television channel incorporated as a ‘Community Interest Company’, a registered entity intended to be run for community benefit.[10]

The channel was criticised for receiving £300,000 from the BBC under a scheme to meet quotas of local news content in return for subsidies. Data from 2014 showed that its programmes were seen by fewer than 200 people, some having no viewers at all. The BBC refused to reveal how many of Estuary TV’s programmes it actually broadcast.” [Wikipedia].

How much was Lia Nici paid? It is an open question whether Lia Nici is a fraudster, or simply an incompetent former college lecturer out of her depth. Either way, the bigger fraudster and incompetent has evidently recognized her worth(lessness).

Grimsby was poorly-served by its Labour MPs, and is now in an arguably worse position.

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At least “Boris”-idiot never went down on his knee in pledge of fealty to the black mob, unlike Starmer and Angela Rayner. That’s one small gold star to put against all his defaults.

At least the cats have escaped having to live with the untermensch. Now kick the untermensch (and family, if any) out of the country.

Some non-Europeans do care for animals (and some Europeans do not), but it remains true that Europeans care more for animals overall. That is as it must be…Europeans are, in general, on a higher racial-cultural level.

Man holding cats in courtyard
[the “cat man of Aleppo” in his sanctuary]

See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-47473772; https://ernestosanctuary.org/

Cheerful music from the 1930s

[“At the end stands Victory!“]

Word quiz


I scored 12/20 on the lefthand column, but only 6/20 on the righthand one. Seems that my vocabulary is not as extensive as I would have imagined it to be.

Late tweets

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Farris]. Looks pretty dim, despite the Bar qualification, which latter does not mean very much these days. As MP for Newbury, a silver-spoon shoo-in. Take a look at that Wikipedia link.

Because Julia Hartley-Brewer and her type are just controlled opposition; (((controlled))).

Ha ha! Brilliant (not her rubbish)! Made me laugh (not her rubbish)!

Late music


Diary Blog, 22 December 2021

Morning music

News about “hate crime” nonsense


Campaigners have called for 120,000 ‘hate incidents’ to be deleted from police records after a court found that College of Policing guidance which saw tweets about transgender issues recorded as a ‘hate incident’ had a ‘chilling effect’ on freedom of expression. 

Yesterday former policeman Harry Miller accused the College of Policing of operating as ‘Stasi by stealth’ after he won a landmark Court of Appeal challenge against police guidance on ‘hate incidents’.

“‘Non-crime hate incidents’ were introduced in 2014 following recommendations by the independent Macpherson Inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. They are ‘any non-crime incident which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice’, according to College of Policing guidance. Reports of ‘non-crime hate incidents’ can show up in criminal record checks for six years, yet there are no grounds to appeal against them.

And free speech campaigner Emma Webb added: ‘The nation owes its thanks to Harry Miller for his steely determination and courage.

Given this landmark ruling, which confirms ”non-crime hate incidents” represent an unlawful interference with freedom of expression and their recording on a police database is likely to have a ”chilling effect” on public debate, it is only right that all ”non-crime hate incidents” should be scratched from police records.’” [Daily Mail]

Tweets seen


It does not seem to have occurred to Jewish-lobby mouthpiece Nick Ferrari that frequent visitors to GP surgeries go there (usually because the GP has recommended the appointment) by reason of having continuing monitoring for chronic conditions.

Does he have any specific agenda?

There needs to be a thoroughgoing purge of the msm, to get rid of propagandists.

Having said that, Ferrari certainly showed up the ignorance of Diane Abbott, who might have become Home Secretary in 2017 had Labour won the General Election:

The clip is still fresh and amusing after nearly 5 years…

This country needs a far higher quality of MP generally.

I notice, looking at readers’ letters to newspapers, that many are waking up to the realization that this whole virus situation has been weaponized in order to introduce a “biosecurity” police state worldwide, in which people will be microchipped (etc) and tracked 24/7.

For me, it is noteworthy how other, quite different, postures align with the pro-facemask nonsense, pro-lockdown, pro-“vaccine” position. Most of the individuals supporting the aforesaid also take a pro-EU and anti-Brexit position. Most also support mass immigration into the UK; and so on. Most of those individuals are very ready to give up the freedoms that matter for the false freedoms that do not.

On this day a year ago

More music

More news about the emergence of the transnational biosecurity police state

The planned transnational fake-“biosecurity” police state dictatorship of dystopia is now emerging every day more into the light:

Swedish startup Epicenter unveils rice-sized microchip implant that stores your COVID vaccine passport under your skin and is read with technology used to take contactless payments.

Implants are very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and right now it is very convenient to have COVID passport always accessible on your implant…

Many venues, restaurants, bars, concert halls and museums, across the US are requiring visitors present their vaccination status in order to enter the building.

And Epicenter wants to make presenting this information as easy as possible.

In case your phone runs out of battery, it’s always accessible to you. So of course, that’s how we use this technology today, next year we are going to use it for something else,’ said Sjoblad.

The microchip sits directly beneath the skin, either in the arm or between the thumb and forefinger.

In 2015, the company announced it had implanted the microchip in more than 100 of its employees, which allows them to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.

The chip is implanted with a simple injection of a syringe and with a click, a microchip is injected in the employee’s hand.

‘It basically replaces a lot of things you have, other communication devices, whether it be credit cards or keys.’ [Daily Mail].


Still think that “microchips implanted in the human body in order to control every aspect of human life” is a “conspiracy theory”? Think again…

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Late tweets

In the end, the USA will quite likely face a kind of civil war, or social war. It is there now, to some extent, under the surface.

…yet Jews in the UK are forever pushing for more immigrants to the UK, especially non-European immigrants. Under the surface, again, they seem to have an instinctive wish to destroy us, our culture, our racial and national identity.

