Tag Archives: clap for NHS

Diary Blog, 3-4 June 2020

Released in 1972, the year that Greenpeace was just being launched, Watership Down presented animals in the British countryside as refugees fleeing destruction wrought by man

The family of British author Richard Adams have won a court battle over the rights to Watership Down against American film producer Martin Rosen.” [Daily Mail]


Martin (((Rosen)))…

As soon as I saw the headline, I knew that it had to be a (((you know who))) cheating the author out of his rightful earnings. Odds-on, anyway. Not “prejudice”. Experience.

Peak “woke”?

Today, in the UK, members of the public are urged to “take the knee”, that strangely mediaeval gesture of black power, at 1800 hrs, in “solidarity” with the black rioters, looters and “protesters” of the urban USA. Later, at 2000 hrs, the rabbits are urged to carry on being “woke” by clapping on their doorsteps for the public services (or something, or nothing).

I sincerely hope that both ideas will continue to be ignored by 90%+ of the British people (where I live, about 99%).

The American police are sometimes very rough, true, but how is it a “protest” to burn buildings or cars in California, or loot computer shops etc in some other states, because one black man was, possibly, unlawfully killed by one or a few policemen in Minnesota? Or is this the opening shot in a real race/culture war, akin to the firing of the cannon at Fort Sumter, that kicked off the American Civil War?


Meanwhile, some of the concealed enemies of white Northern European culture are coming out from behind their Twitter and Facebook accounts. Some are rejoicing in what they see as the upcoming death of white European life and culture (and civilization).

I happened to see this tweet, which does not stand alone:

The tweeter is an actor, presumably rather affluent. His political beliefs and ideology seem, to me, evident.

Then see this one:

Most attacks by blacks and browns on whites in the UK are never even classified by police or in the msm as “racial attacks” but as ordinary crime.

In the case referred to above, “He became a student activist and led a campaign against alleged racism at the city’s Dental Hospital. This eventually saw the introduction of anonymous marking across all faculties at the University.[2]

He left engineering to study sociology and politics, and was still a student when, in 1991, he was arrested by police officers for illegally flyposting on Ashton Lane. During his arrest he was pushed to the ground, and had his teeth chipped. Anwar successfully took civil action against Strathclyde Police. In 1995, Sheriff Evans found that one officer had assaulted Anwar and that it appeared to be a racially motivated attack; Anwar was awarded £4,200 in compensation and the policeman was suspended.[3]

Anwar was criticised by the ruling Sheriff in regards to the release of “bloated confrontational material” surrounding the case with the Sheriff stating the allegations of racism did not influence his findings.” [Wikipedia]


In other words, that tweeter was breaking the law in 1991, being a social pest by flyposting. Yes, one officer was rough with him (whether “provoked” or not I do not know), and (4 years later) was suspended from his job as a result. Anwar was awarded £4,200 compensation as well.

Asa matter of fact, if Aamer Anwar was “an angry young man” after he was assaulted by the police, what was he before, when he was flyposting and (?) scrawling graffiti (Wikipedia says “anonymous marking”) all over the campus at Glasgow University? Also (i.e. already) angry?

As for this Aamer Anwar’s background etc, I read in Wikipedia that he was born in 1967 in England (of Pakistani origins), and became at first a student reading mechanical engineering in 1986, when aged 19. By 1991, when he was aged 24 or 25, he had switched to sociology and politics. That was when the events described above took place (the civil trial occurred in 1995). He must have switched to law, perhaps after his degree, because he became a solicitor in Scotland in 2000, aged 32.


Anwar made controversial statements in the aftermath of the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack, in which he claimed, “That there is no difference between a stealth bomber and a suicide bomber, the effects are still the same”. In further remarks he argued that there was a moral equivalence between the 9/11 hijackers and the United States when they bomb innocent civilians.[45]

In 2008 he faced allegations of contempt of court in the light of a complaint by the presiding judge in the case, Lord Carloway, after Anwar directly attacked the jury following the trial and conviction of Mohammed Siddique in the High Court of Justiciary.[46] It was the first hearing of its kind in the UK.[47] He was the first lawyer in the UK to be put on trial for contempt of court for comments he made on behalf of his client at the end of a trial. Iain Banks, the author, joined Labour politician Tony Benn, Respect MP George GallowayBashir Maan, convener of the Muslim Council of Scotland and human rights lawyer Gareth Pierce, among others to argue that such a prosecution was detrimental to free speech.[48]

While finding Anwar’s comments to be “misleading” Lord Osborne did not find him in contempt of court. However he still strongly criticised Anwar’s behaviour stating that statements from the lawyer were politically motivated and largely consisted of “angry and petulant criticism” Further stating the court is entitled to expect better of those who practice before it.” [Wikipedia]

More criticism of lawyer Anwar, this time as Rector of Glasgow University (2017-2020, and no longer en poste, according to his Twitter profile):

The Times Scottish edition reported in June 2018 that Anwar had failed to hold a single surgery for the first 11 months of his rectorship; a claim backed up by Glasgow University.

Anwar [was] criticised for publicly accusing the university of showing “callous disregard” for students and staff, treating international students as “cash cows” and claiming to have uncovered serious cases of racism and sexual harassment. However, officials at the university insisted that when they asked for specific details so they could launch investigations, none were provided.” [Wikipedia]

It seems that Aamer Anwar has received several awards in Scotland (having launched his own law firm in 2007), a fact which makes me even less optimistic about the path that “nationalist” Scotland is on.

Note: https://aameranwar.co.uk/about-us/ (don’t expect modesty…)

His latest tweet as I write:

So, he regards himself, or so it seems to me, as “black” (though he is a Pakistani by origin, albeit born in England); also, he rants about “racial injustice”, when he himself was not only educated in England and Scotland at public expense but also has been able to become qualified as a solicitor and to set up a law firm which has received both recognition and awards.

