Tag Archives: cocco-bello.com

Diary Blog, 11 August 2020


Looks as though, as in Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union in the fairly recent past, things are now hotting up in Belarus. Existing discontents are probably being used by the New World Order [NWO] conspiracy to bring Belarus (former Belorussia) into the NWO/NATO matrix.

Below, a “protester” runs down members of a riot squad (probably Belarus KGB-Alpha, a kind of spetsnaz unit) and drives away.

Whether you call the driver’s action “protesting”, “criminal” or “terrorism”, I should not like to be in his shoes. As the Cheka [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheka] said in the Russian Civil War, “the legs of the traitor are not as long as the arms of the Cheka”…

Belarus is effectively a dictatorship, but one which has some positive aspects.

Talking about the Slavonic world, I happened to see the film report below:

The village is in the western part of the Urals region. As for the lady herself, her name suggests a Tatar origin.

The project has an online presence:




The village had, formerly, nothing but the tarmac road laid down in Soviet times; otherwise, nothing, not a school, shop, or even a well.

The presenter describes the place as a “village”, but in England we would call it a “hamlet”. I think that the distinction is that a “hamlet” is very small and/or has no church. The Russian language before the revolution had the same distinction: a “derevnye” [деревня] was a village (with church), whereas a “selo” [село] was a hamlet or tiny village usually without a church.

In Soviet times, with most local churches destroyed, left to become ruined, or used as barns etc, places were often designated simply as “settlements”. A “settlement” was (or is) a “poselenye” [поселение]. Another word found is “gorodok” [городок] though that really means “small town”, a town being a “gorod”, which can be anything from a place with maybe 1,000 inhabitants to somewhere as big as Moscow, with millions.

It does show the importance of the individual in human and social life: one person can make a huge difference, the crucial difference.


As far as I know, I was the first person to use the term “migrant-invaders”. That was when I had a Twitter account (from 2010, effectively from 2011; the Jews had me expelled in 2018).

This morning, I was listening to a few minutes of the now-almost-irrelevant BBC Radio 4 Today Programme; pathetically-poor Liz Truss was being grilled by Nick Robinson about the hundreds of invaders now crossing the Channel daily. It seems that at least a handful (about 20) Conservative Party MPs have signed a letter quite correctly describing the migrants as “migrant-invaders“, and —needless to say— Today presenter Robinson took umbrage at the phrasing. Idiotic Truss would not endorse the language her colleagues have used.

Still, interesting. Who knows, maybe my blog is more influential than I myself sometimes imagine…

More from Minsk

Looks as though there is a head of steam building up behind the protests:

The Northern Urals region

Saw the video below, made by the same American as the video posted above in this blog post. The real Russian people, some of them, are among the best people you will find anywhere in the world.

Beautiful countryside, but a land ravaged by Sovietism, particularly the terrible Collectivization of the 1928-40 period [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collectivization_in_the_Soviet_Union].

Telling to see the magnificent 19thC main building in one semi-desolate place. Sovietism and in particular the Collectivization of agriculture ruined so much in Russia, though as always one could point to some positive aspects, and in particular, electrification as well as, in some cases, road construction and (sometimes, near towns and cities) piped water. As Lenin said, “Socialism means Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.

Now, population decline is ubiquitous in rural Russia, with villages and small towns left full of the elderly, the poor, drunks and those generally unable to migrate to larger places.

Rural and other collectives of social nationalists in various countries

People who have long read my blog will be aware that I support the migration of (UK) social nationalists to certain parts of the country, in order to concentrate forces. A socio-political Schwerpunkt, to adapt the ideas of Clausewitz. Well, others, in other countries, have had similar ideas. USA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Covington

https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1287998/ https://ruralnexion.bigcartel.com/

https://www.seattlemag.com/knute-berger-column/progressive-northwest-white-supremacists-think-its-perfect-place-sow-hatred https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-fg-pacific-northwest-hate-20190525-story.html https://www.nytimes.com/1986/07/05/us/neo-nazis-dream-of-a-racist-territory-in-pacific-northwest-refuses-to-die.html https://theowp.org/possible-threat-of-neo-nazi-groups-in-united-states/


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-17556575/germany-s-new-breed-of-neo-nazis (typical BBC: the reporter was a Jewish woman…).



Deutschland erwache!



