Tag Archives: Danny Finkelstein

Diary Blog, 7 November 2023

Morning music

[Petrograd, 1917]

Today is the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Battles past

From the newspapers


The NHS is becoming unfit for use. It has the excellent aspect of being free at the point of use, but increasingly that has to be weighed against what are said to be worsening outcomes.


Irish tinker/”traveller” news.


More from Nadine Dorries about the sinister No.10 clique involving Dominic Cummings, as well as expenses fraudster, drunk, cocaine-abuser and puppet of the Jewish lobby Michael Gove, and others.

The advisers to William Hague at the time, Michael Gove, Danny Finkelstein and the like — that’s who they were.”

[Daily Mail]

Wouldn’t you know it? The Jew scribbler, Finkelstein, was allegedly involved in the secretive cabal(s) even two decades ago. Typical. That Zionist bastard used to tweet to people asking them not to retweet me (a Jewish pack had me expelled from Twitter in 2018). He is now in the totally discredited House of Lords. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Finkelstein.

Contrived machinations at the heart of a state. Reminiscent of the 1940 film Jud Suss [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jud_S%C3%BC%C3%9F].


“They” destroy anything they touch.

My own view of Cummings from 2020: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/01/03/dominic-cummings-a-government-of-dystopia-and-lunacy-posing-as-genius/.

More: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/10/les-eminences-grises-of-dystopia/.

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark the UK.

I also find it incredible that there is someone who has been at the heart of affairs (read that how you will) at No.10 for many years, one Smith, who was apparently the head of a company engaged in organizing discreet and expensive “swinger” parties; and that creature’s much younger wife, a Pakistani called Munira Mirza, was at one time the closest adviser to “Boris” Johnson.

Could the “Conservative” Party be any more rotten?

Had I the power and position, I should institute a massive purge across Westminster. Stalin and Hitler would both have done the same. I might even outdo them both. The whole system is corrupt, rotten, and deserving of a chistka.

It can be seen that the Jew-Zionist element runs through the whole story like Brighton rock. Look at Gove. That little bastard has been a key mouthpiece for Israel since he was at the Times (with Finkelstein). Regular readers will be aware that one of the 5 tweets that got me disbarred in 2016 (it now turns out, unlawfully, as well as wrongfully) was one critical of Gove, whom I described (entirely accurately) as a “pro-Israel, pro-Jew expenses cheat“; I had no idea then that he was a regular cocaine-abuser and drunk as well.

On the facts, one wonders how deeply Israeli Intelligence is embedded in Downing Street. Pretty deeply, I imagine, looking at the Israeli flag being projected onto No.10 after dark recently. (((Occupation))).

Tweets seen

The state which terrorism founded now arms a new generation of terroristic Jewish land-thieves.

Chris Bryant: expenses fraudster, Common Purpose drone, Labour Friends of Israel member, among other defaults. A sleazy little weasel.


More from the newspapers


WeWork, once pegged as a pioneering solution to modern office constraints and valued at an astounding $47bn, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday.

It is a devastating fall from grace for the desk-rental company founded in 2010, which on New Year’s Eve 2022 operated 43.9mn square feet of space globally.

The company was one of the great startup success stories of the early 2010s and had built an empire spanning 100 countries at the time of its peak valuation in 2019.

We are here in order to change the world,’ its eccentric cofounder Adam Neumann once explained triumphantly. ‘Nothing less than that interests me.’

As it filed for bankruptcy this week, the company once worth $47bn was reportedly valued at just $45mn.

Adam Neumann, now 44, founded WeWork in 2010, promising an alternative to traditional office rental for modern businesses looking to attract top candidates with a comfortable work environment on a budget.

His dream was to reinvent the work of work, and his passion shone through to investors as he spoke of replicating the feeling of togetherness he had experienced growing up in Israel, that he felt was lacking in the West….Neumann once joked he could one day become Israel’s Prime Minister, or ‘President of the world’ – and reportedly said he hoped to live forever.

Neumann continued attending meetings barefoot and insisted poorly-paid staff should use a ‘sense of purpose’ and free beer to pay their bills, according to Billion Dollar Loser: The Epic Rise and Fall of WeWork.

Neumann has continued to seek opportunities in business despite the setback.

Even as the company he founded files for bankruptcy, the entrepreneur is still worth $2.2bn in 2023 according to Forbes.

[Daily Mail].

Yet another Jew fraud. He has left the investors with a loss of USD $9.99 out of every $10 invested, yet he and his wife have managed to keep their claws on over two billion dollars. Or about nine billion Israeli shekels.

…and yet another…


More tweets

There are rumors that due to a shortage of armored vehicles, the Israeli army has decided to form an armored brigade from Merkava-3 tanks, which are in storage. It is noteworthy that Merkava Mk 3 tanks are most often seen in battles in the Gaza Strip, while most Mk 4 tanks are ready to escalate the conflict on the border with Lebanon.”

