Tag Archives: European elections

Diary Blog, 10 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

We are about to enter the era of the “Far right.” Kids are going to be taught to read rather than imagine they are born in the wrong body. Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil. TV and film will be about plot and casting rather than how many non binary lesbian people of colour and girth you can cram into a drama. We will stop worshipping the sun god and perhaps take some time to get to know the actual one. Victimhood will be frowned upon. Health services will be expected to stop dancing for TikTok and do what they are paid to do. The police will be asked to get off their knees and regain public trust again. Fear will be replaced by hope. It’s going to be much nicer than the woke period, where men had periods. The homophobic trans crap will be done. Content of character will matter more than colour of skin. It’s going to be good. And to those of you who don’t like it. Tough. We have had enough.”

For once, I agree with everything Fox has written.

Whatever one may have thought about Sinn Fein and its military wing (the IRA) in the past, at least it was an honest and clear expression of political will. Now, it has become not dissimilar to the other fake Celtic “national” parties such as the SNP and Plaid Cymru, in other words a farrago of “anti-racism”, “anti-sexism”, pro-mass immigration, hostile to any true expression of European culture. Result? Most Irish people have turned against it, and those who are still voting for Sinn Fein are doing so mostly for reasons of misguided nostalgia, it seems.


Again, for once (?) I agree with what Jayda Fransen says here. Farage is indeed a System stooge, but sometimes things have to work out in particular, and sometimes unexpected, ways.

Yes, Farage and Reform UK are not social-national and, yes, the existence of Reform UK is blocking the emergence of anything new that is social-national.

Reform UK is channelling popular discontent into “safe” “Parliamentary road” diversions, but at the same time the existence of Reform UK —and the hoo-ha around it— is moving the “Overton Window”, changing the public’s idea of what might be possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

Also, it is to be hoped that Reform UK will help to destroy the now useless and hopeless Conservative Party, and thus destabilize the existing rigged System which depends upon the illusion of a basically binary “choice”.

Faragist diversion (UKIP) did destroy the rise of the BNP under Nick Griffin in and after 2005, and especially after 2009.

2024 is not 2015, when UKIP got 12% of the national vote but no seats. Why? Because the governing party, the Conservatives, were still riding fairly high in 2015. This year, the Conservative Party looks all but washed-up.

That may or may not mean that Reform UK gets Commons seats, but it does mean that a large number of Con seats are going to be lost because 10% or 15% of people, maybe even 20%, are going to vote Reform. That does also mean that Labour will thereby benefit, but most voters for Reform UK will be willing to accept that as the price for both destroying the Conservative Party and making a loud protest.

Not far right just conservative

Who believe in family
Strong borders and not thousands of young men from opposing cultures storming our borders
Believe in law and order
Believe in good education

Believe in science
No woke Marxist pedophillia normalising agendas
Who believe individual countries should be the only ones to have a say how they are governed
Who think it’s good to be patriotic
Who believe in western Christian cultures
Who think our military should be rewarded and revered
Who are against regressive damaging socialism
Who are against big brother government
Who are against the tentacles of globalists poisoning everything they touch
Who believe in small government and low tax
Who know what the hell a woman is!!

Nothing far right

Just decent and strong

I have previously mooted, on the blog, the idea that there may be a bloc of “secret” Reform UK supporters who will not reveal, even to polling staff, their potential General Election voting intention.

I do not know whether such a bloc exists, or how large it is if it exists, but if it does indeed exist in any but marginal size, it could be a gamechanger.

Reform UK has been polling between 13% and around 17% recently. If the “secret” Reform voters exist and number the equivalent of one-tenth of the known Reform voters, then the Reform vote might be anywhere between 14% and 19%. Add on the possibility of polling errors, and that might result in anything from 12% to 21%. We shall only know for sure on and after 4 July. Three weeks and three days from today.