Late music

Diary Blog, 21 December 2021

Morning music

On this day a year ago

If I say so myself, my blog post from a year ago has stood the test of time well, as have most of those of my blog posts that I have reread recently.

In fact, my blog post about the “anti-terror” programmes “Prevent” and “Channel”, published 3-4 years ago, seems to be still very relevant: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Looks hopeful…

One aspect of all that that I have noticed is the growth in and around academia of a not-very-respectable pseudo-academic industry focussing on “terrorism” and “radicalization”. There are plenty of pretty useless people, some of whom are superannuated students, some with nominal academic titles or positions, some ex-Army, ex-police etc, involved, all making careers or at least incomes out of this farrago of nonsense.

It’s a bit like the whole “security” business; it gives shelter to quite a lot of bogus people, “studies”, programmes etc.

An anecdote from my past: when I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan (1996-1997), I usually attended meetings held for locally-resident expats like me, given by and at the small British Embassy (where I was fairly often anyway, and which was only about 15 mins walk from my ex-Soviet “penthouse” apartment on the then Prospekt Lenina, one of the main streets).

At the time, not many British people lived in Almaty (former Alma-Ata), and there were virtually no tourists. I think that I was told about 70 or so Brits lived in Almaty itself, in a city of over 1.5M people (the oil fields, which did employ quite a few expats, were mostly around the Caspian Sea, 1,500 or more miles away; Kazakhstan is very large).

Even the Embassy had only a few British employees, along with locally-recruited staff: the Ambassador (who was also First Secretary), the Second and Third Secretaries, and a couple of other people in such roles as consular or admin staff. A blonde girl whose official status I do not recall was the SIS representative, or so I think that I was told. I have no idea whether she was declared or not. Probably.

All in all, a shoestring operation (I mean the whole British diplomatic effort), despite the fact that British companies were major investors in the country.

The Embassy shared a building with the French and German embassies, the Germans taking the lion’s share of space, and paying out most of the cost (the internal armed security, in a glassed-in bulletproof box in the entrance hall, were all German). There were three receptionists, too, at other desks, each with a little flag in front of her: Union Jack, French tricolour, German.

One time, that meeting for expats, held in late afternoon, was better-attended than usual, with about 40 people there, attracted by a notification from the Embassy that an expert in personal security would be giving a talk.

The “personal security expert” turned out to be a very odd-looking fellow. He was fairly short, and wore a long-ish black leather coat into the meeting, which gave him rather the air of von Smallhausen in the British TV comedy, ‘Allo ‘Allo! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Allo_%27Allo!]; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Louis_Mansi].

Von smallhausen.png
[“von Smallhausen” in BBC comedy ‘Allo ‘Allo!]

My memory may be faulty here, but I think (in fact am pretty sure) that the expert was even wearing a leather wide-brimmed hat when he arrived! He stared rather insolently at me as he walked past to the front of the meeting (or perhaps my paranoia is showing…).

The “personal security expert” was introduced as ex-British Army (no detail, as far as I can recall), and started off by saying that he had only been in Almaty and Kazakhstan, for the first time, two days, and that every expat Brit he had met had told him that the city was very safe. He disagreed, and then recounted how, the very evening before the talk, he had attended a nightclub, only to trip over a dead body as he left…

Actually, the security expert was halfway right. There were dangerous aspects to Almaty. An American (possibly CIA), supposedly a journalist (no-one had heard of), working for a little magazine (that no-one had heard of), and based (supposedly) in Texas, was tied to a chair, tortured, and then murdered, in a building across the wide avenue from where I myself lived.

Arrests and confessions were made and obtained the very next day by the Kazakh police. The story I heard later was that the KNB (the continuation of the former Soviet Kazakhstan SSR KGB) suspected the American of being some sort of American spy, and so had installed hidden cameras and listening devices in his flat (quite likely; I had reason to think that my flat was similarly blessed, at least as to audio), and so the police, via the KNB, had actual footage of the ghastly crime committed by two men the American had met in a nightclub.

The official line was that the American had met the two men in a casino/nightclub and taken them back to his flat for homosexual purposes. They wanted his money, and his CD and video players, and killed him for that. The Kazakh authorities did not say how they had tracked down the killers in only one day; as to the confessions, a few stories I heard about other incidents make the confessions easier to believe: the Kazakh police can be very rough.

Well, there’s my story. The visiting “personal security” expert gave a few tips about securing doors etc, but I cannot recall that he mentioned my own top security tip, which is to avoid most bars, nightclubs, and casinos in places like Kazakhstan! I hate noisy nightclubs anyway, and managed to avoid them when I was in Almaty, with the exception of one place I had to attend, once, out of duty. My own evenings when not at home were spent in quiet restaurants (especially a Georgian place I liked, down a very quiet lane not far from my address), in equally quiet hotel bars, or with Russian friends at the small ski resort (just a hotel, a cafe, and a ski lift) of Shymbulaq (in the mountains above Almaty), or (quite often) at diplomatic receptions to which I was invited.

A few times, on weekends, I went up to a place even higher in the mountains, an Alpine-style lodge at Tyuk-Su, informally called the Presidentski Bar, which was actually owned by President Nazarbaev, but was open to the public (to the few who had imported SUVs or at least Lada Niva jeeps, and so could get up there) when the President was not using it. I liked that place.

I have to say that I found Almaty to be reasonably safe then (25 years ago), though I did once have a scuffle in the car driven by an unlicensed “taxi driver”, i.e. car owner making extra money, and when returning from my office one day. Nothing much, I suppose, though my shirt was slightly torn and my sunglasses broken (the driver also suffered a couple of shoves and elbow jabs etc before he drove off quickly). After that, I engaged a former Soviet MVD driver, used by some German diplomats, to ferry me to and from my office, though I still used “wild” cars (and local trolleybuses and trams) at other times.

Safety now, in Almaty? I have no idea. I have never returned.

