Diary Blog, 25 May 2024, including some history about Starmer and Sunak’s Israeli “friends”

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings another victory over political journalist John Rentoul, who scored a very modest 3/10; I trumped that with 5/10. I knew the answers to questions 2, 4, 6, and 9; I literally guessed no. 3 (I think it was in the back of my mind, though; I may have seen it somewhere, somewhen).

Sidelights on English life

A very English murder


16th century possible murder victim laid to rest at St Mary the Virgin, in South Baddesley, after remains found on Sowley Beach in the New Forest.

A suspected New Forest murder victim was this week buried in a “once-in-a-lifetime” service, some 500 years after he met his end.

The remains of the unknown man were laid to rest about five centuries after he was initially disposed of in a “clandestine” fashion, as revealed by the A&T.

The 25-minute ceremony took place two years after his medieval-era skeleton was found in mysterious circumstances on a beach near South Baddesley.

[Steve West/A&T]

As reported in the A&T, after a lengthy investigation, archaeologists have since concluded that “foul play” may explain how he came to be there.

Tuesday’s special funeral took place at St Mary the Virgin, in South Baddesley. Around 50 attendees – comprising nearby residents, those who had been involved in research and local historians – came to pay their respects.

Mourners were greeted and handed a leaflet titled ‘The Funeral and Burial of the 16th Century Man Known only to God’.

The Very Rev Gordon Wynne conducted the service, which included a medieval hymn before the handmade wooden casket was buried in the church graveyard.

The funeral comes after police were alerted in May 2022 by local resident Graham Coulter who helped excavate the human remains after half a skull became exposed in the mud near the mouth of Lymington River.

Speaking after the ceremony, the chartered surveyor, who lives in Lymington, said: “I think it’s a nice reflection on Christianity and mankind. “It’s very moving. It’s nice people turned up to give him a proper send-off.”

The rare remains – of which 80% of the body was still present – were recovered from Sowley Beach. They were given a radiocarbon dating estimating them to have been buried in AD1450-1650.

An osteoarchaeologist who studied the 5ft 4in (1.63m) skeleton concluded it was likely to have been a 20 to 25-year-old adult male.

[Graham Coulter, finder of the skeleton (picture: Steve West)]
[skull at time of discovery]

[New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times; n.b. I have corrected a few errors of spelling etc]

The full report is a good read, though it is disappointing to see that the senior archaeologist at the local council thinks that 1450-1650 comes within the “mediaeval” period. Either the Renaissance or, just about, the early Enlightenment.

It was amusing somehow to read that a person holidaying in the area, and who attended that religious service, was one Kathryn Tudor! Like something from The Morning of the Magicians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morning_of_the_Magicians].

Mrs. Tudor, however, is another who seems to imagine that the period in question was “mediaeval” (as does the local newspaper). Our English education must be to blame. G.K. Chesterton expressed a similar irritation to mine via his fictional Father Brown detective-priest, and that was a century ago.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._K._Chesterton; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_Brown.

Anyway, a murder case too late for Brother Cadfael [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadfael], and yet far too early for Inspector Morse [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_Morse_(TV_series)], Poirot [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hercule_Poirot], or even Sherlock Holmes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes].

Have I identified an historical gap in the market for detectives in literature? 1450 to 1650. I have never heard of a fictional detective operating in those centuries.

Well, that story is a delightful English vignette. Somehow charming, intriguing, and unsullied by contact with too much of England in 2024. More like something out of M.R. James [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._R._James].

[excellent documentary on M.R. James]

A better class of shoplifter?


A second haul of alcohol has been stolen from a Lymington store, which has now seen more than £1,000 worth taken over the two incidents.

As reported by the A&T yesterday (Thursday) 21 bottles of champagne valued at £717 were taken from Marks & Spencer on St Thomas Street on Tuesday 30th April, and CCTV pictures were released of a pair wanted by police.

