Tag Archives: East Berlin

Diary Blog, 13 June 2024

Morning music

[Hitler enters Vienna in 1938, after the Anschluss, and to general acclamation]

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By my use of Electoral Calculus, that might translate to Lab 476 Commons seats (overall majority 302), Con 68 (official Opposition), LibDems 62, SNP 13, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (Northern Ireland 18, Others 3).

What kind of “democracy” is it, though, when a party (Labour) might get 39% of the popular vote, yet get about 72% of the seats in the House of Commons (476 seats)? A strict 39% of seats would be 253 seats.

Another party (Conservatives) might get 19% of the popular vote, meaning, on strict mathematical equivalence, about 124 seats, not the mere 68 conferred by FPTP voting.

As for Reform UK, its present or forecast 17% should confer (under proportional voting) about 111 seats. The forecast under FPTP voting— a mere 4.

There again, the LibDems, with only 10% of the popular vote, are forecast to have 62 seats, almost the same as under a strict proportional allocation (65).

Can such an electoral system even be called “democratic”? Open question.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

More music— “Ostalgie”

[East Berlin car park, 1987— mostly Trabants]

The DDR was a strange little country, in which I spent a couple of days in 1988; actually, not quite as small a country as commonly imagined: about 42,000 sq. miles, as against England’s 51,000, but with an overall density of population about a third of England’s (the UK as a whole has about 94,000 sq. miles).

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[“No, wait! I voted Labour“…]

Interesting both in itself and re. the tactical voting point.

Incidentally, my 2019 (but several-times updated) piece about Therese Coffey (from my Deadhead MPs series) has proven popular; thousands of hits to date. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

Britain 2024


Two men have been jailed for a total of 67 years for shooting and stabbing to death an 18-year-old in east London.

Awadh Saleh and Rio Burton-Devine, both aged 25 from east London, were found guilty of the murder of Abubakar ‘Junior’ Jah, 18, at the Old Bailey today.

Judge Mark Dennis KC sentenced the pair to 36 years and 31 years respectively for the ‘brutal and cowardly’ attack in 2021.”


What will London be like in 2034 or 2044?

The System parties have no real answers.

Late tweets

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that actually puts the Cons in a marginally better position than other recent polls, by reason of the slip in Labour’s position, but it still means Lab 466 (overall majority 282), Con 70, LibDem 70, Reform UK 4, Greens 2.

Were Labour to recover to 40%, the number of Con MPs would reduce to 51; were Labour to rise to 41%, the number of Con MPs would be a mere 42.

Penny Mordaunt is campaigning not so much for the Conservative Party as for her own political career (in fact, her career full stop, for she has no other). It seems 50-50, at best, that she will be re-elected anyway.

Labour is as dull as ditchwater, as witness its pathetic Manifesto for the General Election, but I do not think that it much matters now. The main aim of 80%+, maybe even 90%, of the electorate is to get rid of the Conservative Party not just for the next 5 years but permanently. Starmer and fake Labour will only fail to sweep all before them —by default— if something so devastating happens to their campaign that it is hard to imagine what.

Late music

[a rainy night in Tunis; I last trod that pavement in 1986]

Diary Blog, 26 April 2024

Afternoon music

[Wellington, New Zealand]

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I once had a slim volume containing details of many “antisemitic” persons of artistic, scientific and other intellectual prominence in history. Too many to list here, but including Chopin, Schumann, and hundreds of others.

I believe that booklet had been compiled by Hilaire Belloc, but I may be mistaken in that.


Britain 2024— roads full of holes and poor surfacing, patched slightly here and there. A million unwanted immigrants a year flooding in. Living standards being slashed. Poor pay for most workers, and another round of attacks on the unemployed, disabled and sick. Almost nothing in the administrative realm working properly. Free speech under unprecedented attack by the Jew-Zionist/pro-Israel lobby, with Government connivance. The NHS sinking ever-deeper into a situation where, in some areas, it is scarcely a health service at all.

Meanwhile the misgovernment of the little Indian money-juggler posing as a Prime Minister sends arms and ammunition to the dictatorship of the Jewish tyrant in Kiev, and entangles the UK in the wars of the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

What price “democracy”? Get rid of Sunak and his Cabinet of clowns, and the only result is that a pseudo-Labour “elected” dictatorship under Israel puppet will carry on in a similar way; maybe worse. Freedom of expression will be destroyed even more, Israel and the Jewish lobby will be supported even more, and the Kiev regime will be propped up even more.

In effect, the UK will swap a Conservative Friends of Israel misgovernment for a Labour Friends of Israel cabal misgovernment.

By all means clear out Conservative Party MPs. They deserve it. Vote elsewhere, or at least do not vote Conservative, but do not imagine that anything will change for the better under Labour.

