Diary Blog, 23 May 2024, including thoughts about Farage and Reform UK

Afternoon music

Talking point

Tweets seen

Not really. One System party soon to be removed, but another (with basically similar ideology on major issues) replacing it.

Only social-nationalism can save what is left of Britain, but there is no social-national party of the slightest importance in existence.

His handlers will be disappointed in him.

Talking point

More tweets

Tim Montgomerie over-estimates the importance of Farage, as does Matt Goodwin (see Goodwin’s blog posts).

Farage had the chance to become a leading political figure in or around 2014-2019. His oratorical and mass media skills are considerable, and he also has at least some organizational skills. As a politician, however, he is nowhere as effective as he is usually painted.

Farage has let down too many people too many times. UKIP’s failure in 2015 was not the fault of Farage but of the rigged FPTP system of the UK. 12% of the votes should have meant about 70 Commons seats (under proportional representational voting) but (under FPTP) did not.

Later, Farage stabbed his own supporters in the back when he withdrew Brexit Party, pretty much, from the 2019 General Election, thus allowing a “Boris”-idiot win.

Now, Farage has decided to ignore the 2024 General Election, in order to concentrate on helping Trump in the USA!

Farage is “controlled opposition”, as were UKIP and Brexit Party; Reform UK is no different.

I have always said that Farage is —despite his admitted skills— not a very good politician. He himself has failed to be elected anywhere under FPTP, though he was repeatedly elected as an MEP, under the European Parliament’s proportional system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_history_of_Nigel_Farage. He also came close to being elected in 2015 at South Thanet, but was beaten, by only a couple of points, by Craig Mackinlay, the pro-Brexit Con Party candidate.

Farage pulled back from the brink just at the moment when Brexit Party might have broken through the “three main parties” scam-bubble, in 2019, because he wanted to make sure that the Conservative Party won the GE. That is no real leader. Likewise, he is now running away to the USA because Reform UK looks like not getting anywhere very much (though Matt Goodwin seems to think otherwise).

Farage is, of course, not social-national. More a kind of pseudo-nationalist pseudo-“libertarian”. It was the failure to go social-national that —along with a grossly-unfair electoral system— sank UKIP, Brexit Party and, now, Reform UK (as seems likely to happen).

Farage, in my opinion, is now by no means as important politically as Montgomerie and Goodwin apparently believe.

Tim Montgomerie also over-estimates the Conservative Party. He says that, without Farage leading Reform UK, the misnamed Conservative Party will live to fight another day. Montgomerie underestimates, in my view, the contempt and hatred felt by very many for the Con Party now.

Yes, Sunak is finished, but where does that leave the Con Party? Led by some other non-European such as Suella Braverman or Kemi Badenoch? Puppets of the Jewish lobby and Israel.

Without a Conservative Party with any hope of getting into government for years, or ever, Farage is finished politically as well. After GE 2024, “Reform UK”, and certainly Farage, will be a sideshow of a sideshow.

I do not think that the presence or absence of Farage during GE 2024 will much affect Reform UK’s performance; maybe by a few points, and, yes, that will help the Con Party, but not much. A few points, a few seats.

Despite the very uninteresting and unwanted offering from fake Starmer-Labour, the primary wish of most people now is to give the “Conservatives” a massive kicking. Voting Labour will be the way to do that for most voters, voting LibDem in southern English constituencies may be another way, and voting Reform UK as a kind of “FU!” (to the Conservative Party) is yet another way to do that, without having to vote Labour.

Well, we shall know soon, by about the 5th of July.

More tweets

I disagree only as to the idea that Farage is “needed“. He is not needed.

I remember seeing that drunken loonie in Whitehall (in the street) a couple of years ago, on one of my now-rare visits to London.


One can only despise Reform UK. Controlled opposition. Pro-Israel. Pro-Jewish lobby. Pro-finance capitalism.

Having said that, and paradoxically, I hope that Reform UK does well at the General Election, thus helping to eliminate the treasonous “Conservative” Party, and helping thereby to collapse the present rigged “2-3 main parties” system as a whole, albeit at the cost of a Starmer-Labour “elected” dictatorship for a while.

Is that a “you know who”? I am, for once, unsure.

Sounds like an idiot either way. Just the sort you would expect might be running the Civil Service these days…



Ha. Just read that profile. A typical “diversity hire” parasite.