Now officers have made a second appeal over an incident at the same store between 1.10pm and 1.40pm on Wednesday 15th May, when the eight bottles of champagne and spirits valued at £326 were taken.

[New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times]

A long way indeed from Les Miserables, in which the plot revolves around the theft of a loaf of bread: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Mis%C3%A9rables; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Mis%C3%A9rables#Hugo’s_sources.

From the newspapers


Interesting-sounding piece by dissident scientist/thinker Rupert Sheldrake; unfortunately, it is behind a paywall.



How time flies. When I first heard of Rupert Sheldrake, in the early 1980s, he was a still-youthful 39 or 40, and I was in my mid-twenties. Now he is 81, nearly 82, incredibly, and I myself am no longer young (67).

Sheldrake was a touchstone for many. The editor of Nature described his work as literal “heresy“, and pretty much said that his books should be burned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake#%22A_book_for_burning?%22. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maddox#Sheldrake_editorial,_1981.

I think it’s dangerous that people should be allowed by our liberal societies to put that kind of nonsense into currency” [John Maddox].

You can see the kind of thinking that leads to those people who doubt orthodox views, whether re. “climate change” aka “global warming”, or re. the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic, or other matters, being pilloried, while others (msm talking heads, scribblers etc) parrot System orthodoxy, and say that the dissidents or freethinkers should be incarcerated, deprived of medical services, bankrupted etc.

Who has contributed more to science and to this country, Sheldrake, or Maddox? I say Sheldrake.

Incidentally, I see that Sheldrake’s wife, Jill Purce, is also an interesting personality (I had not known of her until today): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Purce.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13458211/british-medical-journal-abandoning-science-transgender.html

More from the newspapers


The NHS has today been accused of providing ‘inadequate’ pain relief to women who have suffered agonising childbirths. 

Under health service guidance, new mums can be discharged just a day after undergoing a C-section or vaginal birth. 

But they are advised to take just paracetamol or ibuprofen to manage symptoms. 

Campaigners and doctors slammed the move, claiming it was yet another example of women’s pain issues in healthcare being ignored or underplayed.

[Daily Mail]

Still clapping?

The fact is that we now have health rationing in the UK. There has always been an element of that but it is now becoming impossible to ignore. It is not OK to simply repeat the old slogans of “our NHS” etc and how the rest of the world supposedly envies it (which is not true in respect of most advanced countries).

I am totally in favour of “free at point of use”, but the existing NHS model is just not working. Resourcing is one factor, but attitude and ethos is another one, and one that must be addressed. Also, pervasive maladministration.

The elephant in the room, though, is mass immigration. A population of 56 million when I was growing up has become one, officially, of 65 million, and probably 70 million in reality, with about a million more coming in every single year. Something has to give. Various things are giving, are cracking. Health provision is one of those.

Tweets seen

What the “Israelis” are doing in Gaza, what they have been doing for the past nearly 8 months, is a form of controlled sadism exercized mainly upon a helpless civilian population, and upon their even more helpless companion animals. This is not war but a kind of cruel and deliberate torture. Gott straf ihnen.

I was told a few years ago that, in the USA, hardly anyone not over 60 watched TV any more. I found it hard to believe, though even when I lived there (1989-1993, on-and-off), and on later visits (1999-2002), it was true that the people I knew watched very little TV, but at that time I think it was more of a class/education/cultural level thing, in those pre-mass Internet days).

When I lived in the USA, I was told (by my first wife, an American) that much of my own TV viewing was of a “redneck” nature. She even told her colleagues all about how I loved Unsolved Mysteries [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsolved_Mysteries] and America’s Most Wanted [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America%27s_Most_Wanted].


Do you see the way things are going? Labour, once a “socialist”/social democratic party, is now completely signed-up to the transnational finance-capitalist agenda, and to the “great replacement” of Europeans by non-Europeans in Europe, including the UK and Ireland: the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Look at Islington North. Symbolic. The very constituency represented for 41 years by a white man who is also a socialist (like Jack London, though Jack London said “I am a socialist, but a white man first“, unlike Corbyn…) and who was Leader of the Labour Party.