Jews (most of the famous ones at least) support the black “protests”…

Here, for example, are the Jews who own the well-known ice-cream company, whose Twitter message says “Peace, Love, & Ice Cream”:

Pity, I like their Cherry Garcia…

Jews always have supported everything that breaks down white Northern European civilization, whether in Europe itself, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Southern Africa…


The blacks and browns (some of them) scapegoat the white Europeans despite the latter having created almost everything of value in the past thousand (arguably several thousand) years.

Some people are “fighting” back, at least online:

The old ploy of proclaiming “peace and love” and “we fight hate” still fools many “useful idiots”, sadly…

Very true!

Coronavirus and the ludicrous “lockdown”/shutdown

The Conservative Party succeeded in the 2019 General Election, not on its own merits, i.e. because voters flocked to it; no, few voters flocked to the Conservative Party, but many flocked away from the Labour Party.

Now, the Conservative Party lead over Labour has been greatly reduced by the obvious incompetence of Boris-idiot, Priti Patel, little Matt Hancock and that little pissant Robert Jenrick, among others; more voters now are saying that they might vote Labour, but only by default, because they are waking up to the general uselessness of Boris-idiot (though credit where due: at least he has resisted supporting the “woke” “protesters” and looters of inner-urban USA). In the UK’s basically binary political system, when one cuckoo goes in, the other comes out.

Now the iceberg of reality is approaching the UK Titanic. Said iceberg has been concealed or disguised by “furlough” payments, financial support for (often only notionally) “self-employed” people; a semi-holiday for many. Also, by some government support for small businesses. Then there was the warm-to-hot weather, not as irrelevant a point as it may seem. That contributed to the almost-holiday feeling.

Despite all the above measures, thousands of redundancies have been announced already. Millions are now already receiving “Universal Credit”, ie the dole. Come the Autumn, the Winter, there will be a huge collapse. The only way of avoiding that collapse, or at least its effects, will be to inaugurate huge make-work projects (on minimum wage). The Summer will soon be over.

I went out to get a few items at Waitrose. Exiting at just on 2000 hrs, I noticed that there were no “useful idiots” clapping anywhere. There were not many, even at the start of the “clapathon”, where I live, and those few became even fewer in succeeding weeks. Today, though, none. Was it called off, or did the rabbits wake up?

Tweets seen this evening

Below, a Guardian reporter applauds a black mob turning Whitehall into Soweto.

The same reporter also applauds a policeman who gives in to the demand of the mob, and who bends the knee, literally, in sign of fealty to the forces of destruction.

Unless he was doing it to defy with irony the black mob in Whitehall, this policeman should be dismissed, at once.

Seems that that particular politicized policeman is not the only rotten apple in the barrel…

Strange, or maybe not so strange: a few days ago, Piers Corbyn and others were arrested merely for holding a quiet, peaceful anti-“lockdown” protest at Speakers’ Corner. Today, hordes of blacks congregate there and in Whitehall, but no immediate arrests and some of the police seem to have decided to not resist the “revolution” of the non-whites and their white “useful idiots”….

Is it cuz I is not black?“, in the immortal and slightly altered words of “Ali G”…

and today there are some white “cucks”, in the American phrase, as well:

What a pathetic rabble, who want to destroy what is left of white Northern European culture and society in the UK.

(I note, also, that the non-European Guardian scribbler cannot spell “deterred”).

Below: to lapse into colloquial American English (again), total and complete “cuckdom”!

[above: the moment when one group of Americans surrendered their —and their descendants’— future]

Prince Philip

Prince Philip, who has had Coronavirus, and who has recovered from it, is expected to celebrate his 99th birthday next week.

Boris-idiot, little Matt, Priti useless, Robert Pissant-Jenrick, and your “advisers”….you have destroyed the British economy for nothing.

Tweets seen

“Cuck” police…

A few volleys of rifle fire would soon have cleared the streets, but “our” “wonderful” police prefer to “bend the knee” to a black mob.

Enemy companies

The companies listed below are those funding or giving other support to the enemies of civilization:


More about Coronavirus

A former head of MI6 has said he believes the coronavirus pandemic “started as an accident” when the virus escaped from a laboratory in China

In an interview with The Telegraph, Sir Richard Dearlove said he had seen an “important” new scientific report suggesting the virus did not emerge naturally but was man-made by Chinese scientists.

The apparent discovery will raise the prospect of China paying “reparations” for the death and economic catastrophe wreaked upon the world, the former intelligence chief said. It comes as Beijing faces growing pressure to explain precisely how coronavirus first began to spread late last year. [Daily Telegraph]

China is on a collision course with the West. What will be vital is the stance Russia takes.

This report also raises questions about the “experts” and scientific advisers used by governments:

International scientists have reached a near-unanimous consensus, however, that the virus emerged in animals – most likely bats or pangolins – before jumping to the human population.

But Sir Richard, 75, pointed to a scientific paper published this week by a Norwegian-British research team who claim to have discovered clues within Covid-19’s genetic sequence suggesting key elements were “inserted” and may not have evolved naturally.” [Daily Telegraph]

The world, and particularly the USA, now stands in a position vis a vis China akin to that vis a vis Japan in the 1930s.

A stray thought about the “black” protest in London

We have seen the blacks en masse “protest”, even riot and murder before in London, and on a far larger canvas. The Brixton riots of 1981, the Broadwater Farm housing estate riot of 1985 etc.


More recently, in 2011, we had the “shopping riots” (looting, and burning of buildings and vehicles).

What is different about the “black” protests of the past few days? Well, for one thing, they were not “riots” at all, not yet anyway. I should say that the fact that the trigger event took place in Minnesota, half a world away, may have dampened the reaction, as did yesterday’s rain. I used to notice, when a London resident, that almost all the blacks avoid (far more than the English) going out in the rain.

