Diary Blog, 5 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face, causing a traumatic brain injury as I suffered bleeding on my brain. As I struggled to get away, they threw drinks in my eyes to blind me so I couldn’t get help. I remember their laughter as I was bleeding from my ear and eyes. I was lucky to survive and recover.

Many leftists on social media are celebrating that someone hurled a drink in the face of @Nigel_Farage today as he was campaigning in Clacton, Essex. They’re reveling in the fear that a victim feels when being hit in the eyes with an unknown liquid—in a country that suffers acid attacks. The celebrations are emblematic of a level of political violence that the left tolerates and desires on their political opponents.

Perpetrators of violent attacks, such as that in Clacton yesterday, must be punished properly. I doubt whether the present minor judiciary has the will to do that.

I blogged about these issues several years ago:

Farage has been attacked before, as was Nick Griffin (in 2010, I think).

Very true. If only, though, the British and French had retained control of the Middle East and North Africa after WW2. No crazy demagogues, no “Israel”, no war…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

[The Corniche, Alexandria]

Manchester, apparently. Here, though, on the Hampshire coast, it is 16C and partly cloudy, partly sunny.

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], a similar result: Labour 488 MPs (majority 326), Con 82, LibDems 43, Greens 1, Reform UK 0, Plaid 3, SNP 14 (and Northern Irish 18).

Almost but not quite a Con wipeout.

I myself still think that <50 is a possibility for the Cons. I concede that the many experts and specialists are against me, but my reasons are as previously blogged:

  • the fact that few 2019 and earlier Con voters now think of the Con Party and Government as anything other than completely useless;
  • that there are many (or are there?) “secret” Reform UK intending or possible voters; and
  • that there are many voters who will vote tactically to sink the Cons, even if many of the same voters hate, despise or fear Starmer-Labour.

A point or so fewer for the Cons, a point extra for Labour, a point extra for the LibDems, and a point or so more for Reform UK, and the Con cadre of MPs would reduce to only 30.

This is no exact science.

This is a guest post from an anonymous 25-year-old member of Gen-Z. They live in London. They work in Westminster. And they are utterly fed-up with the dire state of the country.

If you believe the polls then the Tory party is about to be completely rejected by my generation, Gen-Z, the members of which were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Remarkably, just 5% of us are planning to vote Tory next month while a staggering 83% are planning to either vote Labour, Lib Dem, Green, or SNP.

But as one of those few right-leaning Zoomers, let me tell you —even that 5% figure is deeply misleading. Why?

Because, as Matt pointed out on Twitter/X, one enormous problem facing the Tories today is not just the remarkably low number of Zoomers who are planning to vote Conservative; it’s that the few Zoomer conservatives who do exist are also utterly fed-up and frustrated with the party and want to see it completely obliterated.

And why do they feel like this, exactly?

Well, consider my own story.

I’m writing this at 3am in the morning and I have less than four hours before I need to get up and start my morning routine for work.

But, once again, the neighbours who live downstairs, below my flat, have decided to have another all-night party. And unlike me, they don’t have to wake up for work.

Because, unlike me, they don’t have to work.

They qualify for social housing; their rent is subsidised by the large and rising amount of council tax I am forced to pay each month —on top of ruinous income taxes, national insurance contributions and student loan repayments.

The majority of the tenants in my housing block are unemployed; I see few of them leaving the house for work in the morning.

My interactions with them are limited to hostile glaring mixed in with the occasional attempted mugging. On the rare occasion I have female company I have to escort my dates to and from the bus stop to stop them being sexually harassed.

What scraps of my salary the State allows me to keep are eaten up immediately by rent. I pay almost half my post-tax income to live on an ex-council estate in Zone 3, London, with the smell of weed continually hanging in the air.

Unless I achieve an income of more than £200,000 it will simply be impossible to secure a mortgage on a house the same size as the one my parents bought in 1989.

My friends work in high-powered finance and legal careers but, like me, struggle on with flatshares well into their late 20s, if not their early 30s.

They are spending the best decade of their life working until midnight seven days a week for the chance to attain the same middle-class lifestyle their parents achieved much earlier in life.

The reward for being wildly successful financially in 2024? To live in a semi-detached house that was built for unskilled professionals in inner London a century ago.

And that’s not all …

If I decide to have children, which you might think ought to be encouraged given the demographic crisis facing Western nations like Britain, I will have to contend with extortionate childcare costs, or deprive my household of a second income.