Corbyn’s replacement as Labour candidate— a non-European who is a health profiteer, along with his parents. I bet he is pro-Israel, too.

Now do you see it?

More music

These people should be on our side. Or vice-versa…

More tweets seen

Ha ha! Has the little Indian money-juggler somehow failed to understand that, under “Conservative” misgovernment, immigration is running at about a million a year now, out of which “only” about 50,000 are coming here on small boats (in reality, often ferried in by UK Border Force, RNLI, and Royal Navy)?

Has Sunak not understood that 80% of “asylum-seekers”, even those entering in backs of trucks or on rubber boats, are eventually given “Leave to Remain” under a system and legal framework which came from the 1950s and is now totally ridiculous and out of date ?

No, Sunak knows all that. He just hopes that the British people do not.

Labour, of course, will just do the same but in a different way, by allowing almost all to enter the UK “legally”. Reality? No difference in terms of end-result.

Persons aged 16 are far more likely to vote Labour, at present (about 90%); thus Labour hopes to entrench its likely large majority of 2024 in 2029.

Man proposes, God disposes“, though. Those 16-18 y-o voters of 2024, and their successors, might go another way completely after 5 years of (as I firmly expect) useless and yet repressive Starmer-Labour government.

On the wider point, if Goodwin is correct and Starmer intends to prevent any real democratic revolt against his planned “woke” tyranny, then he must expect the consequences. As John F. Kennedy said, “those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable“.

Imagine, if you will, Britain in 2034, after 10 years of Starmer-Labour.

A population of about 80 million or more, more non-European than white, at least in the main cities and towns; the country in an irreversible economic slide, with pay very low, and with State benefits equally low and restricted to ever-smaller groups; pensions not keeping pace with inflation; the roads scarcely repaired; the NHS even worse than under the “Conservatives”, and become a world leader in…waiting lists, poor treatment, and negligence; ever-greater numbers of blacks and browns (etc) flooding in, but the numbers officially concealed; Jewish-Zionist supremacism ever-more evident, but any criticism muzzled by even more restrictive and repressive “hate speech” laws.

Needless to say, by 2034, let alone 2044, the central areas of the cities will have become almost no-go areas for real Brits, as crime and disorder take hold. London is already halfway there.

In those circumstances, any measures taken by the British people themselves would be justified.

Starmer and Sunak’s Israeli friends— a history

A bandit state.



Migration invasion. Why do the Swedes not fight back? I suppose they would answer us in similar vein…

Late tweets

So that writes off the votes of the tiny minority of the young who might have voted Con. Beyond that, this is not a serious policy idea, more an attempt to shore up the collapsing Con vote among those 70+.

National Service ended over 60 years ago (gradually from 1957, though anyone born after 30 September 1939 was exempted). The last call-up was at the end of 1960; the last conscriptee was discharged in 1963.

In other words, only those (some) people of 85+, and who served under legal compulsion, would still be alive today.

Incidentally, who do you think will be taking all available jobs while the UK-born 18-21 y-o contingent are polishing boots, being beasted on assault courses, or being taught how to shoot hostile targets and not the local farmworkers? That’s right— the recent immigrants.

Just the way to achieve “community cohesion”…

This is some kind of pathetic appeal to misplaced nostalgia, designed (perhaps stupidly) to appeal to the very elderly (most of whom still vote Con anyway).


Quite right. Why should any young British men suffer and die (or live on, crippled) for the interests of Israel and NWO/ZOG?

You will not get much of interest from the likes of that “Akunjee” character.

Only the most awake (not “woke”) people understand that the NWO/ZOG System has chosen Starmer as its puppet to become an “elected” (via rigged selection and election procedures, FPTP voting etc) dictator, casting Britain into the pit of migration invasion, mass race-mixing and mixed breeding, and gigantic repression on free speech, dwarfing anything yet seen.