For me the lesson is to be sceptical of both “security and intelligence” bods and “terrorism and radicalization” “experts”.

Incidentally (?), I have noticed that these various odd “anti-radicalization” and “terrorism and security” academic think tanks (etc), are packed with Jews. Indeed, the tweet showcased above, from the “ICSR” at King’s College (London University), shows that the ICSR is publishing material in tandem with the “Community Security Trust” [“CST”], the very well-funded Jewish strongarm and snoop org. Blatant infestation.

[Kok-Tobe TV tower, Almaty, from the city ; I lived, at first, somewhere I cannot quite see, but I think in the centre right of the area shown]
[view of part of Almaty as it was in the 1990s, taken from the Kok-Tobe area]
[Almaty in winter]
[Pushkin Street, Almaty, not very far from my first Almaty home]

“Panicdemic” latest


Doomsday prediction [that] Omicron could overwhelm NHS ‘is flawed’: HALF of patients in London hospitals ‘with Covid’ were only diagnosed AFTER arriving with another ailment, it is revealed as experts and MPs rail against ‘pessimistic’ Sage’s worst-case scenarios.”

Separate figures published on the NHS England website show there were 1,248 patients in hospital with coronavirus in London on December 14, the latest date available, but only 963 of them were there because of the virus.

The remainder – almost a quarter – were being treated for something else and their positive test was merely incidental.” [Daily Mail]

The most likely place to get “Covid” —and much else— is precisely in one of the now-shambolic, maladministered, and unclean NHS hospitals.

More about the “panicdemic”


OK as far as it goes, but the writer does not mention the “Great Reset”, nor the fact that the “panicdemic” is being utilized as an excuse to launch a transnational police state and dictatorship, complete with microchip “vaccine passports” (to track people 24/7) and so on.

Sarah Moulds, animal abuser— latest

Sarah Moulds, a foxhunter who was filmed appearing to punch and kick a horse, has lost her job as a primary school teacher after an investigation by the school in relation to the viral video
[Sarah Moulds of Somerby, Leicestershire, animal abuser]

A shamed primary school teacher filmed kicking and slapping a horse during a hunt has been sacked.

Sarah Moulds, who was condemned by the RSPCA for alleged animal cruelty after shocking footage of her emerged, has now lost her job at Somerby School after she was suspended last month.

The disgraced rider and mother-of-two from Somerby, near Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, learned her fate today following a six-week investigation by education chiefs.” [Daily Mail].


Well done to the anti-hunt activist who took the film, without which that bitch would never have been named, shamed, and prevented from having contact with young children.

Tweets seen

Starmer and “Labour” have just nothing to say, nothing…

Neither have the “Conservatives” anything to say, though…


The enemies of national freedom riddle the msm.

Stray thought

I saw a newspaper report to the effect that the Queen is concerned that Prince William continues to fly himself with his family in one helicopter. I share that concern, despite not being particularly pro-monarchy. After all, whatever one may think of “William and Kate”, were they to be knocked off the board (with their offspring), the British people would be looking at a King Henry IX somewhere not far down the line, with Queen Meghan as queen-consort. That really would be the end of the monarchy. Maybe not such a bad idea…

Late tweets

Clown. Sinister clown.





Late music

Diary Blog, 16 December 2021

Morning music

Historical and historic newsreel


North Korea is like a laboratory experiment showing the deficiencies of old-style socialism (or any system of society where the political element completely rules over both the economic sphere and the spiritual/cultural sphere): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding.

At the same time, it is incredible to see what the human spirit (even when largely crushed, as in North Korea) can accomplish under collective will (whether voluntarily or otherwise). North Korea’s people may be half-starved, and more or less beaten into submission, yet they have developed rockets, and have huge and apparently efficient armed forces, at the same time as the domestic railways scarcely work, the roads are mostly potholed and ill-repaired, and many of the rank and file North Koreans hungry and poorly clothed.

North Korea prioritizes military spending, and making its capital as much of a showcase as it can, before anything else (except the privileges of the ruling circles). A socio-political choice by the few who rule.

There are examples elsewhere in the world. Stalin said, on learning of the atom bomb, “we must have it, even if we have to eat grass“. Well, Stalin and his clique never had to eat grass, but many of the Soviet people were on almost starvation rations for years, and later on very modest living standards, even as the Soviet Union industrialized (1930s), defeated the German Reich (1940s), built the atom bomb (1940s) and a hydrogen bomb (1950s), and launched into space (1950s and 1960s).

In other words, these things are questions of political will and prioritization, at least up to a point. Stalin told his intelligence agencies to discover how to build an atom bomb at a time when nothing was known of it beyond its actual existence. It had never been deployed, nor even tested. Armed only with that one fact, that it existed, the foreign intelligence directorates of the NKVD and GRU managed to get enough information to enable the Soviet Union to build a usable bomb.

Another case: Adolf Hitler found a Germany in the depths of poverty and despair (yes, a simplification, but largely true) and raised it to glory, even if that lasted only 12 years. His will alone, transmitted to others and thence to others yet, created the achievements of the German Reich in the 6 years of peace, and then in the 6 years of war, the latter including not only initial and stunning military victories, but technical achievements which, inter alia, led humanity to the Moon and outer space (the V2 rockets developed by von Braun and his team).

[autobahn, Germany, 1930s; the first British ones were part of what is now the M6, and also the M1, both started in the late 1950s]
[Nuremberg building, built 1930s]
[Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, reconstructed in the 1930s]
[Tempelhof Airport main terminal hall, Berlin, from 1934; compare that to what existed in the UK or even USA at the time]

There is a “creative tension”, if you like, between the necessity to have political will to do something, and the equally-pressing necessity to have the economic resources to accomplish that objective. Some countries have the political direction (North Korea the obvious example, perhaps) but (in that case by reason of a ramshackle socialist economy) lack the resources to do what the political leadership would perhaps like to do; at least to the extent that its government would like.