Renting a three-bedroom flat in a safe part of London will cost in excess of £3,000 a month; my children will have to grow up in far more cramped conditions than I did, most likely having to share a room and perhaps dodging stray bullets.

The only feasible route out of this incredibly depressing situation is to leave the city I grew up in and commute two hours both ways from a town I have no local connection to —where I have no friends or family living nearby.

Even with cheaper housing, I will still have to send my kids to local schools where they will be bombarded with relentless propaganda about how to ‘change their gender’, acknowledge their ‘whiteness’, and apologise for the British Empire.

It is certainly true that previous generations of young people faced more challenging circumstances. I am not (yet) being asked to walk across No Mans Land and into a sea of barbed wire and machine guns.

But it is one thing being asked to suffer for a cause like liberty in Europe, or to grimace through destitution because of seemingly uncontrollable events like the Wall Street Crash. It is quite another to be economically enslaved to the point of infertility to sustain a growing population of resentful dependents. 

And I am one of the lucky ones...”

[from the Matt Goodwin blog on Substack].

A long piece to paste on the blog, but worth reading, I think, despite the several obvious gaps in the author’s reasoning.

More tweets

Some mugs are still sending fraudster “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas) money every month via Patreon! Utter utter mugs.

A certainethno-religion…

Barwell is a silly little guy. A joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Barwell.

As for Goodwin’s rhetorical questions…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Barwell seems to imagine that, as the (white/Brit) workforce ages, it can simply be replaced by black, brown (etc) imported equivalents. Not so. A high proportion of the imports (and offspring thereof) are parasitic and/or useless, with a smaller proportion actively criminal or terroristic.

Barwell’s thesis (to thus dignify it) seems to be that, as —say— 1M Brits age, retire, or die, the thing to do is to import 10M unwanted non-European immigrants in the hope that 10% of them can replace the 1M Brits who have checked out of the labour market (or life). What about the notional 9M other imports? They may be (and most are) useless, or near-useless, but all need/want/demand housing, food, water, shelter, NHS services, money…

Not sure whether that is Krakow or the rebuilt (post-WW2) old central part of Warsaw. Maybe the latter. I saw both on several trips to Poland in 1988 and 1989, but I should probably not recognize much of the newer areas now, judging by photos I have seen. The changes, esp. in Warsaw, have been immense.

Late tweets

Exactly what this blog has been saying for quite a while.

The 2024 General Election result, using Electoral Calculus, and based on the latest YouGov polling: Cons with only 55 MPs; LibDems on 63, and they are the official Opposition; Reform UK, significantly, with 3 MPs (presumably including Farage), and Greens on 2. Also important, the SNP with only 14 MPs.

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Worth reading in full.

Late music

[Berlin, 1945: Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag]

36 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 5 June 2024”

  1. Good morning Ian! Well, the fact that Andrew Joyce, the excellent political commentator and collaborator of “The Occidental Observer”, has had his “X” account closed clearly shows what a lie Elon Musk´s “commitment to uphold free-speech” is.

    Regarding that young Conservative member of the so-called “Gen Z” I would tell him and all the British imbeciles who moan about the state of their country blaming the obnoxious Muslim radicals for it, that this is the consequence of their grandparents´”victory” over Germany in 1945.

    WHO imported the unwanted “immigrants” into the UK? WHO has made a criminal offence to defend your culture and your people? WHO has been/is promoting self-hatred and guilt over your imperial past? WHO is promoting sexual deviants and degenerates reading stories to your children in the so-called “drag queen story hour”? I shall give you a hint: It is NOT the Muslims…

    Those morons who went to London on the 1st of July “to take back our country” are all useful idiots. Fancy having as “leaders” people like Tommy Robinson and Paul Thorpe! LOL


    1. Claudius:
      Yes, I know. I think that the guest blogger mentioned had other complaints, though as you say the migration invasion is the ultimate cause of much of the overall problem. It impacts housing, NHS, other services, and of course the levels of pay.


  2. I watched this video yesterday night and I thought of you and your comments about the criminal and absurd spike of property prices in London. Well, Australia is even worse. A pity and a shame because there is NO EXCUSE for it. It is all part of a criminal plan to disenfranchise White Australians and to reduce them to wage slavery. In fact, according to this video, that has already been done.