I still cannot understand why Sunak went out in the pouring rain to announce GE 2024. Was he trying to show the population that he is stoic, or a tough guy of some kind? What it said to me is that he is an absolute idiot, for all his paper qualifications; someone who does not know enough to put on a raincoat when it is raining hard, or at least have someone hold an umbrella over him. Someone such as that has not the basic nous to be Prime Minister.

Actually, what is the point of “National Service” even if the scheme could be enforced? In any serious war with Russia (the scenario constantly being pushed; no other exists), there will probably be a nuclear exchange before very long. The UK would be a, perhaps the, prime target for Russian attack. The “National Service” “chocolate soldiers” would be but pillars of ash long before being deployed anywhere outside the UK.

Come to think of it, how exactly would UK troops on any large scale be deployed? Both the air force and navy are now very small, and the air lift capacity very limited as well. As for the Royal Navy, its new aircraft carrier could carry a large number of troops, but it is not even defended by many naval fighter aircraft. It would probably be sunk long before it got to the Black Sea or Baltic.

This is all nonsense, worthy of some idiot such as Gavin Williamson, that deadhead: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

I was out early today, before 0700 hrs, and the English countryside was arguably at its best in the fresh breeze and sun of the early summer (though I also very much love the autumn). How terrible if those green trees and sculptured ranks of hedges and topiary were to become a charred and irradiated wasteland, all because of a completely unnecessary and contrived war with Russia…

Antonov: No one in Washington is thinking about the future of relations between the US and Russia “The American authorities do not think about the future of Russian-American relations and are engaged in destroying them”, said the Russian ambassador to the USA, Anatoly Antonov, commenting on the new American package of military aid to Kiev.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

37 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 25 May 2024, including some history about Starmer and Sunak’s Israeli “friends””

  1. ANYONE with a SINGLE functioning braincell has known that instinctively about the Labour Party rabble for a long time. They have always been a fundamentally anti-British party but, as you say, this tendency has been growing stronger as the decades have gone by and certainly should have been evident since the ‘New’ Labour Mark One years of 1997-2010.

    That being said the so-called Conservatives have not exactly opposed Labour’s globalist, anti-British evil. Cameron’s ‘bright’ political idea was to remake the Conservative Party in that awful Bliar creature’s image. I believe he referred to his creation as the ‘modern’ Conservative Party. Cameron even led a standing ovation in the Commons to Bliar the globalist anti-British war criminal. VILE.


      1. PC globalist politicians like Cameron are clever enough to speak in code. Unfortunately, many voters can’t decode their words. Our state ‘edukashun’ system with its abysmally low educational standards has a lot to answer for.

        Many voters have no conception of what Proportional Representation means. To them, it is just two excessively long and bafflingly complex words added together but all they would have to do to understand PR would be to look it up on Wikipedia. Again, low standards of teaching English in state schools prevents many seeing those two words and pretty much instantly grasping the concept.

        At any rate, PR is only what those ‘strange foreigners have on the Continent and we British are much better than they are’.


  2. If only there were a party like Germany’s Alternative For Germany (Afd) party to vote for here. That party has a slogan of ‘Deutschland Zuerst’ ie Germany First. We should have a party proclaiming a ‘Britain First’ agenda.


  3. Trying to make a ‘choice’ between the old political duopoly parties of New Labour 1990’s rehash with added Zionist Israeli Likud Party or fake Conservatives is rather akin to the ‘choice’ some Americans get on Death Row ie do you wish to be executed by a lethal injection or the electric chair?


  4. Ideally, Russia should be a partner of both the EU and this country but thanks to US-led interference in Europe for THEIR interests and a mutual suspicion and wariness of both Russia towards Western and to some extent Eastern Europe and vice versa that has not come to pass.

    Russia is an utterly vast country and quite mysterious for other Europeans as Churchill alluded to. I am not sure though as to whether Russians would think of themselves as Europeans. Perhaps, that is only true of those who live in places relatively near to us like Moscow and St Petersburg.