There again, there are thriving economies in countries that have very little political direction: contemporary Germany, and indeed most of the Western and Central Europe of the present-day. The economic benefits of those economies go, one way or another, to satisfying consumer demand. The opposite of Goering’s famous remark “guns before butter“.

More music

These people should be on our side!

Tweets seen

Once you get people to accept the facemask nonsense and the other contrived “rules” (hoops to jump through), once you get them to accept the most absurd and contradictory “laws” (eg facemasks on in the supermarket, but off next door in the pub), once you get people used to being injected regularly, then you will be able to get most of, and eventually all, the “sheeple” to accept having a subcutaneous microchip. Social conditioning.

The rationale will be something like “accept the microchip under your skin. It will only take a minute, and thereafter no need for papers, Covid passports etc; you will be free to do everything...” except that you will then be able to be tracked, controlled, found (if you try to hide) and, at the push of a button, if you are deemed to be “racist”, “anti-Semitic”, a dissident, whatever, the System will be able to deny you access to…anything, everything…

Zoo news


“…a born-again Christian“… Seems as if she needs another baptism. Push her under the water and keep her there.

More tweets

Naturally, I am opposed to the ludicrous Covid “restrictions” anyway, but the incredibly “entitled” attitude of the Conservative Party hierarchy has shot the Government’s credibility, such as it was, to pieces. Parties in Downing Street, and at CCHQ, with none of the useless but previously “mandated” measures in place: no facemasks, no “social distancing”, and no arbitrary “rule of 6”.

This is up there with “let them eat cake“…

Wikipedia is a valuable resource, perhaps the best single source of information on the Internet, but when it comes to matters involving Jew-Zionism, the so-called “far right” (social-nationalism) etc, the (((influence))) is readily apparent.

There is only one way to counter the evil, or maybe two, but so far there is little sign of any resistance at all to either the Great Reset or the Great Replacement in the UK. A few protest marches in London parks do not cut it; those people would be better off saving their time and money.

I always thought that Andy Burnham was one of the better people on the Labour side…but then I heard him, a few years ago, weaselling about “holocaust” nonsense, and I thought again…another System drone.

So in the UK there are 10 or 11 people hospitalized with “Omicron” (with, not exclusively however— they have other “co-morbidities”), none of those 10-11 require to be on ventilators, and it may be that 1 other person has in recent weeks died with Omicron. For this, Boris-idiot and the sinister clowns of SAGE have half-closed down the country, and re-mandated the facemask nonsense…

North Shropshire by-election

For what it is worth, the bookmakers now have the Conservative Party candidate just ahead of the LibDem. Seems to be an open contest between those two, and with —in my view— every chance that the LibDem might bring off the biggest surprise in the history of the constituency (which history, though with a break of a century, goes back to 1832).

It is a little strange that Labour supporters would vote Labour just to (?) make a point (what point? That “democracy” is really rather a sham in our system?), when they could dislodge the Conservatives (and make electoral history) by voting tactically for the LibDem, but I suppose that many recall the way in which Clegg and the LibDems propped-up the regime of the part-Jews David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne from 2010-2015, thus enabling all those cruel and callous “welfare” (social security) cuts and other measures (the ATOS scandal etc). Many will never trust the LibDems again.

At present (1540) the main two of the (14) contenders seem to be running neck and neck. The local newspaper is running a live blog: https://www.bordercountiesadvertizer.co.uk/news/19788472.live-blog-north-shropshire-by-election/.

Late afternoon music

Late tweets

The actual “Hoax of the 20th Century” (the Zionist-promoted “gas chambers” narrative) is also still going strong, though with continually-ebbing propaganda power. The book of the same name started a current of “revisionism” which only gets stronger and more powerful. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hoax_of_the_Twentieth_Century; and https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/The-Hoax-of-the-Twentieth-Century-The-Case-Against-the-Presumed-Extermination-of-European-Jewry-by-Butz-Arthur-R/9781591480792.

I would not put it quite like that, but at root, that is right, inasmuch as the Western cabals were behind Bolshevism, and are now fairly openly pushing for the post 2022 “agenda” which might be summarized as “The Great Reset + The Great Replacement = NWO/ZOG world power”.

How many times does one have to repeat it? Where “they” exist, except in miniscule numbers, others never have any freedom.

That has already started to happen. Look on Twitter. I am not quite sure why most Jews (on Twitter, at least) seem to be fanatically pro-Covid “restrictions” and “vaccination”, unless they just distrust the British people having any liberty at all.

OK as far as it goes, but don’t forget what the poster below explains:

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia]

Diary Blog, 14 December 2021

Morning music

Tweets seen

Bravo. Down with all the nonsense!

Even now, only —at most— about 10% of people in the UK have any idea what really lies behind the “Covid” scare of the past nearly 2 years.

Sometimes, the word “vulgarity” is just insufficiently hard-hitting; Gorky could have made something of this, thinking of his essay City of the Yellow Devil.

So that it can be presented as a “we’re all in this together” fake “community” campaign, rather than an outrider of the coming biosecurity police state.

The “controlled opposition” quasi-msm. As to “Omicron”, the State is trying to whip up panic again. So far, over 200,000 “cases” (test results) in the UK, but not one fatality (the “Boris” lie-machine says that there has been one; one out of two hundred thousand…).

People queue for Covid-19 vaccines and booster inoculations at the Elland Road Vaccination Centre in Leeds
[“sheeple” lining up to get injections in Leeds; from Daily Mail]

More tweets seen

The police must feel happy when they can spend their day dealing with old-fashioned proper crime, such as bank jobs, straight theft and the like! See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

More tweets

The Jew-Zionist lobby was promoting Maajid Nawaz for years, but now that he demonstrates some independence of thought, and is no longer under (((control))), he has become an “extremist”, just like, and inter alia, David Icke….and me.