Musical and natural-world interlude

Tweets seen today

Ah. Mentally-violent “antifa” cheerleader, grifter and self-described “historian”/”journalist”, Mike Stuchbery, now claims to “speak for most Britons“! He is an Australian now living in Stuttgart, someone who only lived in the UK for a few years.

Stuchbery, like so many self-described “Left” individuals, pro-EU partisans and multikulti enthusiasts, is also aggressively (from a distance) pro-facemasks or muzzles. It’s a pathology…

Here he is again:

As always, Stuchbery is pro-violence, so long as he himself is not involved except as rear-echelon instigator.

Here’s another ignoramus, Paul Bernal, who is (incredibly) a lecturer in law, and who thinks that “free speech” is still free speech even when you get imprisoned (as under “holocaust” “denial” laws in France, Germany, Austria) or shot (as in Stalin’s Russia etc) for saying something unapproved. Here, in the tweet below, he calls the migration-invasion across the Channel a “story”. No…actually, it is an invasion. 50,000-100,000 a year; and that is only the number coming across in small boats. Others come hidden in yachts, fishing boats, car boots, trucks etc. Then there is “legally-permitted” immigration, which is about 99x the number coming across in rubber boats; and what about the number popping out of immigrant mothers resident in the UK? Pop! Pop! Pop!

Here is Owen Jones, too. A full house of idiots today!

Jones is partly-right: the state of the country is the fault of those exploiting the British people, not (mainly) the migrant-invaders. However, we the British people do not want them here anyway!

More tweets

#SS #Ahnenerbe

He’s right. Twitter is a waste of time, though useful for me in terms of posting the opinions of others as illustrative, for my blog.

Very true. A Waitrose employee told me recently that their store management received an email from Waitrose HQ demanding that all staff wear facemasks or muzzles. Free country? Hardy ha ha!

Look at this now [below]!

Anyone who thinks that this is anything other than a giant international conspiracy must be rather naive, almost panglossian. Don’t forget that most of these “democratic” Western “national leaders” know each other rather well. Many studied together, went to Bilderberg [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_meeting] together etc…For example, Jacinda Ardern worked for the Labour Party in London! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern#Early_life_and_education


Lockdown/shutdown of the UK

The article below, written in April by Peter Hitchens, is well worth reading: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2020/04/we-love-big-brother

Disturbing footage has emerged showing a woman being choked by a male police officer during a violent arrest in Melbourne after she was caught not wearing a face mask.” [Daily Mail]


The woman can be heard repeatedly screaming 'He's choking me' throughout the clip

In Melbourne, the very place where that nasty little bastard Stuchbery originated! Is it something in the water?

Will there now be demonstrations, marches, even riots in Australia, USA, UK, New Zealand? No, of course not! She’s white and probably has no serious criminal record…#WhiteLivesMatter…

Yes. As I have blogged recently several times (echoed by Peter Hitchens and others), what is really crazy is that the sort of people who used to be rebellious, who prioritized “rights” and “civil liberties” and “freedoms” in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s (I mean those who think of themselves as “Left”, [“libertarian” or other] “socialists”, even “anarchists”) are now those who are begging, literally in some cases, to have stricter control by the State, stricter rules, harsher penalties for going out or not wearing a mask or muzzle. That mentally-disordered “antifa” nut, Stuchbery, is far from being the only one.

Look at Twitter. Virtually all those who identify, on or in the Twitter echo-chamber, as “anti-racist”, “FBPE”, “Remain”, “socialist”, pro-EU etc, the pro-Jewish lobby mob too, are fanatical in their support for facemask-wearing, “lockdown” and anything else that restricts the British people during the overblown Coronavirus “crisis”.

As for Australia, what has happened to them? I myself was there for 3 years as a child (in Sydney) and attended school there: Middle Harbour PS and North Sydney Boys’ High. 1967-69. The police were never even seen where I lived (admittedly a fairly affluent area, Mosman and Cremorne); I never noticed any police even at busy places where I might swim, such as Manly Beach and Balmoral Beach (the latter the nearest to my home), or even much in the city centre (they call that the “CBD” now).

Of course, Australia is now “diverse”: it has imported millions of non-Europeans since the 1970s, and its population is about double the 12 million who lived in Australia when I was at school there…

More tweets seen

So your chance of dying from Coronavirus in the UK on any day at present is not much greater than the chance of hitting a major National Lottery prize…

Late-night music