Tag Archives: fealty

Diary Blog, 3-4 June 2020

Released in 1972, the year that Greenpeace was just being launched, Watership Down presented animals in the British countryside as refugees fleeing destruction wrought by man

The family of British author Richard Adams have won a court battle over the rights to Watership Down against American film producer Martin Rosen.” [Daily Mail]


Martin (((Rosen)))…

As soon as I saw the headline, I knew that it had to be a (((you know who))) cheating the author out of his rightful earnings. Odds-on, anyway. Not “prejudice”. Experience.

Peak “woke”?

Today, in the UK, members of the public are urged to “take the knee”, that strangely mediaeval gesture of black power, at 1800 hrs, in “solidarity” with the black rioters, looters and “protesters” of the urban USA. Later, at 2000 hrs, the rabbits are urged to carry on being “woke” by clapping on their doorsteps for the public services (or something, or nothing).

I sincerely hope that both ideas will continue to be ignored by 90%+ of the British people (where I live, about 99%).

The American police are sometimes very rough, true, but how is it a “protest” to burn buildings or cars in California, or loot computer shops etc in some other states, because one black man was, possibly, unlawfully killed by one or a few policemen in Minnesota? Or is this the opening shot in a real race/culture war, akin to the firing of the cannon at Fort Sumter, that kicked off the American Civil War?


Meanwhile, some of the concealed enemies of white Northern European culture are coming out from behind their Twitter and Facebook accounts. Some are rejoicing in what they see as the upcoming death of white European life and culture (and civilization).

I happened to see this tweet, which does not stand alone:

The tweeter is an actor, presumably rather affluent. His political beliefs and ideology seem, to me, evident.

Then see this one:

Most attacks by blacks and browns on whites in the UK are never even classified by police or in the msm as “racial attacks” but as ordinary crime.

In the case referred to above, “He became a student activist and led a campaign against alleged racism at the city’s Dental Hospital. This eventually saw the introduction of anonymous marking across all faculties at the University.[2]

He left engineering to study sociology and politics, and was still a student when, in 1991, he was arrested by police officers for illegally flyposting on Ashton Lane. During his arrest he was pushed to the ground, and had his teeth chipped. Anwar successfully took civil action against Strathclyde Police. In 1995, Sheriff Evans found that one officer had assaulted Anwar and that it appeared to be a racially motivated attack; Anwar was awarded £4,200 in compensation and the policeman was suspended.[3]

Anwar was criticised by the ruling Sheriff in regards to the release of “bloated confrontational material” surrounding the case with the Sheriff stating the allegations of racism did not influence his findings.” [Wikipedia]


In other words, that tweeter was breaking the law in 1991, being a social pest by flyposting. Yes, one officer was rough with him (whether “provoked” or not I do not know), and (4 years later) was suspended from his job as a result. Anwar was awarded £4,200 compensation as well.

Asa matter of fact, if Aamer Anwar was “an angry young man” after he was assaulted by the police, what was he before, when he was flyposting and (?) scrawling graffiti (Wikipedia says “anonymous marking”) all over the campus at Glasgow University? Also (i.e. already) angry?

As for this Aamer Anwar’s background etc, I read in Wikipedia that he was born in 1967 in England (of Pakistani origins), and became at first a student reading mechanical engineering in 1986, when aged 19. By 1991, when he was aged 24 or 25, he had switched to sociology and politics. That was when the events described above took place (the civil trial occurred in 1995). He must have switched to law, perhaps after his degree, because he became a solicitor in Scotland in 2000, aged 32.


Anwar made controversial statements in the aftermath of the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack, in which he claimed, “That there is no difference between a stealth bomber and a suicide bomber, the effects are still the same”. In further remarks he argued that there was a moral equivalence between the 9/11 hijackers and the United States when they bomb innocent civilians.[45]

In 2008 he faced allegations of contempt of court in the light of a complaint by the presiding judge in the case, Lord Carloway, after Anwar directly attacked the jury following the trial and conviction of Mohammed Siddique in the High Court of Justiciary.[46] It was the first hearing of its kind in the UK.[47] He was the first lawyer in the UK to be put on trial for contempt of court for comments he made on behalf of his client at the end of a trial. Iain Banks, the author, joined Labour politician Tony Benn, Respect MP George GallowayBashir Maan, convener of the Muslim Council of Scotland and human rights lawyer Gareth Pierce, among others to argue that such a prosecution was detrimental to free speech.[48]

While finding Anwar’s comments to be “misleading” Lord Osborne did not find him in contempt of court. However he still strongly criticised Anwar’s behaviour stating that statements from the lawyer were politically motivated and largely consisted of “angry and petulant criticism” Further stating the court is entitled to expect better of those who practice before it.” [Wikipedia]

More criticism of lawyer Anwar, this time as Rector of Glasgow University (2017-2020, and no longer en poste, according to his Twitter profile):

The Times Scottish edition reported in June 2018 that Anwar had failed to hold a single surgery for the first 11 months of his rectorship; a claim backed up by Glasgow University.

