Tag Archives: freedom of assembly

Diary Blog, 28 December 2022

Morning music

If any of the readers of the blog have not seen the film The Russia House, try it. Stellar. Sean Connery is excellent, others also very good, but the performance that really stood out for me was that of Michelle Pfeiffer as a Russian woman; really convincing.

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

There we have it. Lisa Nandy proclaiming the gospel of the most extreme “trans” nonsense. Naturally. After all, she is one of the principal NWO/ZOG puppets in the UK Labour Party. Pro-mass immgration (the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) and the migration-invasion, pro “the Great Reset” and “the Great Replacement”, the most extreme “Covid” “measures” etc etc. The “trans” nonsense is all part of that, destructive to the structure of society, destructive even to logic. All part of the strategy.

The above is a reply from “Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”, to yet another naive supporter. It has been claimed (with, in my opinion, much evidence to back it up) that “Jack Monroe has a well-used line of defences when accused of cheating people, “scamming” money etc. One is to claim that she is afraid of being attacked, another is to use her still-young son as a reason to be afraid (i.e. that he will somehow be attacked), another is to use mental health or whatever as a reason not to address what seems to me to be the clear evidence of “grifting” amounting to near-fraud. I think that the police should be investigating the claims.

The threat above continues below:

…yet “Jack Monroe” still has 643 utter mugs each sending her between ÂŁ3.50 and ÂŁ44 every month. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of pounds per month.

That refers to the crowdfunder set up in May 2022 by “Jack Monroe”, ostensibly to sue MP Lee Anderson [Con., Ashfield]. She told all the newspapers that she had “instructed” a solicitor, though that may well have been a lie; newspapers carried the story on 15-16 May 2022, but there has been no news since, and the accusation is that she has simply used whatever was raised for her own purposes. Certainly she has not attempted to address those and other concerns people have about her money-grubbing and alleged frauds or near-frauds.

Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney, the supposed targets of the apparently non-existent defamation action, say that they have never heard from either the “Bootstrap Cook” or her solicitor (if any).

“Jack Monroe” maintains a number of Twitter “sock accounts” with which she engages critics while pretending to be [whoever].

Ha. The half-Jewish Nigella Lawson operates on a far higher financial level than “Jack Monroe”, and certainly has no need to cheat her readers or viewers out of money. She seems, though, to have been taken in by “Jack Monroe’s” whole “poverty campaigner” act, and has endorsed her, though that was years or a number of months ago. I expect that Nigella Lawson is now trying to quietly drop “Jack Monroe”, just like several naive msm editors.

[Correction, 20 May 2023: in fact, I now realize that NIgella Lawson is not half-Jewish, but full-Jew. My mistake].

[“Jack Monroe’s” supporters and Patreon-donor mugs]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

More tweets seen

Ah, yes, I remember seeing that greasy little Jew on TV a decade ago, before he was caught out, after which he played the “mental health”/”rehab” card.

Oddly enough, despite being a Jew descended from two racially-Jewish parents, he has apparently espoused Roman Catholicism: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Newmark. Still, that preference has not prevented him from exercising greed (a mortal sin in Catholicism) on a massive scale (cf. “Bono” of the U2 popular music group).

Christmas University Challenge

Hull v. York. Another alumni contest.

The winning team, Hull, was perhaps a cut above the others seen recently; after all, this was a semi-final. Still fairly poor, though, and once again I think that I can claim to have beaten both teams fairly easily, possibly slightly less easily than in previous days.

Paxman should not let these alumni teams confer at length. 8-10 seconds max.

Late tweets seen

It’s quite funny: many people say that Rishi Sunak is “really” British, because born in the UK, possessing a British passport, and having been educated at Winchester. In reality, his origins are ingrained, as they are with all of us. Nurture builds on Nature. Thus we see Sunak acting as an Indian Prime Minister in India would act, handing out perks to his cronies and senior employees.

The slide to nuclear conflict is obvious, despite the protestations on both sides to the contrary.

Late music

[Hampshire— the living fields]