All the Jews (the prominent ones) on Twitter are gathering in a pack, a “claque” if you like, and as they often do, to demand that LBC radio sack him. (((Typical))).

Late tweets and news


My own speculative article about Bitcoin, posted some 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/12/10/thoughts-about-bitcoin/.

…and yet the “sheeple” are still lapping it all up…

Late music

On this day a year ago

Diary Blog, 10 December 2021

On this day a year ago

Unity Mitford

In addition to the above post, I now also repost what I think —if I say so myself— was an interesting article from May of last year, and featuring something of the history of Unity Mitford: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/05/29/diary-blog-29-may-2020-including-thoughts-about-unity-mitford/.

Andrew Neil

System msm bod Andrew Neil comes out in support of mandatory vaccination, and severe social (and criminal?) penalties for any that refuse to be “vaccinated”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10294225/Its-time-punish-Britains-five-million-vaccine-refuseniks-says-ANDREW-NEIL.html.

As a matter of fact, I expected better from Neil. Despite his pro-Jewish Lobby rants on TV in the past few years, I thought that he believed at least in a reasonable level of personal and social liberty. Apparently not.

I suppose that one man’s “reasonable restrictions” are another’s “Covid police state”…

At the end of the day, Neil is part of the System, speaking broadly.

Incidentally, Neil has (though on another issue) become rather litigious of late; I therefore give fair warning (in re the —admittedly highly unlikely— contingency of his taking any legal action against me), that I have effectively no assets any more, and so am as good as “unsueable”. I also know how to make bullying litigation very expensive for those launching it.

“Covid-19” news


So the mainstream narrative was natural mutation, while the secondary narrative (as retailed by Sir Richard Dearlove and others) is that Covid-19 was produced in a Chinese laboratory, and that it then escaped somehow.

What about a third idea (and that is the one I tend to favour): the virus was produced in a Chinese laboratory, but did not escape accidentally. It was released deliberately, but that outbreak was, as planned, brought under control quite quickly in Wuhan and other parts of China.

Meanwhile, though, the same virus somehow made its way to the very places, meaning the Alpine ski resorts, best situated a. to incubate new cases and, b. as launch pads from where the virus might be spread quickly throughout the western and central parts of Europe.

Now how was it that that virus jumped from provincial China to the ski resorts of the Alps? We could be looking here at a scenario not far removed from the background of films such as The Cassandra Crossing [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cassandra_Crossing]. Incidentally, “This film was very famous in China with Chinese dub in 1980s” [Wikipedia].

As to why such a “conspiracy theory” might have a basis in reality, there are several possibilities.

Tweets seen

Still clapping?…

Kristalltag Wien— jetzt! This (the “panicdemic”) could be the issue that allows social nationalism to break through across Europe.

Don’t make it seem as if inept “Boris” actually has a “plan”; the only plans are in the minds of those who control the “Boris” show from behind the scenes. Look at the organ-grinders, not the monkeys.



…and already the international or transnational conspiracy is thinking about how to introduce mandatory subcutaneous microchips as a form of “Covid passport” (but really as a means of tracking the individual 24/7).

I have not watched a full Question Time since I returned to live full-time in the UK, well over a decade ago, and saw the televised lynching of Nick Griffin. The mask of the BBC and other msm fell off there and then, and the influences behind most of the msm were exposed to the light.

Incidentally, I see that the System’s oft-seen “Auntie Tomasina”, Bonnie Greer, who was seated (obviously deliberately) next to Griffin on that TV show trial, is still tweeting her stuff, now supporting both the “Covid” police state and the “black lives matter” nonsense-propaganda…

He is right. The UK needs a social-national government. That means that a real social-national movement must exist. That movement can only exist if there exists both a leader and a support-base.

Firing squads.

More tweets

…and when Tom Watson was finally pressured to give up being an MP (he had been a huge expenses cheat, and was also involved with several other forms of questionable behaviour), he was appointed, in 2020, head of UK Music, the umbrella organization for commercial interests involved in music. A body permeated with Jewish interests and influence. The outgoing head of UK Music had been Michael Dugher, also a former “Labour” MP, also a member of Labour Friends of Israel…

Indeed, the same Michael Dugher became, in 2020, the Chief Executive of the Betting and Gaming Council, the main lobby group for the gambling industry, another commercial area riddled with Jewish money and influence.

Further, in September 2020, Tom Watson was also appointed “senior advisor” to Flutter Entertainment, which controls the huge gaming businesses Paddy Power, Betfair, and Sky Bet. Before Flutter Entertainment opened its wallet, Watson had been very critical of the gaming industry. For bastards like Watson, money really talks…

Watson was blackballed, in effect, from becoming a member of the House of Lords, by reason of his activities and behaviour, but it seems that he may yet reach the Lords at some point, the present “Labour” leader, Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer, having re-nominated him.

Look at the key thread running through the above four paragraphs: Jewish money, power, and influence, suborning corrupt and venal MPs and others.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Watson_(Labour_politician); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Dugher.

[Update, 10 December 2022as predicted, the Jew-Zionists, via their puppet, Starmer, got Watson “ennobled” in the end: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Watson,_Baron_Watson_of_Wyre_Forest].

More tweets

£20 million? So that would be about 1/2000th of what this appalling regime has wasted on the “Test and Trace” nonsense alone?….

Perhaps Andrew Neil might like to comment…


Oh, many would…the kind of Twitter twits often seen calling for almost permanent “lockdown”, facemask nonsense, weekly “boosters” of the supposed “vaccines” etc…in other words, the System’s willing slaves.

Priti Patel? Just another System monkey-on-a-stick.

Eventually, the USA will either break down, or break apart, if it does not impose dictatorial order; not because all blacks are evil, or murderous, or because there are no intelligent blacks at all, but because a society with a majority black population (which is the direction of travel) simply cannot sustain an advanced culture and civilization. We in the UK are seeing the emergence of similar problems and manifestations, though arguably at a less-serious stage.