Anwar [was] criticised for publicly accusing the university of showing “callous disregard” for students and staff, treating international students as “cash cows” and claiming to have uncovered serious cases of racism and sexual harassment. However, officials at the university insisted that when they asked for specific details so they could launch investigations, none were provided.” [Wikipedia]

It seems that Aamer Anwar has received several awards in Scotland (having launched his own law firm in 2007), a fact which makes me even less optimistic about the path that “nationalist” Scotland is on.

Note: https://aameranwar.co.uk/about-us/ (don’t expect modesty…)

His latest tweet as I write:

So, he regards himself, or so it seems to me, as “black” (though he is a Pakistani by origin, albeit born in England); also, he rants about “racial injustice”, when he himself was not only educated in England and Scotland at public expense but also has been able to become qualified as a solicitor and to set up a law firm which has received both recognition and awards.

Jews (most of the famous ones at least) support the black “protests”…

Here, for example, are the Jews who own the well-known ice-cream company, whose Twitter message says “Peace, Love, & Ice Cream”:

Pity, I like their Cherry Garcia…

Jews always have supported everything that breaks down white Northern European civilization, whether in Europe itself, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Southern Africa…


The blacks and browns (some of them) scapegoat the white Europeans despite the latter having created almost everything of value in the past thousand (arguably several thousand) years.

Some people are “fighting” back, at least online:

The old ploy of proclaiming “peace and love” and “we fight hate” still fools many “useful idiots”, sadly…

Very true!

Coronavirus and the ludicrous “lockdown”/shutdown

The Conservative Party succeeded in the 2019 General Election, not on its own merits, i.e. because voters flocked to it; no, few voters flocked to the Conservative Party, but many flocked away from the Labour Party.

Now, the Conservative Party lead over Labour has been greatly reduced by the obvious incompetence of Boris-idiot, Priti Patel, little Matt Hancock and that little pissant Robert Jenrick, among others; more voters now are saying that they might vote Labour, but only by default, because they are waking up to the general uselessness of Boris-idiot (though credit where due: at least he has resisted supporting the “woke” “protesters” and looters of inner-urban USA). In the UK’s basically binary political system, when one cuckoo goes in, the other comes out.

Now the iceberg of reality is approaching the UK Titanic. Said iceberg has been concealed or disguised by “furlough” payments, financial support for (often only notionally) “self-employed” people; a semi-holiday for many. Also, by some government support for small businesses. Then there was the warm-to-hot weather, not as irrelevant a point as it may seem. That contributed to the almost-holiday feeling.

Despite all the above measures, thousands of redundancies have been announced already. Millions are now already receiving “Universal Credit”, ie the dole. Come the Autumn, the Winter, there will be a huge collapse. The only way of avoiding that collapse, or at least its effects, will be to inaugurate huge make-work projects (on minimum wage). The Summer will soon be over.

I went out to get a few items at Waitrose. Exiting at just on 2000 hrs, I noticed that there were no “useful idiots” clapping anywhere. There were not many, even at the start of the “clapathon”, where I live, and those few became even fewer in succeeding weeks. Today, though, none. Was it called off, or did the rabbits wake up?

Tweets seen this evening

Below, a Guardian reporter applauds a black mob turning Whitehall into Soweto.

The same reporter also applauds a policeman who gives in to the demand of the mob, and who bends the knee, literally, in sign of fealty to the forces of destruction.

Unless he was doing it to defy with irony the black mob in Whitehall, this policeman should be dismissed, at once.

Seems that that particular politicized policeman is not the only rotten apple in the barrel…

Strange, or maybe not so strange: a few days ago, Piers Corbyn and others were arrested merely for holding a quiet, peaceful anti-“lockdown” protest at Speakers’ Corner. Today, hordes of blacks congregate there and in Whitehall, but no immediate arrests and some of the police seem to have decided to not resist the “revolution” of the non-whites and their white “useful idiots”….

Is it cuz I is not black?“, in the immortal and slightly altered words of “Ali G”…

and today there are some white “cucks”, in the American phrase, as well:

What a pathetic rabble, who want to destroy what is left of white Northern European culture and society in the UK.

(I note, also, that the non-European Guardian scribbler cannot spell “deterred”).

Below: to lapse into colloquial American English (again), total and complete “cuckdom”!

[above: the moment when one group of Americans surrendered their —and their descendants’— future]

Prince Philip

Prince Philip, who has had Coronavirus, and who has recovered from it, is expected to celebrate his 99th birthday next week.

Boris-idiot, little Matt, Priti useless, Robert Pissant-Jenrick, and your “advisers”….you have destroyed the British economy for nothing.

Tweets seen

“Cuck” police…

A few volleys of rifle fire would soon have cleared the streets, but “our” “wonderful” police prefer to “bend the knee” to a black mob.

Enemy companies

The companies listed below are those funding or giving other support to the enemies of civilization:


More about Coronavirus

A former head of MI6 has said he believes the coronavirus pandemic “started as an accident” when the virus escaped from a laboratory in China

In an interview with The Telegraph, Sir Richard Dearlove said he had seen an “important” new scientific report suggesting the virus did not emerge naturally but was man-made by Chinese scientists.