    I feel very sad about Australia, a wonderful country. Even though things were getting difficult around the year 2000 it was still a wonderful place to live, the cost of living was incredibly low and you could afford to save money even if you were (like me) on rather low wages. Most Australians are very friendly and easy-going people.


    1. Claudius:
      Just as I would be unable to buy a house in the areas where my parents and others bought in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s etc (in the UK), so my brother in Sydney would be now completely unable to buy a house where we, and also my uncle and his family, lived in the late 1960s (Mosman and Cremorne). He lives way out from the city, in suburbia that did not even exist in 1967-1970. Needs must…

      Australia started to go the wrong way in the 1970s under Gough Whitlam, I think, and then in the 1980s under that drunk, Bob Hawke. Mass immigration from about 1918 until then had always been of Europeans, but that changed, partly by reason of the Vietnam “Boat People” crisis, but also because, instead of regarding Australia (with New Zealand, mainly) as “Australasia” and so sui generis, Whitlam called Australia “a South-East Asian nation”. Ideologically in error.

      Now, Australia has quite large populations of black asylum-seekers and others. Bad mistake. The population is now 25M (when I was there about 55 years ago, it was 12M), and I think it may have lost some of its easy lifestyle.

      Not that all is bad. I see on Google Streetview that parts of the North Shore and what are now called the Northern Beaches (the places I remember because I lived in or spent time there) look actually better in some ways. Overall, though, I think that people had easier lives back then, at least in those affluent areas.


      1. I met in 1995 Gough Withlam when I was working in an expensive menswear/tailoring shop in Double Bay. The owner of the shop, a mean and greedy Italian, told me: “Today Mr. Gough Withlam is coming for a fitting, make sure everything is impeccable” He then added (with a kind of wicked smile) “He is a bit queer”. At that time I did not know the meaning of that word, but my instinct told me it was not a compliment.

        I later learned that Gough Withlam was the man chosen to subvert Australia introducing ultra-liberal American policies that were the beginning of “political correctness”. He fulfilled the role of Tony Blair. From that moment on everything went downhill. I do not know much about Bob Hawke, only that he was/is considered an incompetent alcoholic.


      2. Claudius:
        I did not know that about Whitlam.

        Incidentally, both Whitlam and Hawke were said to have been CIA “agents of influence” and maybe more.

        I think that it was to Double Bay where my parents took me for my 11th birthday (September 1967), to a fish restaurant going out (I seem to recall) on a jetty over the water. Doyle’s, I believe.

        In a way, a strange choice, because we lived north of the Harbour, in Mosman/Cremorne. Maybe my uncle’s mother in law recommended the place; she lived in Piper’s Point not far away, now I think called Point Piper.

        Afterwards, they took me for coffee to what seemed to me (aged just 11) as a very cosmopolitan and sophisticated place, a cafe with much cigarette smoke swirling, a dark red/pink lighting system, and a very large seated Buddha statue in the middle. That must have been not too far away. Double Bay or Rose Bay perhaps.

        That has always stuck in my mind, as has the name of the fish I had— John Dory.


      3. Your comments are bringing back lots of memories. I remember a famous (and rather expensive restaurant called “Doyle´s” in the area known as The Rocks. As I do not like seafood I never went there. It closed in 2014. The one you were referring to must be the famous “Doyle´s On The Beach” on Watsons Bay.



      4. Claudius:
        No, I think not.

        Now that I have seen your link and Google Streetview, I think that the place was the one now called “Doyle’s on the Wharf”, because I remember it was a kind of pier. In those days, 1967, it must have been a normal restaurant, and one which, between then and now, has obviously become their takeaway location.

        I occasionally (when I had guests from the USA or former Soviet Union), used to attend a restaurant on stilts like that in Anguilla— The Straw Hat. You could see a huge amount of fish in the water, attracted by the lights from the always-open windows. It was later destroyed by a hurricane. Very nice, if expensive, and I always drank too many daiquiris. Fortunately, I could drive back to my temporary home via the untarmacked and potholed back road, which had no traffic at all (ever). I never saw another car.

        All’s well that ends well…

        Doyle’s on the Wharf:


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Labour has often expressed an intention and desire to get rid of the House of Lords which, as is typical of that quasi-Marxist party, has often been based-upon pure class hatred.

      Many within Labour also don’t like it because sometimes the Lords have acted as a block on Labour’s stupidity eg the Lords vetoed the Labour government’s plan to get rid of hanging in 1948.

