Diary Blog, 15 January 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by V. R. Redondo]

From the newspapers


“Three in ten troops from across the Armed Forces are not fully fit for combat, official figures have revealed.

[Daily Mail]

The MOD still claims that up to 50,000 Army people are fit for actual combat. Others say that 30,000 is a more realistic figure; some say as few as 20,000. Are they seriously suggesting taking on Russia, China and others simultaneously with that puny and probably ineffective force?


A former leader of the Shin Bet domestic security force has said Israel will not have security until Palestinians have their own state, and Israeli authorities should release Marwan Barghouti, jailed leader of the second intifada, to direct negotiations to create one.

Ami Ayalon, a retired admiral who also commanded Israel’s navy and was wounded in battle and decorated for his service, also said destroying Hamas was not a realistic military goal, and the current operation in Gaza risked entrenching support for the group.

He came relatively late to his current views, after leaving the military where the enemy is just a target to be killed, he said. His position at Shin Bet required him to regularly meet Palestinians, including visiting PLO leader Yasser Arafat.

He made Palestinian friends, among them PA security chief Jibril Rajoub and Sari Nusseibeh, a philosophy professor from Jerusalem who can trace his family’s presence there back to the 7th century. “So can I tell him, OK, this land is mine and you are a visitor here? It is nonsense.


Interesting but, as the report says, he is in a minority. As for the historical, and nuanced social, views, he may think like that, but he would be wasting his time trying to make some ignorant American-Jew settler from the slums of Brooklyn, who got off the boat yesterday, understand.


World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer.

Oxfam predicts first trillionaire within a decade, with gap between rich and poor likely to increase.

The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes to $869bn (£681.5bn) since 2020, while the world’s poorest 60% – almost 5 billion people – have lost money.”


It may be that, in a century or so, historians will look back on the early 21st Century and say “that was the time just before the last great wave of revolution and war, when everything changed forever“…

Tweets seen

As previously noted on the blog from time to time, the LibDems are a total waste of space.

So much for the non-existent economic boost supposedly provided via the migration-invasion…

AfD is of course not social-national, but its existence and growing strength moves the “Overton Window”, just as (to some extent) does Reform UK in Britain, despite RF being also “controlled opposition”. These matters are not straightforward.

Eventually, Russia will rule all Ukraine to the east of the Dnieper, and that is how it should be.

Trump should “double and triple the guard”…the Deep State may try to kill him.

The “Free World”?

More music

More tweets

The above idiot-tweeter either has not considered the fact that literally hundreds of millions might have (under the present outdated rules) a “well-founded” or “valid” claim to remain in the UK once here… or does not care.

Not hyperbole. Fact. Hundreds of millions. All they have to do is set foot on UK shores.

Surely even tweeters such as the above (who probably thinks himself very clever) might think twice once a hundred million, or more, invade the UK? Or maybe such bien-pensants prefer not to think what kind of UK is already being created by migration-invasion? Or are such people out-and-out traitors, doing —or wanting to have done— more damage than old-style terrorists or spies could ever do?

Incidentally, and ironically, the above-noted tweeter reposted the tweet below, but seems unable to connect the housing crisis with the mass immigration of the past 20+ years. Not the only factor, I concede, but probably the main one.

[washed-up political loony Sajid Javid was another one unable to join the dots…]

Satirical singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz tried to make some of those points in a humorous manner (mostly via songs and cartoons) on Twitter several years ago, but “the usual suspects” managed to have her prosecuted and actually convicted for doing so. Just as “Brexit” is more than Brexit, so “Israel” is more than Israel…

The latest “grifter” to have been exposed more widely (he has been mentioned occasionally over the last few years on this blog— “read it here first”…). He thus joins other frauds and thieves such as “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas), “Supertanskiii” (surely the least interesting of the lot, socio-politically— entirely derivative and unoriginal), and others who have found a happy hunting ground or grift-mine on Twitter/X and other online sites.

Ha. Quite.

I had forgotten about “Russ in Cheshire” (who seems in fact to be yet another one actually in or from Essex, unless I am mistaken). Russ-in-Cheshire is on a similar page to the others, but poses mainly as social or political commentator on the fringe of humour, and has written a book about politics or society. He even appeared on at least one TV quiz show (The Chase? Not sure; maybe it was Eggheads, now that I think about it). I think that his team even won some money.

The key to successful UK online “grifting” seems to be to avoid simply begging for money. The more cunning “grifter” pretends to be a kind of charity worker or philanthropic type, raising money for others and giving —what at least is presented as— good advice.

Thus “Bootstrap Cook” and her dog’s dinner “recipes”, “Man Behaving Dadly” and his charity stuff (with rather a lot of the proceeds shaven off for his own shekel-store) and so on. Not forgetting Julia Grace Patterson, with her “NHS champion” grifting, while taking in donations and selling facemasks etc. In her case, the USP is that she is actually a medical doctor (though she only worked as such for a couple of years).

I presume that that other prominent “grifter”, “Supertanskiii”, lacks the ability to produce any tangible output or activity, so restricts herself to swearing at “the Tories”. Amazingly, some people are satisfied with that alone, and are willing to send her money just for that! Utter mugs.

I predict that tactical voting will play a big part in the 2024 General Election. What will weaken it, though, is that it is clear to more and more people that none of those Lib-Lab-Con System parties is worth a plugged nickel.

Also, there are those who will always vote for one System party rather than another, even when, in that particular constituency, the loyal voter’s own party has never come first, or even second.