So why am I more uneasy about what has happened than I ever was in 2011, 1985, 1981 etc? The first reason is because the msm now are not only less willing to stand up for white Northern European civilization and what were once known as “British values”, but seem now to actively promote this anti-white, anti-British agenda that we see constantly before our eyes.

A major factor is the Jewish infiltration into all aspects of the msm: TV, radio, Press, publishing. Thus we see the TV news coming out in favour of the black protests, and encouraging more.

The police: as we have seen, some policemen go so far as to “bend the knee” in sign of fealty to the black mob. Policemen are rather canine. They respect the so-called “alpha”. If the mob is powerful, some police at least just give in to it.

The same is true of the police reaction to the Jew-Zionist lobby. The only thing that can deal with such a reaction is to show that you have the baton of power. The police will then salute you. That is what happened when the NSDAP took over the government of Germany. The police simply transferred their loyalty to the new order; the same thing happened in France and in the Channel Islands in 1940.

What has been disturbing about the last few days is not so much the “protests” themselves but the fact that many of those with power and money in society are eager to see that same society destroyed, or at least changed, so that the white British people who created it can be marginalized or destroyed.

Tweets seen recently

Yes, it seems that, for the (((contaminated))) msm, “White Lives Do Not Matter”…

When the whole NWO/ZOG pro-Mandela thing was at its height in 1988 or so, I knew one or two people who were pro-Mandela, pro-ANC etc. Since then, I have met a few others who were that way politically inclined back then. All women. None, bar one who had been on a 2-week holiday to Zanzibar, had ever been to any part of Africa. None knew much about Africa or even South Africa. One was even, apparently, a member of some pro-ANC solidarity group in, I think, Dorset.

Thus are such campaigns often sustained, by naive and emotional people, often women, who actually are moved by feeling rather than intellect. However, the vital thing is that the msm was biased, hugely, one way. All the propaganda pumped out was one way. It still is.


Seems that I got it wrong again re. the pathetic clapping ritual, and that the “clapathon”, during which brainwashed rabbits applaud their own reduction to serfdom, was not yesterday (Wednesday) but this evening (Thursday). Round here no-one was clapping this evening either, though. People are waking up, and soon will be waking up a to gigantic metaphorical hangover.

The royal mulatta

Ah, “the blacks are revolting, your Majesty”, and that fact has driven from cover the “royal mulatta” (Meghan Markle), who has left her henpecked “royal” husband at home to tend his own mental problems, while she speaks on the world stage (again)…

St Augustine of Hippo [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo ] confessed that his attitude in prayer had been, at times,” “Oh, Master, make me chaste and celibate – but not yet!” (da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo). Likewise, it seems that the royal mulatta wants peace, and for her, Harry and their child to be left alone and out of the public eye…but not just yet!


The most interesting part of that report is the Comments section…

Tweets seen

Yes. Why is it that Hitchens has only now noticed? Because he himself is now a victim of it? About a decade ago, the Jews had about a third of my book reviews (hundreds) removed from Amazon (Amazon UK and also, separately, USA Amazon— so much for the “land of freedom!). Now the rest are all “private”, ie not able to be seen. Effectively removed by Amazon itself, but behind actions like that is always, or almost always, the Jew. (((They)) i.e. the Jew lobby, have deprived me of my freedom of expression, and at the same time deprived the public of my views and reviews (I was at one time one of the “top 50” reviewers on UK Amazon, voted there by thousands of people).

Homo Britannicus is not that different now from homo Sovieticus…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_Sovieticus

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 May 2020

End the “lockdown” nonsense now!

Fewer than 24 people are catching coronavirus each day in London, new modelling suggests, with forecasts predicting the virus could be wiped out in the capital within a fortnight.

Analysis by Public Health England and Cambridge University calculates that the “R” reproduction rate has fallen to 0.4 in London, with the number of new cases halving every 3.5 days.

If cases continue to decrease at the current rate, the virus will be virtually eliminated in the capital by the end of the month, raising questions about whether the strict lockdown measures would need to continue.” [Daily Telegraph]




…and in places, idiots brainwashed by “lockdown” propaganda have even left traps designed to injure people!


After leaving their traps, they no doubt go home to stand outside their homes, virtue-signalling by clapping like drunken seals “for the NHS”.

Government subsidy for the self-employed

A government scheme to support self-employed workers signed up 440,000 people on its first day at a cost of £1.3bn, according to the Treasury.

The self-employment income support scheme (SEISS) provides workers whose finances have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic with a cash grant of 80% of their average monthly trading profits up to a cap of £2,500, backdated to cover the last three months.

Launched this week, more than two weeks ahead of schedule, the scheme is expected to support up to 3.5 million of the UK’s 5.2 million self-employed people.” [Guardian]





What strikes me first is how “autres temps autres mœurs“…

In the past decade particularly, we have seen the way in which the Conservative Party governments (aided in 2010-2015 by their LibDem enablers) stigmatized the poor, and particularly the poor who are also unemployed and/or disabled, and living on mostly very modest State benefit monies.

Many people who are now gratefully in receipt of the “furlough” payments for furloughed employees, and those who are applying for what amounts to the new State benefit for the (supposedly) “self-employed”, will have voted “Conservative” in the past 10 years. Amazing how attitudes change with circumstances…

While the new “benefits” are modest (the maximum claimable is £2,500 per month), they are still more than almost all unemployed and disabled can claim (even if Housing Benefit etc is included in the latter categories’ monies).

It reminds me of the attitudes of the farmers, who like to pretend that they are self-standing independent people running agricultural businesses, yet who “accept” farm subsidies and grants at (under the system as it now is, which may change) around £150 an acre merely for owning or renting land, fundamentally. A farmer with 200 acres (the overall average), will get 200 x £150, so about £30,000 a year. Not huge, but still pretty good for doing effectively nothing (a simplification, but one cannot get into more here)! That sum will be payable whether the farm makes £100,000 profit, £10,000 profit, nothing, or a loss.