I saw a facemask loonie myself a few days ago; a middleaged man striding into Waitrose. First one spotted for a few weeks.

Late tweets

The USA and Ukraine are behind the scenes accusing each other of the failure of the Ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield, writes “Washington Post” columnist Max Booth.

“Why hasn’t Ukraine made progress? Behind the scenes, there is a lot of recrimination between Ukrainian and American officials. The Americans privately complain that the Ukrainians have failed to launch a NATO-style combined arms offensive and have returned to the war of attrition characteristic of Soviet military strategy, while diverting desperately needed personnel in secondary operations around Bahmut,” Booth assesses.”

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Once again, a victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 4/10 this week, but I trumped that with 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 4, and 7. Incidentally, question 1 may be a misprint (not sure).

Sven Longshanks

A reminder that “Sven Longshanks” (James Allchurch) is still in prison for exercizing his rights to freedom of expression, and likely to remain incarcerated until some date in 2024.

The tweet below relates to the fund set up to help him both in prison and upon his release.

I read somewhere or other that he is not now at Swansea Prison but at another Welsh prison, HMP Parc: https://hmpparc.co.uk/. His prisoner number will be the same (see tweet above), and should be part of any letter or postcard address.

Tweets seen

In fact, Osborne is only a part-Jew, according to modern genetics. There is no need for us to follow the backward tribal precepts from thousands of years ago which “they” follow, i.e. that someone is “Jewish” if the mother was (designated as) “Jewish”.

Anyone who expects a better government under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, and Yvette Cooper, is sadly deluded.

…and look who scribbles in support of Starmer and Osborne; none other than the Jew Finkelstein, now elevated to the completely degenerate House of Lords.

The word marked out on the ground is a rude one.

She should, however, not be in the UK at all.

As blogged previously, Sarah Mould was “lucky in her jury”. She may have been acquitted by such a (Lincolnshire) jury, but she remains guilty, in my view. From what I have read, she put up a very good tearful act in the witness box.

True. Only when Britain gets a proper government will that horrible, predatory and scavenging tribe —and millstone round our collective neck— be dealt with properly.

From the newspapers


A beautician is being interrogated by police after two hotel guests are said to have emptied a room of all its goodies – leaving behind only the TV.

[Daily Mirror].

Beautician“?! A bizarre story altogether.

More tweets

The old Jew conspirator obviously either knows or believes that Europe is going to be written off by the transnational conspiracy (NWO/ZOG), and so any further payments in Europe would be wasted. This is a very significant straw in the wind.

NATO has lost hope in the victory of Ukraine, said retired British colonel Richard Kemp.

In an article he wrote for The Telegraph, commenting on the statement by NATO Secretary General Styan Jensen’s chief of staff that Ukraine could join the North Atlantic Alliance if it cedes territory to Russia, Kemp assessed that this was a factual admission of how the West sees the solution to the conflict in Ukraine: “It seems that the leading Western countries want to sell Ukraine cheaply and as soon as possible.”

The British officer added that the West – just two years after its shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan – is “once again on the verge of admitting defeat”.”

A pro-Israel propagandist. To my mind, a very sinister individual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Kemp.

The fact that Kemp is speaking out in such terms as above-noted may indicate a System worry that the “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) cause may have lost the support of the public, if not to a pro-Russian position then to an unbiased and/or apathetic view.

Also, Kemp’s comments may indicate that some decision-makers in the West have come to the view that Zelensky’s corrupt, shambolic, and brutal dictatorship cannot win, strategically, against Russia in Ukrainian (or former Ukrainian) territory, let alone on the territory of Russia itself.

Nadine Dorries

Seems that that useless expenses freeloader, Nadine Dorries, is actually going to stand down. In a way, slightly surprising. I thought that she might try to hang on until 2024 and the next general election.

The bigger question is how she, and literally hundreds of other totally stupid and ignorant MPs (not only “Conservative” one; Labour and LibDem and SNP ones too) ever became MPs (let alone ministers) in the first place. My question is of course rhetorical; the whole pseudo-democratic system is broken.

Nadine Dorries. A complete deadhead.

That tweet refers to some of the semi-fraudulent behaviours of Nadine Dorries, such as paying at least one of her (unqualified) daughters about £50,000 a year via Parliamentary expenses, and the misuse of a flat (also paid for via expenses) in which said daughter(s) lived for free for years. Not to mention “grifted” laptops, iphones etc.

Late tweets seen

I think that it is true for most MPs. The rest may be more honest (possibly) but many even of those are irredeemably ignorant and/or stupid, which is no better, surely…

Once American society collapses, it will probably never recover, because the bulk of the population exists on such a low cultural and intellectual level. Not just “prejudice”…I have both lived there and worked there.