In other words, that black woman is saying “buy only from blacks” or “boycott non-black businesses“…Imagine if she were saying the reverse. The skies would have fallen in!

[SA-men in 1930s Germany, supporting boycott of Jew-owned businesses: the placard says “German! Defend yourself! Don’t buy from Jews!“]

More tweets

In other news, today is Friday 10 December 2021…

What does Bastani mean Twitter “would” close down dissenting accounts?! A pack of Jew-Zionists conspired together to get Twitter to “suspend” (expel) me in 2018. David Icke, Katie Hopkins, Mark Collett, Laura Towler, Alison Chabloz, and legions of others have gone the same way.

Incidentally, I see that the recently-replaced head of Twitter, one Dorsey, supposedly has a fortune of about USD $9 BILLION! Yet Twitter, since it started has, overall, made a massive loss

US-based microblogging and social networking service Twitter reported a net loss of $536.7 million in the third quarter of 2021, according to its financial results released Tuesday. The results showed a steep decline from net income of $28.6 million in the same period of last year.” [US financial Press]; and

American micro-blogging site Twitter on Wednesday announced that it had suffered a net loss of $1.14 billion in 2020 representing a net margin of -31 percent. On the other hand, Twitter’s costs and expenses saw an increase of 19 percent year over year totaling $3.69 billion while revenue amounted to $3.72 billion.” [US financial Press].

What is really going on here?

The problem with the Bastani type is that —in his case— not being really or fully British (half-Iranian), and with a head full of fake post-1989 pseudo-“Marxism”, he just struggles to connect with the real British psyche. See, for example, the tweet below:

He does not understand that it is not “the British elite” who are animal-lovers, but virtually the whole British people. Indeed, it might well be argued that the wealthier Brits are more selective in their love for animals than the poorer ones (who do not, most of them, hunt, shoot or even fish).

Looking at Bastani’s tweet, it is more ambiguous in meaning (not so good for a journalist…) than it seemed when I first saw it. Does he mean that “the British elite” like to kill animals (as when foxhunting), or that they get worked up or agitato in opposition when others do it? In the idiom of today, “whatever”…

In fact, Bastani’s organization, Novara Media, seems (from what I have seen on Twitter etc) to be mainly composed of non-Brits, and indeed anti-Brits, people such as Ash Sarkar.

“Communism” (which those people claim to support or espouse), has certainly gone the way Marx predicted: “first time tragedy, second time farce“…

Says it all…those idiots love to “deplatform”, then one fine day it happens to them. Same is true of the Jew-Zionists on Twitter. Oh, what a (typically-Jewish) fake-victim scream goes up when one of their pack is expelled or suspended from Twitter!

Having said the above, Bastani is right at times, as in this tweet:

Never underestimate the political stupidity of the British people: those Con voters would vote Con under any conceivable circumstance, just as, until recently, there were swathes of the UK where voting “Labour” was a community tradition, rarely dissented from.

The problem people have is that there is no credible alternative to even Boris Johnson’s ludicrously-poor government. The Israel-first Starmer Labour Party would be a worse elected dictatorship even than the “Boris” one.

“Boris” is not credible, his government is not credible, but then neither is the shadow government of Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer. Imagine Starmer as PM, Angela Rayner as a Cabinet minister, dictatorial Yvette Cooper as Home Secretary etc. I’m angry just thinking about it, even though I truly despise “Boris” and all his Cabinet.

Bastani and his lot are correct, though, in my view, in saying that the Corbyn-style Labour Party was no less “electable” than that of Starmer. Maybe more electable.

Late tweets


Like many “alt-Right” and/or “conservative” pseudo-nationalists, that Tom Harwood character deserves a good kick.

This whole thing, the “panicdemic”, has become a test of how stupid and how easily duped the British people really are…and it is not going well, frankly.

Late music

Diary Blog, 7 December 2021

On this day a year ago

The attack on free speech continues


The victims of such attacks often make it worse by failing to defend themselves against the mob. The professor made the mistake of “apologizing” (for what?) to the mob. He should have faced them down, and also tried to attack the ringleaders in some way.

As for the university in question, either cowardly or treacherous, a phenomenon we have seen before, eg in the Priyamvada Gopal case at Cambridge. Academia is infested with traitors now.

Tweets seen

Does anyone accept that part-Jew, part-Levantine freak as a legitimate Prime Minister?

Greta Nut, the least appealing one-trick-pony (ever)?

The clown speaks (again)… I think that my haiku had it right:

The empty words

from the mouth of “Boris”

seem even emptier now


Firing squad in the main square…

Firing squad in the local town…

Of course, the Twitter —and other— office bods who do things like that to restrict free speech only do so because they know that they themselves will not have to answer directly for their crimes.

That evil woman is, despite being Prime Minister of one of the least significant states, right at the heart of this transnational conspiracy. She worked for Blair and Brown in London. She favours non-white immigration into New Zealand. She favours repression. Look at that video. She says straight out that her people will “come and get” those who are “unvaccinated”.

A Jew. Again. Again! Every. Single. Time…[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Rogen#Early_life].

Afternoon music

[“You see, my son, here time turns into space!”]

Late tweets

…and the re-annexation of Crimea by Putin and Russia was a stellar example of the dictum of Sun-Tzu: “to win without war is the supreme excellence“…

Whether Labour is headed by caricature socialist Corbyn, or by wealthy Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is of little importance; both have almost nothing in common with, or to do with, the vast majority of British voters.

The only question is whether “Boris” Idiot continues to mess up so royally that the voters will vote for Labour as the only available alternative. Even though it is a non-alternative, a fake alternative, a useless alternative, and an alternative the policies of which are almost identical, in reality, to those of this corrupt and stupid “Conservative” government.