Goodwin is, of course, correct here. Look at the “Conservative” dummy listening to him, though. Like a stunned fish.

A million, more or less, into the UK, every year. The “net” 685,000 are almost all non-Europeans. Once you factor in maybe 200,000+ (real) Brits leaving in the hope of a better life in New Zealand, Australia, Canada etc, that means that, more or less, 900,000 more non-whites are entering the UK and staying here, and breeding here, every single year.

What do you think that Britain will be like by 2034? Or 2044?

Is commonsense breaking out in the Berlin Chancellery? Or Realpolitik, which may in effect be the same, in this case.

What goes around comes around…

The US Government, and American society, were not always occupied and ruled by the Jewish/Israel lobby. It happened gradually, mainly after 1956 and Suez. Even in the 1960s, the (((occupation))) was not complete.

I should say that the level of penetration seen today happened largely just after the Ronald Reagan era. George Bush snr openly proclaimed the New World Order (NWO) in early 1990, signalling an end to the Cold War era as such, and also signalling the beginning of the 33-year (1989-2022) largely unchallenged rule of NWO/ZOG (New World Order/Zionist Occupation Government).

That period is now at an end, and we are in the next 33-year cycle (2022-2055), the last one I shall see in my present incarnation.

Leaving the history behind, it is clear that the US Government (i.e. NWO/ZOG) only accepts international law when it is convenient for the USA (actually, Israel, and the Jewish lobby, not the USA as such) to do so. The USA has been poisoned by the bandit state.

It is very strange how the Israeli Jews seem to feel a compulsion to ape, not the Third Reich as such, but their own distorted image of the Third Reich, comprising only the most negative (supposed) parts of those 12 years in greater Germany (1933-1945).

I suppose it all comes from the upbringing and education (brainwashing) most if not all of them receive when young, then continuing throughout their lives.

Bring ihn an den Zug!

I still think that the Con Party will end up with fewer than 50 seats. I originally thought between 50 and 150, but I just wonder what kind of person now thinks seriously of voting Con, as things stand. Labour may well be rubbish, and no doubt will fail dismally in government, but the bar for dismal has been set very low by the past 14 years of nonsense.

The NHS does it a different way, by employing Africans and others with very questionable qualifications and skills.

Late tweets

Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken#Early_life_and_education.

Secretive cabals and ruling circles in the West are actively promoting nuclear war with Russia as some kind of acceptable possibility. All that enormous misery, death, and upheaval, which might destroy most life on Earth, all so that an unpleasant Jew-Zionist regime, the brutal, corrupt and shambolic dictatorship in Kiev, can save itself from being justly crushed? Mad, and evil.

Minsk? The map says Gomel.

A Trump win may be the best chance to avoid a major war in or affecting Europe.


According to US intelligence, only 30 to 35% of Hamas fighters were killed.

US intelligence also reports that thousands of people have joined Hamas over the past few months.”

[information seen]

Israel is creating hate that will last generationally. “They” bury their enemies, but are also, in that way, burying acorns…

Late music

40 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 23 May 2024, including thoughts about Farage and Reform UK”

  1. Hitler’s Favourite Hang-Out – Mooslahnerkopf Teahouse

    How I would love to walk down from the Berghaus to the teahouse. I can almost taste the clear mountain air and the smell of pine needles.

    What a pity the complex was bombed, looted and razed to the ground. A pointless attempt at eradicating history? Yet the so called ‘death-camps’ still stand.



  2. That Simon Case looks very much like a “you know who” (LOL) Apart from that he sounds like a complete idiot; or, if you prefer, like a true politician, which means a pathological liar. Not only that but his nauseating defence of Boris Johnson makes him even more despicable.

    Changing the subject, I do agree 100% with you regarding that “drunken loony” abusing Farage (BTW, for all the WRONG reasons). Regarding Farage going to the US to “help” Trump, the whole thing is a joke. As if Trump needed help from a 3rd-rate British politician who is a nobody!


  3. JaseMonkey certainly has the right Twitter handle. What sort of utter MORON do you have to be to think replacing this shambolic ‘government’ of Pro Israel, anti-British, globalist cretins with another bunch of pro-Israel, anti-British, globalist cretins will improve matters one iota in this globalised business park/economic space (former real country)?