The farmers do not see themselves as being “on benefits”, of course! You only have to listen to BBC Radio 4 Farming Today to hear the convoluted arguments and language they and the NFU farmers’ lobby employ to justify their subsidies (“providing a service“, “doing environmental work“, “growing the food the nation/world needs“, “ensuring Britain’s food security” etc…). Anything but “we want the State to pay us for owning land“, though occasionally you do hear “without the farm payments, half the farmers in England will go out of business“. And your point is?… The coal mines, steel works etc used to say the same.

Is it April the First?

There are now so many red flag warnings that Western society has gone mad that it is hard to select from the hundreds, thousands, of examples. What about this?!

Regular readers will know that I have blogged about Little Greta Nut (now 17) previously:



One of the few good things about the Coronavirus situation is that, up until now, it has pushed Greta Nut off the news agenda. Now, those behind her have managed to inveigle her back on, despite her lack of any knowledge or qualification.

Economic ruination?

Almost half of UK businesses are within six months of running out of cash, despite the lifeline provided by the government’s furlough scheme, according to the latest official snapshot of how firms are faring.

In its fortnightly survey on the economic impact of Covid-19, the Office for National Statistics found 44% of firms that responded said their reserves would last for less than six months.”

About 27% said they had cash that would last beyond six months.” [The Guardian]


So only a quarter of UK enterprises have cash reserves sufficient to last them beyond November of this year? Sobering.

When the government put the economy into lockdown in March a third (33%) of those surveyed said they thought it would take six months or more for the country to bounce back to its pre-crisis state, but that figure has risen to 46%.” [The Guardian]

The “furlough” and other recent Government schemes are expensive in themselves (at least £8 billion per month, and now more, with the “self-employed” subsidy), but a debt of that sort (meaning eventually perhaps £100 billion) is at a level that can be handled, given that the UK can at present borrow at long-term rock-bottom interest rates

The economist Jonathan Portes was making that point only this morning on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme. If I heard correctly, he thought that it worked out at £30 per person per year (interest or interest + capital repayment? I have seen £100 per year as a combined figure). In any event, not catastrophic. A long-term national debt burden.

What would be catastrophic would be a general economic collapse. Were that to happen, the pound sterling would fall like a stone (despite the similar problems in other countries, particularly EU countries). That in turn would make imports prohibitively expensive. Britain imports (including raw materials) about 80% of its food.

In addition, a general economic collapse would cause enormous unemployment, in that genuine employment would be hit, and so would the basically fake (short-term, “gig economy”, part-time, zero-hours) employment and (equally fake, really) “self-employment” of millions.

Still, as Lenin put it, “worse will mean better…” meaning that, for us now, and in 2021-22, there might be, for the first time in my present lifetime, a realistic chance for social nationalism in the UK.

White genocide

The tweeter below sees, in the Daily Mail‘s cropping of a photo, “white racism” but I see something else— the cover-up around “the Great Replacement” of whites by non-whites in Europe.



When I was a child, in the early and mid 1960s (I was in Australia 1967-69), Britain was an almost-entirely white country (despite the lies put out to the masses by shows such as Grantchester, Endeavour, various other popular TV shows). Certainly you never saw many, if any, blacks or browns etc in most of the country or even in Central London (there were enclaves in ports such as Liverpool and Cardiff). In fact, the only black person I believe I ever saw in England was the consultant (ear, nose, throat) from somewhere in the Caribbean, whom I saw when aged about 6, maybe 7, at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Now, the BBC and the msm generally have stolen British (and other European) history, right back to the Middle Ages, and even to Roman Britain and earlier!


Tweets seen



More news from the “lockdown” farce

“All prosecutions under the new Coronavirus Act have been unlawful, a review has found.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) revealed that all 44 charges it had so far checked had been withdrawn or overturned.” [The Independent]


More recent tweets of interest

The Conservatives have slipped back to 51% popularity. What, I wonder, would David Cameron-Levita or Theresa May not have given for such a level of support? However, it is merely popularity by default, given that Labour support continues to bump along the bottom, a function of irrelevance.

Hard to argue against the above Hitchens comment, looking at the present government of fools.

There is no correlation between fatalities and lockdown stringency. The most stringent lockdowns – as in China, Italy, Spain, New Zealand and Britain – have yielded both high and low deaths per million. Hi-tech has apparently “worked” in South Korea, but so has no-tech in Sweden. Sweden’s 319 deaths per million is far ahead of locked-down Norway’s 40 and Denmark’s 91, but it’s well behind locked-down UK’s 465 and Spain’s 569.” [The Guardian]


An attack on Boris-idiot

Britain’s last experience of protracted national disruption, Jim Callaghan’s Labour government continued to lead the Conservatives in some polls. But as the crisis dragged on, and seemed increasingly beyond Callaghan’s control, the government’s ratings collapsed and never fully recovered.

If that happens to Johnson, the disconnect between his popularity and his political abilities will stop being a mystery that columns like this try to solve. His long hold over voters and the media, ever since he won the mayoralty in usually Labour-supporting London 12 years ago, will be seen as a bit of a con – like an enticing but dodgy company that eventually went bust.”


All well and good, but if the public get fed up (enough) with Boris-idiot and his government of fools, to where do they turn? Britain, or at least England, has a basically binary system. When the “other party” is flat on its back, defeated, irrelevant, as Labour now is, will the electorate turn to it? Doubtful, especially with someone like Keir Starmer as leader and MPs such as Rachel Reeves around him. You never know, and the System loves the pointless ping-pong on Con-Lab politics, but Labour has no real base any more, in any sense; unless you say that Labour’s base is now the affluent but virtue-signalling London multikulti types, and the Twitterati, together with the ethnic minorities (except Jews) and public service people. The old Labour of the steel mills, the coal mines, the transport unions, the (now near-irrelevant) TUC, has disappeared.