The apparent discovery will raise the prospect of China paying “reparations” for the death and economic catastrophe wreaked upon the world, the former intelligence chief said. It comes as Beijing faces growing pressure to explain precisely how coronavirus first began to spread late last year. [Daily Telegraph]

China is on a collision course with the West. What will be vital is the stance Russia takes.

This report also raises questions about the “experts” and scientific advisers used by governments:

International scientists have reached a near-unanimous consensus, however, that the virus emerged in animals – most likely bats or pangolins – before jumping to the human population.

But Sir Richard, 75, pointed to a scientific paper published this week by a Norwegian-British research team who claim to have discovered clues within Covid-19’s genetic sequence suggesting key elements were “inserted” and may not have evolved naturally.” [Daily Telegraph]

The world, and particularly the USA, now stands in a position vis a vis China akin to that vis a vis Japan in the 1930s.

A stray thought about the “black” protest in London

We have seen the blacks en masse “protest”, even riot and murder before in London, and on a far larger canvas. The Brixton riots of 1981, the Broadwater Farm housing estate riot of 1985 etc.


More recently, in 2011, we had the “shopping riots” (looting, and burning of buildings and vehicles).

What is different about the “black” protests of the past few days? Well, for one thing, they were not “riots” at all, not yet anyway. I should say that the fact that the trigger event took place in Minnesota, half a world away, may have dampened the reaction, as did yesterday’s rain. I used to notice, when a London resident, that almost all the blacks avoid (far more than the English) going out in the rain.

So why am I more uneasy about what has happened than I ever was in 2011, 1985, 1981 etc? The first reason is because the msm now are not only less willing to stand up for white Northern European civilization and what were once known as “British values”, but seem now to actively promote this anti-white, anti-British agenda that we see constantly before our eyes.

A major factor is the Jewish infiltration into all aspects of the msm: TV, radio, Press, publishing. Thus we see the TV news coming out in favour of the black protests, and encouraging more.

The police: as we have seen, some policemen go so far as to “bend the knee” in sign of fealty to the black mob. Policemen are rather canine. They respect the so-called “alpha”. If the mob is powerful, some police at least just give in to it.

The same is true of the police reaction to the Jew-Zionist lobby. The only thing that can deal with such a reaction is to show that you have the baton of power. The police will then salute you. That is what happened when the NSDAP took over the government of Germany. The police simply transferred their loyalty to the new order; the same thing happened in France and in the Channel Islands in 1940.

What has been disturbing about the last few days is not so much the “protests” themselves but the fact that many of those with power and money in society are eager to see that same society destroyed, or at least changed, so that the white British people who created it can be marginalized or destroyed.

Tweets seen recently

Yes, it seems that, for the (((contaminated))) msm, “White Lives Do Not Matter”…

When the whole NWO/ZOG pro-Mandela thing was at its height in 1988 or so, I knew one or two people who were pro-Mandela, pro-ANC etc. Since then, I have met a few others who were that way politically inclined back then. All women. None, bar one who had been on a 2-week holiday to Zanzibar, had ever been to any part of Africa. None knew much about Africa or even South Africa. One was even, apparently, a member of some pro-ANC solidarity group in, I think, Dorset.

Thus are such campaigns often sustained, by naive and emotional people, often women, who actually are moved by feeling rather than intellect. However, the vital thing is that the msm was biased, hugely, one way. All the propaganda pumped out was one way. It still is.


Seems that I got it wrong again re. the pathetic clapping ritual, and that the “clapathon”, during which brainwashed rabbits applaud their own reduction to serfdom, was not yesterday (Wednesday) but this evening (Thursday). Round here no-one was clapping this evening either, though. People are waking up, and soon will be waking up a to gigantic metaphorical hangover.

The royal mulatta

Ah, “the blacks are revolting, your Majesty”, and that fact has driven from cover the “royal mulatta” (Meghan Markle), who has left her henpecked “royal” husband at home to tend his own mental problems, while she speaks on the world stage (again)…

St Augustine of Hippo [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo ] confessed that his attitude in prayer had been, at times,” “Oh, Master, make me chaste and celibate – but not yet!” (da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo). Likewise, it seems that the royal mulatta wants peace, and for her, Harry and their child to be left alone and out of the public eye…but not just yet!


The most interesting part of that report is the Comments section…

Tweets seen

Yes. Why is it that Hitchens has only now noticed? Because he himself is now a victim of it? About a decade ago, the Jews had about a third of my book reviews (hundreds) removed from Amazon (Amazon UK and also, separately, USA Amazon— so much for the “land of freedom!). Now the rest are all “private”, ie not able to be seen. Effectively removed by Amazon itself, but behind actions like that is always, or almost always, the Jew. (((They)) i.e. the Jew lobby, have deprived me of my freedom of expression, and at the same time deprived the public of my views and reviews (I was at one time one of the “top 50” reviewers on UK Amazon, voted there by thousands of people).

Homo Britannicus is not that different now from homo Sovieticus…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_Sovieticus

Late music