Diary Blog, 2 April 2024

Morning music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau]

From the newspapers

What Happened When This Italian Province Invested in Babies.

The area around Bolzano has a thick network of family support provided by the government. That means a steady birthrate in a country facing a demographic plunge.”

[New York Times]

I noted the plunge in Europe’s birthrate on the blog a few days ago, and have done so previously. Maybe that plunge is not inexorable.

Tweets seen


The sine qua non is European rule over not only Europe itself, and the Russophone parts of Asia, but also over parts of the rest of Asia, all of Africa, and over most other significant areas of the world.

Life in Britain is worse than it was 30 years ago“? That is not even a question…

Zelensky’s cabal is trying to provoke Russia into a massive “Israeli”-style retaliation, in the hope that that would bring NATO into the war as a full participant. In fact, were that to happen, it would be a short step to a Third World War.

All the same, I expect an intensification of Russian attacks on strategic infrastructure: electricity generation and supply, communications, railways, roads.

If, or rather when, the Labour Party forms a government in the UK, presumably later this year, it will be an “elected” (by default) dictatorship entirely ruled by Israel and the UK Jewish lobby.

Britain should do the same— shut down pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby mass media outlets.

If he ever returns here, deport him— and all of his compatriots.

[Emily Thornberry, at a Zionist dinner in London; Mark Regev, the then Israeli Ambassador, at centre. Look at the ghouls dining: reminiscent of an old Hammer Horror film]

Because “a certain group that cannot be mentioned” owns or influences those tabloid and other newspapers; the influence comes from ownership, from greenmail such as the power to withhold advertising revenue and, more directly, from the number of Jews employed in the UK press as journalists, editors etc.

https://news.sky.com/author/sean-bell-894. A former Air vice-Marshal since involved in making money by appearing on Sky TV etc, and selling or renting out properties. Almost certainly a freemason, and plainly pro-Israel, as well as very anti-Russian (he was giving a very poor analysis of the Ukraine war all through 2023 on Sky News).

Sky News is of course part of the worldwide News Corp operation started by 100% pro-Israel ancient cuckold, Rupert Murdoch.

Well, in view of my recent free speech trial, I suppose that I should not add comment. So much for the “free world”…

They do that in Turkey as well. I remember that happening when I was living temporarily in the Fethiye area on the Turquoise Coast in 2001.

I see the “Reform UK” protest voters as expressing a rage against an anti-British, anti-white milieu in politics, the msm, the law, and much of academia. Of course, Reform UK itself is “controlled opposition”, there to channel that rage and control it, but the rage itself is real enough.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has prepared an initiative to transfer control of the US-led Military Assistance Contact Group to Ukraine (Ramstein) to the alliance, Bloomberg reports, citing sources.

Financial Times (FT) interlocutors explained that in this way Stoltenberg wants to protect Ukraine from political changes if Donald Trump wins the American elections.

As Bloomberg notes, the leadership of NATO Supreme Commander Christopher Cavoli’s contact group will protect the structure from political changes that may occur after the November US presidential elections.

Stoltenberg will formally put forward the proposal at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on April 3 and 4. According to Bloomberg, Jens Stoltenberg is also proposing to create an allied contribution fund of $100 billion, which will be allocated to Ukraine over five years. According to the agency, the NATO Secretary General is urging the allies to sign a document on the creation of a structure at the alliance summit.

The transnational “Deep State”…

Late music

16 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 2 April 2024”

  1. Last of the Czars – 01 – Nicky and Alix (1996)

    There are parts II and III.

    It starts off with the family and their connections, so fairly light viewing. As it progresses through the story, we learn that Nicholas II was totally unprepared and perhaps unsuited for leadership. The story then becomes more about the politics of the time and frankly I was dismayed at the chaos and the bad decisions made. Russians seem to me to be chaotic and very brutal people, blundering into situations that could be avoided by leadership and diplomacy.

    By the end of the videos I felt the weight of the great tragedy that befell the Romanov family and the people of Russia.

    It seems to me that the European Royal males are weak minded and are best left to fulfil their carnal desires, away from the levers of power.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nicholas II of Russia was very similar to Louis XVI of France, a weakling who was unfit to command any respect or loyalty and an idiot, unable to understand politics and to making the necessary reforms to save his throne. Both paid the price for their weakness and incompetence.

      After WW1 all European royal families have been nothing but a bunch of spoiled, useless brats, without a purpose in life. After WW2 they were tolerated by the (((victors))) in exchange for total sumision. We can see this clearly in their shameful, and vile, support to the NWO and its anti-White policies. They deserve to be locked up in a gulag and forced to do hard labour and clean toilets until they die.


      1. Elected Presidents are often just as awful. Many aren’t even directly elected by the people ie President Frank- Walter Steinmeier of Germany who is elected by the Bundestag and German Upper House (Bundesrat) sitting in a joint session.

        I think you should make an exception for the Prince of Liechtenstein and his family. They seem to be very patriotic and traditional. He also has some real powers unlike King Charles III. Liechtenstein’s Monarchy is a semi-constitutional one.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. King Charles III, when he was still the Prince of Wales, was given €3 million cash in plastic carrier bags by former Qatari PM, Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jaber Al Thani.

        “Prince Charles’s long-term confidante Michael Fawcett resigned as head of the Prince’s Foundation at the same time – following claims he promised to help donor Dr Bin Mahfouz get not only British citizenship but a knighthood too. Prince Charles has said he had ‘no knowledge’ of any cash-for-honours offers.

