Diary Blog, 29 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

[the Jews Weinstein and Epstein, with half-Jew Ghislaine Maxwell; she and Weinstein are now serving long prison sentences in the USA, while Epstein was killed while in U.S. Federal custody, and has now “gone up the chimney”]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell.

Soylent Green?

…and about a million so-called “legal” ones as well…

“According to unnamed sources from the Bundeswehr, there are serious problems with the training of Ukrainian soldiers in this country.These problems are mainly related to the poor selection of personnel sent for training. Namely, in the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers who came for training at the German training grounds, you can often see people in their later years of life, practically pensioners. It is not uncommon for German instructors to come into contact with people who have entered their 8th decade of life.”

As blogged previously, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder. The young mostly want to avoid service, either by emigration (illegal now after age 18), or by other means. The foreign chancers and adventurers and (ex-mobile laundry unit) Brit or American “soldiers” and/or “Soldier of Fortune” types who flocked to Ukraine last year are thin on the ground now that it becomes clear that the front-line is a near death-sentence, especially in the Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkov sectors of the front.

The Kiev regime high command has lost about 450,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or captured in the past 18 months, of which about 40,000 may have been lost during the recent/present failed counter-offensive.

Meanwhile, the Kiev regime is having to use press-gangs to “recruit” new soldiers, hauling people off the streets and into military custody.

Yes. Quite. A black woman in Bristol was or is facing charges based on an allegedly fraudulent crowdfunder (crowdfunded for ostensibly “lawsuit” purposes).

Do not know whether that matter is still active or not, but “Jack Monroe’s” anti-Lee Anderson/Martin Daubney crowdfunder was (as far as I could see) almost identical. She crowdfunded, quite obviously took the monies for her own use, then (having failed even to attempt suing the two in question) brazenly claimed to have given all those crowdfunded monies to unnamed foodbanks.

To my mind, it is a 50-50 chance that any Twitter/”X” poster still (apparently) naively supporting “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” is actually…”Jack Monroe” herself, i.e. a so-called “sock account”.

Yes, “austerity” etc, but also the several decades of mass immigration and now the cross-Channel migration invasion as well. Don’t be stupid enough to imagine that you can import, mostly over about 30 years, 10-15 million persons into the UK (“legal”, “illegal”, and those born to the first two categories) and maintain the civilized society and services which used to exist. Especially when most of the “imports” are —at best— useless people.

From the newspapers

After the Sarah Moulds case, and other recent cases, something even worse:


Two women jailed for torturing and killing pet parrot in Carlisle.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley put oven cleaner and paint on friend’s bird and threw it in tumble dryer.

Two women who tortured and killed a friend’s pet parrot during a lengthy drinking session have been jailed by a judge who described their cruelty as “beyond comprehension”.

A court heard that Tracy Dixon, 47, and Nicola Bradley, 35, sprayed Sparky the female African grey parrot with Mr Muscle oven cleaner, daubed it with gloss paint and tried to feed it to a dog. They later threw it in a tumble dryer that was turned on.

Both women blamed the other. Judge Archer, sitting at Carlisle crown court on Tuesday, jailed them for 25 months each and said Dixon and Bradley had “together, sadistically tortured and essentially killed Sparky. It is frankly beyond comprehension how anyone could treat an animal in this way.”

[The Guardian]

Thoughts: first thought is that is good that the courts are, as it seems, finally using fairly new legislation to punish such wicked behaviour.

Second thought: the two women really deserve [reluctantly REDACTED], in my opinion (but the year in prison actually to be served— out of their 2.5-year sentences— will have to do).

Third thought: I am glad that the headline was not “abusers escape jail” or some such (complete with photo of smirking defendants and family/friends outside the court).

Final thought: while, thankfully, a case of such egregious cruelty is relatively rare, drunken sluts of that sort seem to exist in huge numbers in this country, and cruelty to animals is not the only way in which their very existence poisons society.

I may be wrong, but somehow such horrible useless people seem to me to be a phenomenon more often found in the north of England rather than in the south but, as said, I may be mistaken in that.

I should have liked to have seen more detail about the defendants and their background, lifestyle etc, for sociological reasons.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley, both of Carlisle, Cumbria.

In vino veritas

More detail: https://cumbriacrack.com/2023/08/29/carlisle-women-jailed-for-torturing-and-killing-parrot/

Late tweets seen

That’s only a few miles from Russia’s northwestern border. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pskov

De-industrialization, lower living standards, destruction of the countryside, and the flooding of European cities and town by hordes of non-whites. At some level, this is all being planned and implemented deliberately. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Late music

12 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 29 August 2023”

    1. Claudius:
      It certainly does. It also shows how anachronistic the Jewish “kashrut” dietary laws are: Jews are not allowed to eat various kinds of food, such as shellfish, but presumably *are* allowed to eat that ghastly slime…


  1. I have just read that Ghislaine Maxwell, who was sentenced in December 2021) is serving a 20-year sentence. I have two questions:

    A) Can a convicted criminal, under US law, to be released after serving half of his/her sentence like in the UK?

    B) Is there any chance that she may be released before serving the full time?


    1. Claudius:
      American criminal laws are mainly divided into Federal crimes —either specifically Federal, such as espionage, or crimes that are akin to State-defined crimes but considered “Federal” because either committed on Federal land (eg national parks, or post offices etc) or involving Federal employees (eg postal staff, FBI/CIA officers on duty etc).

      State crimes and Federal crimes are each adjudicated upon in separate courts and court systems.

      In the *State* systems (every state has different laws, though most are not dissimilar), there is usually parole after a certain number of years (sometimes only a few years); in the *Federal* system, parole is now very limited, and usually shaves off only a small proportion of the sentence.

      Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted on *Federal* charges: see

      She received, last year, a 20-year sentence on the main charge. I cannot say exactly when she might be paroled, but I imagine that she will have to serve at least 15, maybe 18, years. Her earliest release would therefore seem to be around 2036 (possibly later).


    1. Claudius:
      Thank you.

      In becoming qualified for the New York Bar, I had to pass an exam in US Federal law, as well as one in New York law, and a third in so-called “multistate law” (the law as it is in a preponderance of US states), but that was over 30 years ago, and I am certainly no authority now on the laws of the USA *or*, really, of the UK, in 2023.


    2. Claudius:
      Interesting indeed. I have just read it. I see that:
      “By the 19th century, scholars in Germany and elsewhere in Europe were writing about Rromanies and Jews as being inferior beings; Charles Darwin, writing in 1871, singled out the two populations (Jews and Gypsies) as not being “culturally advanced” like other “territorially settled” peoples.”

      “The bottom line is that there is no evidence that a single Gypsy was gassed by National Socialist Germany—much less was there any policy of genociding the Gypsies.”

      Worth reading.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Claudius:

      Very true. Here in the UK, there is chaos at the moment because of an unexplained problem with the air traffic control system. Tens of thousands of people have had holidays ruined and are stuck in the UK or overseas. Is this a technical problem, or something more?

      BTW, seeing that Katie Hopkins video, I noticed one on a different subject that I thought you might like:


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