Again, this should be, in theory, the time when social nationalism rises up to destroy the evil ones, but there is no such party, no such movement. Yet.


Diary Blog, 7 April 2020


It will be seen from the above chart that the UK is in 4th place for death from Coronavirus, expressed in proportion to population. Belgium, Spain and Italy, all of which had strict “lockdown” regimes, have fared worse than has the UK. Some countries which have implemented only light regulation, such as Sweden, have fared better than the UK.

There are many variables, based on lifestyles, the way deaths are counted, when the virus really emerged in a particular country etc, so people can argue endlessly over which country has the worst or best record and why. However, it seems clear that whether a country has strict “lockdown”, less strict, or none at all, is almost irrelevant to the spread and effect of the Coronavirus, taken over a couple of months.

It will be seen, also, that Coronavirus has killed (taking the statistics as provided) about 500 people for every million in the UK. One out of every 2,000. That is unfortunate, but is hardly the Black Death (which is said to have killed about 1 out of 3 people across Europe, in other words about 700x the rate of Coronavirus in the UK (so far).

I notice that the political Twitterati have not disappointed me. They always get it wrong. They are on the wrong side of pretty much any argument. They predict every election or referendum inaccurately. In this case, they (most of them) want an extension of the UK “lockdown” nonsense; many want it even more strictly enforced, and with even fewer services and facilities open for business.

You cannot really talk or debate (not that I wish to) with that unthinking and self-righteous Twitter mob. They are the bookburners, the proponents of heresy laws etc.

As things stand, people in the UK are under loose house arrest, en bloc. It seems that some restrictions are going to be eased next week. All the same, and more importantly, the British people cannot do all manner of normal things at present, some of which are very necessary. Examples include accessing dental services, getting hair cut, sending their children to school.

This farce has to end. The cost is enormous. Vast numbers of people (at last count, over —uh-oh, that number again!— six million) were “furloughed” on 80% pay (capped at £2,500 per month). I have to admit that a wry smile may have been seen on my face at the sight of those who, many of them, cheered on Dunce Duncan Smith and others from both main System parties as they marginalized and demonized the poor and especially the not-employed poor, now themselves staring down the barrel of destitution.

Apart from that, the fact is that the “lockdown” is killing people every day in various ways: deferred consultations, cancelled operations etc.

At some point soon, all the “emergency” measures will have to end. Many prefer to stay away from boring jobs for a while, given that they are “furloughed” on 80% of their pay (and when you take off costs such as transport, it might even add up to 100% of net pay in reality). However, this will not be sustainable for much longer.

Having scared the people out of their skins, the government of fools is now preparing to crack the whip to get those same people out of their houses, by reducing the furlough cap to (probably) £2,000 from £2,500, by reducing the amount anyone can get to 60% of pay rather than 80%.

I wonder what the unemployment figure will be by Christmas. 3 million? 5 million?

Latest news (only 1 hour old at time of writing):

Those calling for “lockdown” to continue almost indefinitely, and certainly for months more, have no interest in or understanding of the effects on the UK economy. They seem to think that people can be subsidized indefinitely to stay in their homes while commerce and industry die on the vine.

As usual, the Twitter mob, all but irrelevant to the real course of events, rant at those (in this case) calling for an end to the “lockdown” nonsense, calling them “stupid” etc. Those Twitter drones have evidently not thought through all the implications of a continuing “lockdown”. Apart from which, it occurs to me that the present times are characterized, at least in part, by unthinking selfishness disguised as concern for society.

I favour Basic Income, but that can only work where society (and the economy) is open for business. If not, then the monies expended are merely dead outflows, fuelling inflation eventually.

Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival has been cancelled, a rare bonus from the Coronavirus situation. The blacks may or may not riot as a consequence in August, when the heat builds and the tom-toms drum incessantly in the darkening (urban) jungle. For the local population, this will come as a blessed relief.

Notting Hill was already being gentrified when the Carnival (the white would-be ethnics drop the “the”) started to become a really major event in the 1970s, having started in 1966. In the 1960s and 1950s, Notting Hill had been known as an “edgy” neighbourhood wedged among other, more expensive, areas (Kensington, Holland Park etc).

I myself was familiar with Notting Hill in the 1980s. I would fairly often visit the wonderful art-nouveau Electric Cinema in Portobello Road, which sometimes showed Soviet films such as Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears; I was trying to improve my Russian at the time.

The Soviet diplomatic presence was not far away, near Notting Hill Gate (Consulate) and Kensington Palace Gardens (Embassy). The Czech Consulate was also at Notting Hill Gate.

Some of the films were very odd at first sight:

Other films (especially the ones from the Caucasus) seemed almost impenetrable. I remember this one, which I think was shown with Russian subtitles:

I visited the actual Portobello Road Market, specifically, a few times in the 1980s and early 1990s. It sold everything from apples to antiques and expensive fur coats (some valued at thousands of pounds, with provenance doubtful).

As for the Carnival, I did go once, out of curiosity. That would have been mid-1980s. Ghastly. Non-stop drumming “music”, dubious palm wine bought from an African in the street, fried plantains (not unpleasant but very over-priced) and, everywhere, huge numbers of people (by no means all non-whites, though blacks were by far the majority, as I suppose they soon will be in all of London, if they are not already). A hot day, too. I stayed for an hour or so. To return to real London was not easy. All Underground stations in the vicinity were closed because of the crush. I ended up walking all the way home, in the hot sun, to Little Venice, which was blessedly quiet and leafy by comparison with the streets of “Carnival”.

The present-day residents of Notting Hill (where houses now sell for millions) mostly barricade themselves in for a few days, or lock their houses up as securely as they can, and then go away for a few days. I imagine that they must be (secretly?) celebrating the cancellation this year.