      At its best, the House of Lords can act as a house of review. There are only a few credible options for reform of it which are to either abolish it outright or reform it to being an elected chamber but if that latter option was done a Proportional Representation/fair votes system would have to be used and then the problem would arise that the new reformed House of Lords/Senate would IMMEDIATELY have more democratic legitimacy than the undemocratic farce of the House of Commons with its archaic, decades out of date, unfair and thus deeply undemocratic use of ‘pure’ First Past The Post.

      Labour are simply NOT a credible party for the democratic reform of this country. They view all constitutional reform ideas through the prism of their own perceived self-interest as a party hence their proposal of giving votes to 16 and 17 year olds because they are more likely to vote Labour than Tory whilst REJECTING the idea of giving those newly enfranchised voters and older ones a FAIR VOTE using Proportional Representation for the House of Commons where real power in this country is located.

      Labour are a bunch of self-serving, hypocritical fraudsters on constitutional and electoral reform.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Gavin Barwell is a dripping wet, globalist, open borders supporting prick. He really should join the Liberal Democrats though even they have some standards to maintain.

    It is precisely because the so-called Conservative Party has moved totally away from its electoral base with the influx of these Gavin Barwell types that they are in a horrific electoral mess which may well be terminal for their existence as a credible party.


    1. John:
      Not to mention (also true of Labour) large numbers of MPs who, like Barwell, have never really had a non-political job. Or had one for 5 minutes, maybe.


  4. Carrying on with my comment about Australia´s real estate market, I shall give you some figures from our experience there. When we left Australia towards the end of 2005 my wife and I were paying $220 per week for a very nice 2-bedroom flat in Hornsby (Sydney´s North Shore) with a balcony onto the street and beautiful views over the bush from the huge terrace that we shared with 3 other units.

    Well, I just visited a big Australian real-estate website (DOMAIN) and entered “Two-bedroom flats for rent in Hornsby, NSW”. The average price is almost $700 per week, that means rent has trebled over the last 20 years. In comparison, the wages almost did not increase or were left behind by the brutal surge in property prices.

    Mosman is worse, the average rent for a 2-bedroom unit is $1.100 per week! Here is the link to Mosman:



    1. Claudius:
      I notice on that list a small house rental in Ourimbah Road, Mosman, which is a 5-10 min walk from where my family lived; near the school I first attended, in fact [Middle Harbour School]. They seem to want AUS $1,050 per week. In UK money, £546 per week. In Argentine money, it sounds even worse! 627,210 Arg. pesos per week.


      1. Yes, it is very sad. The prices are ridiculous and the average Australian earns about 2.000 dollars per week, that means that 50% of his/her salary goes to pay rent.

        The minimum wage is 900 dollars, that makes it impossible to rent anywhere on your own, that is why so many young Australians, who are being paid minimum wage, are nowadays sharing accommodation. Things are only going to get worse. I am glad I am here at the end of the road.


  5. Here is a very interesting study about wages in Australia. I was on almost minimum wage in 2004 at $450 a week. The minimum wage now is $880 a week. This represents almost an increase of 100%; however, the price of properties and rent has gone up 300%! “Heads: I win, Tails: you lose”


  6. It looks like your prediction of the fake, globalist, open borders supporting Conservative Party having as few as 50 odd MPs may be about to come true if you put in the latest polling figures from Yougov into the user defined prediction part of that Electoral Calculus website.

    Yougov report the Labour Party is on 40%, the Tories on 19%, Liberal Democrats on 10%, Greens on 7% and the Nigel Farage-led Reform UK party on 17%.

    On those figures the Liberal Democrats become the new Official Opposition with 63 MPs compared to 56 Tories and Labour with 490 MPs.


    It looks like being demented and fanatical opponents of Proportional Representation/fair votes was not a wise policy!


    1. John:
      I just saw that about 15 mins ago, and added it to the blog. In fact, if Labour can get another point or two, the Cons will descend to the prospect of having only about 35-40 MPs.

      That silly young woman who attacked Farage may have unwittingly placed him centre stage. As far as Clacton goes, and as I said on the blog yesterday, no-one is talking about Watling, the Con candidate. He may have got over 60% of the vote in 2019, but he is almost invisible in 2024.


      1. According to the Traditional Britain Group (TBG) she is an Only Fans ‘model’. Now, coming as I do from Essex, we are used to hearing about the stereotypical ‘Essex Man’ and ‘Essex Girl’ with her short skirts, tarty make-up and stiletto heels but that is taking the piss.