    At least Corbyn had some policies and principles people could debate with him with and might have improved the lives of some of Britain’s poorest people. Pro-Israel to the point of utter lunacy, anti-British, globalist, no fresh ideas/no inspiration Keir Starmer literally offers ZILCH to anybody here. The bloke is a Zionist media created and approved cardboard cutout of a politician and is without a doubt the Labour Party’s most dull and totally unsipirational figure EVER.

    We don’t have REAL politics in this ‘country’ and we won’t have until Britain becomes a REAL democracy at long last and introduces Proportional Representation just like every country in Europe has with the exception of us, Belarus (Putin’s only real friend) and France (they have a double round electoral system called the double ballot). How utterly SHAMEFUL is it to share the same archaic, unfit for purpose, deeply unfair and therefore very undemocratic electoral system with a pretty backward country in Eastern Europe.

    Britain is NOT a REAL democracy and, frankly, it is about time people realised it. We are a Monarchial state that never really developed into a genuine democracy.


    Rigged elections after rigged elections after rigged elections! Some day they will have to END.


  4. Going back to Farage, that bloody grifter´s “speaking tour” in the USA in 2020 was nothing but a long (six weeks actually) holiday paid for by his stupid supporters. 😁​😁​😁​

    Talking about the coming US elections; sooner or later the fakes like Farage drop their masks and reveal their true colours. Look at this exposé about that pathetic charlatan called Robert Kennedy Jr. (Forget about most of the text and concentrate on the photos at the bottom of the page)

    What an awful family! BTW, I used to believe that JFK was different but he was not. Perhaps he was not a bad fellow but he certainly was not the saint that many people think he was.



    1. He comes from the same embittered Irish-American clan in the USA that supported the IRA. Enough said I think.


  5. Even the tiny tax haven and favoured residence location for the world’s super-rich, Monaco, has a part of its electoral system that uses Proportional Representation for God’s Sake! That country where a full 33% or more of its residents are millionaires would probably find they would manage well with First Past The Post but no even the reigning Prince and its government there have enough respect for democratic values that they will allow a partial PR voting system.

    With stand alone FPTP in this country it was no wonder we could never make a success out of our EU membership which might have been possible otherwise. Our membership was doomed from the very beginning.


  6. What an UTTERLY DISGUSTING betrayal of our country by the fake Conservative Party. They really are repulsive traitors to this formerly great country. Very few of those people will ever vote Tory. So not only is the fake Conservative Party destroying our country but they are ensuring their own party’s death.

    Harold Wilson once said the Labour Party was a moral crusade or it was nothing (today’s party under Starmer) and I believe someone else said the Conservative Party was the national party or it was nothing. I think we will soon see that was an accurate estimation of the situation. The Tory Party is not long for this world. Their death may come as soon as July 2024. If it happens they fully deserve it. Manic globalist libertarianism in the interests of the top 10% of the population is NOT going to be electorally popular. It is high time they understood that.


      1. 99% of our MPs are self-serving, immoral, corrupt, virulently anti-British, globalist, anti-democratic spivs. There a a few relatively decent Tory MPs like Sir John Hayes left but what use is he in a party full of undemocratic, globalist Lib Dems?


  7. So is the pathetic USA going to invade the Netherlands now or use their usual means to overthrow its government via the CIA? It is time that both Israel and the US were treated as the pariah states that they are. The world has had ENOUGH of both the continual international law defying Zionist bandit state of Israel AND the despicable double standards of the America and its abuse of its overly powerful international power status.


  8. America should quit its continual meddling in Europe. Ukraine suffered it in 2014 with that ‘revolution’ and now the US is pushing its proxy war against Russia via NATO.


  9. Israel is replicating Nazi Germany. What a loathsome state the Zionist entity truely is. We have pretty much seen it all now apart from gas chambers for Palestinians though no doubt that will be forthcoming in due course.

    Zionism was modelled after German National Socialism what with its essentially socialist Kibbutz concept, its ultra extreme race-based nationalism ect as decent , non-Zionist, devoutly religious, True Torah believing Jews point out:


  10. It is funny how apart from Asians, Africans and Zionist Jews, no one else is allowed to have a race-based nationalism and certainly no one but Zionist Jews are allowed to build a race exclusivist National Socialist state. Israel certainly learnt well from its mentor and founding father, Adolf Hitler.

    Really, why don’t they erect a statue to him in Tel Aviv and be done with it?


