Tag Archives: 1944

Diary Blog, 7 June 2024, including a few more thoughts about Sunak, Reform UK etc

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Tim Montgomerie, “Conservative councillors out there on the front door doorstep at the moment, trying to get their campaigns in shape” “And probably the most unpopular prime minister we’ve had in living memory – Liz Truss – is there, two weeks before campaign day, reminding everyone of that dreadful six week period when the conservative party got a reputation for wrecking the economy” “I really have no time for Liz Truss. Anyone with any sense of dignity would have absented themselves from the political” “She should have gone and run a hotel in the Outer Hebrides or something” “You know, to actually still be at the forefront of politics without any real apology for what she did, I really think she’s a disgrace, actually.”

In Soviet times, degraded high-ranking people, such as Malenkov, were made directors of remote hydro-electric stations in Siberia, or some such. In the case of Liz Truss, impossible, because she would be unable to run competently anything at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Malenkov#Downfall_and_final_years.

Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), though, is not seeking re-election. He evidently hopes to be able to live down, in time, his complete failure as one of the shortest-serving, and least-competent Chancellors in history.

I look forward to Israel-puppet and Jewish-lobby puppet Largan being removed as MP on 4 July 2024, after which he can return to Marks & Spencer, counting beans.

Whatever your view about WW2 (for me it was avoidable, on the Western Front at least, in 1939, or in 1940, or even later), it is something that concerns mainly European people: English/British, German, French etc, and that applies even more to the Normandy Landings, aka “D-Day”.

Sunak is a cosmopolitan Indian money-juggler, whose parents came from India via East Africa to the UK in the 1960s, about 15 years before his birth in 1980.

I do not criticize Sunak for not being terribly interested in what was happening in Normandy or France generally in 1944. It is of course alien to him, despite his having been born in Hampshire. I do not even criticize Sunak for being PM of the UK, despite his being hopeless at it. I criticize those who have imported large and growing non-European populations, and those who think it is OK for the UK to have an Indian as Prime Minister.

Sunak is the kind of wealthy cosmopolitan Indian you see now forming, en masse, a kind of detached international class. The same applies to his wife.

I met an Indian girl like that in London once, about 1983, a colleague of one of my brothers. I think she was from Bombay (now “Mumbai”, for some reason).

That girl was about to get married. An arranged marriage, but she had been allowed to set her own parameters: the prospective husband, though Indian (the family had parameters too) had to be Westernized, educated at tertiary level in the West, and living in the UK or USA; and the couple would live in the West, preferably USA, after the wedding.

That girl’s family was wealthy, connected to the former Prime Minister of India, Desai [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morarji_Desai], and organized the wedding, again in or near Bombay. I think that my brother was invited but was unable to attend. The guest list numbered some 2,000 people, which I found incredible, but apparently it was only constraint of time which prevented the celebrations having a guest list numbering 6,000!

The girl married, as requested, a youngish Indian who worked in some professional capacity (maybe architect, I think) in the New York City area.

Those sort of Indians are to be found in place like Palo Alto (California), Silicon Valley (CA), Westchester (NY), the Raleigh-Durham scientific area (NC) etc.

I doubt that Sunak will stay in the UK. California, probably.

I recall a conversation with another such Indian, travelling with his little son in the First Class cabin of a Qatar Airways flight between Doha and London 23 years ago. We exchanged views while standing by the viewing window.

Such Indians are a kind of transilient international community, not British (even if they have a UK passport), not American, not even Indian in terms of having much in common with India itself.

That’s Sunak. He is out of place here, and out of place as Prime Minister.

[Update, two days later:


The whole “a vote for Reform UK is a vote for Labour” thing is a good example of how totally out of touch the main System parties are, and particularly the Conservative Party.

People voting for Farage and/or Reform UK do not care that Labour will benefit from those votes. In fact, many want, not Labour as such, but to kick and kick this Sunak/Liz Truss/Boris-“idiot” government until it expires; voting Reform UK will do that, and will also register a protest, as in the Brexit Referendum.

(A vote for) Brexit meant more than just support for Brexit, and a vote for Reform UK means a very great deal more than support for Farage etc, and greatly more than any hope that Reform UK will actually get any MPs elected (though in fact it now seems that a few Reform candidates may actually break through here and there).

A campaign clip tweeted by the Labour candidate for the High Peak constituency, Jon Pearce [https://www.jon4highpeak.com/] who is apparently local, unlike pro-Israel puppet Robert Largan, the dishonest and carpetbagging Con candidate (who tweeted on behalf of the “you know who” lobby against both me and local satirical singer Alison Chabloz —and others— some years ago).

Robert Largan is one of the (former) MPs who really put the “con” into “Conservative”.

I don’t care whether High Peak voters vote Labour or Reform UK, so long as Largan is booted out.

Late tweets

May victory attend you.

Myerson should be removed from his position as Recorder (p/t judge). Both the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office and the Bar Standards Board should be looking into his conduct.

The reference is to the Zionist defendant, Newbon, having killed himself.

So much for sanctions against Russia. They have mainly damaged the countries whose incompetent governments imposed them. The UK, for one.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]