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Is anyone going to point out the absurdity of Jessica Elgot, one of The Guardian’s most prominent Zionists – along with Jonathan Freedland – writing an extremely mild ‘exposé’ of the rapidly Zionist CAA. The purpose appears to be to undermine them on behalf of Margaret Hodge and John Mann, now that the CAA has outlived its usefulness to Hodge, who was formerly one of its patrons. Can we please have conflict of interest statements from Zionist journalists when they write about their beloved genocidal belief system and its real world manifestations?

[“rabidly”, not “rapidly“, of course].

It could take 14 years to clear debris in Gaza Israel’s military campaign against Gaza has reduced much of the narrow, coastal territory of 2.3 million people to a wasteland with most civilians homeless, hungry and at risk of disease. Pehr Lodhammar, senior officer at the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), told a briefing in Geneva that the war had left an estimated 37 million tonnes of debris in the widely urbanised, densely populated territory.

cf. the Teufelsberg, or Devil’s Mountain, a hill in the former West Berlin, nearly 300 feet above the surrounding land, and created entirely from rubble brought from the devastated city several years after the end of the Second World War.


From what one sees of Berlin today on TV etc, I find that I have no wish to visit the city. It might have been interesting to see, in the pre-1989 period, the contrast between East Berlin and West Berlin, but I never did, though I did see the southern part of the DDR (East Germany) in 1988, and I have seen (both pre-1989 and more recently) what was West Germany. I have blogged previously about my impressions.

Berlin has other, smaller, hills of that type. Some other German cities also have a Schuttberg or “debris mountain”, the larger ones called Trümmerberge (“rubble mountains”), though most are considerably smaller than the Teufelsberg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schuttberg; they have been landscaped, “greened”, and are mostly not unaesthetic now.

Human beings, especially but not only Europeans, are very resilient, and can recover from massive societal shocks: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

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Mirvis was born in South Africa, lived much of his life in Israel, but relocated to Ireland in the 1980s, and then to the UK in 1992: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephraim_Mirvis#Early_life_and_education.

Apparently, Mirvis is also trained as a Jewish butcher: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephraim_Mirvis#Early_life_and_education;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shechita#Shochet.

Late tweets seen

The Home Office considered appointing campaigner against antisemitism Gideon Falter as an adviser to its counter extremism unit but was warned against the appointment by the government’s antisemitism tsar.

The Guardian understands there were strong objections to Falter being offered the part-time civil service role advising the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) in 2022 and that John Mann told the then home secretary Suella Braverman he would quit if Falter was offered the post.

Falter told the Guardian: “These claims show a lack of understanding of how the Jewish community works. CAA works closely with CST, Shomrim [a volunteer-led security group that works with the strictly Orthodox Jewish community] and numerous other organisations.

As part of our work we make complaints against antisemites in all walks of life…”

[The Guardian]


It is disgusting that this horrible little individual was ever considered for an official role. A liar and, some say, a perjurer, just like a couple of his self-publicizing colleagues.

Incidentally, I believe that the present Commissioner for Countering Extremism is Jewish.

As for Suella Braverman, thank God her time in the political limelight is probably over. A low-level barrister unaccountably selected/”elected” to the Commons and then, even less plausibly, appointed to Cabinet. She is what the Indians in her mother’s native Mauritius call —I have heard them say it— “bas-class“. Married to a Jew, and completely in the pocket of the Jewish/Zionist lobby and Israel.


Suella Braverman’s seat at Fareham is considered “safe”, but when the Conservative MP numbers are cut down at the General Election this year, Suella Braverman will just be one of about (?) 50 Conservative Party MPs left. No influence, and no political future except as a backbencher of a party which might even fail to become the official Opposition. I doubt that she will become the leader of that now very degraded party.

See also: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/26/campaign-against-antisemitism-cancels-counter-protest-london-pro-palestinian-march.

Looks as though more-powerful or more-influential Jews have told Falter to shut up and get back into his box.

God knows what group-karma is eventually going to come down the tracks at Israel, the Israelis, and all those outside Israel who support the quasi-genocide.

The idea that 500,000-1,000,000+ immigrants coming into the UK (mostly not via “small boats”) annually is in any way sustainable is just mad. This government has hugely increased immigration (hardly surprising…look at the Cabinet, composed largely of non-Europeans), and the Labour Friends of Israel government of Starmer, expected to start this year or early next year, will be even worse.

People look at their living standards plummeting, goods costing more, transport services, roads, NHS, schools etc getting worse, housing becoming totally unaffordable, but (in the case of many people) prefer to ignore the links between all of that and the tsunami of immigration.

Late music

[devastated central Warsaw, 1945]