Tweets seen

I start with one, the poster of which evidently imagines itself very clever:

Or…just maybe…because Iceland, unlike the UK, is not a multikulti, globalized, overcrowded dustbin of peoples…

Something better:


Hitchens of course glosses over the fact that most important Communists in the UK, from the 1920s up to the effective end of the socialist/Communist movement in 1989, were Jews.


In fact, Hitchens’ own Daily Mail article (an inset of) refers to Karl Marx simply as “German“, and not the more correct “Jew“, presumably because Marx was born in Germany and spoke German as well as other languages. If I had been born in China, would I be Chinese? Of course not (though some of the madder Twitterati would probably and defiantly answer in the affirmative!).

I cannot recall when I last heard a cuckoo. Perhaps in a deeply-wooded part of Surrey, c.1985, aged about 28, when I would go trekking every week for several hours with a well-organized group of elderly persons (all 70+), some of whom, like my parents’ then neighbour, Edward, had been officers of Special Operations Executive (SOE) and/or other organizations during the Second World War.

They would trek on a pre-planned route along rural footpaths (very rural— we never met another soul), wooded, with ferns pressing in at time, and always ending up at the country pub where we had started (and where a ploughman’s lunch and a pint of beer would await). Those old people were resilient! I myself, 50 years their junior (and at the time a student of Taekwando, who also could swim 2 miles or more) always fell asleep on the way home in Edward’s car! That was a tough generation.

More tweets:

I am rather surprised that Hitchens even bothers with Twitter, let alone little twerps such as his “interlocutor” there, “@taggio72″. I myself am banned from Twitter anyway, because a group of Jews organized a campaign of complaints against me in 2018. I do not know whether my 3,000 followers miss my tweets. I followed only about 50 accounts, I believe, and most of those were organizations.

Twitter is basically a waste of time. I do read tweets from a few people (Hitchens being one), but Twitter is basically an echo-chamber and outrage-chamber where the agenda changes almost daily. When you add to that the fact that the more interesting tweeters (like me) have been systematically removed over the last few years, the net result is that Twitter is almost useless, though it is a way of identifying some “enemies of the people”. The bias in Twitter is such that it is almost useless as a way of gauging public opinion. Maybe if you see the Twitter mood, the best idea is to then take the reverse view as being the view of most people.

More tweets

Hitchens is against Powell on various bases, including Powell’s alliance with what is now called “racism” (before about 1989, most people would have used the word “racialist”, though that was not so often heard. The politically-correct mob had not yet quite stormed the citadel (under their paramount chief, Blair).

My own view about Powell is that he was a Conservative, so I am not on the same page as him. When he made his famous or “infamous” speech, I was only 11 and living in Australia.

The ITV News piece below is of course multikulti-biased; still…

The fact is that, overall, Enoch Powell was right. Is the Tiber “foaming with much blood”? Not in the cartoon sense, but look at the violent crime in the large cities, the knife crime, the gangs etc. Look at the direction of travel. It is getting worse.

As to Powell himself, one of the true stars of postwar British politics. He was a Conservative, which I am not. He hunted the fox, which I deplore. Still, a real mind amid, even then, the mediocrity. Look at that clip again. Both of the other MPs featured are very slight as compared to Powell.

The first, Paul Uppal, a Sikh, was Conservative Party MP for Powell’s old seat, though only from 2010-2015. Prior to that, supposedly “ran his own business”, the nature of which was not disclosed even on his own website, except that it apparently had no employees other than himself… (#bullshitklaxon…)

As for Ian Austin, MP for Dudley North 2005-2019, he was a press officer in the Labour Party prior to becoming an MP. A total mediocrity, as well as being one of the worst expenses cheats in the Commons and a doormat for the Jewish lobby and Israel.

Austin was finally removed from Parliament in 2019, having stepped down to avoid losing his seat. He was not popular, and caused scandal by apparently wanting the law against pornography featuring bestiality to be repealed. He too has now been given a government sinecure. He is unmarried (I do not know whether he has a pet or companion animal; I hope not!).

Powell, a former Professor of Ancient Greek (Sydney University), who had been born into very modest circumstances in the UK, was multilingual, an academic star student who, after leaving his Sydney academic post, joined the British Army as a private soldier in 1939. He ended the war in 1945 as a brigadier.


I imagine that Powell would have been appalled at the MPs now sitting in the Westminster monkeyhouse. As for Twitter, I cannot see him having an account or bothering with the tidal wave of ignorance, though the brevity taught by his mastery of Greek epigrams and proverbs might have assisted him, if he were to have a Twitter account.

I oppose Powell in that he was very pro war with Germany, even before Hitler took power! Also, he did not say much about black and brown immigration into the UK until the late 1960s. To that extent, Hitchens is right. Powell did try to, as people now say, “weaponize” the race issue for his own political benefit. However, that resonated with millions of British people who even then suspected that the System was betraying them.

Why did Powell never really get anywhere politically after 1968? My view is that, as someone who was basically a Conservative and reactionary, he could not see himself as “national revolutionary”, leading a social-national party.

A February 1969 Gallup poll showed Powell the “most admired person” in British public opinion.” [Wikipedia]

Had Powell started his own party, even if Conservative-nationalist, he probably would have won several seats and perhaps attracted a few Conservative Party MPs too. It has to be borne in mind that, in the 1970 General Election, over 97% of the votes went to LibLabCon, just under 90% to Labour and Conservative. Powell probably simply thought that new parties fail…

So it was that, in 1974, Powell abandoned the Conservative Party and joined the Ulster Unionists. Why? Again, my own view is that Powell had in mind the bloc of Irish MPs (I think about 90) that Parnell had once led, in the 19thC, though Powell was not the leader of the UUP (which was also few in number at Westminster, I think about 11 MPs).

It may be that, in the end, Powell over-valued Parliament, Parliamentary procedures etc. It was alien to him to start a new party, despite his surely knowing that he had all the talents necessary to lead one: public profile, public support (up to a point), a fine mind, public speaking skills of a high order, administrative skills etc.