  11. Indeed. Why would anyone with the slightest degree of patriotism vote Conservative now? The Left has always called the Conservative Party an evil party only for the rich but at one time, even under Thatcher, there was a slight compensation for people able to see some good in others that the Tory Party made a half decent stab at controlling crime and immigration. Now, since Thatcher and the process has accelerated ever since, even those ‘saving graces’ of the ‘party for the rich’ have fallen by the wayside.

    The Tory Party is now just a globalist liberal-left party for the very wealthy and a more undemocratic version of the Liberal Democrats. REAL democracy blockers as with vile Labour.

    Anything remotely SOCIALLY conservative such as man-woman traditional marriage, REAL immigration controls, the death penalty ect gets instantly dismissed by its leaders such as when Sunak immediately shot down Lee Anderson’s pro hanging remarks.

    Don’t vote Tory or Labour. Vote Reform UK who do have at least have one good point in that they are in favour of PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION or, as I suspect many will do, ‘vote’ for the ‘None of the Above’ party. Hopefully, the turnout will plunge to ridiculous, international embarrassment levels and then the country will get behind a full civil rights campaign for a REAL, non inherently rigged, democracy to be built in this country at long last.


    1. Ross:
      I am just listening.

      Seems that Bridgen has awoken…

      Thank you. I had missed that tweet, and will put it on the blog.

      I believe that Bridgen is not contesting the election, though he might have had a chance in a 3/4-way split. He must have other plans.


  12. I doubt whether they will go down to under fifty. Those seats should be absolutely rock solid and will usually have the highest vote shares. My own seat of Brentwood and Ongar has a Tory numerical majority of 29,165 and a Tory vote share of 68% (Conservative Party percentage majority of 55% over Labour AND Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Democrats were just 0.1% behind Labour). It is their TENTH safest seat. As you can see from those figures, the Tory vote has to plunge by 18% and even then they will still have 50% of the vote.

    Their safest seats will normally have very high percentage vote shares so the Tory vote will have to collapse by a significant amount to put them at risk of falling.

    My best guess is that they will end up with 50 to 130 seats but probably more in the 70 to 120 seat range.



  13. An earlier prediction derived from the latest Yougov poll on the Leftie Stats Twitter account said the globalist, pro mass immigration, fake Conservative Party would get 33 seats and that Ed Davy would be the Leader of the Opposition.


  14. Be careful, Belgium (a DEMOCRATIC country that has had PR since 1900), or the United States of Zionism will find some way to overthrow your government or interfere in your internal affairs in its usual malicious way.


  15. Labour will fail in government. They always have. In contrast to some past Labour leaders, Keir Starmer has no fresh ideas, no original policies and no ideology apart from being “a Zionist without qualification”. Presumably, that means he will take this country to war with Iran should his Zionist financial backers want that even though it would be disastrous for us.

    It would be nice to have a British patriot putting BRITAIN FIRST and not the Zionist entity FIRST as PM “without qualification” but thanks to this country being a largely fake democracy we won’t see that.


    1. John:
      …and “their” control of the UK mass media will ensure that the so-called “moronic masses” will never allow themselves to struggle to anything approaching the truth of how they are being misled.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. That stonking Labour ‘victory’ that is projected will not be based upon anything in reality. I will bet now that Labour will get no more real, actual votes than Jeremy Corbyn did in 2019 of something like 10.3 million. Indeed, it is entirely possible they could get less. The only difference is that the Conservative Party has let itself down, and more importantly, this country by not inspiring its own natural backers hence it will get far fewer real votes than in 2019.

    In Germany with its genuinely democratic voting system of Mixed-Member Proportional Representation (MMP ) a party wishing to gain seats can’t ‘win’ them by default as Labour will do here but has to EARN them by getting more votes on the PR party list part of their electoral system with its explicit party vote.




  17. The Zionist state of Israel is basically a National Socialist state based-upon an exclusivist ethnic nationalism for Torah disobeying Zionist fake Jews who spit in the face of the main tenets of their supposed religion of Judaism.

    Europeans haven’t been allowed to be ethnic nationalists since the 1930’s eg the boycotts directed against the last ethno nationalist state since Hitler’s Germany ie Apartheid South Africa but the Zionist state and its mainly Zionist residents are allowed to be.


      1. Indeed. Zionism is basically an ethnic nationalism for Jews. Jews are supposed to be just an ancient religious collective but Zionists view them as more of an ethnic grouping and try to foster an ethnic nationalism/ethnic consciousness amongst them.