    1. John:
      My own view (since about 1977 or 1978 when I started to learn the language) is that Russia is neither European nor Asian (except geographically) but is sui generis.

      Russia will not become completely itself, though, until it grows into its true world role, about 1,500 years in the future. Until then, it will be sort-of European, thanks mainly to its more Westernizing rulers (Peter the Great in the 17thC, Catherine the Great to some extent in the 18thC; also, some of the 19thC and 20thC tsars and their advisers and, of course, Lenin, Stalin and others after 1917).


  5. Disagree fundamentally as much as you like with Corbyn but at least he has some real convictions and principles. Better to have him in the House of Commons as an Independent than some parachuted in New Labour Mark 2 drone and nodding dog of Mr U Turn extraordinaire, Starmer. No doubt the new candidate will be an ever faithful servant of the Zionist Pro Israel Lobby as Starmer undoubtedly is.


      1. Indians have a strange love affair with the Zionist state. From seeing the comments from Israelis towards Indians in the comment sections of various YouTube videos it isn’t reciprocated.


      2. John:
        All connected with Pakistan being Muslim; so Indians tend to prefer Israel to the Muslim states surrounding Israel. Then there is the Indian interest in money and business.

        In the early or mid-1980s, I heard all about a now-obscure (obscure then too, in terms of public profile) Indian businessman called Mr. Kushwaha (I think that spelling is right). He was a big noise in East-West trade, owned medical equipment factories in India, and traded in the Soviet Union too. In fact, he had a house near Moscow (at the time, foreigners were not allowed to own real property there, but it was allowed to him by reason of his marriage to what my source called a “Sovietskaya prostitutka”, in whose name the property was registered). Said house had not only a swimming pool but a wave machine, unheard of at the time, though nothing terribly unusual these days.

        That Indian, when in London, stayed in a suite at the Inn on the Park (in Park Lane; now, the Four Seasons Hotel), along with the Soviet wife.

        Just one example. Indians are interested in business, and respect it. Another reason they like Israel— the Jewish connection with business and money.


  6. Margaret Thatcher made a passable attempt at controlling our borders from 1979 to 1990 but no government has come remotely near to achieving the same level of control.


  7. The Tories should have written a constitution for this country detailing things like the age when people could vote and then having a constitutional court to enforce it. Such a court could also have investigated Labour for blatantly running itself on what in Germany is called the ‘Fuhrer Prinzip’ or the all powerful leadership principle which is now absolutely verboten or forbidden for a party to do there and where if a party is suspected of operating on that principle it is investigated by the constitutional court. Labour conference members voted for Proportional Representation/fair votes to be introduced for general elections yet Starmer has contemptuously ignored them. There are many other instances of his lack of respect for internal Labour democracy and nakedly authoritarian meddling with Labour Party candidate selection procedures, expelling members for no real reasons etc.

    Behind that dull exterior lies a bloke that is a budding tyrant and that is how he treats his own party so God only knows what he has in store for us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John:
      In his memoirs (“Krushchev Remembers”), the eponymous shoe-banger said of Malenkov that M. was a colourless bureaucrat or file clerk, the worst type of person to have power. Be that as it may, that is how I see Starmer. As you say, a camouflaged tyrant, and clothed in contemporary woke-ism.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Not only is he a budding tyrant but a compulsive liar. EVERY PLEDGE he made to his party to gain its leadership he has systematically abandoned. He is 100% untrustworthy.

    Vote pro PR/fair votes Reform UK, Lib Dem, Green, SNP, Plaid Cymru or abstain but DON’T vote Labour.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m dreading his adminstration of anti-British, pro mass immigration, ‘woke’, tyrannical cretins. If people don’t like the Tories fine just don’t vote for them. They will lose merely through losing so many 2019 Tory voters through abstention alone. Labour offers ZILCH anyway. They are no real alternative.