Imagine if Powell had had the initiative to start a new party immediately after the “Rivers of Blood” speech. He could have recruited thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands. He might have been able to get a bloc of MPs and, from there, who knows?

As for Hitchens, where I part company with him is that he is a kind of “small-c” conservative or quasi-conservative. The race question is as nothing to him, the Jewish Question is as nothing to him. As a result, he inevitably gets things wrong at times even when, often, he is on the right track.

My blog post about Hitchens, written a year ago:


Back to 2020 Britain


Why are they not dealing with that gorilla, even if it requires a taser (or a Glock)? I have no idea what the situation was, though. The black may simply have been sunbathing. God knows.

A tweet about the pathetic Question Time rubbish now fronted, poorly, by ludicrously-overpaid BBC face Fiona Bruce:


People who are “conservative” nationialists can never see that the UK is not being flooded by non-whites by some kind of accident! Question Time, The Pledge etc are not full of ignorant blacks such as Afua Hirsch or “Femi” by “accident“! Au contraire. This is part of the Great Replacement. It is not a “conspiracy theory”. It is real and it is all around you. Just open your eyes.


Well, that’s enough for today. I may not like the Chinese attitude to animals, but they can put on a parade!

End of the day…

Afterthought: the officially-mandated “clap” nonsense, which has been conspicuous by near-absence around where I live, was briefly in evidence this evening, at 2000 hrs. Some fireworks went off in the distance, then I heard one person loudly clapping, unseen but not far away. Maybe a drunk.

Diary Blog, 24 April 2020

Coronavirus, the scare of the century?

Private hospitals are empty and up to 40,000 NHS beds lie unused amid mounting fury over the handling of non coronavirus treatment as thousands of operations are cancelled and cancers go undetected.

Figures suggest that up to four times the number of beds are free than normal for this time of year after a huge slowdown in non Covid-19 admissions as health bosses aim their focus at the pandemic response.

Hospitals have cancelled ‘thousands’ of their non-urgent surgeries – like hip and knee operations and IVF treatment – to free up space for infected patients, and operating theatres, equipped with oxygen supplies, have been turned into coronavirus wards.

Nightingale hospitals, built for the expected surge in coronavirus victims, are also largely empty, and private hospitals taken over by the NHS at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds are also barely being used.” [Daily Mail]


Medics say up to 2,700 cancers are being missed every week as the numbers being referred by doctors for urgent hospital appointments or checks had dropped by 75 per cent.  Professor Karol Sikora, a cancer specialist, has warned that the impact of the coronavirus outbreak could result in 50,000 cancer deaths. 

Meanwhile NHS staff have been accused of making a ‘mockery’ of the health service as they faced a barrage of criticism for posting ‘tone deaf’ and ‘disrespectful’ videos of dance routines on coronavirus wards while seriously ill patients have their medical treatment delayed.” [Daily Mail]NHS staff at the Tavistock Day Case Theatre in West Devon were forced to apologise after they filmed themselves performing a traditional Maori chant

[above: “NHS staff at the Tavistock Day Case Theatre in West Devon were forced to apologise after they filmed themselves performing a traditional Maori chant“—Daily Mail]

“Clap for the NHS”? Nein danke. The NHS is a very good thing, in principle, but the fact is that maladministration is a major problem, as well as underfunding. I have no time for virtue-signalling, nor for de facto enforced “community-ism”.


It emerged today that NHS Nightingale hospitals could be ‘re-purposed’ to treat non-coronavirus patients to clear a mounting backlog of cancelled operations and other treatments.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday said empty beds at the seven Nightingales around the country may be used for cases including cancer sufferers or ‘stepdown’ patients on the road to recovery.

It came as the Nightingales remain largely empty despite having the capacity for up to 11,000 patients.  

The first of the seven major sites in England to open at the ExCel Centre in East London has so far treated just 41 patients despite already having a capacity of 500.

And the transfer of more than 30 patients to the hospital which opened on April 3 was allegedly ‘cancelled due to staffing shortages’, according to NHS documents.

Of the 41 patients treated in London, four have died, seven have been discharged to a less critical level of care and the other 30 are still having treatment there. 

There have since been three more Nightingales open – in Birmingham on April 16, in Manchester the following day and in Harrogate in North Yorkshire on Tuesday. 

The NHS has not yet provided data on how many people have been treated by any of these three, although the figure is believed to be dozens at best. This means the total number of patients treated at the four sites could be under 100.” [Daily Mail]

So, after all the hullabaloo around the huge instant “Nightingale” hospitals, at least one (on Tyneside) never opened for patients at all, and the others outside London have had few if any patients. The London one, capacity 500, which was supposed to be treating “thousands” of critically-ill patients has in fact received only 41!

Of those 41, 7 have been discharged, 30 are still there, and 4 have died. So, with known infection rates in London falling quite fast now, it looks as though the London Nightingale will soon be redundant unless repurposed, but it is a “hospital” good for only one thing— keeping patients alive who need ventilation or oxygen. It has no operating theatres or other usual hospital facilities, so it looks as if Ben Wallace is talking out of his ****.

Sweden, Britain, washing hands and other questions

It has been obvious to the non-brainwashed since the beginning of the Coronavirus situation that the only known way to stop its spread is widespread washing of hands, thoroughly, with soap and water. As I blogged almost two months ago, the survey of 2015, showing the levels of personal hygiene across Europe, exposed the fact that Italy, Spain and France were the least hygienic, the very countries where the pro rata infection rates have been highest.


Likewise, the only other really useful measures to help stop the infection on a mass basis are closure of or avoidance of crowded, hot, places where many excited people gather: popular concerts and dances, nightclubs, underground and other trains. Preventing people from walking, sunbathing, sitting on beaches or park benches are useless wastes of time.

Interesting news…

Is Coronavirus sparing white Northern Europeans?

