Diary Blog, 25 September 2023

Morning music

[lemniscate water-purifying cascade]

Battles past

From the newspapers

Furious locals gathered outside a three-star hotel which is set to close in order to house asylum seekers in a move that will cancel hundreds of events as a result, including one woman’s 26th birthday party.

Dozens of residents holding placards arrived at Chichester Park Hotel in Chichester, West Sussex on Sunday afternoon claiming they had ‘no say’ in the decision.

Many of those at the protest said celebratory events had been cancelled after the sudden announcement that the hotel, which is said to be a ‘big part of the community’, will close tomorrow.

It comes as the Home Office said small-boat migrants must be booked into hotels of at least three-star quality with cost of housing rising to £8 million a day.

[Daily Mail].

These incidents are now happening all over the country— local people not only losing out, having hotels turned into hostels for migrant-invaders, and having their communities trashed in that way, but also seeing the prospect of large numbers of black/brown invaders making those communities permanently unsafe and, indeed, ruined.

Further, this is only the start. Million upon million migrant invaders are now invading white Europe every year. The EU is not blocking them, or even corralling them once they land, but actively encouraging them.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Google it.

We are looking at the complete collapse of, inter alia, British society, not far down the line.

I saw a newspaper reader’s comment which said something like “I was born in a First World country [the UK], and now live in a country transitioning into a Third World country [the UK].”

Simplistic, maybe, and I never much liked the First/Second/Third World concept(s), but that reader has got it, in essence.

Look again, though, at that Daily Mail report. There are still “refugees welcome” dimwits turning up to warm themselves at the flames engulfing our society. Traitors.

Tweets seen

John Caudwell. What a prize hypocrite. Only first heard of him a few days ago.

Having said that, I now see that he does give a lot to charity, and also pays UK income tax despite spending half the year in Monaco.

The rich are different from us— they have more money“… It is usually a mistake to regard the ultra-wealthy as being great brains; even the “self-made” ones rarely are.

People are mostly in the grey zone, neither horrible nor saintly.

Lieutenant-Colonel Anatoly Khrulyov: Ideally, the task of the Russian army now is to reach the Dnieper in the north, and in the south – via Kherson – to advance in the direction of Mykolaiv and further to Odessa in order to cut off Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea. Our troops have already broken through Ukrainian defenses east of Kupyansk and near Kremena. The task is not easy, but quite doable.

“The US government has banned Tucker Carlson from interviewing Vladimir Putin. “You know, I tried to interview Putin, and the American government stopped me. What, we can’t hear Putin’s voice?! Why? Nobody voted on this issue,” Carlson said in an interview with the Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche.

He emphasized that the American authorities have been controlling all media for several decades, and citizens do not know the true state of affairs.”

Government should not, in general, run businesses; however, the exceptions make the rule. “Strategic” areas of the economy which are also “strategic” parts of society generally should be run directly by the State: large-scale electrical generation and distribution, gas supply, water supply, trains, roads.

Everything else, pretty much, can be in private hands but still State-regulated for public health and safety etc.

There is a general attack on freedom of expression in the UK at present. The Zionist organizations are the main poisonous part of that.

As for that unpleasant-looking fat blonde woman MP applauding Jewish-Zionist “anti-fascist” organizations in the above clip, she may well be appointed as a Minister of State in charge of many aspects of digital regulation if Starmer-Labour becomes the Government next year: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Davies-Jones.

Imagine spending all those tens of billions (billions, not millions) merely so that a small part of the population could go between London and Birmingham about 20 minutes faster…and now it looks as if the trains will not even to to Central London, and that the journey may actually take longer than the present express rail journey. Madness.

When I look at policy in the UK, I mean policy across the board, “madness” is the word that always comes to mind. Poor or silly ideas, poor or even irrational decision-making, and hopelessly inept execution or implementation.


Starmer is a faceless drone, and a complete puppet of the Jewish-Zionist lobby, and of Israel. Married to a Jewish woman property lawyer, and their children being brought up as if fully-Jewish, complete with all the rituals.

My impression of Starmer, apart from the above, is that he is one of those “suited thugs” not uncommon in the House of Commons over the past 20 years.

Starmer’s voice, when not carefully restrained for TV interviews, is shrill, threatening, like that of a far nastier version of “Frank Spencer” [https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/comedy/who-is-frank-spencer/].

Peter Oborne’s piece above is well worth watching, and hearing.

The only criticism I would advance of Oborne’s view in that piece, to the effect that Britain must try to get back to the postwar 1950s/1960s “one nation” idea, is that that cannot now happen. Why not? Because Britain is no longer a nation, but more like a geographic space inhabited by various tribes and conditions of people that have few aspects or qualities in common, and fewer aspirations.

In the late 19thC, and then again in the 1930s, particularly, Britain naively allowed some cuckoos to enter its nest. Massive mistake.

More from the newspapers


A Covid drug hailed as a game-changer may cause the virus to mutate, scientists warned today.

Molnupiravir is given to thousands of vulnerable Brits who test positive, such as patients fighting cancer or liver and kidney disease.

[Daily Mail]

Katie Hopkins

A reader of the blog sent that to me this evening. Well worth a listen.

Late tweets

Late music

[Katyusha rockets, 1940s]

2 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 25 September 2023”

  1. I cannot help thinking that most people in Britain deserve what is coming, I mean the “Online Safety Bill”. They choose to ignore people like John Tyndall who saw this coming and tried to warn their countrymen.

    The OSB would be the final nail in the coffin. It seems its authors took inspiration from “1984”. It does not matter what you said, if the government does not like it, you will be minced meat.


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