        It does say on Wikipedia that Jews are an ethno-religious grouping but they can’t be an exclusive one because it is possible to convert to Judaism so one doesn’t need to be born into being a Jew. Even the Ultra-orthodox ones will let a Gentile convert to Judaism and be recognised as a Jew. Of course, few gentiles convert to Judaism because it is a demanding religion with many religious laws to follow especially the Ultra-orthodox denomination of it. It must be the world’s most demanding religion.

        Zionism is a problem. It gives rise to Jews acting as a ‘nation within a nation’ which often provokes what is labelled as ‘anti-semitism’ but is really anti-Zionism.


      2. John:
        I thought that Orthodox Jews did not countenance conversion, or only if upon mixed marriage.

        Jews, like real Hindus, are *both* a religious collective *and* an ethnic collective and, like real Hindus, do not seek converts (unlike Christianity, Islam and, to a much lesser extent, Buddhism).


      3. Rabbi Elhanan Beck of anti-Zionist Neturei Karta UK who attends many of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in London (so much for the nonsense spouted by drunk, drug abusing, Tory Zionist fanatic idiots like Michael Gove that these demonstrations are all inherently ‘anti-semitic’) is featured on several interesting videos on YouTube and he says Gentiles can convert to Judaism even of his Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox variety and be accepted as a Jew.

        One of the most interesting videos with him on it is called Rebel Rabbis by Vice. The Zionist fanatic lot on that video really are a nasty piece of work in the way they abuse devoutly religious, True Torah observing Jews like Rabbi Beck merely for being anti-Zionist. If that is how they treat their ‘own’ it is no wonder they are paranoid about gentiles and have no real hesitation in calling us ‘anti-semitic’ if we dare to be critical of the Zionist state or if we have the sheer nerve to blow our noses wrongly in front of them or brush against them when walking in Golders Green.


      4. John:
        Non-Jews may be able to “convert” and then call themselves “Jewish” in *that* individual’s (as I understand it to be) rather small and outlying sect, but that may not be (I cannot say) the case with most Jews of the religious/Orthodox (or other) sort.


      5. No, according to Rabbi Elhanan Beck any Gentile can convert to Judaism even of his ‘true’ Jew, Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox kind provided they undergo a valid conversion process.

        Neturei Karta is an anti-Zionist movement. It is not a denomination/variety of the Jewish religion.


  18. One good thing you can say about the Zionist National Socialist state of Israel is that, at least for the Zionist residents, it IS a real democracy unlike Britain.

    At one time, it was ridiculously easy to get elected to the Knesset in that a party only needed 1% of the national vote which made it hard to form stable and effective governments but now the threshold is 3.25%. This seems to be an ideal level which doesn’t lead to too many ‘wasted’ votes not electing anyone but is at a level sufficient to prevent the election of too many tiny micro parties thereby fracturing the political system too much and not enabling the election of stable and effective governments.


  19. Yes, sensible people in Britain and Europe want Trump to win. The Democrats are an evil party of warmongers and completely under the thumb of the Zionist Lobby (the Republicans are strongly influenced by them as well but not quite so much). President Roosevelt was a Democrat and played a part behind the scenes of pushing our Continent to war in 1939 to disastrous effect for us and other Europeans but to the profit of America and Biden is following in that tradition.

    ‘Sleepy Joe’ OUT!


    1. Claudius:
      I wonder whether that is why there is a musical about Hamilton.

      The music, lyrics, and choreography of Hamilton were by non-Jews, but the play is specifically based on a book by a Jewish writer:





      “Over the course of his writing and research, Chernow also took the time to dive deeper into Hamilton’s history. He held the dueling pistols used in the famous Burr–Hamilton duel, visited the jail cell on Saint Croix where Hamilton’s mother was imprisoned, went to the island of Bequia in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to which Hamilton’s father disappeared after abandoning his illegitimate son, and had a lock of Alexander’s hair genetically tested for his racial makeup.[6] Chernow explained Hamilton in his book by stating, “If Washington is the father of the country and Madison the father of the Constitution, then Alexander Hamilton was surely the father of the American government.” [Arizona Republic newspaper].


      The Arizona Republic newspaper however fails to give more information. Presumably the book says what the result of the DNA test was.

      Neither does the Christian Science Monitor go further:

      So just a theory, at this stage.

      “The truth is out there”, but not today for us…


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