Diary Blog, 27 June 2024

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the river Cam, Cambridge]

Tweets seen

Good grief. The “Conservative” MPs really are “filling their boots” on the way out…

Incredible. In the Christian Weltanschauung we are all “sinners”, it is said, but the Conservative Party is rapidly being exposed as a cabal of corrupt and ethics-free outright criminals and spivs.

Can you imagine a low trick of that sort being pulled in 1956 (the year of my birth), 1974 (when, aged 18, I voted for the first and only time—my candidate came last out of four…), or even 20 years ago? No. It would not, could not, have happened.

It is as if there has been a complete and shameless moral collapse on the part of the Conservative Party’s MPs and staff. Betting on the election date while having inside knowledge, masquerading as a fictional “Tax Check” organization (as above), masquerading as a candidate for any party other than Conservative (the unpleasant little Israel puppet, Robert Largan, at High Peak) etc.

Just unbelievable.

As for Philip Davies, he has, in a sense, every right to bet against himself, especially as he would certainly prefer to be, and make more profit were he to be, re-elected as MP for Shipley. Yes. No argument as far as that is concerned, but it just looks wrong, and so, bearing in mind the status and public position of an MP —as Davies was until the prorogation of Parliament— it is wrong.

Davies was perhaps misled by his own betting history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Davies#Gambling_industry.

From the newspapers


Migrant shipwreck survivor is arrested in Italy amid claims he strangled Iraqi girl, 16, to death in front of her mother on sinking yacht in the Med after watching his wife and daughter drown

[Daily Mail]

Look at the type of untermenschen coming to mainland Europe, many then travelling on to the UK.

More tweets seen

A good cause. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/inmemoryofrobbie?utm_medium=campaign&utm_content=campaign%2Finmemoryofrobbie&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Another very good cause. https://www.vauxhallcityfarm.org/

Apropos of nothing, I wonder how many of my regular blog readers know that the Russian word for a railway station of medium to large size is a “voksaal” [воксал], which comes from, yes, “Vauxhall”.

The reason is that Vauxhall was apparently one of the first places to have a functioning steam train, or at least a well-known one, at a time (early 19thC) when Vauxhall was a “pleasure garden”. Possibly. A similar but distinct explanation is that other pleasure gardens, in Poland and Russia, were later referred to as “vauxhalls” and were in the vicinity of railway stations: anyway, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_Gardens#Cultural_significance.

I think that a few of my regular readers already knew that, though I admit that I am guessing…

Paul Mason, would-be Labour MP, becomes ever more pathetic politically. One feels that, given another 10 years, he will be found wandering the streets and swearing randomly.

Good sense and Realpolitik breaking out in Berlin?

Matthew Parris would see nothing wrong in that, and that is why I see something wrong in Matthew Parris.

I myself would never trust a Dutch doctor.

It is coming now to the point at which we might ask, “which event will destroy our present civilization? A collapse in insect life, plant life and then animal and human life? A nuclear war? A “pandemic” (a real one, not one like the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic)?

See my thoughts from quite a few years ago:

Well, then…

The tide is turning. Reform UK is the first really significant movement of the “Overton Window” in mainstream UK politics. Later, social-nationalism can take hold, once there is a suitable movement as a vehicle for it. Then, a few accounts may be settled.

Social conditions in what might be called the Gaza ghetto…

All but two striking targets in Western Ukraine, i.e. west of the Dnieper; indeed well to the west of the river.

They are laughing…now…

Their evil is palpable when they feel thwarted. A similar incident happened in London a couple of months ago, with the Metropolitan Police as the immediate targets of the filmed propaganda.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that might result in a House of Commons with 441 Labour MPs (overall majority 232), LibDems 82, Cons 55, Reform UK 22, Greens 4, SNP 23 (etc).

23 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 27 June 2024”

  1. “It is as if there has been a complete and shameless moral collapse on the part of the Conservative Party’s MPs and staff”

    That moral collapse and descent into depravity and degeneracy has happened throughout every sector of society, in Britain and every other Western country.

    It’s what inevitably happens when a certain (((malevolent tribe))) is allowed into a country. The above-mentioned (((tribe))) intentionally spreads immorality as a form of (((ethnic warfare))) to subvert and destroy the country from within, in order to distract, corrupt, divide, and conquer the native population.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Re: Philip Davies, he is married to the nasty wicked Esther McVey, who hates the White working class, and as a cabinet secretary she did everything she could to harm and humiliate poor White people.