        We desperately need new credible parties in this country. New Labour Mark 2 is not amongst them.


      2. That assessment is probably correct. New Labour Mark 2 with added Israeli Likud Party offers no fresh ideas etc. The Labour ‘offer’ is threadbare.


      3. In theory, it should become very unpopular very quickly and why not? Labour under Starmer offers no fresh thinking at all. It is a true new ideas free zone. All we can expect is yet more mass immigration and an even more frantic doubling-down on political correctness.


      4. The Liberal Democrats and even the Green Party offer more in the way of fresh thinking than totally unsipirational New Labour Mark 2. At least with those two parties we would get Proportional Representation/fair votes and a modern, genuine democracy at long last.


  9. A bandit state indeed but also a terroristic state. It should be a pariah state and be boycotted economically, culturally and in a sporting way until it learns to act in a way befitting a normal, civilised member of the international community. Its Olympic team should certainly be banned from the soon to be held Paris Olympic Games. Banning a country from the Olympics was good enough for Apartheid SA so why is the Zionist state treated any differently?

    A very educated, cultured and experienced French diplomat around the time of the Iraq War in 2003 called it, “a shitty little country” and with its actions in the last few months who can seriously dispute the essential truth of those undiplomatic remarks?

    Trust evil so-called ‘human rights lawyers’ such as Starmer and the other member of the ‘gruesome twosome’, Sunak, to back it so vociferously.


  10. Well done to the Swedish Royal Family for refusing to visit the Zionist bandit state. So far no member of our Royal Family has done so either as far as I know and hopefully that will continue to be the case at least until they make a fulsome apology to Britain for their despicable terrorism against us and until they stop their constant oppression of the Palestinians.

    ‘From the River to The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free’. Is it still legal to say that here? I expect that it won’t be soon when the Zionist, “without qualification” Starmer gains a ridiculous, unearned majority/false ‘victory’ though the workings of a blatantly unfair and therefore highly undemocratic, stand alone, First Past The Post electoral system.


    1. John:

      Incidentally, read this report


      One of the defendants got only 2 years for *murdering* an Arab in arguably the least violent part of Israel (Haifa), and for throwing Molotov cocktails at another Arab man sitting on a beach got less than 4 years, which apparently means out in far less. One of the others will be out in 6 months!

      Imagine if an Arab threw Molotov cocktails at a Jew on a beach. Probably shot dead, or later sentenced to 10 years or more.

      Also, note that the Israeli police and Shin Beth “extracted confessions” from the three defendants. I imagine that they are skilled at that…


      1. Evil. These Zionists really do have an appaling attitude problem towards Palestinians and indeed Jews in the Zionist state that don’t share their domineering, supremacist Zionist philosophy such as the Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox ones in places like Mea Shearim, Jerusalem.

        It seems like the Zionist state’s judiciary is soft on crime. They don’t have capital punishment as the religion of Judaism takes a dim view of it though they made an exception for Adolf Eichmann. According to the article on Wikipedia detailing numbers of police officers per 100,000 people they have about 300 plus whereas ours is only about 225.

        Yes, I imagine the Israeli police and Shin Bet are good at extracting confessions.


      2. If anything, there is a case for increasing the age at which people can vote to 19 as in the very advanced country of South Korea or 20 as it was until very recently in Japan.

        How about introducing an IQ test for voting? Then we might not have inane and very silly people blaring out that God awful dirge ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ when Sunak announced the election and as played in 1997 when the globalist, anti-British war criminal, Bliar, ‘won’ the general election of that year and then proceeded to govern in the interests of everyone BUT the British people.

        Those sort of Class A cretins should be banned from voting for failing to score enough points on an IQ test.


  11. Allowing 16 year olds to vote is a blatant attempt to tilt the British electorate away from the Conservative Party seeing as the Tories are voted for mainly by the old. It is also done knowing that ethnics are, on average, younger than Britons and that is intended to garner an even greater ethnic vote share for Labour.