Yes, there are exceptions. A small minority of people; maybe 2% or 3%.

Europe is under attack both in terms of demographics and in terms of culture.

The above map shows the situation from about 1989-2022. The next 33-year cycle, up to about 2055, will result in even greater and even less-welcome changes in the European space, unless something can be done to prevent them.

I agree with him.

Late music


Diary Blog, 7-8 July 2020

I love this staging of the Ride of the Valkyries. Brilliant.

Saw this photo of Liz Kendall. I always thought that she “must be” at least “part”. Odds-on.


Here are a few more of “them” using that (((typical))) gesture:

[above: Philip Green, Jew business manipulator]
[above: Danny Finkelstein, Jew scribbler and political influencer]
[above; notorious Jew paedophile, Janner]
[above: Grant Shapps, Jew politician and dodgy business salesman]

Something cleaner…

Tweets seen

Wouldn’t you just have known it? (((Edelman)))! Ha. I predicted that Chukup would be (((found))) a suitable sinecure, well paid and not too taxing for an individual of his limited abilities…




Migration invasion is ruining Ireland too. Sad. Where are the “warriors of destiny” and the IRA? Shining the shoes of the (((you-know-who’s)))?

God. Brave little white boy tries to rescue her from the n** but what can a 2 year old do against a big black with no sense of decency, who has obviously never been put in his place. What a coward, attacking a young girl like that…


Two rounds each should do it…

(The Jews often pretend to support black power as a way of getting rid of white Europeans or subordinating them, but the blacks are just being used by them).

Harry has in fact become a symbol, though not in the way in which he would once have wished. He has become a symbolic representation of the white European peoples who, even now, when their lands are invaded by untermenschen, and when their societies are manipulated by Zionists who make The Jew Suss look like an amateur, still do not fight back but accept their servitude and that they are under “control”. Harry is, sadly, the white people of the UK personified.

As for the Royal Mulatta, she looks like a controlling female Svengali or the like, Harry her creature or psychiatric patient parrotting her words as she looks on, making sure that he is repeating them correctly.

Looking at that clip, one almost feels that the social services should be alerted to an instance of modern slavery…and the slave is not the Royal Mulatta, by any means. How long before she gets Harry to bend the knee on film?

When I saw “Prime Minister in Waiting” Rishi Sunak’s tweet, I thought for a moment that it was from some parody account. Incredible. So much for “Prime Minister in Waiting”…he must be almost as dim and silly as the person presently posing as Prime Minister.

I am far from opposed to governmental strategic investment, but this is not that.


Worth hearing.

Remember “we shall reduce immigration to the tens of thousands“? Never happened. That was the David Cameron-Levita government of evil.

Since 2010, every single year, the UK has received hundreds of thousands of immigrants of all kinds: “family members”, fake students, students who came to the UK as genuine students but never went home; “refugees” and supposed “asylum-seekers”, whether at airports, seaports, or in rubber boats across the Channel. Then we have the infamous “family members”, “fiancees” etc. Also, work visas.

We are talking about, in rough figures, up to and beyond half a million a year. That’s in net figures, too, meaning that, in reality, far more came. Far more are coming. Real white British people are emigrating at the same time. A hundred thousand or more each year. They go all over, from France to Australia, Spain to Canada and New Zealand; and those figures are taken off the UK immigration statistics.

So there may be half a million immigrants coming in (plus undocumented and uncounted “illegal” immigrants in huge numbers), but —perhaps— a hundred thousand Brits leaving, fleeing, running. Result? On those figures, 400,000, net. Reality? 500,000+ in, but a demographic loss of (at least) 100,000. True result? A demographic change of 600,000+.

The so-called Great Replacement is no mere theory. It’s happening. Now. In Britain. Evidence? Just look around you. Look at any town. The bigger the town or city, the greater the effect, with a few exceptions.

“Black Lives Matter”, “antifa” etc are just some of the System’s “useful idiots”. Window-dressing. They are ignorant pond life being manipulated.

That is what happens when your sole presence in society or in terms of politics is online; you can be switched off as easily as a light bulb. Look at the “alt-Right” wastes of space: “Prison Planet” Watson, Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson, that Milo freak, “Sargon of Akkad” etc etc.


A few thoughts late at night

We are, so to speak, “not in Kansas” any more. The System is trying to detach people from reality. One example would be the forced wearing of facemasks. We now see government propaganda such as pictures of two couples actually dining out, and all wearing these bloody muzzles at the table!

Are people really supposed to dine out, wearing muzzles? Madness! These facemasks do not much protect anyone anyway. It’s all part of the fear/power scam.

Some pubs may be able to keep going ao long as they do not get too silly about masks and “distancing” etc, but I doubt that many restaurants will resume “normal” operations for long if they insist on masks.

It is clear that the UK economy will be seen to have hit the buffers before very long. Unemployment is going to go through the roof.