    Re: Johnny Mercer from yesterday’s thread, he is a wannabe future Prime Minister. An especially loathsome individual, he uses his military service as a cloak to conceal his evil, globalist, open-borders behavior. If the Tories still exist after July 4th, Mercer will probably run for leader on a fake-patriot platform, bigging up his military service. He will have to fight it out with the sleazy (((Tugendhat))) who also wants to be Tory leader. They are both equally evil and anti-British.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Friend of Britain:
      Yes. Davies will probably not be re-elected, Esther McVey may be, though apparently it is quite a close contest now. As for Mercer, I should think it unlikely that he will be re-elected but, as with Esther McVey, it may be a 3 or even 4-way contest, so uncertain.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Davies should be. He is more of a ‘traditional Tory’ than most seeing as supports the restoration of hanging. The Tory Party might not be in such deep electoral trouble today if they didn’t seem to have had a policy of selecting candidates with ‘Right-wing’ viewpoints only in either Labour strongholds where they have no chance of being elected or Tory-held seats vulnerable to falling ie marginals.

        With few exceptions, Tory safe seats get the most liberal and globalist candidates.


      2. If the Tories can’t even hold Tatton which is a constituency that is a part of the Manchester commuter belt and contains places like the ultra-wealthy village of Alderley Edge where Premiership footballers for Manchester United FC live and which in one of the towns has an Aston Martin dealership which apparently has more sales of its cars than any other in the country then it is ‘game over’ pretty much for any Tory seats in the North of England to survive the cull.


      3. John:

        You may be interested in a conversation I had this afternoon with a very elderly resident of this constituency, a lifelong Conservative voter excepting a few years as a Liberal Party voter (until Jeremy Thorpe let the side down).

        That voter told me that *all* the people she knows in the area, mostly in the 80-100 age group, have decided that they cannot vote Conservative (in most cases they are lifelong Con voters), but would never vote Labour, which leaves them with a choice between Reform UK and LibDem. The split seems to be about two-thirds Reform UK, one-third LibDem. As I mentioned previously, LibDems usually come in second here, but we are now, with Reform UK, in unexplored territory.

        There are a few other parties and people standing, but it is looking surprisingly good for Reform UK even in a dyed-in-the-wool Con area such as this. Probably Con will hold on, but maybe not.


    2. They could elect Tugendhat but he is said to be unpopular in his constituency and has apparently faced ‘anti-semitism’ from some of his wealthy constituents though no doubt that was blown-up out of all proportion or was, as it normally is, actually anti-Zionism – a completely different thing.

      If he is unpopular in his wealthy, Kent commuter belt seat why would he be popular with ordinary plebs in the rest of the country? At any rate, at the time of the last leadership election, he attracted most support from Labour voters ie middle-class, stuck-up, PC, anti-British, open borders supporting, globalist tossers rather than Tories. The Conservative Party would be unlikely to be in this huge electoral mess if it elected leaders who appealed more to the traditional TORY base. The last person to successfully appeal to many Tory-leaning voters was Margaret Thatcher but that was a long time ago now hence where we are today. However, any new leadership election is pretty pointless since it must be clear by now that the Tory Party is on its last legs.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. The Conservative Party has a real problem nowadays. As a large party it is naturally a coalition of viewpoints. Basically, it has to try and accommodate a quite wide variety of opinions ranging from basically nationalist/national-conservative/traditionally ‘socially conservative’ opinions to people who, frankly, should be in the Liberal Democrats.

      Under our archaic, stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post electoral system this is becoming increasingly harder to do and remain electorally successful at the same time.

      Labour also has this problem but they are more skilled at containing their internal contradictions. Of course, their present leader, Keir Starmer, normally just finds some convenient excuse to expel people he disagrees with. Jeremy Corbyn is the best example but there are many others.


  3. Yes, good sense from Germany. No doubt he is doing this because of the increasing electoral success of the NATIONAL-conservative/nationalist Alternative For Germany party(Afd) AND the new (set-up in January of this year) BSW party which could be described as ‘Left-wing populist’ and is opposed to the war in Ukraine.