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 December 2021

Saturday quiz


Well, this week I was beaten, for once, by political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 8/10. I scored 6/10. The first time in months that Rentoul has scored higher than me.

I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, and 10, and also could not recall (though I knew it in the back of my mind) the answer to question 4.

Tweets seen

Frightening. I recall reading a lecture by Rudolf Steiner, I think an unpublished one (read by me in manuscript at the Rudolf Steiner Library in London, 40 years ago), which if I recall aright predicted that the Earth would eventually be surrounded by a web of half-robotic, half-living creatures, akin to spiders.

I have been underwhelmed once or twice by these shows, but probably worth a selective listen, anyway.

Interesting, though it is rare for me to read things with which I am in full agreement, and this was no exception.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

The new Australian biosecurity police state. Only forceful resistance directed at those in power will stop this.

Don’t ferry the invaders to our shores! Sink the ships and boats of the invaders.

Starmer, of course, is a barrister, and was in practice at one time at the criminal Bar, as well as later becoming both Queen’s Counsel and Director of Public Prosecutions.

In fact, “QC” is not quite the distinction it once was: 10% of the practising Bar now hold “letters patent” as QC. Still, let’s leave that aside.

I myself was once a practising barrister, as many of the readers of this blog will be aware: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

I was always surprised at the naive mental attitude of many barristers in respect of the society in which they live and work. One often finds that barristers are not in step with the public. Often, also, the public view is the right one, and the barrister-view incorrect or too narrow.

For example, in the Tony Martin case 20+ years ago, barristers I knew were adamant that the defendant had to be guilty of murder because one of the “gypsies” (Irish tinker “travellers”) who attacked Martin’s farm (at night, miles from any help) had been shot in the back while fleeing. Legally, perhaps correct, or certainly arguable, but on appeal the judges at least recognized the realities, and reduced the conviction to manslaughter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_(farmer).

The general public backed Martin to the hilt. So did I, a barrister (at the time), but then I was never a typical grey barrister-drone.

Take another case, the EU Referendum. No doubt many barristers were pro-Brexit, but (anecdotally) most favoured Remain. The public, particularly the white English public, favoured Brexit (perhaps by 60 to 40).

Look at the terminally hopeless Change UK “party”. Packed with pro-Remain members of the Bar. Electorally? Nowhere.

My point is that the Bar is totally out of touch with public sentiment. MPs are also out of touch. Both intersecting groups are insulated by groupthink —as well as money— from the realities of UK life.

Starmer’s reported outburst does not surprise me in the slightest. A wealthy ex-lawyer, married to a Jewish woman, completely tied-up with the Jewish/Israel lobby, and who apparently (I read) owns, with his Jewish wife, a number of buy-to-let properties. His world is also that of Islington/London. London Bubble. Westminster Bubble. Bar Bubble. Remote from the concerns of most people in the UK.

More music

The stunning Sadie Marquardt. Surely the best bellydancer in the world. What a woman!

More tweets

“Routine” surgery? Meaning that people who have painful, often dangerous, conditions, but that are not immediately life-threatening, will be left to suffer while the System pursues its mad and/or evil “Covid” obsession.

Can you believe that millions of poor saps actually stood outside their little houses and clapped all this, only a year or so ago?!

Like Tony Blair (for whom she once worked).

Blair was only a barrister, and on a low level, for a few years before becoming an MP and then, after many years, Prime Minister. Now he is said to be worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Yes, his moneygrubbing wife works as a barrister, but that scarcely explains capital of hundreds of millions. Neither came from a particularly moneyed background, either. Another mystery…

Kristalltag Wien jetzt!

There is only one justice for the government, ministers, and MPs who have done this.

The Great Replacement. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

The Great Reset…

Planned insanity, so that, eventually, the bamboozled masses reach out for anything promising social order. It is already happening. Look at the opinion polls (rigged or no). Majorities for facemask nonsense (which is pointless), “vaccines” (which don’t work), even for forced “vaccination” and punishment for non-compliers (the very hallmark of a police state dystopia).

…and answer came there none.

In fact, those refusing to say that “2+2=5” (or 55, or 555) are unwanted by the transnational conspiracy. That applies especially to Northern European (and derived from…) people.

The conspiracy wants a population, preferably mixed-race, that will listen to orders and obey, without ever questioning “the Science” or the propaganda, of the System, or the Government, and which will not ask “why has no-one died from or even become unwell with influenza for 18 months?“, or “if blacks are as intelligent and useful as whites, why does every country with a majority black population fall into poverty and savagery?“…and so on.


The little monkey even admits the conspiracy from his own mouth! Wants to build “a global surveillance network“…

Still say that that is “a conspiracy theory”?

The transnational conspiracy is racing ahead now, as we approach 2022, the next key year in the 33-year cycle. The last one, 1989, led to several world-changing trends: the fall of socialism, the fall of Arab/Muslim oil power, the destruction of any major military threat to Israel, etc.

We can seize back at least part of the agenda, though.

On this day, a year ago

Late tweets

Any business that goes beyond bare or superficial compliance with the System “Covid” nonsense must be boycotted, or otherwise caned.


“Antifa” and other “useful idiots”, pro-Jewish lobby (usually), pro-“Covid” police state etc. Many of them have mental illnesses or conditions.

More lies from the purveyors of lies…


“Manon des Sources” used to retweet me when I had a Twitter account (the Jew-Zionist lobby had me expelled in 2018). While we may not be ideologically at one, her tweets are well worth reading.

Is there not even one person in these islands who might…?

‘Nuff said…

Late comment

I happened to hear a very easy-going interview on BBC Radio 4 this evening. Nick Robinson interviewing expenses cheat, supporter of the Israel lobby —and otherwise sleazy— MP, Chris Bryant [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Bryant].