It seems a strange idea at first blush. After all, we are brought up to believe that diseases generally attack people on an equal-opportunity basis. Whites, blacks, whatever. However, that is, like much of what people are told to believe, not actually true.

It is well known that some diseases attack, or conditions affect, only blacks: sickle-cell anaemia is one (showing that blacks do not belong in Northern climes). Likewise, though NHS and other propaganda concealed it or tried to conceal it, HIV/AIDS was much more easily contracted by blacks, half-caste blacks etc than by Europeans, especially those from North-West Europe or with family origins there.

Now we see Coronavirus affecting, in the UK for example, people of all racial origins, yes, but so called BAME people (including Jews) far worse than those of what might be called “Aryan” or more accurately “post-Aryan” origins.

Age is obviously the most important demographic factor in Coronavirus infection, symptomatics and mortality, but after that the racial aspect is obviously significant, though the importance is blurred by social factors such as modes of life, ways of life and living, housing etc.

I was struck by the Boris Johnson case. Here you have someone aged 55, of not only European but also Turkish and Jewish origins. He gets the virus and, it seems, was lucky not to die from it. His fiancee, Carrie Symonds, apparently European, and only 32 years old, showed symptoms and tested positive but suffered no more than slight discomfort before swiftly recovering. Makes you think…

Recent tweets

Street impressions

I had to go out in late afternoon (Friday afternoon) on an errand even the new UK bully police would certify as “essential”, so was able to observe how many people were out and about in my corner of Southern England. In fact, quite a few.

I remember when the “lockdown” nonsense started, a few weeks ago (though it seems far longer). The roads were empty. Now, today, I should say that, though the traffic has not built up to the Friday or any weekday norm, there was rather a lot of traffic around. Private cars as well as delivery vehicles. Quite a few people on bicycles, too.

A police car saw me as I passed in the opposite direction. The police car had cars ahead of and behind it. It slowed. I wondered whether the driver wanted to check me out, but was unable to do so because of the road situation. In fact, he would have been wasting his time. My car has valid MOT, is properly registered, as well as fully insured and so on; my UK licence is up to date and without “points”. In short, and in those senses only, I am “kosher”!

As I blogged yesterday, there is a “yes, repeat no” thing going on. No-one in the UK is rioting about this nonsense of the whole population being placed under conditional house arrest; no-one is even protesting loudly in the streets. Yet, with the weather warm, people are just taking their chances of being hassled by the toytown police, in the knowledge that the relatively few police around cannot, despite being more in evidence than pre-Coronavirus, arrest, ticket, or even talk to every motorist, every walking couple, every sunbathing young lady…

It reminds me of what happened in 1989. In 1988, I crossed the “East German” (DDR) border by car from Poland, then the next day into the then West Germany (Bundesrepublik). The border was rather fearsome in a quiet way, despite the fact that I crossed at a little-used and rural crossing-point in the south of the DDR.

Yet, only a year later, triggered by an announcement from a government minister (seemingly unintended), thousands of DDR citizens built up at the Berlin Wall and just started to cross. The Grenzpolizei (border police, aka Grepos) did not know what to do…so did nothing. One illegal crosser— shoot him; a thousand? Ten thousand. Impossible.

That, in minor key, is the situation the UK police are in now. They can throw their weight around when only a small number of (harmless, law-abiding English) people are involved, but when a thousand or a million people decide that they have had enough of the misconceived (and in any case pointless) “lockdown” petty tyranny, the police are powerless to stop those people from doing things such as driving around, visiting beaches, walking in parks or even —what wickedness!— sunbathing…

Musical interlude

A few tweets


Many people evidently have taken the “lockdown” at face value. This was an attempt by the global self-styled “elite” power club to see how far they can go in turning notionally “free” people into obedient, compliant, and above all unaware and bamboozled, serfs, clapping their own house arrest, in effect. Look at Cressida Dick, Metropolitan Police Commissioner and Common Purpose “alumna”, right there in the forefront. I was thinking that this was the result of stupidity [cf. the view of @ClarkeMicah/Peter Hitchens] but I veer now to conspiracy.

The plebs are easily manipulated…

A woman says she was “named and shamed” by neighbours after she fell asleep and missed the weekly clap for carers tribute to NHS staff and key workers.

The mother said had been tired after “a rough night” with her son, and inadvertently failed to take part in the event despite having done so in previous weeks.” [Sky News]


The woman went on to write: “I just feel like I’m a total outcast on my previously friendly street now even though only one person posted it and only two others agreed

“It’s really disturbing how quickly people are ready to turn on each other and ‘report’ each other.”” [Sky News]

What many of the unthinking plebs would love would be a kind of “Nuremberg Trial” or kangaroo court every month (or week), with dissidents suitably “named and shamed” and then put in virtual or actual stocks so that the mob can throw things at anyone not going along with the official line.

Some “dissident” tweets

Again, as Hitchens says, or implies, the little penpushers, the toytown police and poundland KGB are finding new ways to fill their time, new “rules” to “enforce”.

Like most barristers (in my case, “ex”, since late 2016) who have done criminal trials, I am thoroughly in favour of juries, not because they are educated, intelligent, logical, or have any knowledge of the law beyond what the judge chooses to share with them (direct them as to), for mostly those qualities do not apply. No, the value of the jury is in the “sense of justice” within that small conclave. That may go against “the law” as written, against the evidence in some cases. It is a mystery, a mystery which worries the neat and little minds of some.

I can think of a few cases from my pupillage and later my own Bar experience (though I stopped doing most criminal work after a year or two, around 1995); other cases I have in mind were far more serious trials where the State was obviously thought, by the jury, to have gone “too far”.

One example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus_Seven_Trial

The problem that we now have is that juries are so brainwashed by State and/or politically-correct propaganda that the accused might often actually be better off being tried by a “Diplock Court” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplock_court].

My articles about, inter alia, Dominic Cummings:



Meanwhile, in other news…