        The donations from Sheikh Hamad, 62, who was prime minister of Qatar from 2007 to 2013, were reportedly personally accepted by Prince Charles”.

        Conclusion of the half hearted investigation “There was no suggestion of any wrongdoing by anyone involved”.

        So the “close confidante” of Prince Charles had to fall on his sword. The Charity Commission saw no reason for an investigation and the whole matter has been put to bed.

        See nothing, hear nothing and say nothing, should be the Royal motto.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Charles´repulsive and abject servilism towards his masters (the WEF, the Jewish lobby, etc.) is almost incredible. He is a perfect example of why monarchy is a uselss and potentially dangerous institution.

        A) Even in times when monarchs effectively ruled their countries (in England that ended with the murder of Charles I) there was always the danger that a wise king would be succeded by an incompetent fool, if not an outright idiot. The successors of Louis XIV of France as well as the successors of Charles III of Spain are good examples of the aforesaid

        B) Since the end of WW2 and the absolute victory of the forces of Evil; those pathetic puppets called, kings and queens, were reminded that the only chance they have to keep their undeserved privileged status was to say YES to everything that their masters said. That is why the criminal policies inspired by that vile creature called Coudenhove-Kalergui have been ruthlessly and systematically applied without the slightest objection from the crowned degenerates. The former Prince of Wales was always one of their most ardent and subservient supporters.


  2. Russia just needs to, “keep buggering on” as Winston Churchill would have said, try and avoid doing rash and unwise actions tempting though they are and grind Ukraine down. That is the Russian way though it is slow to manifest itself as it was from 1941-1945. If they keep their nerve, don’t do anything silly and just plod on they will win eventually.

    Nazi Germany might well have won the Battle of Britain if they had just stuck to bombing our airfields and thus gaining air superiority instead of diverting resources to aerial attacks on civilians in London during ‘The Blitz’.


    1. John:
      I think that the details are still secret, but the bombing of London (rather than just the London docks) seems to have started by accident, when a Luftwaffe crew mistook their location. The RAF then bombed Berlin for the first time, which enraged Hitler and led to escalation. It may be that the British action in continuing to bomb Berlin in 1940-41 was a deliberate attempt to divert the Luftwaffe from purely military targets. It also, of course, when British civilians started to be killed in larger numbers, swung British public opinion more behind the wartime government.


  3. It isn’t so much the raw opinion polling figures you need to worry about, Conservative Home, but rather seat projections with the aid of those new MRP techniques which got the last two general elections right.

    Electoral Calculus has very recently updated their projection. Unsurprisingly, it isn’t good news and is worse than last month’s:



  4. Yes, Reform Party voters are correct. Life under John Major and Maggie Thatcher was better in some respects. Britain was more law abiding, PC lunacy wasn’t quite so advanced as it is now and many people didn’t have such a sense they were living in a strange and alien land.


  5. Wellsaid, Yvonne Ridley. Yes, WHEN will Keir Starmer finally pluck-up the courage to tell his Zionist backers to Foxtrot Oscar and when will the diminutive despot in No.10 do likewise?

    Be careful, Yvonne Ridley, when expressing these points of view as you wouldn’t want to be accused of ‘anti-semitism’ especially in Scotland from this April with the loony SNP’s new repressive anti free speech legislation coming into effect. Undoubtedly, Police Scotland already has too many Stazi like officers who will be emboldened only further by the SNP’s disgraceful and excessively draconian clamp down on free speech.


  6. Sir Kneel A Lot and the diminutive despot are so in thrall to Zionist fanatics that if Israel started a war with Britain they would both cheer on the Zionist state and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if both were to call for the Zionist entity to use one of their estimated 200-400 nuclear bombs on us.

    Sir Kneel A Lot and Rishi both care far more about Israel than they do us. It is ‘Israel First’ for both unhinged Zionists. Why any native Briton gives either of them any consideration is beyond me.

    It is high time sinister foreign lobbies for a foreign international law defying state were systematically shut down in this country and any politicians proven to be collaborating with them such as Sir “I am a Zionist without qualification” Keir Starmer were given very long prison sentences or even executed as you can be in the very well run economic superpower of South Korea if you engage in a conspiracy with a foreign power:



    1. From what I read over the last ten years; Blair was, perhaps, the most evil and hateful character that ever occupied No. 10 Downing Street. Having said that, Keir Starmer is likely to take the gold medal in that category fairly soon.


  7. Shouldn’t you be putting BRITAIN FIRST, Sir Kneel A Lot, rather than the continual international law defying (since as long ago as 1967) bandit Zionist state of Israel?

    But then when did the ever internationalist Labour Party ever do that?


  8. It is time that MI5/MI6 fully investigated and spied upon both Labour and the so-called Conservative Party. Both are agents of a foreign power and can’t be trusted with this country’s security and national interests.

    Both are an utter national disgrace. I bet Margaret Thatcher is spinning in her grave with regard to her former party. Not only is it globalist, increasingly PC, has exercised no real form of immigration control, sacked police officers including the older, more experienced and less PC ones in their thousands, closed down police stations, not removed Labour’s PC cosh on forces but now it is beholden to the Zionist Pro Israel Lobby.

    Mrs Thatcher represented a constituency with large numbers of Jewish voters in it, got on well personally with Jews but she would not have allowed Zionist groups or the Zionist state to push her around like Cameron, May and this latest joke in No.10.


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