An intention to vote Reform UK perhaps has not the level of what might be called “socio-political embarrassment” (for people living in a conformist situation) that an intention to vote, say, BNP or National Front used to have, but I think that the constant Matthew Parris-style “oh my goodness, look at those hillbillies!” msm propaganda directed against the “left behind” areas (such as Clacton), and against so-called “racism” etc makes some people both reticent in expressing their anger at what has happened and is happening but, at the same time, more determined to do something about the situation, such as voting in a way not approved by the System puppets, the scribblers, the talking heads etc.

Jewish. Of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein#Family.

Remarkable: I even agree with Tim Stanley today. Stars or planets must be in some unusual configuration.

As for that “Conservative” nonentity (apparently one Andrew Browne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Browne_(politician)), I am not sure that I had even heard of him until today.

Browne has already jumped ship and is not standing for re-election in the redrawn seat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s], which seat may well fall to the LibDems if there is enough tactical voting, but has decided to stand in the new and neighbouring seat of St. Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Neots_and_Mid_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)].

Browne seems to be saying there that the Conservative Party will do OK in the election because it always did, in elections since 1945. How do people with such limited mentality ever become MPs, well-paid journalists (as he was) etc?

As for his assertion that the present-day Conservative Party embodies “small-c conservative values“, hardy ha ha… Look at what it has done in the past 14 years alone.

Tim Stanley was right to state that “the [Conservative party] brand is…gone” and that no-one even likes the Conservative Party any more. Also, that Starmer is “not socialist” (and, he added, is therefore not the frightening figure the Cons pretend). I tend to think that Starmer is alarming, but not because he is in any way “socialist”. Just that Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby repression comes naturally to him.

One Catherine McKinnell, hitherto also unknown to me. A prime candidate for the Diane Abbott Clueless Prize for this year. True Labour-style cluelessness.

Here she is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_McKinnell. MP for Newcastle upon Tyne North, and a vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

Talking point


More tweets seen

As I blogged three days ago, I do not really blame Sunak for not giving a tinker’s cuss about the Normandy Landings commemoration. After all, the bastard is not really British, is only (posing as) Prime Minister until 4 July 2024, about three weeks from now, and is (as I blogged) part of a transilient bloc of cosmopolitan wealthy Indians who are not rooted in the UK, or even in India, and whose natural (temporary) home is in places such as Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Westchester etc.

The reason is obvious. VAT raises a huge amount of money, and does so from everyone in the country, from the rich, the affluent, the less affluent, and the downright poor. The only way for an individual to avoid paying it is to be gifted the goods or services in question or (in the case of goods) to steal them.

Naturally, the wealthy prefer VAT to income tax, or capital gains tax.

Late tweets

That Chairman of the Conservative Party, Richard Holden, has now blagged himself a “safe” seat at Basildon and Billericay.

[“Billericay Dickie“]


While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin on Substack].

One in three” of those who have stopped intending to vote Conservative during 2024 adds up to about, very roughly, a third of a half, i.e. about 1/6th of the whole electorate that voted in 2019 (67.3% turnout), so —again very roughly— about 1/9th of the whole eligible electorate. Call it just over 10%. Of those who would prefer to vote, maybe 15%.

Very speculative, I admit, but there is no doubt that many are anyway in that “politically homeless” position. Anecdotally, I have heard people say it, and heard them say it of others. It is a widespread phenomenon, no matter what may be the exact numbers.

An “error“? No. Deliberate importation of non-Europeans into Europe, including the UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The two sides of “Boris” Johnson…

Electoral Calculus may not be infallible, but —by my use of it— those figures give the Cons only 21 seats in the Commons (Lab 538, LibDems 55, Reform 1, Green 1, Plaid Cymru 4, and the SNP a mere 12).

Others calculate a Con bloc of 24 MPs. Whatever.

Effectively the end of the Conservative Party as it now is, if accurate.

As I guessed some time ago, the Cons are really only supported now by “habit-voters”, those who have all their lives turned out to vote Con, no matter what, no matter even how they themselves benefit or not. They are almost all now aged in their 80s and 90s.

Interesting to see all age groups from 18 to (?) 70 starting to look for radical and maybe (soon) social-national alternatives.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]