I came in a few minutes from the start, but it is clear that Robinson did not tax Bryant on any of his contentious “issues”, such as his cheating on his Parliamentary expenses, his “colourful” personal life, or (which is what really caught my attention) his considerable connection with the subversive and unpleasant Common Purpose network (for which Bryant was once a salaried manager) [see https://www.cpexposed.com/about-common-purpose]. See also https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Common_purpose.

Robinson did not even mention any of the several scandals which have involved Chris Bryant, who now (“couldn’t make it up” department?) is…wait for it… Chair of the Standards Committee in the House of Commons! See https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/290/committee-on-standards/news/115155/chris-bryant-mp-elected-as-chair-of-the-committee-on-standards/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 18 November 2021

Morning music

I noticed that my early 2019 blog post about civilization and its renewal from the ashes has had a number of hits already today. I therefore repost it below. It covers the all-important or overarching issues that should concern us.

Re-reading it now, I note that I “predicted” (examined as a distinct possibility) a “pandemic”, as well as a possible NATO-Russia war in Europe.

Well, so far no such war, thank God, though there are “rumours of wars”. As to “pandemic”, we have a sort-of pandemic, though not one that, so far, poses an existential threat to civilization (because in the world generally, it has —even on the alarmist statistics— killed only about one in every four thousand people in the world (about one in a thousand in the UK).

What I did not, perhaps could not, predict was the weaponization of that “pandemic” (the Covid-19 virus, as it turned out) as a means for a transnational conspiratorial “Great Reset” of the world’s societies and economies, together with the installation of a biosecurity police state in many countries.

We approach 2022, the most significant year since 1989 (and before 1989, 1956 and 1923). Society will look even more different in 2055 than our present 2021 looks when compared to the Europe of 1956-1989.

Tweets seen today

Rachel Johnson, like Ghislaine Maxwell, is part-Jew, of course. My 2019 blog post about Ghislaine Maxwell, the Jew criminal Epstein, and unpleasant and useless “prince of the realm” Andrew Windsor has been another rather popular page since its publication: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

There is no real official Opposition, just a pathetic facade of one, fronted by Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and thick-as-two-short-planks Angela Rayner.

Incidentally, it is good to see that tweeter “@eternalenglish” is back from Twitter prison after a week or two. One of the best Twitter accounts at present, which is why (((they))) make malicious complaints about him, in the attempt to deplatform him.

Those who put out such efforts “deplatforming” English social-national Twitter accounts have obviously never considered what might be the ultimate result of removing even the very limited freedom of expression that now exists in the UK. The end result might be rather unpleasant for the “deplatformers”.

Britain has had poor Cabinet ministers in past history, both recent and not so recent, but has it ever had a Cabinet comprising such a collection of clowns, idiots, and ridiculous little monkeys (few of whom are even English) as over the past decade? I think not.

Idiotic people such as tweeter “@Corazzz” have been so brainwashed that all one can do is laugh at them. As a matter of fact, I saw an old woman filling up her car a couple of days ago, alone in the car yet wearing a disposable facemask (which is not only all but useless but also, having been —probably— used multiple times, must be replete with bacteria of all sorts).

The old woman slowly filled up her car, still wearing that mask, then went into the kiosk to pay! You would think that, if she were that afraid of picking up the dreaded virus, she would have (as was possible) paid at the pump. “Against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain” [Schiller, die Jungfrau von Orleans].

The old woman then drove away, still alone in her car, and still wearing her miniature security blanket…I mean facemask.

The transnational conspiracy is now hysterically pulling out all the stops to destroy European race and culture, as the year 2022 approaches. Every TV ad in the UK now has blacks and browns and the mixed-race in it, often outnumbering white actors; the same is true of every TV drama.

I examined this years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

In fact, I happened to see an ad on TV today for toys. No actors, just animated puppets or cartoons of some kind, and there were more non-whites than whites. This is not “reflecting the diversity of the UK”, as the weasels are wont to claim. The UK is still over 80% white, and even England is about 80% white. No, these ads and dramas are no reflection of reality, but are social engineering aimed at creating a new or different reality… propaganda aimed mainly at young children, so that they accept as normal a UK where the majority will be non-white (black, or brown, or mixed-race). Evil. All part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.


More tweets seen


[New World Order exposition]

[Jeremy Lee was born as Jeremy William Dominic Lee. He died on April 28, 2012 in Ravensbourne, Queensland, Australia].

Explanatory word

I should add a word as to why I repost rather many things, mostly from Twitter. The reason is that I post what I can while I can. “One human soul is a big audience”.

It is clear that Twitter and other online fora are being slowly squeezed. First the most influential Twitter accounts (I mean of significance, not those of “One Direction”, or this or that System comedian) are removed (as mine was, in 2018, after the usual pack of Jews cobbled together a faked-up complaint). David Icke, Katie Hopkins, Alison Chabloz, to name only a few, have already been removed. Nick Kollerstrom was removed only last week, after a complaint from the Jewish “CST” strongarm and snooping org.

After the most prominent are removed, any others supporting European race, culture, and values.

How long can blogs such as mine survive? Maybe a year or two. The “usual suspects” are already bearing down on the Online Harms Bill (eg the recent CST demand for, in effect, in reality, anonymity for Jew Zionist trolls but not for anyone else).

I do not expect a blog such as mine to be available for more than a few years. 2023, perhaps 2024. Not much longer.

Once all (meaningful) freedom of expression is shut down, there is effectively a ZOG/NWO police state in existence; in existence and openly at war with us.

Late tweets

Ian Blackford, a typical on-the-make SNP drone, an ex-investment banker; also typical in his hypocrisy.


Of course, you know (((who))) or (((what))) is behind that kind of propaganda, at least 90% of it? Yes, “them” (((them))).

Priti Patel? Well, you can write off pretty much anything said by a Jewish-lobby puppet of her sort.

Late music