Still, I think that, now that even former Conservative Party voters want rid of the Con Party in government, tactical voting for the least-objectionable alternative will be widespread.

That may mean, as the tweet implies, that the utterly unmeritorious LibDems may be able to gather in a pretty considerable number of MPs. I was thinking 30, maybe at peak 45, but the tweet above says 70 (they have 15 at present). If so, remarkable, looking at the untrustworthy rabble that the LibDems are.

Again, quite so. The faces will change but not (much) the policies. Like Soviet chocolate boxes (the chocolates in the box usually having had a range of shapes, but the filling identical in all of them).

Her name for this country is right…and becomes more accurate with every passing day.

Late tweets seen

A “democracy” in which the population is so badly-informed becomes merely a volatile mess and, in the end, a dictatorship. Oh, wait…

In fact, the level of immigration is even higher than Goodwin says, because those leaving the UK are mainly white (i.e. real) British people desperately seeking a haven in, usually, what used to be the White Dominions: Australia, New Zealand, Canada.

What many many people want, often unconsciously, is social-nationalism, but even if aware of their true wish, they are usually too embarrassed to say so.

One wonders how long it will be until the human soldier becomes redundant on the battlefield.

A Jew who stalked me online for years lives in that place. One can but hope…

Late music

[painting by Rob Hefferan]

10 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 15 January 2024”

  1. Hello: Two things caught my attention today in your blog:

    1) The incredibly beautiful painting of the lady at the piano by Ron Hefferan. Full marks for the artist!

    2) The incredibly stupid and ridiculous name of “Supertanskii” used by, if my memory does not fail me, an obese, ugly woman who has the IQ of an ant, perhaps I am being unfair to the ants…

    Unfortunately, I believe that Simon Harris (assuming that, that is his real name) will get away with his fraudulent actions. Look at that awful woman who calls herself “Jack Monroe” There is a bloody pile of evidence against her as tall as the Everest and yet she is walking around as if nothing has happened!


    1. Claudius:
      Thank you. I recall from a previous occasion that you like that artist (or the ladies he paints).

      Re “Supertanskiii” (three “i”), yes…
      Imagine people sending a “grifter” like that money because she swears at “the Tories” daily! Mugs.

      As for Simon Harris, you are probably correct. Hard to say without knowing more.

      As to “Jack Monroe”, as far as I can see she has done far more than did a black woman sentenced to a term of imprisonment at the Crown Court at Bristol recently for embezzling monies supposedly destined for some sort of “Black Lives Matter” nonsense.


      1. I apologise for forgetting the third “I” in “Supertanskiii”. If there was such a thing as a Nobel Prize for Stupidity, she would win it, no doubt about it!

        Having said that, what about the mugs (I love that word!) who send her money? HAHAHAHAHA


      2. Claudius:
        I suppose that “mug” is South London (?) argot, really. Not the usual language of the (ex) barrister, but I find it amusing sometimes to use the odd word of the police and criminals alike, such as “on his toes” (London Flying Squad slang for someone running away) or “in the frame” (someone being either rightly or wrongly suspected and matched to some crime…it comes from the “frames” hauled up a gantry at racecourses prior to a race, and which show the numbers of the runners —the horses— together with the names of the jockeys).

        Reverting to the likes of “Jack Monroe” and “Supertanskiii”, the donor “mugs” seem to be almost entirely men and women (but mostly men) over 50 and often over 60. Whether sending money to those frauds is a kind of para-sexual displacement activity, I have no idea; quite possibly. I doubt whether any of the donor mugs are under 40, or from ethnic minorities. I get the impression that sending money to online “grifters” is mainly a hobby of the English/British.

        The typical “Jack Monroe” donor-mug is (or was) a white man or woman over 50, who has (surely?) no idea about how to cook decent food, no idea about society and politics beyond what he/she reads in the Guardian, and who is actually fairly comfortably-off financially. Obviously, also very naive.


      3. Hello! The donors who send money to the likes of “Jack Monroe” are not very naive, as you so nicely and charitably said, they are absolute morons, because a naive person may be fooled once but unless he/she is incredibly stupid, will react and tell the grifter to go away.

        Changing the subject; I discovered that the British epic “War and Peace” is not complete as I told you; unfortunately, for some strange reason, there are only 16 episodes out of 20 (the missing ones are 17-20)

        I will send you some nice videos about beautiful places to take your mind off (although only for a short time) the awful reality we have to endure. At least, it works for me.



      4. Claudius:
        Thank you.

        You are right, of course. There are very stupid people who think that it somehow helps poor people that “Jack Monroe” books are on sale to comfortably-off “boomers” for £10 or £20 (new), and/or because she tweets such as “you too can live on 10p a day! Down with the Tories!”

        Likewise, the same idiots lap it up when some useless grifter such as “Supertanskiii” shouts out on Twitter “**** the Tories!”; the idiots then send said grifter money to, presumably, supplement her State benefits etc. She was even in some VIP enclosure at Glastonbury last year! Don’t they *ever* learn?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Do you remember watching a magnificent production by the BBC based on Tolstoi´s “War & Peace”? Yes, I know it sounds incredible, but this one was made between 1969 and 1972 when the BBC was a decent organisation.

    The only famous actor I remember was Anthony Hopkins who played Count Bezujov. I can barely remember it since it was shown here only once in 1974. Here is the information I managed to obtain.



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