    How marvellous it is when you are a GENUINE, modern democracy with Proportional Representation/ fair votes and thus have an electoral system whereby far fewer votes are ‘wasted’ than in Britain where a disgraceful total of around 45% or 14,000,000 votes were effectively chucked into the nearest bin last time as they were votes cast for unsuccessful candidates in the single MP per seat constituencies.

    With Proportional Representation/fair votes you can have a parliament that has a far wider range of political opinions/party ideologies represented within it.


    END inherently ‘rigged’ and utterly fraudulent British general ‘elections’.


  4. We will probably be facing a new real pandemic like Covid-19 again soon. Globalization has made the spread of potential deadly viruses more likely. If one believes there is such a person as God then one must think he has something very deadly planned. The planet can’t keep adding more and more people without its carrying capacity being seriously overloaded. The world has around 8 billion plus people now. We have surely reached the limit of human population without having very serious environmental and other consequences like resource wars etc.


  5. For the attention of Paul Mason:



    A sensible website for him to read:


    Of course, it is true to say the transexual minority of 0.5% of people have always been in existence in society but I do wonder whether more of our young people in particular have just suddenly decided to ‘explore their gender identity’ ect as a way of ‘fitting in’ with the perceived flow of society and their peers since same-sex marriage became legal.

    The rise in ‘gender identity theories’ ect seems to have only got going since gay marriages became available. Legalising gay marriage was effectively removing the idea of biological sex and ‘normal’ male/female gender roles being in anyway important in society.

    If the complementary nature of two distinct biological forms of humans ie male and female is utterly irrelevant as regards the historical social institution of marriage then why not imagine you are a male when you are a female and vice versa?



  6. People should be allowed to change their gender but only after much careful thought. It should never be done on a whim. Perhaps, we should require those who wish to do so to undergo the stringent actions these people need to complete in the ever sensible and much to be admired country of Japan:


    Though having to undergo the previous requirement of sterilisation does seem to be excessive.


  7. David Arboretum, there might be some parts of the present Green Belts that are of lower landscape quality than others and could be redesignated but the essential purpose of them which is to prevent the outward sprawl of London and other conurbations must be maintained.

    My ultra-safe Tory seat of Brentwood and Ongar, Essex, is in the Metropolitan Green Belt and if Labour who we never vote for think they can build on our Green Belt just to accommodate their legions of new immigrants they can think again. We will fight them. For us, the Green Belt is not a luxury we can do without but a necessity.


  8. A bit silly to put it mildly for that Zionist pro-Israel fanatic/utter lunatic to do that in Tokyo of all places in the world. The Japanese are renowned all over the globe for their polite and very law-abiding nature and don’t take kindly to anyone breaking the law or making themselves a nuisance in a public place either from somebody who is Japanese and especially not from a foreigner visiting them.

    Unlike our police, theirs are non-PC and concentrate on the basics of upholding law and order and they are very efficient at doing it. Their prisons are notoriously tough and like something out of that famous British war film called The Bridge On The River Kwai. You can see documentaries on this subject on Youtube.


  9. Biden has just followed a previous Democratic Party president, Franklin D Roosevelt, in encouraging a war in Europe to start so he is a true Democratic Party man. What is it with the Democrats and war mongering?


  10. I agree with John about the Dutch society being very corrupted by liberal lunatics. However, I am in favour of euthanasia. I have seen many people die in horrible and painful circumstances and it was well-known that there was no hope for them. I mean there was no cure for their illness.

    Some fool could argue that they were not in pain, so what? Do you call “living” to be unconscious most of the time because you have been drugged up to your eyeballs? What about their friends and relatives who suffer watching this once-healthy and dear friend/relative wasting away confined to a bed without hope?


    1. Claudius:
      I hear what you say, but it is a slippery slope. Even in the Netherlands, we see that people are already being euthanized (killed) almost for reasons of convenience.

      More research should be done and resources put into pain relief, pain management etc.


      1. Yes, the idea of euthanasia/assisted suicide is a classic case of the proverbial ‘slippery slope’. People in favour will say that sufficient safeguards against its abuse can be put into place but where the practice is legal they have proved to be not good enough.

        Advancements in medicine are becoming ever more sophisticated particularly those designed with the aid of artificial intelligence so these treatments may be a part of the answer.


  11. Yes, Northern Variant, ‘Far Right’ is PC globalist media shorthand for anyone who has even the slightest nationalistic feelings about their own nation or patriotism towards their country.


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