    Labour hypocrisy at its finest is giving 16 year olds the vote in a so-called ‘modernising our democracy’ guise whilst making sure those votes will be cast under stand alone ‘pure’ FPTP where a vote cast by one 16 year old in a ‘marginal constituency ‘ will NOT BE EQUAL IN WEIGHT to another vote by a different 16 year old in a ‘safe’ constituency.

    There is no real case for giving 16 year olds the vote. In this respect at least, Britain is NOT out of line with most countries in Europe or in the wider world in requiring people to be aged 18 or above in order to vote.

    How about this, New Labour Mark 2, for a REAL ‘modernising our democracy’ drive:



  12. America’s Most Wanted sounds like the BBC’s former Crimewatch. That was a good programme that helped the police solve quite a few crimes but was taken off air as people started to add two and two together as regards our ‘enrichers’ and their propensity to commit crimes. It made for too non-PC viewing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John:
      Yes, I liked Crimewatch, and I believe that it helped the police solve many serious crimes. Of course, that was “back in the day” when the police actually prioritized real crime, and were not obsessed as to whether or not whoever (usually Jew-Zionists) pretend to be “offended” by supposedly “grossly offensive” online tweets, blogs etc.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I shudder to think how much more PC idiocy Labour will impose on the poundshop Stazi ‘forces’ formerly known as the British police. It is bad enough now under the so-called ‘party of law and order’. The police need total reform from top to bottom so they do concern themselves, once again, with that ever so trifling matter of combating real crimes.


  13. No sane and politically aware youngster will want to be dragooned into performing national service. In the 1980’s there may have been a case for its reintroduction but not now when we have a country that is barely recognisable thanks to constant mass immigration and groaning under PC utter idiocy.

    Simply put, patriotic youngsters find there are few reasons to fight for this globalised economic space/business park/’country’.

    No sane young person wants to fight in a US proxy war against Russia and certainly do not want to fight the Zionist entity’s perceived enemies.

    Barmy and out of touch Sunak would get more votes if he proposed bringing back capital punishment and training a new generation of budding Albert Pierrepoints:


    For the more liberal and democratically inclined voters, he could propose this farcical general election will be the last one ever held under the severely out of date, profoundly unfair and therefore highly undemocratic and unfit for the 21st Century, ‘pure’ First Past The Post electoral system.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. It is very sad what is happening in Sweden. All of Europe is being ruined by mass immigration imposed by treasonous, globalist politicians who should be either executed or imprisoned for very lengthy terms eg 60 years plus for what they have done to what is the world’s most culturally rich Continent.


    1. John:
      Rudolf Steiner once described Europe in some such terms as “the head-organism of the world”. In other words, what happens in Europe is vital, despite North America, or Asia, having more military power, more money etc (now)— actually, that was already partly-so or becoming so even in Steiner’s day [d.1925).


  15. Akunjee writes what is coming down the pipeline? Nuclear armagheddon with Russia hence this proposal for national service. How that is supposed to combat very destructive nuclear weapons is curious to say the least. Or there could be a war with China if it invades Taiwan. We would have an interest in the outcome of that one at least since Taiwan produces nearly all of the world’s semi conductor chips which are vital to the running of the world economy though we can leave the fighting to the Americans.

    Can anyone imagine Keir Starmer as a war leader? Somehow I don’t think he can do the inspiring oratory of a national leader in wartime.


    1. John:
      Britain could never have a war with China, not without a functioning air force or navy…the very idea is ludicrous. Britain is just not a world power any more, despite the Trident submarine-missiles.


      1. In that case, we could never have a war with Russia yet that is what the ‘gruesome twosome’ Sunak and Starmer are planning along with silly old duffers who are retired British Army generals.


      2. John:
        That is right. Either those *above* Sunak and Starmer are planning for actual East-West nuclear war (which would be pointless for human beings but not for actual forces of Evil) or it is just another excuse to control and “lock down” the people.


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