        Basically, she is very likely to be a total ‘Essex Girl’ airhead hence her disgraceful attack on Farage.



      2. John:
        Well, one reads about the “Essex Girls”, but this is not a county I know well. I did have one or two encounters with a lady of Essex, the ex-wife of a Scotland Yard officer, but she was not as described. I seem to recall that she was from what I believe used to be called “Lager Loughton”. A long long time ago now, though, 1997.

        Actually, I did take another one to lunch at Lincoln’s Inn once, about 30 years ago. She lived near the Crown Court at Snaresbrook, an occasional port of call (the Court, not the lady) when I was a newly-minted barrister.


  7. Thanks for nothing, Tories! Your globalist, utter PC idiocy over the last 14 years and particularly so since Boris-Idiot came to power combined with your very staunch opposition to Proportional Representation/fair votes is going to lumber this country with a huge, unearned Labour majority that might well prove virtually impossible to overturn.


  8. The only types of immigrants we should allow to immigrate here should be people with truly exceptional skills such as heart/brain surgeons, nuclear physicists, Artificial Intelligence scientists, new battery technology scientists etc ie not very low skilled people from often backward countries with violent cultures that the Tories have been allowing.


      1. Yes, but my plan would involve a 95% plus cut in immigration numbers so far better than the present out of control situation.

        Basically, we have to get back very soon to either the kind of control Margaret Thatcher’s governments exercised or better still. Anything less is unacceptable.


  9. Yes, Andy Ngo, the Left is inherently violent. Deep down, they know their ideology of mass, uncontrolled immigration is not wanted by the vast majority of people in countries across the globe so they use thuggery to try and enforce their views and attack anyone who speaks out against this policy agenda of theirs.


  10. Look at the newest tweet on TorahJudaism right now. Very interesting. It says that Zionists collaborated with the German National Socialists of Adolf Hitler in order to establish their Zionist state of Israel as I believe Ken Livingstone also once said and that Zionists financed Hitler’s campaigns. Apparently, as the tweet says, Hitler admitted his campaigns were financed by Zionists.

    On the surface, that would seem to be a very wild conspiracy theory until you realise that Zionists have a vested interest in stirring-up ‘anti-semitism’ in that any perceived rise in it makes frightened Jews leave their host countries and move to the Zionist state thus strengthening its claim to be the ‘Jewish state’ and to offer safety and sanctuary for Jews from ‘anti-semitism’. Of course, this Zionist claim is a nonsense since Israel is, by far, the most dangerous place in the world for a Jew to live.

    The Zionist writer, Emil Ludwig, wrote that when the Zionist state was established in May 1948 she wanted to erect a statue of Hitler in the new state because without Hitler’s efforts that state would not have been created.

    On another point, personally-speaking I have often wondered whether Hitler had some Jewish ancestry. If you go to Austria on holiday as I have you really won’t notice native Austrian men having Hitler’s facial features or his pretty dark and swarthy looking skin tone.

    I think you have to be a member of Twitter/X to see the latest tweets from accounts or go to Google and put in the name of the account into the search box and then in the results you should be able to see them.


    1. John:
      Hitler’s looks are not (typically) “Austrian” or German but specifically *Alpine*, as a Roman Catholic priest from Ireland noticed when he saw him several times in 1919 in Munich.

      The “Hitler was part-Jew” disinformation has been around from the start. Not, though, and in my opinion, proven, or even very plausible.


  11. The news today is that the Zionist entity has dropped more bombs on the Gaza Strip since October 7th 2023 and killed thousands of men, women and children with them than were dropped on London, Hamburg and Dresden during the ENTIRETY of WW2.

    Still voting for Likud 1 (fake Conservative) or Likud 2 (Zionist New Labour Mark 2) MUGS!

    To vote for either Tory or Labour and effectively give your endorsement to their collaboration with and abetting of the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv is a sign of low moral standards to put it mildly.


      1. Yes, they are heavily influenced by Zionists who use tactics of omission to slant news coverage in the Zionist entity’s favour. Rags like the repellent Daily Mail and The Scum are amongst the worst for this.


      2. John:
        The Jew-Zionist scribbler who led the Daily Mail team scribbling about my wrongful and unlawful disbarment in 2016 is now the editor of the Jewish Chronicle…


  12. I see that Spain’s PM has announced that his country will be joining South Africa in the International Court of Justice to support SA’s genocide case against the Zionist state.


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